Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think You Are ❯ How our flesh and blood it ties you and me right up. ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. I do not own Harry Potter, although I wish I did. This is just a fan's dedication. Frankly, I'm not done playing with them yet, dammit! Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, whom we should all thank for her wonderful series. Here, here!

Story Summary: This is more or less an answer to Severitus' challenge. There is a twist I have yet to see anyone write. What if Harry Potter was born a girl, and discovered Severus Snape was her biological father? What if her name wasn't Harry Potter in the first place? Will she accept the truth, or deny her heritage? HP/DM, RW/HG (Very little as it is disgusting!) and SS/LE! ^_^

AN: For those of you early birds that have read the Order of the Phoenix, I know you are angry, and maybe even sad. It's best to prolong the unhappy truth for as long as possible. I won't say what happened or spoil anything for you, but this story is not to be taken as a canon. The things that happened in the past four books, unless otherwise stated did not happen. I'm not changing anything in my story just because of what happens in the Order. On a happier note, it's thank you time! Thanks to the following for reviewing. Saimhe - Glad you like the story, Grey Malwell - yes it was kind of sappy, anon, Hermia Darcey, Lady Lightning, angel_1215, Eugiebear - It's good to know someone else recognizes that Ron is useless, Hyperbole, Quickjewel, Livania, and Zeeke - I wish there were more Harry as a girl stories! Anyway, in this chapter, the long awaited (yeah right) Quidditch! I FINALLY got a beta reader... Thanks to Rachel for being super awesome.

More Than You Think You Are

Chapter Nine: How our flesh and blood it ties you and me right up.

"I'm glad you brought this information to me."

Dumbledore said after Severus, Sirius, and Remus told him of their findings while searching through the old texts. They waited until a few days later to ask, because all three were very tired from strenuous reading. Rest for all three was imperative. He was not as surprised as they had expected, but Severus felt that was no genuine shock. He had been withholding information from all of them. He knew about the paternity of Harri, yet chose to remain silent. He told no one, not even Sirius or Remus such a thing. Once Harri was back home where she belonged, he and Dumbledore would definitely be talking with one another. Such a blatant disregard for Harri and himself would not go unpunished, headmaster or no.

"What do you think Headmaster?"

Remus asked, ignoring the scathing looks Severus was passing Dumbledore, or the rapt interest Sirius paid the large book. Dumbledore sighed, his eyes twinkling with delight. He looked at Severus, and rubbed his beard thoughtfully.

"Tell me Severus, you are the seventh child are you not?"

Severus stiffened at his headmaster's attention, but nodded curtly.

"Yes, I am the youngest of seven children. What does that have to do with what we have discovered?"

"From what I have read from the pages of that book, and from what I know of legends, I'd say our Ms. Potter has the potential to be a powerful, if not the most powerful witch of all time."

Severus quirked his eyebrow at Dumbledore's cryptic admission.

"Harri could be even more powerful than you?"

Remus asked, leaning closer in his chair.


Severus demanded. Dumbledore turned his head to gaze at Severus. He was surprised he hadn't seen the connection before.

"You are the seventh child, and you are Harri's father. Lily died for her child; just like the original phoenix had done. By logic, Harri should have the power to perform the mother root spell. Don't you all see? There were six phoenixes. One sacrificed itself so that the offspring could live. Had the mother phoenix lived, that would have made the hatched phoenix the seventh. I believe Harri could very well have been that seventh phoenix, taking the place of its mother. Harri is the seventh child of the seventh child. Don't you know what that means?"

Remus looked confused, and Sirius just started listening to the conversation, once he had torn himself away from that book. Unlike the two of them, he had paid attention in History of Magic. He knew the significance of the seventh child of the seventh child. Normally, when referring to the seventh of the seventh, it was usually determined that anyone who held that office was male. Anyone who was seventh had the ability to raise the dead, heal the sick, and ultimately choose the path of good or evil. It was widely known if the seventh chose the path of evil, the world would end. Though it made sense, and Harri's magical abilities definitely could be extremely powerful, perhaps one day surpassing Dumbledore, he still remained skeptical.

"I don't believe it."

