Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think You Are ❯ I was just wondering if you’d come along; hold up my head when my head won’t hold on… ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. I do not own Harry Potter, although I wish I did. This is just a fan's dedication. Frankly, I'm not done playing with them yet, dammit! Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, whom we should all thank for her wonderful series. Here, here!

Story Summary: This is more or less an answer to Severitus' challenge. There is a twist I have yet to see anyone write. What if Harry Potter was born a girl, and discovered Severus Snape was her biological father? What if her name wasn't Harry Potter in the first place? Will she accept the truth, or deny her heritage? HP/DM, RW/HG, and SS/LE! ^_^

AN: Lily Evans is coming back. I just want to make that very clear. There's a lot of Severus/Harri, and Narcissa/Draco interaction in here! Oh and if you've got this story on your favorites list thanks - ^_^;; Thank you for reviewing: Lady Lightning, Alicorn, Alaskantiger, Hannah, Fire Kitten, Midnight Kisses - Thanks for pointing that out, angeL_1215 - I promise Draco and Harri will stop being too insensitive too each other, Katrina, Grey Malwell, moi, anon, and Miss Behaving, and Quickjewel.

More Than You Think You Are

Chapter Eight: I was just wondering if you'd come along; hold up my head when my head won't hold on…

Harri knew she was being followed, and she knew it was by her father. Why was he following her? Couldn't he tell from her outburst she wanted to be left alone for a while? Harri stopped, turned and watched as her father ran to catch up with her. He was either very clueless, or very clever for choosing to follow her after her big blow out. He caught up to her rather quickly, and they walked in silence. Harri was still angry, but now she was less upset with each step she took. Unconsciously, she followed her father's footsteps. She knew she was being led somewhere, but at the time she could care less. She didn't care that she had walked out of class, she didn't care that the entire school witnessed the spectacle either. Things between her and Draco were taking a turn down a road she would have liked to have left less traveled. Things were changing between them, and she didn't know if she were to accept that yet.

"Are you going to say anything, or am I supposed to blindly follow you?"

Harri asked with annoyance. She wanted to be left alone, yet here was her father leading her. She was already used to addressing the young man before her as 'father', but Harri didn't think if she'd ever be able to openly call him her father, or even Dad.

"You don't have to follow, but you would have anyway."

Severus answered, somewhat surprised with himself. Deep down, he knew she would have followed him regardless, but why? They came to a fork in the hall, and Severus chose the right wing. They entered what appeared to be a parlor, but which was in fact a tiny catwalk that led to a gazebo. They walked out, and Harri sat comfortably on the bench, her finger trailing the woodwork. She would definitely remember the directions. This was a nice little spot. She looked up at her father, and crossed her legs, waiting for him to say something.

"It's very nice isn't it?"

Severus asked, watching as Harri's eyes brushed over the elaborate design. She focused her attention back to Severus.

"I assume you led me here to talk about more than the designs of this gazebo right?"

Severus unconsciously smirked at her answer. For a Gryffindor, her attitude was remarkably Slytherin.

"Now that we are alone, I want to ask you a few questions."

Harri arched a delicate eyebrow, not at all surprised.

"You can ask, but that doesn't mean I'll answer."

"Well I'll just have to take that chance won't I?"

Severus grinned crossing his arms.

"I want to know about the future."

Harri frowned lightly. She knew he suspected her of not being completely honest and even withholding information, but his forwardness was unexpected. Did she get her forwardness from him? In times of trouble, she had been known to do things drastically. Harri idly rubbed her hands against the grain of the wood, ignoring him.


"You have to earn my trust first, Snape. I can't just tell you information about the future all willy-nilly can I?"

