Fan Fiction ❯ More Than You Think You Are ❯ These crimes between us grow deeper! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. I do not own Harry Potter, although I wish I did. This is just a fan's dedication. Frankly, I'm not done playing with them yet, dammit! Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, whom we should all thank for her wonderful series. Here, here!

Story Summary: This is more or less an answer to Severitus' challenge. There is a twist I have yet to see anyone write. What if Harry Potter was born a girl, and discovered Severus Snape was her biological father? What if her name wasn't Harry Potter in the first place? Will she accept the truth, or deny her heritage?

AN: Can anyone guess where the story title comes from? (It's an album name from a popular band.) I guess you know by now this going to be a long story. Thanks to the following for reviewing: Alaskantiger - You HATE Draco? (Faints from shock) My Poor Draco-chan! Who knows, maybe I'll change your mind on him. J Lady Lightening - Glad you liked it! Miss Behaving - I like your name, and I'll keep going as long as you keep reviewing. Katrina - Draco is full of surprises. Eugiebear - I will. Hyperbole - I love a Hufflepuff Narcissa too. angel_1215 - Yes, they are both insensitive, and immature: regular teenagers >_<… moi- I updated see! Hannah - I'm psyched too! ^_^ Fire Kitten - I'm very glad you think it's good. Thank you!

More Than You Think You Are

Chapter Seven: These crimes between us grow deeper!

Harri woke happily, despite the early morning's events. She was still a bit tired after her argument with Draco but her mother wanted to have breakfast with her and she was determined to make that happen. Thankfully, both she and Draco had their own personal showers. Harri couldn't fathom having to share a shower with a guy, especially Malfoy. Her days at the Burrow all those summers had shown her exactly how nasty a guy could be sometimes. Ron, Fred, and George really did treat her like one of the guys, and though there were pluses to such treatment, with everything Harri had found a downside. Apparently, leaving the bathroom a mess was not a problem for them, because she was their mate, Harri Potter like another brother to them. She dressed with the clothes the house elves had laid out for her and quickly brushed her hair and teeth. She wanted to look nice for her mother.

Harri found a pretty peasant shirt, a definite trend now. She put it on with a very form fitting pair of hip huggers. She had to admit the clothes were very nice. Maybe she could take a few back home with her after this was over. Harri tried to refrain from thinking with uncertainty about their stay here. They would get home. She was positive of that. Since today was Wednesday, and the headmaster knew her, she hoped she wouldn't get any grief about her choice of clothing. Harri looked at her appearance in the mirror, and at one of the school uniforms. No, it was best that she adhered to the school rules like everyone else. It would be unwise to draw attention to herself.

Harri changed into her uniform, and her Gryffindor crest shone brightly against her sweater. Even if uniform she thought she looked rather attractive. She gathered her textbooks, and headed out to the foyer. Should she knock on Draco's door? It would be rather rude to let him miss classes. Perhaps he had already woken up and was already in the Great Hall. Harri fought the animosity she felt for him at the moment, and knocked on his door. There was no answer, but she wasn't surprised. Maybe he was quiet, and didn't want to talk wit her. Truth be told, Harri wasn't in the mood to talk to him either.

She left her room, wandering down the halls. Finally she made it to the staircase, and descended. The hallways were full, and Harri watched student chat amongst themselves. A few people openly stared at her. She must have looked rather strange to the students. She was 5'9, and she did bear a striking resemblance to James Potter. Thankfully, no one had the audacity to mention any of this. As she entered the hall, she tried her best to politely ignore the obvious stares she was receiving. Her mother's charm was really something special. Although the spell was wearing off incredibly slowly, and Harri wanted to know what she really looked like. Her mother waved her over, and Harri thought the reactions of her friends were priceless. Her godfather looked perplexed, as if he had seen her before somewhere. Nevertheless, he did wink suggestively at her. She had to hold down the bile that threatened to come out. She'd have to squelch that notion out of her godfather's head immediately.

Remus looked interested, and gave her a shy smile. He was very attractive. It was to bad Remus was like an uncle to her. She smiled back. Even when he was younger, he seemed so reserved. When Harri saw Peter she had to hold back her anger. Instinctively, she grabbed for the wand that rested in her robes. Oh, how she wanted to use an Unforgivable on him. There was no honor in holding someone responsible for a crime that they had yet to commit, even if one knew if they were given the option. Lastly, she saw James Potter, the man who had died protecting her mother, a child that was not even his. He gave her an odd look, but continued talking to her mother. Harri sat down next to the seat her mother saved, and smiled at the group.