He said simply, looking at the Headmaster in challenge.

"I didn't think you would, but think about this Severus. Lily gave her life for Harri, but when Voldemort tried to kill her, she didn't die. Each and every time he has tried to kill her he has been unsuccessful. Why do you think this is?"

"We know the first time it was because of Lily's love."

"That is correct. The phoenix chose to die, leaving the plane of a higher existence out of love for her offspring."

Sirius sat deep in thought, trying to refute what Dumbledore had said. Like Severus, he was skeptical. Of course he wanted it to be true. He loved the idea of Harri having such wonderful powers. There was no one who deserved it more. Yet, it was human nature to not good things. He was more apt to believe something bad about Harri. With all the things she had been through he wouldn't have been surprised if Dumbledore had discovered something terrible about Harri.

"Lily was a seer, so it is possible. She had dreams about dying. I think she knew she was going to die for Harri."

Remus said, remembering what Lily had told him before when they were teens. Lily, though she had been muggle born had always attested that whether a person was muggle-born or not, it would not necessarily mean that they weren't as strong as purebloods. When she had begun to have dreams, 'visions' she had called them, after Dumbledore, he was second person she had told. Lily always knew him to have a sensitive side, he was a good listener, and he promised not to tell James, Sirius, and even Peter whom she truly considered a friend any of what she dreamed.

In the beginning, she used to have notions, predictions about small things. Like how long the Transfiguration test was going to be. Then, as time progressed, so did her visions. They became lucid, clear visions that she could describe easily. It was when she had had turned sixteen did her dreams become morbid. It was only occasionally, but she admitted to seeing the deaths of those who had been killed by Voldemort. She had even told of her own tragic end. Yet, she had been not been nonplussed about these things. She accepted her fate, much like a trooper. Could it means he knew that one day she would return from the dead? Could she have predicted her death and her return?

"No! She would have tried to prevent her death!"

Severus stood, his anger welling. It was a hard pill to swallow. Severus refused to believe that his Lily would accept death so easily. Yes, she would have done anything to protect her child, but as a mother she would have wanted to be there for her child as well. He knew she died for their daughter, but it hurt to hear she had not fought for her life as well. He eased back into his seat, clenching his fists at his sides. After breathing deeply for a few moments, he relaxed slightly.

"When Lily had come to me, after she began having these dreams. She said she wasn't worried. She said she knew she'd die, but she didn't seem to mind too much. I believe it was because she knew she'd be coming back."

Sirius and Severus snorted at the professor, both smarting from the words spoken. It was too good to be true. Cynics like themselves had a hard time believing such things. After all the disappointments they had experienced to hear such wonderful news left them doubtful. Even Remus had slight reservations.

"You could be wrong you know. Just because there a similarity doesn't mean it is true Headmaster."

Sirius said grimly. Severus cut his eyes to the man and for once agreed.

"I suppose. When they return, we could have a test of some kind to assuage our concerns."

"What kind of test?"

Severus asked, his anger slowly lowering.

"I'll think of something. I believe if we use Harri's blood, and then if we mix the blood of Harri's with the phoenix, if it comes out the same, we'll know. We shall ask the parchment on which the blood rests if that is a blood of a phoenix. When a phoenix dies, it is reborn, and nothing about its physical aspects changes."

"Harri is the human incarnation of the seventh phoenix. Lily told me her daughter would bring her back, it was written in her tea leaves, it was seen in her dreams, and it is prophesized in the text. While you were looking through the Volumen Aetis Magus, did you by any chance skim through the Phoenix Prophecy, Sirius?"

"The pages are torn, but yes I read what I could."

"Not all of the pages are torn Sirius, at least not the most important parts of the text. There is a section devoted to the significance of the Phoenix's return."

Sirius flipped through the pages, and found what he was looking for. After many hours of reading, he knew the text from to back by now. He looked at Dumbledore with shock laced on his face. There were many things in his life that he had been forced to accept, and while some of these things he accepted willingly, what Dumbledore was alluding to was still a shock.

