Fan Fiction ❯ Metroid College Days ❯ Sience is heck ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The sun was rising up in the horizon lighting up the collage. Samus wakes up feel breathing behind her neck. She looked the other to find Ridley sleeping next to her. Samus was tired so she didn't care for the time being. But then she noticed

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Samus screamed waking up any living thing possible.

"HUH! WHAT?!" Ridley said looking every direction.

"YOU PIG!!!!" Samus threw a pillow at him. "WHAT WERE THINKING!!!" She pounced Ridley on the floor and began attacking like an animal. "DIE, DIE, DIE!!!"



"You just can't attack like an animal."

"So, I am a animal."

"No you're a human."

"Same thing."

"Oh, then proceed."

Samus started to beat the crap out of Ridley again. "DIE, DIE, DIE!!!"


"Now what?"

"I mean, you can't always attack like an animal."

"Yes I can"

"Why? Is it because you're a girl?"

Samus began choking Ridley by the neck. "Take that back."


Samus let go of Ridley.

"Curse my small neck. Sorry."

Samus looks at the clock and gets a worried face.

"Oh no, first class starts in five minutes."

She ran out the door not knowing where she was going. She found sooner or later on 1st floor. Ridley was chasing after her so he wasn't lost. In class, all the students turned to face them both.

"Oh, why are they staring at me? Did I do something wrong." Thought Samus.

"Why are they staring at me? Well, there jerks so I don't care."

Samus went to a seat and Ridley sat by her.

"Do you always have to follow me?"

"I'm not following you, I like to be evil."

"Class is about to start!" Yelled a muffle up voice.

Samus looked in the front to see a big brain in a jar.

"Why are you a brain?" Asked a boy.

"Why are you a boy, next question?"

"I still-"

"To bad!"

The boy got sucked up in a tube. You could here screams and weird noises.

"Anybody else want to ask me a question?"


"Good, ok, do any of you know what that is on my desk?"

"A desk?" Said Samus.

"Pop?" Said Ridley.

"NO! It's a chemical."


"Ok, do you know what happens when you mix it with CKY?

"What!?" Yelled the whole class.

"It EXPLODES stupid!"


Ridley had an evil idea, he lifted his tail stretched it to the person behind him. He poked him hard.

"Ow, what was that for?"

Ridley poked him again.

"Stop doing that, it hurts my flesh."

Ridley does it again, but this time, he did it too hard and killed him. Ridley turned around to see him not moving.


"And so that's how the mice got away from me. Any questions?" Said the Brain.

"Uh, yeah. What is your real name?" Said a boy.

"My name is Mother Brain and I will RULE YOU ALL!!!"

Everyone looks at her with a strange look.

"Um, I mean I will be teaching you. Ok, now we are done with the questions, lets do chemical mixing."

Chemicals then came out of nowhere and were on everybody's desk.

"Ok, the chemical that is brown is called the X-J-9 chemical. The chemical that is yellow is called ICUP chemical or pi- I mean... never mind. Anyway, the chemical that is green is got TU chemical. Mix the TU with the X-J-9. This will make a brown chemical called P-O-O-P. Now mix it with the ICUP and it will make this chemical called R-D."

Everyone did what she told them to do.

"What happens if you drink it?" Asked a woman.

"Very bad things."

"Ok, can I go to the bathroom?"

"No... Oh, and never mix the R-D with milk."

"Mix it with milk?" Said Ridley. "Ooookaaaaayyyyyy."

He got out milk and poured it in the R-D chemical.

"Ridley, what are you doing?" Said Samus

"Being evil."

"YOU! DRAGON! STOP MIXING I-"Said mother brain.

The hold lab exploded causing an earthquake, which destroyed many homes around the area.