Fan Fiction ❯ Illusia ❯ Terran - A Love Found 9 ( Chapter 39 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 9

“I showed it to you,” she said impatiently, pointing to the pendant. “See? Its… right… oh sh*t … Er… Was right here…”

All the color in her face instantly drained away. She reeled back as if she were going to faint. I took her hand in mine and tried to calm her down.

“Illusia, honey, I need you to stay with me…”

She opened her mouth to speak, but only a choking sound came out. Her lavender eyes rolled up in her head and she fell forward into my arms. The pest hopped up on my shoulder.

“Is she alright?” it asked quietly, scratching one ear with its paw.

“I think so… She should wake up in a minute or two.”

I held her for a few minutes, stroking her face gently. After a while, her eyes fluttered open and she started to come around. I held her close, glad she was alright.

“Terran?” she said softly. “What happened?”

“I’ll tell you, but you’ll need to sit down. This might shock you a little, but you can handle it.”

I settled both of us back against the trunk of the tree. Illusia looked up at me with worry clear in her eyes.

“What is it?” she asked, her voice shaking a little.

I took a deep breath and steeled myself for her reaction.

“Illusia, the Fire Gem is gone.”

“What?” she whispered. “How?”

“I really hate to tell you this, but -”

“Just tell me anyway,” she said in monotone.

I bit my lip. I had a good idea of what happened, but the last thing I needed right now was her getting even more upset. I held her close, with her head on my shoulder, so I wouldn’t have to see the look in her eyes.

“Illusia, I’m sorry… but I think it was Sawyer.”

“No,” she whispered. “No it couldn’t be… He wouldn’t… Just wouldn’t… Never… No no no…”

Her whole body shook and she started crying quietly on my shoulder. I just held her and ran my hand slowly through her long ponytails. Her whole body was shaking. It tore my heart in two that I had to be the one to tell her that. If she was going to get upset with anyone, it would most likely be me and I was ready to deal with it. But right now, she just needed me to hold her.

“I know it’s hard, honey,” I whispered in her ear. “I know…”

I thought back to when I was betrayed by someone who supposedly cared for me. I remembered that I couldn’t even cry after it happened. I barely remembered anything at all about anything that happened before that night. The snowy night when I was cursed to be a shapeshifter, but never to be human.