Fan Fiction ❯ Illusia ❯ Terran - A Love Found 1 ( Chapter 31 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Terran - A Love Found

Chapter 1

That bastard… How could he do that to her!?

I had eventually given in and gone around like he said. I didn’t even know his name, and still I had to trust him to keep Illusia safe. My heart was burning when he reached out for her and I let him take her.

Wait! When did you start calling her Illusia? She is your Princess and you are to refer to her as such.

She told me to call her Illusia.

Oh… Right…

She had told me she loved me. Could I believe it? I looked down at my hand. Where before I had seen a wing or a paw, I now saw a human hand.


I stopped dead in my tracks.

What am I thinking?

Without another thought, I limped as fast as I could back to the place where I had seen them last. I would not fail her again.

He was right… Some Guardian… This is when she needs you most and you’re off by yourself…

I finally got there and found their trail. Still walking with a limp, feeling stabbing pains in my knee, I pushed along through the broken branches. Sharp points pierced and tore into my skin. Blood dripped into the snow. The snow made me uneasy. I hated it. I could barely see where I was going. The moonlight could barely reach through the thick trees. Slowly, I made my way along the rough trail.

“Hold on, Illusia… I won’t let you go again…”

The sight of her smile in my mind gave me new strength. I continued to force my way through the branches, taking no notice of anything. I could hear small animals ducking for cover as I crashed along, all my pain forgotten. All I could see was the light in her eyes as she had looked into mine, human for the first time in so long. All I felt was longing.

I heard her voice through our telepathic link.

“Sawyer? Sawyer… Stop! I know you can still get control! No! Get away! Please!”

“No… If he’s touched her…”

I ran as fast as I could down the path trodden out by the vampire. Soon I heard her screaming her protest at whatever he was doing. Anger and fear lent me extra speed and I tore along through the brush. When I stopped, exhausted, and looked around I noticed her screams had ceased.

I finally saw a dark shape standing silhouetted in the moonlight. It was that vampire bastard. Long swirls of lavender that hung around his knees told me that my Illusia was still held in his arms. His head was bent over her throat. Her arms were braced against his shoulders, still trying vainly to push him away. My eyes widened in shocked horror.

“Take your hands OFF HER!”

He raised his head slowly. Illusia stopped struggling and was completely still. Blood dripped from pearlescent fangs that shone in the chilling moonlight. Illusia’s blood. Finally, he met my gaze. His eyes looked wild, like an animal disturbed out of a feeding frenzy. He looked deadly dangerous, but I was far too angry to care.

“Did you not hear me? I said let her GO,” I growled, sounding just as threatening as he looked.

He shifted her limp form to one arm, raising his newly-freed hand to wipe Illusia’s blood off his face. Illusia’s face looked horribly pale, her head tilted back limply. The two puncture scars on her throat were open again. Two streams of dark red blood stood out in stark contrast to her pale skin.

“She won’t be able to stand for a while,” he drawled. “Do you really want me to let her go?”

Not waiting for me to answer, he released his hold on her waist. Illusia slumped to the ground and lay still. Blood streamed steadily from her throat, staining the pure snow with tiny red drops.

I almost got sick at the sight of blood in the snow. I shook my head and pushed the feeling away.

I was by her side in an instant. Cradling her gently in my arms, I tried to wake her…

“Illusia,” I whispered. “Illusia… Can you hear me?”

I shifted her slightly but she still didn’t move.

“Don’t leave me… We just found each other again…”

I held her close.

“Please wake up…”

“I’m afraid she won’t,” said the vampire quietly.

“You don’t mean…”

“No… She’ll wake, just not anytime soon… She’s alive, but just barely… I’m so sorry to say she is feeling rather drained at the moment,” he said with a hint of a smirk playing on his mouth.

I was furious.

Illusia was just clinging to life and all he could do was laugh?

“Shut your mouth, bastard… Leave us alone…”

“Oh? Want some time alone do you? Well I’ll just leave you to it,” he drawled, turning and disappearing into the brush.

I turned back to Illusia, trying to stop the bleeding and cursing that bastard under my breath. I covered the two bleeding punctures with my hand, but blood seeped through my fingers.

“Of course, I’ll be back…”

I jerked and looked up. He was standing over us, but it was as if he had circled us in a split second. I wrapped my arms around Illusia, ready to defend her with my life.

“Don’t worry… I need her alive as much as you do,” he smirked. “In very different ways, of course…”

“And just what do you mean by that?”

I looked up, but he was gone.