Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Destinies Book 1: Broken wings, Fading souls ❯ Master Thief ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: LiCat:Snowy Greetings from hows your winter....*pouts* we had snow but the rain washed it away.... so you´re here to read this little ficcie???

Kimo: *GASP* no are they? *dripping with sarcasm*

LiCat: Hey I was just trying to make conversation......

Kimo: well thats NOT why we're here....

LiCat: uhm...yeah you´re can go on and read the fic............

Kimo: oh you forgot one thing....

LiCat: oh yeah *blush* Gomen....ARIGATO/THANK YOU/ TACK DigiBitch for means a lot to me ^_^

CHAPTER 1 ~Master Thief

Nothing is familiar now
Looking back I see somehow
The future holding out it's empty hands

DESTINY ~Bell Book & Candle

He panted heavily and flopped down on the floor, resting his back against a wall. He had made it again, he really was the master of swindle, the king of thieves and as cunning as a fox. Just to mention some of the things that people called him.

He pushed back his black hood to reveal long dark blue hair and the brightest blye eyes in the Sapphire Kingdom. His smile grew wide and a huge shiny diamond appeard in one of his hands. His trip to the kings royal chambers had been a success yet again.

He put the the diamond into one of his many pockets. Then stood up to walk out of the alley when a voice inside his head said.

//Tempest....gomen but I think....// He didn't hear more cause his heart was beating to high. Shadows, shadows was covering up the exit of the alley. Had he been to hasty about his victory?

//TEMPEST?!...Tempest Blue?!!!!// in a sudden glimps of the sun and he saw a shimmer of steel in the shadows.

//I think that the king of thieves have finally been caught..// He could feel the fear and helplessness leaking from his kindred spirit.

//NO!! You'll get always have to..//

// We both knew I would get caught someday!// Tempest's eyes searched the small alley for a possible way out but he couldn't find one. Why on earth did go into this alley anyway? <For the sake of this fic of course *G*> yeah because he was getting to cocky and that wasn't good for a thief in this kingdom, not good at all. Had his day come? Why on earth had he choosed to become one anyway? Well he didn't exactly have a choice. if you where an orphan your choice was either death, becoming a prostitute or a thief. If you weren't good at those two you would end up dead either way. He wasn't just any theif either, he knew way too much.

//Tem...please// but he was at least going to try and get away. The shadows was closing in and he still couldn't find a way out. Now they were so close that he could make out 5 diffrent people from the shadows.

"Oh greetings gents...I seem to be lost. Could you be so kind as to point me in the direction of The Minstrels Inn?" one of them speeded up and reached Tempest. He had a armour with great forging and the coldest steel grey eyes Tempest had seen in his life. His blonde hair was flowing around his head like a halo.

"Tempest Blue you are under arrest for stealing and treachery" the blonde captain grabbed one of Tempests arms and took out his sword.

"Oh but you are mistaken my name is Domino..."


//NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!// from a little box in an another alley an animal the size of a cat ran out. He was black as a raven with blue paws and long tail, almost like a monkeys. He ran the fastest he could over to a little house a couple of blocks away.

He found an open widow which wasn't too strange cause the owner of the house always left it open. He jumped in and ran through the house and up the stairs. There she was, the animal had found a young woman sitting in a chair reading something. She had long hair and at first sight it looked black but if you gave it a second glance you would notice that it was just really dark brown. Her eyes shifted from light orange to yellow depending on her mood.

"Meeaajjjjjoowtt" she looked up from the book and gazed down at the animal.

"Domino!?" she picked him up, listened for soft foot steps but didn't hear any. She then gave Domino a questioning glance.

"Domie...where have you hidden Tem??!"


He shivered, the dungeon cell he was sitting in was cold, dark and slimy. He was surprised that he hadn't gotten executeded right away. He had been told he was going to meet his maker in a week together with some other prisoners.

When he was little his grandmother had told him that criminals would go to trail but that was a long time ago, not that he would need one he knew he was guilty. He pulled a little at his chains and sighed. He could pick them but what good would that do. Guards were watching his cell and then he had to get up to grundlevel too.

Maybe he had to get used to the idea of dying. He grinned that wouldn't be so hard anyway cause he hadn't felt much alive. Domino would forget about him and then Leryssa could take care of him.


Someone opened the cell door, walked in and shaked Tempest until he opened his clouded eyes.

"Get up! I'm taking you to the throne room" he got pulled up from the cold floor. His chains got replaced by hand cuffs. The man, obviusly the dungeon master, grabbed his hair and dragged him out of his cell, up a couple of stairs and through a couple of corridores.

Finnaly they stopped at a huge golden door with carvings looking like a dragon, it had a great big sapphire as an eye. Tempest thought that his scalp was going to fall off when the dungeon master let go of his hair and pushed him through the door.

He looked around, he had been here before when he was younger, but he couldn't remember how that could be. Everything was made in pure gold. That was the only room made of gold, even tho the castle was named The Golden Castle, why he he didn't know. At least he didn't think he knew.

After a few moments of staring at the room in ave he noticed three other people there. The king with long black hair, now with a few grey strands and piercing yellow eyes. The knight that had caught him and another knight that grabbed one of his arms and pressed a sword firmly against Tempest's neck.

Not a word was spoken for what seemed like an eternity. They were just staring at him and he stared back. The first one to speak was the king, what a surprise huh?

"Soooo this is the infamous Tempest Blue!? Just a kid" for a second anger flickered over Tempest face but the only one to noticed was the king and he smiled to himself.

"You know that you will be punished for your crimes next week?!" Tempest nodded and the king was going to say something more when he got interupted by a knock on the door.

"Enter" a young man in a light blue and black outfit entered. He had brown short hair and Tempest noticed that he had s tight silver necklace, he was a slave. He had only seen one before in his entire life and he didn't like it. How could someone choose to obey someone else, then it was just better to die.

"Uhm your highness sorry for bothering but the dungeon master said that he had to leave and pick up some more prisoners." The slave face was totally empty, not a trace of an emotion could be found. Maybe you got that way if you where a slave to the king Tempest thought.

The king watched a trail of emotions quickly running over the young guys face and a huge grin appeard on his own. This specime was perfect and he didn't look bad either.

"You are dismissed" the slave bowed deeply and walked out the door and shut it behind him. The king glanced over at his best Kight and noticed that he was studying Tempest with a frown on his face. That only gave fuel to an even wider grin on the kings hard face.

Because of the silence the captain turned and saw the huge grin on the kings face. 'Great what is he planning now'. The king turned to the knight holding Tempest with an even wider grin, if that was humanly possible.

"you can take him back to the dungeon cell now" The knight opened the door and left dragging Tempest with him. The king turned back to his best knight with a sly smile.

"Solitare you turn 16 years old tomorrow, right? "



Kimo: geez......onnas..... maybe you shouldn't review......that would be best for my sanity ^_~

LiCat: eh...who would want a sane muse?....I say REVIEW!!!!