Harri said with a triumphant smirk. They both openly showed their distain for each other's respectful houses. Harri knew she had her father backed into a corner. There was no way he'd try to prove his trust to a Gryffindor, especially one from the future. She looked into her father's eyes and was shocked with the seriousness his eyes bore. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a dagger. Somehow she wasn't frightened or shocked. She doubted if he would try to kill her, or even attack her. So far, his inquiries had been with good intentions. She studied the dagger, and he waved in the air slightly, as if it were a show and tell item that a child would bring to school.

"This is the Snape dagger. My father gave it to me."

"It's beautiful, but why do you have it out, and what are you going to use it for?"

Harri watched as her father held out his left palm, and with the dagger, placed a small cut on his hand. It looked to be a superficial nick, and she doubted if it hurt much, if at all. She watched as the blood trailed down his hand, and dripped to the ground. He motioned for her to place her hand out. Harri looked into her father's eyes, and for some reason, felt oddly safe. Even when she had traveled through time, an was speaking with a man she hardly knew, a man who had taunted, humiliated, and hated her, she felt safe. Did the instincts of children kick in even before they were born or something?

Harri held out her hand, and her father gave her a light cut as well. As she surmised the cut wasn't painful. Severus held his hand up, and meshed it with her own palm. He reached for his wand, and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Fidelitas prosapia fides."

"What spell was that?"

Harri asked suddenly worried. Severus was about to respond when he felt a painful tug in his palm. Apparently, Harri had felt the same thing because she was clutching her hand in. The pain vanished as quickly as it appeared, and Harri felt herself being lifted. She could see the terror in Severus' eyes as well because he himself was levitating a few feet off the ground. He didn't know that was going to happen either. They sat Indian style, and when they removed their hands, the imprints of each other's palm stayed on their hands. Harri could see her wound closing up, and she noticed so did her father's.

"What have you done?"

She asked with panic in her voice.

"I wanted you to answer a few questions for me. This is very much like the verita serum potion, but it is deeper. This spell creates a bond between the two people in which the Fidelitas has taken place. Since there is obviously a trust issue between us, I figured if we were both under the Fidelitas; there would be no suspicions of lying. That way, when we talked we'd both know the other was telling the truth."

Harri's eyes narrowed dangerously. She could not believe the audacity he had to do such a thing to your own child. She had not asked to be placed under such a bond. But, she thought with shoulders slumped, she had held out her hand. She had willing allowed herself to bleed, and to mix her blood with her father's. It was the principle of the matter however. Why couldn't he just accept that there were some things she just couldn't tell him? She didn't like how he had become so comfortable with asking personal questions of her. Things were moving too fast in her opinion. Only a few days ago she had discovered he was her real father, and now when she met him twenty years younger, he asks as her personal questions if he's entitled to know such things!

"Why did you cast that spell?!"

Harri hissed angrily. Severus yawned, giving her a nonchalant look. They stared at one another, as if sizing each other up. Deep down, Harri could feel her father already knew the majority of the answer's he sought. After the background information she had been willing to tell him, and the observations he had made, he probably already knew subconsciously just by observing the way in which she behaved around her mother and Malfoy.

"I think we both know something is amiss, Jayda. I want to know what you are hiding from your mother."

"What makes you think you have the right to know anything about me? You don't even know me!"

Severus smirked, as if he had been anticipating her answer.

"Perhaps, I do not know you yet, but I know that whatever it is you are hiding, it has something to do with me."

Severus said his voice now becoming serious.

"I don't want to force it out of you, but the Fidelitas charm is going to begin working pretty soon. Why are you worried anyway? Our memories are going to be erased, and even if we do remember you, you'll be a treated like a vague rumor, recognized, and just as easily discarded."

Harri was shocked by her father's answer. What could she say to change his mind? Harri realized then that she didn't have a decent rebuttal. Just as Draco had said before, she could always just use the Obliviate spell. It was obvious he would not be swayed anyway, so Harri was left with no other option.

"What do you wish to know?"

"Who is your father?"

"That depends."

"What do you mean 'that depends'? That's not even an answer!"

Harri sighed with annoyance, how could she explain her recent predicament delicately?

