Fan Fiction ❯ Illusia ❯ Sawyer - A Disturbed Mind 11 ( Chapter 30 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 11

After a while, I saw the Princess begin to move. Slowly, as if she were in pain, she sat up. I got a look at her eyes. They were no longer blank at least, but neither were they there normal color. No longer were they that beautiful lavender shade or even the deep violet they had seemed in the moonlight. They were now sparkling silver. I could only see them for a second before they closed and her head fell back.

She began to speak, only it was no language that I had ever heard before.

“Arana seen korrin’gana… Kon senmanya don… Aurito’mo tieurma…”

I’m not entirely sure if she was aware that she was speaking at all. My guess is no…

The silver haze around her began growing brighter, concentrating in her hands. One hand cradled Terran’s head, the other lay on his chest, both glowing silver. I could feel his life energy strengthening as the silver glow grew brighter and brighter.

When Terran’s eyes slowly began to open, the Princess gently laid his head back down. As his breathing became steadily stronger and deeper, hers became weaker and shallower. I realized that she was keeping him alive using the very last reserves of her own energy. I couldn’t let her die, not when the powers within her were just now awakening! I would need them to bring Lily back. I knew I had healing powers of my own, but could I use them to save the life of this stranger?

Squaring my shoulders, I knew what I had to do. After a slow approach, I tentatively reached my hand to the Princess’s shoulder, concentrating hard. Soon, I felt the old warmth in the palm of my hand and saw a hint of deep purple joining with the edge of the silver glow. I could feel her relax at my touch, not needing to concentrate as hard anymore. She had used so much of her energy that soon she was barely conscious.

Finally Terran sat up. It took him a couple of tries and he looked like he was still in a fair amount of pain, but he managed just fine. Taking no notice of me, he eased his arms around the semiconscious girl who had just saved his life. Her tiny frame shook with every shallow breath but, other than that, she was completely motionless.

Figuring they needed some time alone, I backed away slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible. I still curse the stick that had somehow been placed behind me. A loud CRACK shattered the peaceful silence and Terran’s head jerked up. He glared ominously at me, wrapping his arms protectively around the Princess.

“Who are you?”

Immediately, my defense instinct kicked in. My katana was in my hand before I even had time to think. I leveled the point of the blade at the height of his throat.

“I think that’s what I should be asking you.”

I saw fear flash in his eyes, but he blinked and continued to glare at me. I watched him shift the girl in his arms, revealing his heart as a target. I must admit, I was fairly surprised by this immediate gesture of surrender. Quickly, not being one for a dirty fight, I slid my katana back into its saya.

“I saw that,” I drawled, leaning back on the nearest tree.

I raised an eyebrow at him, a mock question in my expression. My hand moved to the handle of my katana.

“So does it mean you want me to kill you?”

“Better me than her,” he snarled. “I’ll protect her with my life.”

“Very noble,” I said somewhat sarcastically. “May I ask why?”

“Because it is my destiny. I am her Guardian, after all.”

“Oh? Then why were you not with her when I found her? She would have been killed had I not stepped in… Some Guardian…”

Again, fear crossed his face, but it was quickly replaced with worry. Slowly, the Princess shifted her head to the side. Terran’s gaze fell almost immediately on the two tiny puncture scars on the side of her throat. As he traced the scars lightly with his finger, his face darkened in rage.

“You disgusting…What did you do to her!?” he roared.

I shrugged.

“Can’t help being what I am,” I quipped, giving him a mocking half-grin and showing him a pearl-white fang. I watched disgust overtake his expression. Disgust turned to deepest loathing and stronger rage than ever.

“You bloodsucking bastard,” he growled. “How dare you touch her!?”

“If I were you, I’d just be thankful she’s still alive. I could easily have drained her completely, you know.”

“You’re sick,” again he growled.

“Whatever,” I said dismissively. I looked down at the Princess’s face, noticing how pale she had become.

