Fan Fiction ❯ Illusia ❯ Terran - A Love Found 8 ( Chapter 38 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 8

I held Illusia close as I let myself shake and sob uncontrollably until my chest hurt.

I felt like dying.

“Terran?” said a soft voice which I assumed came from her thoughts.

‘What is it?’

“Terran, look at me,” said that quiet little voice. “Because I can see you now…”

I looked down to find two sparkling lavender eyes peeking shyly up at me through her long, dark lashes. I could still feel tears in my own eyes and my vision clouded.

“Terran, why are you still crying?” she asked softly. “I’m ok now…”

‘Because I can’t get the sound of you crying inside out of my head…’

I could barely see her smiling at me, the sadness and pain gone from her face.

“But I’m not crying anymore,” she said in her barely audible voice.

I was just starting to calm down when I heard her sweet, soft voice. As I looked down at her, I saw her smile. She blinked a couple of times and I noticed that her eyes now shone with happiness and peace instead of forcing back tears and holding so much pain. I opened my mouth to say something, but the words died in my throat as realization dawned fully on my heart and mind: ‘Illusia is safe now… She’s alright…’ I held her close to my heart and let my tears fall on her hair.

“Terran, I told you already! I’m fine,” she said, laughing quietly. “So you don’t need to cry anymore.”

I pulled back from her and tilted her face up towards mine with a shaking hand. I stared straight into her eyes as I took a few deep breaths and smiled shakily at her. I could still feel tears on my face, but not in my eyes.

“But that’s why I’m crying… I’m just so glad you’re alright!”

She smiled serenely. Without a word, she slipped her arms around my neck and pulled herself up face-to-face with me. Tenderly, she began to kiss the last of my tears away. Each soft caress helped ease the tension out of my heart and body. As the last crystalline drop disappeared on her lips, I brought my hand up to stroke her cheek. To my surprise, her breath caught and she blushed. I kissed her forehead lightly then arched an eyebrow at her.

“You’re blushing.”

She looked up shyly, peeking at me through her lashes again. Did she just have some kind of sixth sense that told her that look melted my heart every time? I knew she was almost a woman, sixteen years old, but still it was so damn cute! I felt my face getting hot.

“So are you,” she pointed out, smiling at me.

I kissed the tip of her nose lightly. She giggled like a little girl and shifted around a little bit. She craned her neck up and kissed me on the cheek before settling comfortably in my arms with her back against my chest. I let my head drop forward, resting it on one of her soft lavender buns.

“Terran?” she asked softly.


“I need to thank you,” she said slowly, looking up at me and blushing again. “You told me that it’s alright to cry…”

“No problem.”

“Will you hold me when I need to cry again?” she asked in a soft, almost inaudible voice. I lifted my head off her hair.

“Illusia, look at me.”

She tilted her head up and shifted so that she was sitting sideways in my lap. I looked down into those beautiful lavender eyes and smiled.

“Of course I’ll hold you when you need to cry… Honey, I’ll hold you anytime you need to be held.”

“Promise?” she asked softly, looking up at me.

Sometimes, words are not enough to make a promise. Anyone can say the words ‘I promise’ at any time, but it takes something more and a special time to show your promise instead of saying it. This was most definitely one of those times. Slowly, I leaned down and kissed her softly on her lips. As I gave her another quick kiss and pulled away reluctantly, I smiled at her.

“What do you think?”

She smiled back, her eyes half-closed in bliss. Sighing contentedly, she laid her head on my shoulder. I figured she was just going to settle down and sleep for a while after her emotional battle. I don’t think I’ve ever been more wrong in my life…

And I’m glad I was.

I felt her move a little bit and assumed that she was just getting herself more comfortable. Her warm breath tickled my throat and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. She shifted a little more. I was about to try and get some sleep myself.

I sat there with her, my eyes half-closed. She shifted herself around again. My eyes snapped completely open as I felt something soft and warm brushing against the sensitive spot in the hollow of my throat. Immediately, every nerve in my entire body seemed to be humming. I tensed, holding her tight. The next little sensation I felt was the same soft, warm something moving up the curve of my throat. My whole body relaxed as a gentle tingling feeling washed over me.

Then she completely shocked me.

She pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the pulse point at my throat and began trailing more soft kisses down the same curve of my throat. I twitched a little as she hit a nerve. To calm myself, I began stroking her back softly. It didn’t really work, but she seemed to be enjoying it. What finally drove me crazy was that, when she reached my collar bone, she ran the point of her little tongue lightly up the side of my throat. She came back down slowly before tracing the same path up my throat.

My whole body shuddered and I pulled her away from that sensitive area before she could play havoc with my senses anymore. Slowly taking a couple of deep breaths, I looked deep into her eyes. I changed my tone from the gentleness of before to a lower, deeper voice, meaning to make it sound somewhat menacing.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?”

I saw fear flickering in her eyes for a moment and smiled darkly at her, arching an eyebrow to add to the effect. It worked and she tensed completely. Slowly, I shifted to cradle her tenderly in my arms. I waited a few seconds, partially to add suspense, partially to let her get her bearings. In a few seconds, she let herself relax.

“You know how you showed me your promise instead of telling me?” she asked softly, a hint of teasing in her voice.

I decided to play along and tilted my head quizzically, then nodded. I could get her back for it in a minute.