"It means that I have had two fathers- sort of."

"That doesn't make any sense."

Severus said with a furrowed brow.

"My life usually never does."

Harri answered matter-of-factly.

"Answer the question Jayda."

Severus said dryly. He actually sounded firm, as if he were speaking to a child. Harri smirked at the irony. Harri looked into her father's eyes challengingly. She wasn't gullible, and didn't believe in the whole the eyes are keys to one's soul gibberish, but she did believe the eyes always told what the mouth was didn't say. She peered into her father's dark eyes, her gaze penetrating. From the sincerity his eyes shown, he wanted to know the truth, regardless of the consequences. It was truly one of those sanity-be-damned kinds of moments.

"My father or the man I thought to be my father for my entire life up until a few days ago was James Potter."

Harri heard his intake of breath before she saw the look of pain contort on his face. Was he actually hurt? Technically, she hadn't lied because she had considered James Potter her father, but he wasn't her father. Could her father actually care about her mother? Maybe he was jealous or upset. Could he actually care for her, even though he had no idea he was her father? Harri was so confused at the moment. Severus had yet to recover from what she had just said.

"My biological father is you. You are my father."

Harri watched as he sat shell shocked. For a few moments, it liked he wasn't breathing. Harri tried moving over to him, not realizing that they were still levitating. She floated over to him so that she could check to make sure he hadn't fainted from shock or anything. It was of no use however, because he suddenly looked at her with a wide smile on his face. It was now Harri's turn to be shocked. Never in her time at Hogwarts in those five years had she ever seen Professor Snape smile. Not once. She had seen him grin maliciously, and even smirk evilly. He now however, had a grin of happiness- and was that relief on his face?

"Of course I am, this explains everything."

If her mouth could drop any farther, it would have unhinged by now.

"That's it?! You're just going to accept that I am your daughter no questions asked?"

Severus shrugged at her giving her a so-what look.

"Would you rather I disown you, and hate you forever?"

"No, but I would expect some shock, some animosity or something."

"You have to realize I am not the same person I am going to turn out to be. Although from Draco's description, and your reaction, I'd say I was a bit of a jerk."

He said smiling with mirth. Harri was extremely uncomfortable now. She wasn't used to having her father so mellow, and accepting. He was too insightful for his own good. Why couldn't he be a regular angst ridden teen like everyone else? Where was the materialism, the egotism, and the self centered behavior?

"Somehow, I find this to be an odd situation for you. I'm not so surprised, because I have suspected you from the beginning. I didn't expect to be your father, but I knew things weren't adding up. There was something odd about your behavior, and everyone else was attracted to you and I wasn't. Then there's the odd anger I felt when you and Draco were arguing, it was just instinctual for me to chase you down."

He said absently, almost as if he were talking to himself. Harri could understand where he was coming from on that point. It would be very disturbing if he found his daughter sexually attractive. Moreover, she was glad to have this out in the open, because now she wouldn't have to tip toe around him as much. Her mother's death would remain secret to everyone here. Her mother was another topic they had yet to broach. Now was not the time however, because she knew that her parents were neither friends, nor enemies and that they didn't know each other very well.

"What does this mean?"

Harri asked seriously. She wasn't going to play games with him, whether he was her father or not. There had been enough tragedies in her life to fill up a sob story novel, and her life didn't need new material.

"I-I really don't know what it means. I can say that I am sorry for the person that I become. I do know that if it weren't for me having my memory erased, I wouldn't treat you the way I do in the future. We can enjoy this time we have here together-"

Severus admitted, feeling kind of cheesy.

"That is the problem with human nature. When we are given the opportunity to see out futures, we will do anything to prevent it from going astray. You do understand that I cannot, or rather I will not tell you everything. Even with the use of the Obliviate spell. There are some things people are not meant to know about their future. I can't afford you trying to change the past when I leave."

Harri said recalling her own past experiences.

