Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Eyes ❯ Mom, Riku, Riku, Mom (sort of) (Edited) ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sora's POV


"This is going to be great!" I said as I dragged Riku to the boat I had lying on the shore dock.


"Where is your home?" I smiled as I hear his sweet, velvet voice, knowing this is an attempt at a conversation.


"It's like, six blocks from my school on Startburst Island." I flash Riku a smile before I start to untie the boat.


I pick up the oar and turn to see Riku step into the boat. "Ready?" I asked. Riku nodded and I paused for a moment admiring how beautifully his silver hair swishes in the pale moonlight. I smile at him and start to row back to Starburst Island.


The ride, which took only half an hour, was spent in silence. Not bad silence, mind you. Even though we weren't talking to each other, I felt so nervous and jittery being so close to him. Oh jeez, now I'm starting to sound like one of those popular, stereotypical girls at my high school! Not good!


I forced myself out of my thoughts and realized we'd arrived at the dock for Startburst Island. I carefully climbed out of the boat and turned around to help Riku get out of the boat, only to find him gone.


"Riku?" I almost shouted. I swear he was in the boat with me! Maybe he fell out? But he probably would've yelled out for me. Well, maybe I didn't hear him because I was thinking so much! Ahh! I hate it when I think too much!


Just as I was contemplating jumping back into the boat and going after him, I hear, "Sora?" I squeak and spin around to see Riku, standing in front of me.


"Riku?" I asked, the state of panic wearing off somewhat. "I…You…" I stare at him in bewilderment. "How did you get out so…"


He laughs and I feel like melting. It's so bass; it sounds so sinister, yet so heavenly. As if for a moment he wasn't human and there was something…demonic about him. I found it disturbing yet alluring at the same time.


"…Let's just…go…yeah…" I trailed off and headed into the direction of my house, I hear the laughter quickly die down and footsteps following mine.


Before I realize what's going on, I look up to see my house. Damn I'm not paying attention to anything! I roll my eyes and unlock the front door before stepping inside. I dump my backpack on the ground a stretch before turning back to my guest.


"Do you want something to drink-" I stopped my sentence short when I saw Riku. Standing outside. Still.


"What the? You can come in. you know…" I said, he stepped in and gave me a polite bow…Wait a minute! A bow? Who the hell bows nowadays!?


"I'm very sorry. I'm used to the customs of my old house. No one is allowed in the house unless invited." He flashes and smiles at me and I look away, praying to Yevon or anyone that'll listen to me the sexy creature in front of me doesn't see my deep red blush.


"Wow…um..that's kinda…um…Hey, why don't we go upstairs and get started?" I mutter and pick up my backpack.


"Good idea." I hear said behind me and I head up the stairs to my room. I pause for a second and keep going when I hear Riku's footsteps behind me. I finally reach the top of the stairs and hang a familiar right to my bedroom.


I kicked open my door because I knew the door was ajar; I never closed it in the mornings before school. Once inside my white room, I once again dump my backpack unceremoniously on the floor and zip it open. I take a few seconds to rummage through my backpack before I whip out the binder I had cleaned out for this project.


"So, where should we st-" I begin to say as I rise from the floor before being cut off. The next thing I know I find myself on the floor. I groan as I realize I must've tripped over the stupid, retarded blue wool rug my mother had made me for Christmas. I'm about to get up when I realize that the carpet is…moving…


I lift my head, only to come face to face with Riku. "I…um…I'm really sorry!" I know for a fact that I'm red as a tomato.


My shock level goes up as I hear and feel Riku chuckle. "W-what's so funny?" I ask, trying to stay calm, but my lower regions are really disagreeing with my brain as I feel my pants grow tight for some reason…


I froze and let my eyes watch as Riku raised his head up, and let his lips hover over my left ear. "You're cute when you blush."


Oh. My. God. I can't believe I just heard him SAY that! I feel butterflies eat away at my stomach as the effect of his words fully hits me. "Thanks…" I whisper. I shiver as I feel his cheek brush up against my own. I let my eyes slip half closed as I feel his hot, moist breath against my neck. I sharply inhale a breath as I turn my face to full look at his flawless one. My half closed eyes don't allow me to see Riku's own orbs. I feel his breath on my lips and I slowly close the gap between our lips…


"Sora! Dinner's ready!"


