Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Raelin watched Raven leave wordlessly. She was an interesting woman, all of these Teen Titans were, really. She was very mysterious. It was a quality she found most… attractive.
“- is kinda weird. Most of the time she's meditating and she gets really cranky if you interrupt her while she's doing that.” Beast Boy was talking to her again, apparently about Raven this time. His voice was lowered as though he feared the blue caped woman could hear him through walls. Although, perhaps she could. Though she knew their names she knew nothing more about them. For all she knew, Raven could hear Beast Boy and would walk through walls just to throttle him.
Raelin found herself looking expectantly (even a little hopefully as the green man prattled on) but was disappointed when it didn't occur.
It would be out of her character, she thought as the small group resumed the tour. True, she hadn't known them long but judging from what she studied today of Raven's behavior… Well, she could safely assume that the woman was not the sort to fly off the handle, as it were.
In fact, at first glance one would assume the woman had no feelings at all. Her body language, speech, tone, eyes, everything, was monotone. Calm. Cool. Collected. But that was at first glance and most didn't have the ability to perform a second glance as she could.
She could sense that in fact Raven did have emotions. For whatever reason, as soon as they cropped up they were mowed down, bottled up and forgotten. It felt as though she needed to do this, it was dire that she not feel. Raelin felt the other woman had a great struggle within her and there would be extreme consequences should she lose.
Robin cleared his throat loudly and the alien didn't need her abilities to know he was annoyed at her reverie. “We don't have a room large enough to accommodate your wings yet. In the meantime, we might be able to set something up for you on the upper floors.”
Their generosity astounded her. They had no knowledge of her (hell, she had no knowledge of herself!) and still they had opened their home to a total stranger. It was something they seemed to be enjoying, too. From each of them she sensed large amounts of excitement and friendliness. It made her relax instantly, knowing these people truly had no evil intentions towards her. She resolved firmly that she would help them in anyway she could.
"Thank you," she said quietly. For now, all she could do was express her gratitude to them. … It was rather embarrassing. "I can't tell you how thankful I am for this."
Robin waved his hand dismissively but it was Starfire who spoke. "No problem at all! I think we'll be able to modify a room to suit your needs quickly enough. Your ideas are always welcome too." The woman, definitely no more human than Raelin herself, slipped an arm around her shoulders in a friendly gesture. "We'll make you feel right at home here."
"… Thank you." She repeated again while Starfire maneuvered her past Raven's door. If she said it anymore it would start to echo in her head like obnoxious and repetitive noises tended to do.
It was later, much later, when Raelin knocked hesitantly on Raven's door. Beast Boy and the others had gone to painstaking lengths making sure she understood how Raven hated to be disturbed while meditating.
Especially by Beast Boy.
Just when she started to turn away the door opened soundlessly, just enough for an eye to scrutinize her without having to actually walk into the hallway. "Raelin. How was the tour?"
"Very good. The Tower is huge." The alien was glad she didn't stammer; the tiny woman's lack of emotion was jarring compared to the her boisterous teammates. It was like being at a loud party with everyone screaming and laughing and enjoying themselves … and then suddenly being slammed into a library with your adrenaline still pumping.
The door opened a little wider. Apparently the idle chit-chat was over. "Would you like to start trying those meditation techniques I was telling you about earlier?"
"Sure!" the alien replied at once. A pause, then, "Well, only if I haven't interrupted you meditating…" her voice trailed off, unsure of what to say next.
The sorceress turned a little to glance over her shoulder. "I was meditating, actually. I don't mind being interrupted either, as long as the interruption isn't for something… foolish. Are you coming in?"
Mental note, Raelin murmured within her mind as she followed the tiny woman in her room. Never bug Raven with something idiotic.
Raven's room was lit with several candles, illuminating the books she had only been allowed to see the shapes of the day before. Mystical artifacts and various items caught the flickering candlelight, casting eerie shadows across the walls. At least where the wall wasn't dominated by large, dark, deep bookcases.
Now with the ability to study things more closely, Raelin was able to examine the curious books. She could feel something tickle in the back of her mind as she gazed at them. It nibbled aggravatingly at her while she stared until she found herself cursing at her amnesia vehemently. Brilliant predicament I've got myself into this time. Can't remember a damn thing, can't even remember what these spellbooks are about… She stopped. She stared.
Spellbooks… I've seen these before I think. The irritating nibbling lessened a bit. There's hope yet!
"Make yourself comfortable." Raven's voice droned through her mini-triumph, making her jump a little. She had forgotten she was in the tiny woman's room. "We may need to do this for quite awhile, depending on how much luck we have."
Taking a deep breath the taller woman sat across from the shorter and attempted to make herself comfortable. It proved to be far more difficult than she anticipated due to her expansive wings. After much shifting and grumbling, she at long last reached the state of comfiness.
"All right," said Raven once Raelin was comfy. "Breathe deeply and try to relax. Clear your thoughts. Cut your emotions off at their source until you become a void."
Relax? How could she relax at a time like this? She was in a strange environment, had no idea where she was or how she got there or even had any idea as to what her past was… Relaxing, part of her screamed, was something she shouldn't be doing right now.
But, another part of her was saying, she was welcome in this new place. They were trying to help her recover her memories which could be done. She had, after all, already remembered a little about spellbooks.
Silence. She spoke the word within her mind until all her thoughts ceased and her emotions seemed far away. She floated within herself like this calmly, holding her new found peace easily and waited for Raven's next instructions.
Strangely, Raven's monotone voice seemed to have a hypnotic effect. "We'll start with something you've already remembered. You said earlier that flying around the Tower helped to jog your memory. I want you to think concentrate on your journey to this island and describe it to me."
That was easy enough to do, even if it was still a bit blurry around the edges. She recounted her trip to the island in as much detail as possible, starting from when she jumped from the top of the building in the city.
"Good." Raelin heard the approval in her voice. "Now I want you to remember what you were doing before then. Work backwards from your earliest memory and try not to force it. Relax and let it come to you."
The city. She remembered the city. She remembered the chaos of her mind, how the thoughts of everyone with a few miles radius were invading her head despite her best efforts. Normally, she could fend off their thoughts with little effort. But she was far from normal that night. She reversed that night, trying to get to the point where her mind went haywire. She waited patiently for the memory to come, just as Raven waited patiently for her answer.
It came back to her suddenly in a bright flash of pain. She remembered being tossed around like a rag doll. She remembered someone forcing themselves into her mind and rummaging around, damaging everything they came across. That was why she had been overwhelmed in the city; her defenses had all been torn to shreds.
The memories swirled around her at a dizzying pace. She recalled the attack but nothing of her attacker. When she spoke her voice was shaky. "I was outside Jump City when I was attacked.”