"I see. Those are wise words, coming from such a young person."

Harri rolled her eyes at that. They were the same age!

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

He asked solemnly. Now that he knew the truth, he wanted to help her.

"Can you tell Lucius not to call my mother a mudblood anymore? I am asking you this once, because if he calls her out of her name again, if I catch him saying it; let's just say Draco might not be born."

Harri said gravely. Severus nodded in acquiescence. They smirked at one another in understanding, enjoying the quiet. These next few weeks would definitely prove interesting.

"There was something I wanted ask you though."

Severus said breaking through her thoughts.


"Why don't you tell me about yourself?"

Severus removed the Fidelitas charm, and the sat back on the benches. Harri smiled a genuine smile. Harri stood, stretching her legs after floating that position for so long. Severus did the same and they walked out of the gazebo. It was already time for lunch. They walked in companionable silence, thinking about what the conversation meant for the both of them.

"I've got to go to History of Magic now, but we'll talk later okay?"

Harri nodded, unsure if she should give him a kiss on the cheek, a hug or anything. She settled for an awkward handshake, and watched as her father left to class. He gave her a small smile, and hurried to class. She headed towards her bedroom eager for something to eat. She could send the elves to bring her food, and eat in her room. Normally, Harri didn't like using house elves no matter how much they proclaimed to enjoy chores. She had been forced to do the grunt work for her aunt and uncle for years, and knew labor was easy. This also gave her a chance to avoid Draco. They'd have to face each other eventually, and talk like civilized people, but for now she just wanted to be left alone.


Narcissa Jacobsen's heart wrenched when she had watched as her son's face twisted into a multitude of emotions. She could see the hurt in his eyes when Jayda had said she hated him. She saw how his eyes iced over with anger, and pain. It made her said to see him in such a manner. Already maternal instincts were kicking in, and she had known him for only a day in a half. Is that how motherhood was? Did one instantly love what came from them? She wanted to talk to him alone, when they in the privacy of her room where Lucius was not present, and they could be mother and son. She was upset because he had called a young girl out of her name, and it was not the gentlemanly thing to do. Her parents had always instilled in her love and affection, making sure that their only daughter was surrounded by warmth and love, but just being within a few feet of Draco, she could tell whatever it was that was wrong with him was deep. They would definitely be talking later on.

She walked over to Lucius, unhappy with the smile he had plastered on his face. She knew, like Lily and Severus, that he had already had something against her. Narcissa wasn't exactly sure how this was possible, considering he had known her for a day, and even still, their collective memories would be erased. She felt his hand wrap around her waist, and she looked on, as Draco stared out into the crowd. He smirked when he knew he had everyone's attention.

"Show's over so fuck off!"

He cursed, completely ignoring the looks his parents gave him. His father was obviously pleased with his attitude, but Narcissa couldn't be more upset. How could she have raised a child so callous towards Lily's daughter? There was something going on between those tow. It was obvious to her, and maybe to everyone person that wasn't deluded by their constant arguments. She walked towards Draco, leaving Lucius to his next class period. They were going to have that talk now.

"Draco, could we talk for a moment?"

Draco regarded his mother with a rare smile, and took her hand. They walked down the halls silently, until they reached the doors outside. Narcissa led him to the small bridge above the lake. They stood watching the water. Neither was really sure how to speak to one another, but Narcissa was determined. They walked towards the Great Hall, both ready for a bit of lunch. They chose to sit at the Hufflepuff table, and began to eat.

"I know it may sound weird coming from me when I'm so young, but you can tell me anything, if you want you know?"

"Mother what are you talking about?"

"I think you know Draco."

Draco said nothing, becoming increasingly uncomfortable with his mother's stare. Even in the 1970's the food tasted the same. Not that he had ever thought it was disgusting. It was cool to have something familiar here. She was so inquisitive, so nice, and understanding. When he was at home, he could occasionally see a glimpse of the woman she once was, but it seemed after living with his father for so long, she had changed dramatically. He had stamped out all of her vibrancy, her energy was gone. The sparkle that was in her eyes now, so bright and mischievous, were not at all like the ones he was used to looking into when he was with his mother. The eyes he was familiar with, the orbs eh had witness shedding so many tears, were dull and aloof.