I softened my tone as snow started sprinkling around us.

“We’ll need to get her out of here. It’s starting to snow again and she still doesn’t have shoes. She’ll freeze if she’s out here much longer. We need to get going…”

Again, he just glared at me.

“Who said anything about ‘we’?”

I raised my eyebrow at him again, casually running my hand along the length of my katana’s handle.

“Well, since I helped her save your life, you are now in my debt,” I explained, pretending to be patient.

He just snorted. I figured he wanted nothing to do with me. Well, sorry, he was out of luck there. I wasn’t going to stop until I had what I needed.

Watching him hold her so tenderly made my heart soften just a little.

“You know, she would have gladly given up her life to save yours… I’ve never seen anything like it… I only stepped in because I couldn’t just stand there and watch her die…”

I watched him stroking the scars on her throat. His eyes still held anger when he looked up at me, but I knew I had him in a situation where he had no choice. He was going to have to trust me and he knew it. Shifting the Princess’s weight, he pushed himself awkwardly to his feet and tried to regain his balance. For the first time, I got a look at the full extent of his condition and it was not good.

There were dark purple and blue bruises over most of his body. Some of them had turned a sickening shade of green, a signal of badly broken blood vessels. He seemed to be having trouble walking. I knew why, as soon as I caught a glimpse of his shoulder. He was trying to hold onto it and the Princess at the same time. It was bleeding badly.

Soon, his knee buckled under his weight so he landed on his side in a snowbank, taking the Princess with him and staining the snow red. He turned on his back and I saw what looked like a slash made by a katana across his chest, just turning to scar tissue. He ignored the hand I offered to help him up and was back on his feet after what seemed to be a very painful struggle. His strength failed him and in a few short seconds they were back in the snowbank.

“You know, you could hurt her if you keep falling down like that,” I said, the slightest edge creeping into my voice. “You need to lean on something…”

“Yeah, like what? There’s nothing out here…”

“Here,” I held my arms out to him. “Let me take her. Then you might be able to get yourself steady.”

“I won’t let you put your filthy hands on her,” was the snarling reply as he tried to work a kink out of his knee so he could stand up again. “I can manage on my own.”

With a sickening pop, his knee was wrenched back into joint. The Princess was starting to wake up a little and she was shivering. Her face was a tiny bit blue from the cold. Terran picked her up easily. When her eyes fluttered open, scattering tiny shards of ice from her eyelashes, I saw that they had regained their normal lavender coloration. Terran held her closer, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. She sighed contentedly, nuzzling her face into the hollow of his throat.



“Is it really you?”

He tilted his head, gently brushing his cheek against hers. Her breath caught slightly and my heart jerked painfully. Lily’s breath would catch whenever I touched her face. I swallowed hard.

“None other…”

I could still hear her last words echoing in my mind. ‘Even now, I love you,’ she had said… I wondered if it was true. Could love really surpass the boundaries of death itself?

The looks in their eyes gave me hope. Lily still loved me.

“I’m so happy… you’re human now… How did you do it?”

He pulled her back a little, so he could look deep into her eyes. I turned away, feeling like an intruder. As I turned, I noticed the way she looked at him. It was just the same as the way Lily had once looked at me. That was the moment we first realized we were in love…

They were in love just like we had been.

“I finally pushed my doubts away and let you know I love you…”

“I’m glad… Because I love you too…”

“The rest was all you… You’ve done it, Illusia! You’ve awakened your healing power, the most important power you have…”

“I just have to ask you one thing… Can I?”

“Anything… Ask away…”

“Before you turned back, you called me beautiful… Did you mean it?”

Since I was turned away, I didn’t bother to stop my jaw from dropping. She really didn’t know she was beautiful?

“Of course I meant it… I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my life…”

“Oh… Terran…”

I looked over my shoulder to see him resting his forehead gently against hers and quickly turned back away. I’m sure my face was flaming red.