"Guys, this is Jayda. The cousin I've been telling you about."

"Jayda, this is Sirius, Remus, Peter, and James."

Lily said giving her daughter a knowing look. Jayda had given her an understanding smile, and Lily squeezed her hand lightly. Sirius grabbed Harri's hand and shook it smiling.

"Wow, cool scar. Where'd you get it?"

Sirius asked innocently, pointing to the lightning bolt that was on her forehead. Harri stiffened, but none of them had noticed.

"It's a mark of survival you could say. Like the red badge of courage."


Sirius asked confused by her statement.

"It's a muggle book."

Lily said piping in. She was obviously happy to see that Jayda had been well learned in muggle culture.

"Oh, okay."

"So, how long are you staying at Hogwarts?"

Remus asked, taking a sip of orange juice.

"I'm only to be here for a few weeks."

"Well that's cool I guess. You look very familiar. Have we met before?"

James asked, wiping cream cheese on a bagel. Harri froze. What was this, twenty questions?! She had to be cool though. Harri turned to him, and answered. If by meeting, you men I saw your charred body fall to the ground when I was one.

"No, I think you've got me mixed up with someone else."

"Oh, okay then."

They were silently for a while, and Harri decided to break the ice.

"I must say it is an honor to finally meet all of the Marauders."

Harri said in the direction of the four boys. They exchanged curious glances when one another. Remus was the first one to recover, and say something.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know, the group in which the four of you belong; 'The Marauders.'"

Sirius gave Harri a funny, look leaning in closer to her.

"We don't belong in any group. Who told you that?"

"No one told me. I saw the Marauders Map."

"How do you about the-"

James started, but stopped himself.

"We are not a group that goes around calling themselves the Marauders. If you'd have looked at the map closely, you would have seen that it was titled "The Marauder's Map" which is singular possessive, not plural. I don't know how you got a hold of the map, but if you are a mischief maker then you are welcome to using it for all, shall we say pertinent tasks."

James said coyly, winking at his friends.

"I had no idea. I'm learning so much."

Harri said sincerely. She had always thought the Marauders Map was an exclusive thing only for Moony, Wormtail, Prongs and Padfoot. It was amazing how things got misconstrued over time. Harri got up with her mother, and they headed to class. While they walked, she listened to her mother's description of the classes, and the level of difficulty. Harri assured her mother that she could pretty much handle the course load. When she looked at her schedule however, she became excited immediately. Wait until Hermione heard about this. Not only did they have the regular amount of classes she had been taken during her time, but they had more classes.

Normally, like Ron, Harri would have flinched at the thought of more work, but these classes were sure to fun, if not easy. Apparently, back in the day, students were taught secondary subjects as well. They all seemed to surround a core. Her fist class of the morning was with Slytherins and they would be learning Defense Against the Dark Arts, which had two secondary courses to be taught alongside the main subject. Not only would she learn more of DADA, she would be learning sword fighting, and the martial arts. She briefly wondered if these courses were added because Voldemort would be rising during this decade. Harri didn't bother looking at the professor's name.

Her next main subject class was Charms, and the other courses taught along with that were Enchanting Dance, and Musical Malarkey, which was a belly dancing class which taught students how to entice an adversary into defeat. The music class was more of a forum to discuss how music affects magic. These class, her mother had noted, were normally chosen by girls. The few boys that took the class normally did so to meet girls, and impress them. She and her mother would be having Charms, and its similar subjects with the Ravenclaws. Her mother said this was the best core to get involved in, but of course she partial. Charms was her and favorite subject.

"Jayda, we're here."

Lily said noting the intense thinking her daughter had been doing while they walked to their first class. Harri sighed, and went into the room. All of the teachers had been informed that she and Draco were transfer students which would be staying at Hogwarts for a few weeks. They were to be treated kindly, but were told to avoid favoritism.

"I know that DADA is important, but with the Slytherins?!"

Harri hissed aloud. She looked in the direction of Draco, and Lucius. Draco smirked, but Lucius gave her a hateful sneer. She could smell trouble brewing. Already, she didn't like Malfoy senior. She knew he had something against her, from the moment she spoke to Draco. That was how they normally conversed, but he didn't know, and even if Draco told him, the thought of a girl mouthing off at a Malfoy was ludicrous. She still wondered how such a nice woman like Narcissa could get together with him. It truly boggled the mind.