When would his mother's transition occur, and why did his father allow it to happen? Surprisingly, he wasn't shocked by his mother's house. Although they never discussed it at home, he knew she wasn't a Slytherin. Her demeanor was too different from a Slytherin to belong. He had always assumed she was a Ravenclaw or something.

"I want to talk you about what happened today."

Draco sighed; grateful his father wasn't around to make some berating remark. Wherever he had gone, he was glad it was Severus and not himself at the moment. He put his fork down and regarded his mother carefully.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that mother."

"What in the world is going on between you and Jayda? It's not very nice to go around calling young ladies bitches Draco. You can't go around screaming at each other every time one of you gets angry. It's childish, petty, and very inappropriate."

She said giving him a stern glare. Draco nodded, immediately feeling guilty.

"I understand what you are trying to say mother, but you just don't know Po- Jayda like I do. She thinks she's better than me, and everybody else! Yes it was wrong for me to call her that, but did you hear what she said about me?!"

"Then you've got to be the bigger person besides. Besides, you're going to apologize for your behavior. No son of mine is going to go around acting the way you did today. When you talk to her, talk to her like you'd want some one to talk to me. Don't get smart with her because everything you do or say, you've got to live with it everyday."

"She owes me an apology for what she said about me to mother."

Draco said, defensively.

"I know that. Lily is probably telling her same thing. Just like you'd fight for me if someone talked to me like that, you can't go around talking to girls like that, even if you don't like them."

"Alright mother, you win. I'll apologize, but she has to do it too."

He said like a malcontent child that hadn't been given any candy.

After that was said, the air had been cleared between them. They continued to eat, but something had been bothering Draco since he last spoke with his mother. Now that his father was gone, and the Great Hall was virtually empty, with the exception of a few early birds eager for lunch. Draco could tell by the glimmer in her eyes she was happy, and he hoped it was partially because he was able to spend time with her.

"Mother, can I ask you a question?"

He whispered, not wanting to anyone to hear the way in which he addressed the blonde.

"Of course you can, Draco."

"Why do love Father?"

Narcissa gave Draco an odd look, unsure of how to answer him. Occasionally she wondered herself, but since he had brought it up, it forced her to evaluate her feelings. Suddenly a smile crossed her face, and she looked at Draco with glee. Draco remembered his mother telling him she had loved Lucius since she had first met him. She claimed to have seen something very special about him- beautiful she had said.

"I remember the very first day I saw him. He was looking very distinguished you know. I thought he looked like an angel, you know with the hair, and he was dressed nicely, and he was so tall… He was as rude as he could possibly be, but that didn't deter me one bit. I found myself immediately intrigued by him."

Narcissa said with a dreamy expression. His mother never reminisced about his father in such a loving way before.

"I love the way that he makes me feel. It was almost like I knew him from a different time. Even the things I don't like about him are fine with me. I guess because it's not hard for me to understand him because he so much like me. You know we are different, but the same."

"Doesn't it bother you about the way he treats your house mother? You know he doesn't like Hufflepuffs. What if he leaves you, or hurts you or something? I mean I know he won't, because me being here is living proof, but he is capable of doing it."

Narcissa gave Draco sad smile, squeezing his hand gently.

"If he ever left me, I wouldn't even be sad, because there is a blessing in every lesson. I care about him, and I'm glad to know him. Despite him being a Slytherin, and of all people Draco, you know that Slytherins are not always as they seem. None of us are. Sometimes, I get so angry with him that I want to scream I that I hate him at the top of my lungs. But I can't because it would be a lie. I love him."