"Yes, I've read bits and species, there isn't much there. Whoever wrote the book, obviously didn't want the power of the Phoenix Prophecy getting out. Still, it's a bit early to assume Harri is the Phoenix we've read about or if it has anything to do with the Mother Root Spell."

"She isn't going to like hearing this. There's too much pressure, and Voldemort is planning something. Of this I am certain. Lucius visited me not two days ago. He was snooping around, looking for clues of my betrayal. He didn't even ask how we were getting on with bring Harri and his son back. He wants to know how vulnerable we have become without Harri here."

Severus mused, thinking about the peculiar visit Lucius had paid him. Though the man thought himself clever, Severus could easily see through that guise. He never did understand why Voldemort wanted to kill Harri in the first place. Why Voldemort asked her to step aside?

"We just have to wait for them return. Who or whatever is controlling things will bring them back eventually. She may be there to learn something. If said party were going to kill them, they'd already be dead."

Dumbledore answered grimly. He too disliked the idea of simply waiting for his students to return.

"There's something else that has been bothering me."

Remus said thoughtfully.

"Why is Draco in the past as well? Why is Harri in the past at all? Even if they tasted a drop of that Time Warp potion, despite the potion's potency, it should not have sent them that far in time. Furthermore, what can they possibly learn in the past?"

"Maybe they both needed to see something from the past, so they can understand what they must do when they return. As far as Draco is concerned, I suppose he plays a part in this grand scheme. This book is gives a grave foretelling of a future that is very uncertain for the side of Light. Have you skimmed through the poem at the end?"

Suddenly, Fawkes flew to Dumbledore's desk. He used his talons, dipped in ink and wrote in a messy scrawl, an ominous message. The four men watched as the beautiful bird wrote its message carefully, and slowly, making sure it's tail feathers did not smudge the letters. Soon, they could see the ominous message, and were very shocked indeed.

The seventh of the seventh, born not once but twice
Will lose the love she sought to gain
Her rage may bring the end drawing nigh
The Sixth cannot save her, nor can the panther's cry
The future rests on two opposing animagi

"What in the hell does that mean?"

Sirius asked when Fawkes had stopped writing. He flew to Dumbledore's shoulder and rubbed his beak against his friend's cheek. Dumbledore sighed, he wasn't sure he should give his opinion of what they had just read. Severus felt similar; the implications were too on point. They sat in silence unwillingly to voice what they were all thinking. Things were uncertain, and though Dumbledore knew Fawkes to be a majestically beautiful, rare, and intelligent bird he didn't want to believe what it meant. With the potential for power Harri had, if she were to somehow go bad, if she chose the path of darkness, he knew that the side of the Light would not stand a chance. Dumbledore sent an elf to Minerva. He wondered if things would continue going from bad to worse, in his young pupils' lives.


The days had passed rather quickly for Harri and Draco. To keep their promise to their parents, they stayed away from one another, unless in class or practicing Quidditch. There were spats here and there but neither ever let things escalate into a full fledged argument. They both were improving at a rapid pace, although Harri still had an edge on him. Many spectators marveled at how fast they flew, and how good a seeker they were. Everyone was fascinated with Harri's maneuverability, especially James who constantly challenged her to a flying contest. Harri was enjoying her time in the past, and she tried to keep thoughts of leaving out of her mind.

Although she was getting closer to her mother by the minute, another bond was forming with her unrevealed parent. Harri found Severus to be pleasant company, and occasionally when she heard him speak animatedly on one topic or another, her mind drifted back to thoughts of what would make him into the man she knew him to be. They talked of everything, her life at home, her life at school, her favorite, and least favorite subjects. Despite her desire to dislike him, and find fault with all he said and done, she found him interesting. There were so many things they had in common. The only subject they didn't breach was her mother. Harri never mentioned her, and he always made indistinct references to her mother.

After that day in the gazebo, when she had revealed the truth to him, they devised a way to meet with one another secretly. It was understood talking in public, unless to make insults or something of that nature was not to be done. The gazebo was the chosen meeting place. Harri was excited, because her mother would be commentating on the game today, and her father would be playing. Unfortunately, her excitement was annoying her practicing partner, who out of frustration or spite, perhaps both, sent a bludger her way. Instantly Harri was awakened from her stupor. The sharp pain her side, was nothing to compare to the anger at the person who threw the large ball.

