Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Raven watched Raelin soar overhead curiously. Cyborg had said she wasn't human and she believed him; no human, powers or not, had ever displayed such joyous abandon in flight. It almost made her smile. Almost.
She was an interesting creature, that was certain. Her wounds were rather extensive yet she recovered from them rapidly even without the help of her healing powers. The alien claimed to have no knowledge of how she ended up on their island and from what the sorceress could sense there was no treachery behind her words. Then again, she was a telepath as well which meant she could hide her lies.
"Raven, where's our guest?"
Robin's pitched voice pulled her from her contemplations. It was then that she noticed the sun was beginning to peak over the horizon. She had been so engrossed that she didn't even see the sun come up.
Before she could speak, Raelin took a sudden dive towards them. Raven was certain something was wrong for her to make such a dive; her whole body tensed in response. Robin was posing his body to get ready for anything as were the other Titans.
But as she neared the rooftop the alien straightened, spreading her wings wider. Her descent slowed considerably until she landed in front of them light as a feather. Folding her wings about her body she spoke quietly. "Good morning. My name is Raelin. I greatly appreciate you helping me and am terribly sorry to have put you through so much trouble."
Raven felt everyone release the breath they were been holding. "It's no trouble at all, Raelin. My name is Rob-"
"Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Starfire and of course, Raven." She nodded with a small smile to each of them. "She's told me a little about you all already."
So she had. It wasn't much but the woman appeared to have absorbed it like a sponge. "She can't remember how she got to our island, or how she even came to our planet." The sorceress said, anticipating Robin's next question. He was so predictable.
"Flying around the Tower gave me some of my memory back for the past day or so. I have no memory before that, however." Her brow furrowed slightly and Raven felt waves of frustration from her. Well, that was to be expected. She would feel the same way if she were in Raelin's position.
"Where will you go now?" Beast Boy stole the words out of Robin's mouth. Everyone knew he hated people speaking for him so they tried to predict what he'd say just to piss him off. It was so fun!
"I don't know." Raelin answered. It was the first time she had thought of the question, apparently; the furrows on her forehead were even deeper.
"You can stay here as long as you need to!" The words flew out of his mouth at an alarming rate. He looked quite pleased that no one had bean him to it though.
Raelin blinked, probably at his quick words and their meaning. "I wouldn't want to intrude-" she began.
"It's no trouble at all!" Starfire chirped. She'll have someone she can connect with since she's an alien too, Raven thought.
"You can take a rest, chill, relax and I can show you how to kick Beast Boy's butt at video games!" Cyborg boomed, teasing Beast Boy as he often did. It resulted in a minor wrestling match between the two of them.
"I can't teach you those meditation techniques we were talking about earlier if you leave." No matter how quiet her voice was her words always seemed to be heard. Even over the green and computerized men's wrestling match, she knew what she said reached everyone's ears.
Raelin stood silent for what seemed like a long while. Raven could feel she didn't really want to stay for fear of getting in the way but at the same time she felt like she had no other choice. "I have no way to repay you… All I have to off is my thanks."
"Your thanks are payment enough," Robin said, once again rushing to get his words in before anyone else. "Does that mean you'll be staying?"
A delicate blush rose in her cheeks. Well, Raven assumed it was the equivalent of a blush. "I will accept your offer, very gratefully."
“Great!” Beast Boy was at her side in an instant, already beginning to chat her ear off. “Did Raven tell you I can morph into any animal I want? Y'know, you and I could have a race sometime, to see who can fly fastest. Your wings look really awesome I bet you could fly really fast HEY wanna tour of the Tower?”
Raelin blinked several times at the green figure nearly hopping up and down with excitement in front of her. “Uhm… Since I'll be staying here… I guess it would be a good idea… Thank you.” She sent a helpless glance in Raven's direction, seeking some sort of guidance as to how to deal with Beast Boy.
Raven just shrugged slightly, almost absentmindedly. Garfield would settle down after a little while, although he would still be just as annoying. She and Robin were more interested in taking in her physical appearances, albeit for different reasons.
Brown hair framed a strong face, partially covering small, slightly pointed ears. Her skin was slight brown color like she had spent much time in the sun. Her eyes were the deepest shade of blue she had ever seen; too blue to be human. It was like looking at the sky right before dusk, just before the sun set and night took over the land. Her body was slender and yet muscular, though Raven had search for it through the odd, heavy clothing she was wearing.
What really caught her attention were the huge, leathery bat-like wings. As they had the night before they had a reflective property that was limited to the backs of them. Now she could see beneath them and underneath colors swirled, changed direction, fused with each other to form a new color. It was like a water painting that had gotten wet and the artist was idly swirling the paintbrush through it.
All in all, she looked relatively human. Except for the wings, of course.
“How about we show you the living room first?” Cyborg was saying. “It's where we hang out, chill, kick Beast Boy's butt at video games-”
“HEY!” Beast Boy exclaimed again. Raven sighed as they started another wrestling match.
A sound like purring came from Raelin's throat. Was she laughing? The sorceress sensed amusement coming from the other woman so she assumed that was the case. The others began to crowd around their new visitor, chatting, welcoming her, giving her advice on how to kick Beast Boy's ass. It was easy enough to tune them out; if the alien had any questions for her she would ask her specifically. She followed behind the tiny crowd, a blue shadow.
It was when they were about to pass her room that Raven stopped. “Raelin.” The winged woman stopped so suddenly to look at her that Beast Boy nearly collided into her. “This is my room. When you're ready, you can find me here.” Without waiting for a reply she slipped past her door and out of sight.