Draco couldn't help but have a grim out look on what she had just admitted. How could she love his father? They were only fifteen years old. He didn't know which bothered him more; the fact she loved his father so deeply, at such a young age, or that it was his father, and was undeserving of her love. His mother was optimistic even after he gave her a grave foreshadowing of her future. It made him so angry to see his mother, the way she should be happy, and cheerful. He dreaded going back home to see her dilapidated state. Damn his father for doing this to her. He smiled at her, not wanting to let his fury show. There was one thing he did agree with Harri about- he was going to milk each moment with his mother for all they were worth. When he got back to the future, he and his father were going to have at it.

"On a lighter note, Dumbledore said that you and Jayda can play in the exhibition game!"

"I didn't know there were exhibition games."

"They don't towards the House Cup or anything like that. These games are just for fun."

Narcissa looked at her watch. It was time for her next glass. Dumbledore sure was lenient when it came to Draco and Jayda's schedule she thought forlornly. She bent down and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"See you later Draco, I've got Transfiguration."

"See you later."

Draco soon left the hall himself, heading towards the Prefects guest rooms.


Sirius was very upset with the ways things were turning out. He didn't like that his god daughter was stranded somewhere through time, and that there was nothing he could do about it. His anger had died down greatly from the rage he had felt earlier. He still couldn't believe that his best friend's daughter wasn't really his daughter at all. All this time, they had believed that Harri was James' kid, but she was Severus'. It was a possibility, but how could she have kept that from him? Had James even known?

There was a possibility, of this happening when he pondered the circumstance, but why hadn't she told any of them? It was known fact that Severus and she had been a couple during their days at Hogwarts, so when she had decided to marry Severus, and then suddenly leave him out of the blue for James all of them has been ecstatic, Lily had finally realized her mistake in marrying Severus. When he had heard she left Severus for good, he had to admit it was a wise choice. Severus' double agent business was going to end up getting her killed. Unfortunately, he had been right. He never thought he was good enough for her.

So here he found himself, inside the dungeons of Hogwarts reading ancient texts on how to communicate, and bring back people from the past or future. He was tired, and cold. How could one stay down here so long without losing sanity? The first book he had found was useless, and he found nothing that could help them now. He looked over at Remus who was still trying to brew that Communiqué potion that he very much doubted would successfully work.

Remus hadn't yet managed to perfect the potion, but for only having worked on a few days he was coming along rather quickly. Amazingly, Snape had opted not to do the potion, and preferred to read through the many books on time traveling. So far, he had not found anything of helpful use. Meanwhile, Sirius himself was reading up on where known time turners could be found. Time turners were very illegal, but during Sirius' years in Azkaban, he had learned quite a few tricks to finding very illegal items.

"I've got it!"

Severus yelled, breaking the silence. He lifted the book unto the bookstand. Sirius and Remus rushed over, peering over Snape's shoulder as he read his discovery. The book he had been reading from was very large and very old that it looked like he had slight trouble lifting it unto the stand. He ready from the pages anxiously.

"The Mater Matris Alui, or 'The Mother Root' spell is a very old, and very powerful spell that transcends time. Its origins can be traced to the time before humans were given the gift of with magic. This spell is believed to have been created by the magical phoenix species. Phoenixes themselves are rare, and there is not much knowledge as to why these creatures would ever have a need for such a spell. Of the bits of information known about the reason it was created, some wizards and witches argue the legend of twelve phoenixes. The myth is as follows:

When Phoenixes first dawned on earth, there were twelve. There were six males and six females. They were paired off as mates, but never reproduced offspring. (This is because of their ability to be reborn.) One day however, a female phoenix laid an egg. The other birds gave her the option of breaking the egg, thus preventing an abundance of phoenixes. The bird chose to die, which sent her soul unto the human plane. Her soul was reincarnated into a human body, which allowed her offspring to replace her as a phoenix.

