Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Eyes ❯ death to the hoe! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sora' POV

I swear for a few seconds Riku's eyes resembled fire, but I seriously think it's my imagination.

"It's nice to meet you, Riku." I hear Kairi mutter as she waved to the teenager standing in front of her. It's then when I realize just how peppy Kairi can be. Her voice makes her sound like a spoiled six-year-old. However, I just ignore it…It kinda does sound a little cute

"Nice to meet you too." My gaze wanders back to Riku as I hear the venom drip from his words. I feel surprised to see Riku's mouth in a forced smile and his eyes narrowed on Kairi.

"So, do you go to this school?" Kairi asked and latched onto me even tighter than what she was, which almost made me choke.

"No I don't, but I really don't see how that's any of your business." I was shocked by Riku's tone of voice. It was so cold and sent shivers of fear down my back even though his conversation wasn't to me.

I felt Kairi shake with fear, but for some reason, I didn't want to comfort her. It was as if something inside of me didn't like her at all and it was only in Riku's presence that he felt this way.

"Well..g-geez…w-we j-just met and you're a-acting like"- The girl who was frozen with fear was cut off by the handsome man that was still a stranger to me.

I myself froze with fear as Riku took a step near Kairi, his eyes lit with animal-like anger mixed with a wild fire. "That is because I do not respect those who stand in my way of getting something I unquestionably thirst for." I seriously thought he was going to take out a gun or a knife or something and kill Kairi with his tone of voice. It had so much hate and anger melded to it I thought that death was going to come fast for my poor girlfriend.

I'm finally snapped out of my trance as I heard Kairi whimpering and a growl coming from Riku. I tried my best to look angry, but I don't think I did. "Riku. Back. Off." I said, shocked to hear hatred coming from my voice. I instantly regretted it. The hurt I saw in Riku's eyes made my own heart break, but as soon as the emotion appeared, it disappeared just as quickly.

"Listen, we have to go to class." I said to break the silence. I began to lead Kairi, who was in mental shock, from the library before I heard Riku shout something.

"I'll see you around Sora." I close my eyes and stop in my tracks.

"That'd be great." I reply and turn around and flash Riku a friendly smile.

Five minutes later, after trying extremely hard to calm Kairi down, the both of us were sitting at a lunch table eating breakfast and Kairi was back to her normal self.

"Eww, these eggs are blue!"

I rolled my eyes and didn't even look at her. "It's just food dye."

"It's not natural, Sora? You eat them." At this I turned to her, very irritated. "No." I said simply. This, for some stupid reason, made Kairi angry.

"Don't you dare tell me `no'. I told you to do it and I expect you to do it!" I look at her as if she's crazy.

I was seriously about to mouth Kairi off, but I was cut off. "So, what time are you picking me up to go to the movies tonight?"

"Excuse me?" I ask. When the hell did I say I was taking Kairi out to the movies tonight?

"I never said I was going to take you to the movies tonight."

Kairi glared at me with irritation. "Well, you are."

It took all of my restraint from strangling Kairi right there on the spot. "Kairi," I said in a warning tone. "I need to work on the vampire report that's due next week! I'm not going to take you to the movies tonight."

Now I REALLY want to strangle her, for she gets up from her seat, flips the long hair she doesn't have and leans on a hip she doesn't have either. "Fine. You know what Sora, if you keep treating me like this, you might just lose me."

She walks away, trying to shake invisible hips and ass and I feel like I'm going to puke. Why the hell do I put up with her?! Oh yeah, number one because she shamelessly has sex with me whenever I want and 2. She's the principal's daughter and I really like this school.

The rest of the school day zipped by without me noticing. Why? Let me give you three clues; 1. Long, sexy silver hair. 2. Piercing sea green eyes rich with seductiveness that make your knees weak and your heart skip a beat. 3. A voice so deep and velvety that it makes me want to…um…never mind. Anyway…What? Do you have a problem with my sexual preferences? So I'm bisexual, give me a break; I just figured it out a few minutes ago.

The last bell of the day rings and I rush out of the school to my rowboat on the coast. I quickly untie the triple knot and jump in, careful not to tip over the boat. I pick up the paddle and begin to row myself to the Destiny Islands library.

I arrive at the island with cramps in my arms and breathing heavily. I begin to walk to the entrance of the library when I spot a sign hanging on the door. I fall to the sandy ground when I see the word `closed' in gold letters written on the sign.

"Damn it!" I shouted. I turned around to see the sun setting off the horizon, announcing nightfall. I stared at the beautiful sight until it was there no longer and the silver moonlight shines everywhere. I close my eyes and bask in the wonderful moonlight and decide that since I'm here, I might as well get some work done.

After at least half and hour passes, I get the strange feeling I'm being watched.

"Hello Sora." I hear the velvet voice behind me and I swirl around to find the person that has been currently haunting my thoughts with his seductive looks and heavenly voice.

Riku's POV

Damn bitch! I will, and I mean it, I will kill her! Sora's girlfriend? The dumb ditz doesn't even look like she's sixteen. She looks (and acts) like she's in the third grade. I mean, I know I'd only given her the chance to speak once, but by her disgustingly high, squeaky voice, I could tell what kind of person she was.