I snap out of my daze and so does Riku as we both hear my mother's voice. "Oh! I'd better tell mom you're over anyway, come on…" I trail off and head for the stairs.



Damn you, you woman who claims to be my mother! May you be cursed! ARGH!


Riku's POV



Damn bitch! I was so close- so close- to kissing him! I had him right where I wanted him! If that damned bitch hadn't interrupted us, I bet I'd be ravishing the boy right now! The world so not fair, it's so cruel! Why does fate hate me so?! ARGH!!


I try my hardest not to yell my lungs out in frustration as I follow Sora down the stair we'd just ascended a few minutes ago. As soon as we got to the kitchen, I let my eyes quickly take in his mother.


The girl was shorter than I by a few inches and had a delicate air to her. Her long, curly brown hair was up in a high ponytail, with a few stray hairs hanging down, making her look so innocent. I see her crystal blue eyes and I can see which parent Sora got his eyes from. She sees me and flashes me a warm smile.


"Hello, and who might you be?" I open my mouth to answer her question only to b cut off by Sora.


"He's Riku, a friend of mine, mom. He's spending the night to help me on my homework, if that's okay with you." Sora asked his mother.


I sat down in a chair next to the kitchen table. "I wouldn't want to be an intrusion." I say as innocently as I can muster which I admit isn't much.


However, I do manage to get Sora's mother to smile. "I don't mind. It's not an intrusion. Just don't stay up too late, Sora has school tomorrow." I smile warmly at Mrs. Everheart.


"Don't worry," I reply. "I'll make sure Sora's to bed by eleven." I try to sound as polite as possible.


Mrs. Everheart giggled. "That's good to hear. Sora, I have to go to your aunt's house and help her redecorate tonight. Don't worry, I'll be home around the time you get home from school tomorrow," She said while gathering car keys and her purse. "Since your friend is over, there' not enough food for the both of you in the refrigerator," the brunette reached into her purse and grabbed two twenties. "I don't know how much the two of you are going to need, but here's forty."


Sora's mother was one of the greater mother's I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. My own mother before I was sired into a vampire, however, wasn't warm or loving at all. All she cared about was herself and her fortune. She only married my father for his money. I look back now and realize how lucky Sora is. I smile; this makes me like him even more.


"Great! Thanks mom!" Sora gave his mother one of his cute smiles as she went to the front door.


"Once again, don't stay up to late," His mother paused to give Sora a quick kiss on the cheek. "Have fun you two." Oh, if only she knew what "fun" I had planned, I bet she'd kick me out of the house right now.


"We will mom." Sora replied to his mother on a monotone voice. When the door was closed and footsteps were heard outside, Sora turned to the window and opened the blinds.


"What are you doing?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.


"Making sure my mom leaves, she always finds ways to embarrass me if she stays here." I almost rolled my eyes.


"What about your dad?" I asked as the noise of a car engine fills the silent room. I see Sora go rigid and wonder if I'd said something wrong.


I froze and watched as Sora too ka few deep breaths.


"My dad?" Sora glared at nothing in particular. "He's a cheating son of a bitch. He hates my mom and me, but my mom is just too scared to divorce him. He's always out with his latest catches and almost never comes home. When he does, it's only to yell at my mom and tell her how horrible of a wife she is."


I frowned and let my gaze falter to the floor. "What an asshole. That's not the way you treat your wife!" I was enraged. You don't do those kinds of things to your wife!


"I agree." I sighed and felt Sora's arm on my shoulder. I lifted my head just to be face to face with the gorgeous creature.


"We'd better head up to my room and get started on the report a little before dinner, it's only like, five anyways." I nodded and followed Sora to his room, with every intention of making him mine on my mind.


This is going to be a long night for you, Sora.








A/N: Oops, I'm sorry about the mistake I made with Sora's dad. I have this other story w/ Riku and Sora in it and I got the stories mixed up! >_< Thank you for pointing that out!!!!!