"Ouch! Draco you asshole, that hurt!"

Draco smirked at her pain, and dodged the fist she sent aimed at his face.

"Temper, Potter. Game starts in 20 minutes."

He whispered, looking at the crowd quickly filling the bleachers. Harri growled dejectedly, and flew up even higher, so that she was a speck in the sky. She was glad no one could hear their conversation. Draco doubled back closer to his father, and Severus. She gave her father a polite not, and he did the same. She had no idea her father played Quidditch, so this match was be interesting to say the least. He was a beater, and she just hoped he didn't send too many bludgers her way.

James and Sirius gave her a wave. She smiled at them both, ignoring the wink her godfather sent her. When she got home, she'd definitely be embarrassing him with tales of his ladies man ways. She saw her mother, announcing with Remus. Lily waved, looking slightly worried at seeing her so high in the sky. She tried giving her a reassuring smile, but that hadn't worked.

"Welcome Quidditch fans! Isn't it a beautiful day for a lovely game of Quidditch, Remus?"

"Ah yes, Lady Lily. It is a beautiful day for a game of Quidditch. Today we have two special players given the ok to play in today's exhibition game. For the Slytherin team, we have Draco Hollings."

Loud cheers could be heard from the Slytherins stands.

"For the Gryffindor team, we have Jayda Panes! Go Jayda, kick their Slytherin butts!!"

"Ms. Evans!"

Professor McGonagall admonished, obviously not liking Lily's partiality. McGonagall knew of her familial connection. The only reason she knew was because she was Deputy Headmistress. Lily rolled her eyes, and winked at Remus mischievously. The players took their positions, and the game began. Soon, Gryffindor was up by 20 points. Harri had been doing rather well; maneuvering thought the sea of bludgers and chasers. Her father made an excellent chaser, and it was no wonder he didn't get along with James. They were rivals in everything. She hadn't missed the look of contempt that was passing between Draco's father and her won, and Sirius and James.

So far Slytherin was doing pretty well, but she had yet to see the snitch, and she knew Draco hadn't. She flew higher, looking through the sea of students flying about. James scored, but got hit with a bludger sent by Lucius. She growled, but James shook it off, and smiled at Sirius who sent a bludger at Malfoy. All in all, it was nice game to watch. Remus and her mother were doing an excellent job of commentating. Things were getting pretty boring for her, until she spotted the snitch. Harry dived down chasing it, speeding up rather quickly. Soon Draco was on her tail. He coming in too close and they were already under the bleachers by now. He could fly abreast of her!

"Malfoy what in the hell are you doing?! There isn't enough room to fly side by the side!"

"What do you think I'm doing Potter?!"

Draco rammed his broom against hers, and they continued to push one another, both trying to grab the snitch. Harri edged out a little further, she was close now. She was very close, close enough to reach out and grab the snitch, but the golden ball flew threw a crack in the stands. Harri cursed, and flew out from under the stands, with Draco close behind. They came out to the sounds of loud cheering. Harri soared through the sky, grabbing the snitch but unfortunately, in her haste, she hadn't seen the many bludgers aimed at her. Harri held the snitch high in her gloved hand, ending the game, but she was knocked from her broom by the torrent of bludgers. She had dodged one, but the other made contact. She felt panic rise as she fell from her broom.


Her teenaged mother screamed, as she watched her daughter fall.

Harri closed her eyes, bracing herself for the impact. The impact never came. Instead of feeling her bones break into excruciating pain, she felt herself being pulled up, lifted. Harri opened her eyes slightly. She hadn't expected to be saved by Draco Malfoy. Instead of a triumphant smirk, or a condescending look, he stared at her with what she might have considered worry had she not been so drowsy. He pulled her body unto his broom; Harri's broom had already fallen. She would not have been able to fly it back down in her condition anyway. Harri's head already had a large lump forming, and her scar was bleeding.

"Are you alright Potter?"