The Mother Root spell can bring the dead back to life, or find the souls and spirits of people that have yet to be born. Anyone that uses the Mother Root has the power to communicate with anyone, anywhere, and at anytime. This spell is rare, and nearly impossible to perform. The last time the Mother Root was used, was in the year 78 A.D. This spell is extremely dangerous because if it is not performed correctly, the risk is fatal. The requirements for The Mother Root to take place are few. The first prerequisite is that the person raising the dead, or communicating with a spirit must have a special connection with the deceased, and must be female. The Mother Root only works when a female is acting as the median between the living world, and the dead. (It is believed this is done because life and birth are associated with motherhood, and women.) The second prerequisite is that witch must be powerful. There must be enough magical energy inside the witch to house two souls in one body so that there is enough time to allow for the transfer of the soul into another body. It is believed that only those from the blood line of Godric Gryffindor can perform this spell.

The dangers are as follows-"

Severus stopped lifting his eyes to look at the two other men with shock, and awe. Remus looked excited, and Sirius looked slightly fearful.

"Is that all? Let me see the rest!"

Sirius said anxiously.

"That is all there is. The rest of the page is torn off."

The room was silent, as the three digested the information that they had just read.

"Perhaps we should go talk with Dumbledore."

Severus suggested, running a hand through his oily locks.

"Maybe he knows more about this spell. We may be able to use it to our advantage against the Dark Lord."

Sirius said darkly.

"I think it's best we keep this discovery between the four of us."

Remus suggested, as they headed towards the Headmaster's office. The trio was too engrossed in their own thoughts to converse. For all three of them, this could be the answer to finally getting rid of the Dark Lord, and bringing back loved ones. What was the cost? Did it involve Harri? Although they hadn't discussed it between one another, everyone knew that the days were getting closer. Voldemort wouldn't hold off his plans to finally being rid of Harri Potter forever. These were dangerous times for all everyone, and it was tragic to see a young girl forced to grow up too quickly, and fight a battle that was centuries in the making.


The powers that be seemed intent on bringing her and Draco together at the most uncomfortable moments. Harri would have liked to have been calm, and collected when she saw him sitting on the couch reading but she wasn't. She sighed, urging herself to look him in the eye. His eyes were clam, and sedated. His temper must have cooled down as well. She headed towards her bedroom, willing herself not to speak to him. She ignored the intensity of the stare he was giving, she ignored the calmness of mannerisms, and she ignored the guilt she felt when she had said she hated.

"Potter I think we need to talk."

Harri stopped in her tracks, and if the situation weren't so somber, she would have laughed aloud at the irony of it all. Hadn't she been the one sitting on the couch the night before telling him that they need to talk? She complied with his wishes, and sat down crossing her legs. She looked at him keenly, waiting for him to begin. Draco eyed her with mild awareness. It seemed that they were both uncomfortable with facing one another, but it was inevitable. They couldn't continue in the way they were behaving.

"I'm listening."

"We have to do something about this."

He said pointing at her and himself. Harri remained silent. The less said the better. She was too tired to argue.

"This isn't working, you know."

"The Potter-Malfoy dynamic never works well."

Harri said with a rueful grin. Draco couldn't help but quirk a smile at that.

"The Malfoy-Potter dynamic is not one of friendship. At best it is a mutual understanding that is pure contempt. That's not what I wanted to talk about though. We are going to have to try to get along while we're here. I don't want to argue with you in front of my mother again. I trust the feeling is mutual?"

Draco said with formality. Harri didn't want to argue with Draco in front of her mother either. She hadn't even talked to her mother yet, but no doubt someone, probably Sirius, had said something about their skirmish to her.

"Draco, get to the point."

Harri said a little harsher than she had wanted to. If he was bothered by it, she couldn't tell.

"I suggest a temporary truce."

Harri had to admit she was impressed. She hadn't expected him to say that. Could they finally be past the childish bickering? Since when did Draco rise to the occasion? Whatever mature side to him this was, she actually liked it much better than his usual behavior.

