Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Eyes ❯ Screw me (help...) ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Paine: Warning! In this chapter, I'll be switching POV's more than usual. And sorry Raven my e-mail got erased recently so I don't have your e-mail or anything so I couldn't e-mail this to you for betaing.
Sora's POV
What the hell am I thinking?! There's not fucking way I'm going to be able to concentrate with Riku right next to me! I groan and walk up the stairs into my room, Riku following.
“Okay!” I chirp, trying to sound as if having Riku in my room, which has a bed (see the problem?), isn't making me think of things that make my pants tight.
I turn and smile at Riku, who smirks back at me. This make me just a tad bit nervous.
“Go ahead and sit wherever you want.” I said. I turned back around and grab my notebook I filled with questions I was hoping to answer about my subject. I yawned and stretched when I heard the springs of my bed slightly give in. I turn around to see Riku sprawled over the bed and my breath caught in my throat. The over coat he had on was open, revealing his tight black leather pants and a black silk tank top. It took so much to keep me from jumping him right then and fucking there. I mean, he had `ravish me' written all over him!
My face burns with embarrassment and I turn the other way, trying not to make eye contact with him.
“What's wrong?” I hear him ask in a tremendously silky bass voice that made me want to sink to my knees and shout, “Fuck me!” But I decide against that. Damn it I wish he wasn't so sexy! Then I'd have no problem interrogating him.
“Well, um…” I trailed of, trying to make an intelligent sentence, but with Riku laying on my bed in such a sexual manner, well…you try to stand in your room with Riku on your bed and see if you can make intelligent sentences!
“Weren't you going to ask questions about vampires?” I hear the same voice say again. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to will away the wonderful little erection forming in my pants. I'm also thanking god that I'm facing away from the other one in my room so he doesn't see my beet red face or the embarrassing bulge in my pants.
“Yeah!” I squeak. I wince at my own voice before opening my notebook with all my questions in it. I sit at the foot of the bed, still back towards Riku. I feel a slight bounce come from the bed, but I ignore it and focus my attention back to my notebook. I flip through it until I find the pages I'm looking for.
“Okay,” I say quietly yet out loud. “First question, can vampires walk in the daylight?”
I almost jump right off the bed when I feel Riku's hot breath in my ear. “Actually,” He whispers and pushes his body closer to my back. I tremble at his touch, I want so much more of it. I want to feel his lips against mine. I want the feel the caresses of his fingertips; I want him so badly!
His fingers begin to trace circular patterns along the small of my back and I fight as hard as I can too keep from moaning and leaning into his touches.
“Vampires can walk in the daylight,” I barley heard him say over the lust filled thoughts that were making their way into my head. “However, a vampire's eyesight is very sensitive, and the brightness of the sun hurts their eyes. Unless they wear very strong sunglasses, they prefer hunting and going out at night.”
I nod and look back at my notebook only to find I didn't have a pen on me.
“I'll get one for you.” Riku purred into my ear before getting up from my bed. I sit and watch him move to my desk, mesmerized by the graceful way he moved.
Riku's POV
I've got him! I know I do! He will be mine! All right, maybe I shouldn't jump to that conclusion this early in the game. I should focus on finding a writing utensil for my fuck toy- I mean, Sora. I let my gaze wander until I find a pen on his desk. I then pause for a moment and formulate a plan in my head. I want to take him tonight, while his wretched mother isn't home. Well, I shouldn't say wretched, she is a nice person.
“Riku?” I almost, almost jump at Sora's voice surprising me out of my thoughts. I turn back around and see Sora staring at me. I realize he's waiting for the pen I have.
“Oops, silly me. I dozed off.” I mutter, lowering my voice a few more decibels than usual to give it that flow I know he likes. I can tell by the slight twitch in his eyes and the small shiver that travels up his spine. An idea forms in my head as I remember the pen I have in my hand. I take my time going back to the bed, putting a slight sway in my hips.
“Here you go.” I lean forward and whisper into his ear. I love the feel of his skin as it shivers in what has to be pleasure and torment.
“Thanks…” I hear his innocent voice whisper. I smirk against his ear and lower my head, slowly dragging my tongue down his neck.
“No problem.” I whisper in his ear and sit on the floor before him. I use his legs as anchors and look up at him, masking my eyes and face making me seem innocent.
Sora's POV
I…I…I can't believe he did that! I look down at him, my eyes wide and the side of my neck still tingling from his contact.
“What's wrong?” He asks. I feel my eyes twitch as I try to keep my breath steady. What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong. I'm trying to do a homework assignment and all I can think about is how much I want to be fucked by the being leaning on me and looking at me in a way that's too innocent for someone so sexy.
“What's wrong?” He asks again. But this time, it's different. His voice, I find it so hypnotizing no, erotic is the right word. I feel like I trust this voice and I don't know where the feeling's from. I can't think straight anymore and all I feel I can do is answer him completely and one hundred percent correctly.
Without knowing what I'm doing, I drop my notebook and my pen, not once breaking eye contact with the god leaning in front of me. My hands make there way to his own and travel slowly up his arms. Unconsciously, I throw him off me and onto the bed, and I place my legs on either side of him, as if to make sure he wouldn't be able to escape if he tried.
I suddenly realize the position I'm in and look at Riku with wide eyes.
“Uhh…” I trail off, not able to make a smart remark for the second time in one night. I peer into Riku's eyes and fall into their sea green depths. I find his gaze so intense, so alluring that I don't even know the time. I don't even notice the switch in our positions; I'm left in the dark and realize five seconds later when Riku opens his mouth and I'm graced with his voice once again.
“Before we start doing these kinds of things, my pet, I'm the seme, never the uke.” I don't know what he's talking about but I'm not given time to dwell on it as his lips clamp to mine.
The connection of our lips is indeed a total shock and I don't know how to react. I feel like electricity is shooting from Riku's lips with every movement he makes with them. I moan into his lips, a whole new need bursting within me. My hands make their way to his beautiful silver hair and entangle in it; it feels so silky and smooth I wish I could burry in it. I'm zapped back into the powerful sensation of the kiss as Riku's tongue trails against my bottom lip. I part the entrance to my mouth out of reaction and revel in the feel of Riku's tongue exploring my cavern. His wet muscle slides against my own and a dance between them starts. His tongue flicked against mine and went on exploring the rest of the unknown territory. A moan escaped from my throat as I felt Riku's hands reach under my shirt.
I'm so lost in all the sensations I don't notice when his mouth leaves mine and lays a trail of hot, wet kisses all over my neck region. My hands still entangled in his now messy hair, my grip tightens as Riku pauses to suck and play with my Adam's apple. I shiver as his tongue swirls around the small lump and his teeth softly graze it.
His actions stop and I let out a whimper.
“Hey, being a tease is mean.” I mutter under my breath.
I hear a chuckle erupt from Riku and turn face to face him. He leans down and drags his tongue across my lips.
“I know it is,” He whispers against my lips and places a chaste kiss on them. “But I'm evil and I love teasing you, pet. It's so amusing.”
Paine: Okay, before rotten tomatoes are thrown at me, I just wanna say that with every other story I've had, I've been able to write nice lemons for them. But no matter how many freaggin times I've tried in the past month, I just can't write the once that should come right here. Call it lack of yaoi- writing skills, but this is a call for help! >.< If anyone can help me out let me know via AIM or e-mail please! Or else there's not going to be any very nice screw scenes anytime soon…