Harri said nothing, her head rolling on her shoulders. Draco positioned her unto his broom so that they were facing one another. He couldn't put her behind him because she might fall off. She would probably be unconscious soon, since she was already slipping in and out. Draco steadied the broom, and flew down to meet the awaiting Madam Pomfrey as well as Madame Hooch. Draco wasn't positive but he believed that bludger had been charmed to attack her much like the time she had been hit by a wayward bludger in their second year.

Draco sighed, and guided his broom towards the ground. They were met by their parents, and a chastising Madame Pomfrey. Hours later, when Harri had been given a bit Skele-O-Gro, she was feeling much better and a little uneasy as well. Someone or something had obviously jinxed her broom, but Harri did not know who'd do such a thing. Actually, Lucius Malfoy was a start, but he wasn't the only one she thought would do such a thing. During the game she hadn't seen Peter anywhere. Perhaps he was on assignment for his master, but even then her mother would have said something.

At this point and time, they did consider the traitor a friend. She had been given time to think, and she was grateful to Pomfrey for that. One too many times her mother, Sirius, Remus, James, and even her father had tried to see her. Of course her father had been creative when asked what he was doing in the hospital wing. Severus had quipped that he was obviously there to gloat and insult her. Pomfrey wasn't pleased by that remark and promptly gave him detention. Perhaps she was here for higher purposes than she thought, but she couldn't really explain Draco's presence. She would not blame the mishap with a potion for the real reason she was here. Harri lay down, falling into a peaceful dreamless sleep. She couldn't remember the last time she had been blessed with not seeing a vision of Voldemort.

The next day, Harri knew something was wrong. There was an unspeakable tension in the air. Even her godfather, who was incessantly cheerful, seemed rather glum. Harri had yet to see her mother, and somehow whatever everyone around the school was depressed about, it most likely had to do with Voldemort. Harri read about how he had risen to power in the late seventies, slowly gaining attention by the killing of a few muggles here and there. He had also killed a few prominent wizards and witches of society during this time. Perhaps he had murdered someone else, ruining another family's lives.

Harri went to the Gryffindor common room, seeing her mother surrounded by all her friend, with the exception of Peter. Harri frowned as at his absence. Even though they considered him a close friend, when would they realize that he was always disappearing, off to only Merlin knows where? To an outsider, who knew of the future, coming here she had seen so many signs of betrayal. So many times, she yearned to pull out her wand and kill him. To avenge her mother and James, and anyone else his allegiance to the dark had caused would be the greatest pleasure. Her conscience continued to tell her of the fairness of killing those having yet to commit a crime was wrong.

She watched as her mother, racked with sobs, cried loudly, in front of everyone in the common room with no shame. Whatever this news was, apparently, everyone was in agreement, that crying was tolerated. She walked over to her mother, and sat down in front of her, touching her mother's soft arms, and pulling her hands gently from her face. Her mother did not bother shoving her way, she had grown accustomed to the feel of her daughter's hands, and probably like any other mother, recognize her voice anywhere. Harri was still amazed at how quickly her mother became attune to her. When she saw Harri's face, Lily embraced her in a hug.

They said nothing, students were milling about, obviously feeling sorry for her mother, and even nervous. The only people who stayed were Remus, Sirius, and James. Harri was very glad her mother had such good friends. In the dark days ahead, they would need each other's friendship. Lily whispered the wretched news to her daughter, and the threesome, taking the hint, abandoned the common room for their dormitories. Harri sat next to her mother, trying her best to comfort her.

"Mom, are you going to be okay?"

"I certainly hope so. It's just still sort of fresh in my mind. I can't believe they're gone. I miss them so much."

Harri nodded, trying not to cry herself. Of all the times to time travel, she picked the time when her grandparents were killed.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to meet them. They would have loved you."

Lily whispered softly. She had stopped crying, but her eyes were red and puffy.

"I'm sorry too. I hope you're not angry with me for not telling you, but I couldn't. It's-"

"Too dangerous to know of too much of the future. I know that, believe me. I know firsthand."

"What do you mean you know firsthand? Do you know something about the future?"

Harri asked panicked. If her mother knew about Severus, or her and James' death, would she try to change anything? Lily gave her a comforting look, gently patting her hand.