“Well, I wanted to show you my thanks instead of just telling you,” she explained, a blush tinting her cheeks a pretty rose color.

Growling deep in my throat, I held her so close that she couldn’t have moved even if she had wanted to. Again, I felt her tensing every muscle in her body. She whimpered softly, probably wondering what the hell was going on. Gently, I leaned down and brushed my lips lightly against her cheek to assure her that she was safe.

I pressed a soft, hot kiss to her temple and heard her gasp a little, feeling the shiver that ran through her body. I nuzzled against her hair then leaned down next to her ear. She could feel my warm breath as I kept my voice at a low, ominous whisper…

“Honey, you could drive a man crazy,” I paused to add suspense again and took a deep breath. Her scent was that of roses and lavender. “You know that, don’t you?”

I relaxed my hold on her and felt her relax as well. Slowly, tenderly, I shifted her back to how she had been – on her back, cradled sideways in my arms just where she could hear my heart beating. She looked up at me with wide eyes. Most likely didn’t know what to expect next.

“Just promise me this… Promise me that you won’t drive any man crazy except for this one right here… I can’t stand the thought of someone else holding you like this…”

She smiled and slipped her hand around to the back of my neck. I held her closer, almost face-to-face with her.


She kissed me tenderly, running her fingernails lightly over the back of my neck and sending shivers down my back. I closed my eyes and flickered my tongue across her lips. She accepted my caresses only for a moment before she pulled back. Growling softly, I leaned in closer. She shook her head and gently placed two fingers over my lips. I opened my eyes to find her laying back in my arms and looking up at me through her lashes. Her eyes were shining and she was smiling peacefully.

“I promise… I don’t want to be held by anyone but you…”

Slowly, she moved her hand around to my cheek and just let it rest there. I covered her hand with mine and smiled at her. Gently, I lifted her hand off my face and pressed a kiss to her palm, making her shudder.

Ah, I think I’ve found a nerve…

I kissed her palm again, lighter than before, and then moved to her wrist. Pressing an open-mouthed kiss in the center of her wrist then blowing a little on the small moist spot made her breath catch and she twitched. I continued to trail feather-light kisses up her arm, going high enough to make her blush but staying low enough that she wouldn’t slap me (Not that I thought she ever would.) A final kiss, this one on the back of her hand, and I brought her hand back up to my cheek. Both of us were perfectly content just like that…

…At least until an annoyingly familiar voice sounded off from a nearby branch…

“Well if this isn’t just the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” said the pest, leaning on one paw with hearts in its eyes.

Illusia shrieked (“Yeep!”) and scrambled out of my arms. I swore under my breath (“F*cking pest…”) and glared at the little grey pest.

“You again! I thought you ---”

Illusia interrupted, the serene and polite Princess once more.

“Hello Cienna,” she said pleasantly. “Can we help you?”

I smacked a hand to my forehead in disgust.

“I’d be glad to help it ---”

“Terran!” she snapped, smacking my shoulder lightly. “As I said, can we help you? Is everything alright?”

“Well, eh, actually Princess,” said the pest slowly. “I was wondering if it might be possible for me to, eh, travel with you two for a while…”

“Absolutely n---”

Illusia smacked my shoulder again, less lightly than before.

“Yes, he meant absolutely yes,” her eyes flashed in my direction. “Didn’t you?”


Illusia rolled her eyes at me. The pest, completely oblivious, hopped from the branch to my shoulder. I shot a sideways glare at it.

“I don’t think so, furball.”

I picked the pest up by the scruff of its neck and dropped it in Illusia’s lap. It climbed up to wrap itself around her neck. Illusia giggled and reached up to scratch it behind its ears.

“Alright, alright… Let’s just go. We’ve been here for too long.”

I stood up on the branch and looked around. Almost everything, as far as I could see, was either partially or completely covered in snow. I hated it. Everything was white, lifeless and silent. I couldn’t hear anything. Something was wrong, because a live forest is never completely silent.

“Terran,” Illusia said quietly. “What’s wrong? Why is it so quiet?”

I turned around and helped her up. She seemed nervous and tense, trying to pick up any sound at all. Her eyes were wide in fear. Even the pest seemed more alert, its large ears swiveling around.

“Illusia, stay here. I don’t know what’s going on, but I know I can’t risk you getting hurt.”

“No,” she said flatly.

“Illusia, I just don’t want anything happening to you.”

“I’ll be fine,” she said, in the same monotonic voice.

“Please, just stay here. You’re my Princess after all…”

Her eyes flashed silver at me.

“Do not,” she said in a deadly quiet voice. “I mean do not call me Princess when it’s convenient for you. As the Princess, it is my responsibility to make sure this world is safe.”

Tentatively, I took her hand and looked her in the eyes.

“I love you, Illusia. I’ll feel better knowing you’re safe.”

She just stared back at me with a haunted look in her eyes.

“But Terran,” she said quietly. “I’m not safe here… I won’t be safe anywhere until the Planet Heart is whole again.”

Well, she certainly got me on that. She just looked so troubled. I slipped one arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

“Well, you have one piece. The Fire Gem allows you to create and manipulate anything having to do with flame or smoke.”

“Yes… That’s right,” she said, once again in monotone. “I have it right here.”

She pulled a gold, heart-shaped pendant from under the neckline of her silver dress and held it up. I almost choked when I saw what was in it… Or what was not in it.

“Illusia… Where is the Fire Gem?”