"I must admit, I'm impressed. You've obviously spoken to your mother about this. She seems to be the only one with sense in your family but I digress-"

"Potter, we're supposed to be having a truce."

Harri sighed, slightly ashamed at her jib.

"Right, sorry. I know we're supposed to get along for the sake of our parents."

The silent scene was among them again. Harri fidgeted around against the cushions with something far from grace, and Draco wasn't fairing any better. They both knew the argument they had earlier needed to be dealt with, but who was going to be the one to say anything?

"Draco, about earlier… I was angry, and I didn't mean most of what I said, so I'm sorry."

Even while apologizing, Harri hadn't lost her trademark stubbornness. She could admit when she was wrong, even when it came it Malfoy. They were too old to play the blame game.

"I'm sorry I called you a bastard, and an insensitive jerk."

Draco was stunned. Whether she was sincere with her apology he wasn't sure, but he was touched that she brought herself to apologize. They were after all, adversaries. He wasn't used to Harri being so open, and so apologetic. This was definitely a new experience in the Malfoy-Potter dynamic. He cleared his throat, hoping his blush wasn't showing.

"I-I'm sorry I called you a bitch and Gryffindork."

"Apology accepted."

They were quiet once more.

"This is temporary you know. We don't want anyone thinking something happened while were here when get back so-"

"Once we get back, it is business as usual."

Draco finished for her. Harri sinuously stood, and Draco did the same. They mumbled quick excuses and vacated the foyer. Harri to her room and Draco to Merlin knew where. Then he remembered as he stepped out of the portrait hole he forgot to tell her about the Quidditch match. He walked back in and knocked on her door.


"I almost forgot to mention. Dumbledore's letting us play in an exhibition game. Anyway, I'm headed to the Pitch if you want to come practice, after all you'll need when practice when Slytherin beats Gryffindor."

He said in his usual haughty voice whenever they discussed Quidditch. Harri grinned at his comment. It would be very fun to wipe that smirk off his face in front both of their parents. Malfoy was in for a treat now.

"You just dug your own grave Malfoy."

"Is that a challenge?"

He said with a playful grin.

"It's always a challenge Draco."

She closed her door, and they walked out to the foyer, when she remembered they were missing something.

"We don't have uniforms or broom."

Draco scowled lightly.

"We'll have to use the old beat up crap they've got."

He said in a half whine/half groan.

"I really don't know how they made it through games on those things. I miss my Firebolt."

Harri said despondently. Her face soon brightened when she realized that she could still probably go pretty fast. Being a seeker was about more than just flying a fast broom.

"I just hope my father doesn't try to show me off when we get there."

Draco said with exasperation.

"Maybe he won't. He hasn't told anyone you are his son has he?"

"No, but people know me as his cousin which is bad enough."

Harri could understand that. Lucius Malfoy held too many expectations for too many people, and one day it would all blow up in his face and there would be nothing he could do about it. Harri hoped she would get to see that day soon. She shook these thoughts from her mind, and concentrated on the one thing she and Draco could talk civilly about, Quidditch.

FN: Do you know I had written almost the entire chapter when some of it got deleted? I was so freakin' pissed! *_* I was swearing like a sailor… ^_^; but the important thing is that it's done, despite a few mishaps along the way. What did you think? Severus' reaction was odd wasn't it? Hmm… he's an odd teenager. I still didn't add Ron and Hermione don't worry though, they'll turn up eventually. Personally I don't like Ron. Is just me or is he a useless waste of space? No offense to Ron fans but I don't like he seems boring as hell. I'll be nice to him in this story though. Next chapter: Quidditch! (It's coming I promise.) James, and Severus = bad combination! Lily's a commentator! Neville makes a deal, Ron and Hermione 'show up', and can Draco and Harri's truce last with a Quidditch game on the way?! Ooh… Okay that's all I had to say. Review pretty please? ^_^