"I sometimes have dreams. Professor Dumbledore believes I am a Seer. Sometimes, I have dream about things that are going to be on tests, or which pranks the boys will pull. Sometimes, I also have these really scary, weird dreams, but I've said too much already. It's nothing for you to worry about."

Harri didn't like the sound of that. Everyone was always telling her not to worry, and not to concern herself with their troubles. Somehow everyone else's troubles always affected her! She didn't mean to sound selfish, but she wanted to know why everyone tip toed around her. It was annoying because everyone expected her to fulfill their wishes, and save the day. She was old enough to be a hero, but young enough to know the important things surrounding her life. It may have sounded cool to some, but the idea of her life shrouded in mystery wasn't appealing.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that I know things about you, things you haven't told us, not even Dumbledore."

Harri looked at her mother speechless. There was no way she could have known, Harri had said nothing, and she knew Draco wasn't dumb enough to say anything to anyone about her mother. She hadn't told Dumbledore, so how did her mother get any information about her uncertain future? Once again, her life had taken another odd twist.


As Minister of Magic, this was a very trying time for anyone that was aware of Harriet Potter's disappearance. If such an event would have happened to anyone else, while everyone work to remedy the problem, it could not begin to describe the widespread panic that would occur if the wizarding world knew that their beloved heroine, Harri Potter was lost in time. Though he had only met the girl on a few occasions, personally he did not see what was so special about her. She was just another half blood to him. Of course, his secret nonchalance towards her was to be kept a secret. If anyone found out that he didn't harbor great admiration for the great Harriet Potter, he'd never hear the end of it.

"Excuse me, Mr. Fudge sir?"

A young intern asked, peeking into his luxurious office. He regarded her with a curt nod, gesturing for her to come in. She stepped in, wary of all of the debris that he had lying around. The man was truly messy, and to lazy was to perform a cleaning spell. She avoided the papers that were teetering over his many desks, and handed him a letter.

"Who is this from?"

"A Mr. Malfoy sir. He wanted me to personally deliver it. He said eh was sorry he couldn't be here, but that you'd understand."

"Thank you. You may leave now."

Fudge opened the letter, and read through the letter rather quickly. The attack was being planned, and Malfoy wanted to know if he had everything ready. Fudge sat back, worry laced upon his face. If word got out that he was not on the side of the Light, he'd be jailed, possibly sent to Azkaban. No one must know of the many attacks he had helped organize, locations of Muggle lovers, and their families. Though he was not as high as Lucius or Severus in Voldemort's hierarchy he did retain some power in the dark forces. His livelihood depended upon the success of the Dark Lord's return to power. There was no doubt in his mind that his lord would succeed, but Harri Potter had definitely proven to be hard to kill.

She was brave, he'd give her that, but she was also young, and she didn't stand a chance against his master at full power. The so called savior of the wizard world would not make it to her eighteenth birthday if he had anything to say about it. The plan was in full swing, it was only in the first phase, but with Severus' betrayal, and Harri Potter out of the way, Hogwarts was vulnerable. Of course, an attack on a school for children would seem easy, but Fudge did not dare underestimate Albus Dumbledore.


"Hermione watch it! You stepped on my foot."

Ron cried out in pain.

"I said I was sorry in advance, Ron. Honestly."

"It's okay. We should probably work faster. We don't know how long Snape will be gone."

Ron said hurriedly. They need to work faster.

That was the third time Hermione had stepped on his foot as they ransacked Professor Snape's office. After waiting nearly three hours for him to leave, they listened for the password to his private stores, and snuck in. Without the cloak they were vulnerable, but when they looked in Harri's trunk it was gone. Instead they relied on a hastily made invisibility charmed that only lasted for a few hours. Ten hours was the maximum amount of time allotted for this particular charm. Snape's stores were ordered very nicely, so they had to make sure whatever they took wasn't noticeable.

"I've got the last of that veela hair. Let's get out of here!"

They gathered up the stolen materials, placing them in a burlap bag, and were ready to go. Ron opened the door, then slammed it shut. He looked at Hermione with a panic.