"My sentiments exactly mate."

Sirius said with a grin. Harri smiled back. He wasn't Ron, but he helping her to not miss her best friends as much. Hermione was a lot like her mother; studious, and fun to be around. Remus was still Remus. He didn't remind her of anyone but himself, but Harri didn't mind. She enjoyed her professor's company.

"Sirius, Jayda!"

Lily reprimanded, but there was smile on her face. They quieted down, and the lesson began. The Professor, a Eugene Westerly was a rather nice man. He was old, but spry for his age. The class went over a few basic defense shield spells. She and Harri already knew them, and when it was time for everyone to partner up, she was paired her mother, and they used their best defenses against each other. It was nice, although Harri knew her mother was going easy on her. This went on for the rest of the class period. She would occasionally glance at the Slytherin tables and see her father complain about being partnered with the elder Goyle. She smirked at the scene. Now he knew how she had felt about being paired up with Malfoy!

"That's it for today. You all are dismissed."

Professor Westerly had said. The students exited the classroom quickly. The majority of them were heading to whatever secondary course they had. Every student was only required to take one course for each main subject class. Harri didn't think Dumbledore would have no problem about allowing her to take as many classes as she wanted since she would not be here for very long. She hadn't finished look at the schedule, but from what her mother said her schedule was identical to Draco's. She really didn't know her mother and her friends could stand taking so many classes with the Slytherins. That really didn't make sense though. There was no way Dumbledore would arrange all of the students at Hogwarts classes just for them. They would probably be taking classes together, just the two of them, and when Slytherin, and Gryffindor had classes together, they could be with their parents.

"I'll see you for Lunch Jayda."

Lily said almost wistfully. Harri nodded; disappointed that she couldn't have more classes with her mother. She kissed her mother's cheek, and watched as her mother caught it up with her friends. Lily had Enchanting Dance, while the rest of the gang, as Harri had dubbed them, were taking a break.

"Hey, Jayda!"

Her mother called out in the middle of the hallway. Harri turned, and looked with interest.

"We've still got Transfiguration, Charms, and Divination together!"

Harri smiled, and waved her mother off happily. She checked her watch. She was already late for sword fighting. At least she knew it was in the same room in which the old dueling club had been in. She tried to shuffle in quietly, but she was already late. Immediately she felt out of place. Everyone staring at her, but she was used to people staring at her rudely. No, she was the only girl in this class. The teacher was male, and the rest of the students were guys that were giving her sneers, pointing, a few of them even laughed. She scowled back evilly as well, and for a brief moment, they all stopped. That action was soon broken by the loud guffaws of Draco Malfoy.

The teacher looked cruel, and brash, but Harri had seen worse living with the Dursleys. She wasn't about to be scared out of the class by mean looking teachers, and jerk off students. She took an available seat on the floor, and conjured a pair of pants for herself. She smirked in triumph at her classmates. The teacher gave her a cold glare, and walked around the large room, looking down at them all.

"My name is Brutus Chaffin. I'll be your sword fighting, and martial arts elective teacher."

He reminded her much of her father, except he was even ruder if possible. Speaking of which, he had chosen to be apart of this club as well. No wonder he was good at dueling. He gave her a questioning glance, but turned his face away. It was now when there was no one talking, and which no faux pas were broken, that Harri could see what a truly handsome man he was. She gave him a wave, despite the fact that Severus wasn't looking in her direction.

"This is a very physical class. Some of you may need to leave now, and find yourself more comfortable in the Enchanting Dance course."

He said with a smug smirk. Harri's green eyes glowed darkly, and scowled at him angrily.

"What are you implying Professor?"

Brutus Chaffin glared at her with anger.

"Are you talking back young lady?!"

Harri shrugged her arms, and yawned lightly. She never had a problem with authority, but she did have a problem with arrogant male egos.

"I was just asking a question sir. Are we going to start class now?"

Chaffin glared at her anyway, but nodded. He looked out at the room, and crossed him arms.

"How many of you have had experience with a sword?"

Quite a few hands shot up. Since Harri was the only girl, and her hand was not raised, this of course brought attention to her. She glared at the boys, angered by their sexist attitudes.