I could really tell the girl was the `slut-who-fucks-anyone-and-clings-to-them' type after I got a whiff of her scent. She reeked of sex and the scent of men. Not just Sora, but a whole lot of other men as well.

I sigh and shake my head. How in the hell could anyone ever want to fuck anyone else when they had Sora? That's it. I tell myself. I'm going to kill the bitch then go after Sora.

I shake my head and realize I'm still in the library, in the same place I stood when Sora had said those words to me… Riku. Back. Off. I sigh and glance out the window to see the sun peaking out of the horizon in the distance. I decide to go and hide in one of the many closets and wish I could find two books; `How to Kill a Bitch' (For ideas) and `How to Seduce Sora Everheart' (just for extra ideas).

I swear I must've been in the fucking closet for three days even though I knew I hadn't because every once in a while I peeked out of the closet only to see the library lit up with sunlight. I fell asleep here and there for a few minutes at a time, and check one more time outside. When I see the darkness of the library, I'm washed over with relief and jump out of the closet.

I take a few seconds to stretch before I concentrate and try to think where Sora would be. I jump out the window I left open in another closet (I told you this place has multiple closets) and gracefully land on the ground. I stayed still for a moment and try to pick up Sora's scent.

After a few moments I find it; the rich, exotic smell of cinnamon. I smirk and head off in the direction of the docks where I saw the boy tie up his boat last night when I stopped dead in my tracks, the familiar disgusting scent of sex right behind me. I spin around to see Kairi standing there, glaring at me, a gun in one hand.

"Where did a young girl like you get something like that?" I asked her. She glared at me and raised the gun to point directly at my chest.

"I know you've got your eyes on my Sora." She said, the coldness in her voice was pathetic.

I rolled my eyes. "No shit, Mrs. Bitchy Ass. And plus, my personal life is non of your business, you cock-sucking slut."

Kairi's eyes widened, but the gun was still pointed to my chest. "You'll pay for saying that to me!"

I roll my eyes and use my inhuman speed to rip the gun from her hands and through her into a nearby alley. I take a look at the useless metal weapon in my hand and crush it, casting an evil smirk to Kairi, who now has horror written all over her face.

"What? What are you?" She asks, trying to flatten herself against a wall, her fear for her life so strong I can smell it in the air.

I decide it's now the bitch should die. I fully smile and bear the trademark fangs of a vampire. "What am I?" I smirk and allow a chuckle to escape my lips. "I am a creature of the night; a vampire if you want it in simplest terms, but to you," I narrowed my eyes on Kairi and bent down on top of her, I wrapped my cold fingers around her neck, sure I was choking her.

"To you, I am your bringer of death. You stand in my way of getting what I want. So, I must get rid of you." I take my hand off her neck and singe my fangs onto her. I taste her blood and immediately I want to spite it back out. I didn't taste like blood. Instead of being warm and copper tasting, this wench's blood was cold and tasted like dirt.

Even though it tasted so disgusting, I didn't stop sucking her dry, ridding her of her life energy. I hear her give out a faint scream before she slips away completely. I remove my fangs and wipe the blood from my lips. I start to walk away again, but I had to turn around to see her dead face.

Her eyes were still wide from shock, but they were so empty. She was death white, a good color on the whore. I sneered at her dead body and used my speed to get to the docks where I untied a boat for myself. I already knew where my little play toy was; at the Destiny Islands library.

It only took a few seconds to get to my destination and I saw Sora doing work on the shore.

"Hello Sora." I say and allow the wind to carry it to the boy. I silently chuckled, for he jumped at the sudden noise and spun around in the sand, kicking some into his brown hair.

"Hi Riku." Sora said as he attempted to shake the sand from his head. I shake my own head to keep from laughing at the energetic teenager.

I sit down next to him and wait for him to brush the sand off. "What are you doing?" I asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

"Huh? Oh, I'm working on my homework." I nod when realization strikes me. "What homework?" I asked, hoping it was what I thought it was.

Sora sighed and put away all the things he'd gotten out during his homework session. "I finished everything else, but I still need to start on my report."

I raise any eyebrow, pretending I don't know what he's talking about. "What's it on? Maybe I can help."

His eyes widen with excitement. "You think? I'm glad! I've been working on it for ages and haven't found any good books on them. Oh, I'm doing vampires." The boy's onslaught of words left me a little shell-shocked for a moment before I came to my senses.

"Vampires? Well, this is your lucky night; I'm an expert on them." I say, meaning that in more ways than one. What? So I fucked a few fellow creatures of the night. Aren't I entitled to have fun?

"Since it's really late, how about you spend the night at my house? My mom won't mind, I get all A's so she doesn't care what I do as long as I maintain my good grades."

"Sure." I reply without even thinking. Sora strikes a fist in the air in triumph and drags me to his boat and I suddenly want to mentally kill myself. A sleepover? In his house? In his ROOM??

Oh no.