"Someone's coming! Hide!"

Ron said ducking under a nearby desk. Hermione rolled her eyes at his ridiculousness. She threw the bag behind a chair, and stood in a corner.

"We're invisible Ron. There's no need to hide. Just get in a corner so whoever is coming doesn't bump into you."

Ron complied, and shuffled quietly in to the huddled corner Hermione was occupying. They said nothing, although both were mere inches away from the other. Ron felt his cheeks heat. He silently thanked the God's he was invisible and that she couldn't see his face. Hermione was also very grateful her blush could not be seen. She wasn't used to being so closed to him. They fit perfectly, like two pieces wedged together. They listened quietly, neither could breathe when they the door creak open, and three boys come in. What they were surprised to see was Neville, Crabbe, and Goyle. They were breathing deeply, as if they had just been running.

"Neville? What are you doing with those two riff raff?"

Ron asked, stepping forward. All three boys paled slightly.

"R-Ron is that you?"

Neville asked timidly.

"Of course it's Ron! What are you three doing in here together?"

Hermione piped, now able to breathe freely.


"Is that the Mudblood?"

Goyle asked, scratching his head. Suddenly, he was doubled over clutching his stomach in pain.

"Don't you call her that you idiot!"

"Ron, forget that, we've all got to get out of here. Snape could get here any minute!"

"Where are you?"

Neville asked looking wildly around the room.

"We're in here with you. Hold on."

Hermione cast the removal spell, revealing herself. Ron followed suit.

"Why are you to in his private stores Hermione?"

"Er, let's talk about this in Gryffindor tower."

"It's okay Ron. We're here for the same reasons you two are. We need some of Snape's ingredients to brew a spell powerful enough to bring Harri back."

"And Draco too!"

Crabbe said menacingly. Neville gulped, and nodded.

"Yes, we're going to bring back Draco as well. That's why they've agreed to help. We've reached an agreement. This is only a compromise for now. If we all work together we can bring them back safely."

Neville argued. Everyone agreed working together would be beneficial. House rivalries, and personality clashes were kept in check for the time being and the five made their way to an abandoned dueling room, and quickly assembled the ingredients. People rarely ventured down the lonely hallway; much less enter the dilapidated room they were currently in. After many unsuccessful tires, the group of five managed to get the first portion of the potion to brew correctly. It would need one week to ferment, or so they all guessed. Technically the "potion" they created wasn't a real potion. Their potion was a combination of the Communiqué potion, a summoning potion, and a locking charm. Hermione hoped they would have better success than Professor Lupin had with brewing the difficult concoction.

"We are agreed then? We'll meet back here in one week to see if the potion's ready. The room is under a locking spell so no one should be snooping around."

Hermione said in a formal, businesslike manner.

"Yea and we act the same still."

Crabbe said with encouragement from Goyle.

"It's fine by me."

They declined shaking hands, and they walked out going their separate ways. Once Crabbe and Goyle were out of earshot, Neville took the time to ask them a question that had been bugging him.

"Hermione, Ron… After we heard about Harri's uh, "predicament." What happened to you two after breakfast? You just disappeared!"

"Did you steal Harri's cloak?"

Hermione asked, suddenly changing the subject. Neville frowned at her evasiveness. They wanted to keep secrets, then so would he. He would have thought they would want to help him, and be there for their so-called best friend. Some best friends they were! Neville took out the cloak, and handed it to Hermione; he walked off ahead of them, wanting to be alone with his thoughts.

FN: That's it for now. For those of you wanting some R/Hr, (controls bile coming up) I at least referred to their "relationship". Neville's getting backbone, either that or he's thinking more! Lily was rather cryptic wasn't she? Who jinxed Harri's broom, (again) and why? Fudge a traitor to the Light?! Can Ron, Hermione, Neville, Crabbe, and Goyle bring back Harri and Draco if the adults can't seem to get it right?! Next chapter- Lily's confession, Dumbledore begins teaching Harri, and even Draco gets a little wiser! Peter gets his ass kicked, James get sad, Snape gets a message, Voldemort appears, and Lucius may have a heart.