"I may not have much experience with a sword, but when I did strike my enemy was down for the count, forever."

Harri said icily, ignoring the snide remarks of her classmates. It was true that she was not as experienced as her classmates, who were all purebloods with access to numerous weapons. The summer after second year, Dumbledore offered to train her in the art of sword fighting, and she herself trained alone while learning the martial arts. She was hoping this would be the perfect opportunity to enhance her skills. Although the way he was acting, didn't leave her very hopeful. Chaffin looked at her with amusement. She looked to skinny to do any damage to anyone. Since she wanted to be treated like the rest of the class, he'd see to that she was.

"Well, Ms. Panes, since you seem so adamant in proving yourself, how about a demonstration, hmm? Or are you not quite ready?"

He asked with mirth.

"You're on Professor. Although, when I have won, I do hope you'll be apologizing with humility."

Harri said coolly.

"Why would I do that?"

"Perhaps because you have only asked me to prove myself, while the rest of the class does not have to do so. No matter, because when I have done so, you'll all be humbled for your rude behavior."

Normally, Harri would have never spoken to a teacher like that, but this man was an exception. He obviously felt girls were not able to do the things that boys did. This was the 70's and women's liberation was being born. It was time to show this jackass that she could get kick as much ass as the next guy.

"We shall see Ms. Panes."

"Who is to be my partner?"

Harri asked, while standing up. She took off her robes, charming a fencing outfit, with the Gryffindor crest. Harri pulled her hair into a ponytail, and stood waiting as her instructor went down the aisle for a good opponent. She filed her nails as they did so, quite unsatisfied with the class so far. Draco, Lucius, and Severus watched as she sat there, doing nothing waiting for Chaffin to call a student up. He obviously wanted to humiliate her, but in Severus' opinion she seemed very sure of herself.

There was something strange about Jayda Panes that Severus had been unable to place so far. He loved puzzles, and Lily's daughter was definitely an enigma. Even though it was obvious to everyone there that she was unwanted and would have to fight her way in, she didn't seem to care. He didn't know if that was the traditional Gryffindor courage, or pure stupidity. Yet in DADA, she had proved herself to be very intelligent like her mother. She was also beautiful like her as well. That was another thing about her he found abnormal. The males in the room would agree she was very attractive. Lucius himself had said so, even though he disliked her already. She neither didn't notice nor cared because she seemed oblivious to the stares that were coming her way.

Severus wondered why he did not find her attractive in that sense. Even the younger Malfoy would concede she was strikingly pretty. He could tell from the way they spoke to each other, behind the thickly laced hate, there was something else lying dormant. Yet, why did he feel nothing at all? Any other pretty girl could walk by and he'd feel something, even if it were the tiniest bit. With this girl, he felt absolutely nothing. He was going to find out why she was withholding information. He knew Draco was that as well, but she held a deeper secret, and somehow Severus had a feeling it involved many people, and it wasn't good. What else would prevent her from not telling them anything about her father, or her family life? When it was brought up, she had been evasive, and aloof. The Obliviate spell would be performed on them anyway. She must have really been scared to let them know something, but what was that something?

"Hey Severus, how about my sonny boy duels her?"

Lucius whispered breaking Severus away from his reverie. He gave Lucius a sour look, not caring either way.

"Whatever, I don't really care."

Severus answered distractedly running a hand though his hair. It was a little long, and needed cutting. He didn't mind the grease, but to other people were put off by it.

"Mr. Hollings has volunteered himself?"

Chaffin said, causing Harri to lift her head from her nails. She threw the file away, slightly bothered by the fact she had been doing something so girly. Usually, she didn't care whether her nails were field or not. Was she turning into a really fussy girl like Pansy, or something? No, it couldn't be. She was bored, and it had given her something to do. Harri smirked, and put the white dueling gloves on. She deftly caught the sword Chaffin had threw to her, and stood in front of Draco. He glared at her, and Harri smirked. This was going to be fun. She thought. Both those Malfoys needed to be taken down a peg. They bowed to one another, but for Draco it was more of a curt nod.

Harri stood in a defensive position, and Draco circled her. Draco charged swiftly, giving her a rather weak attack she could easily avoid. Testing the waters had been a big mistake for him. Already he had left himself an opening, and Harri went for it. They exchanged blows, each trying to one up the other. Pretty soon, cheering began for Harri when she had found the upper hand. Harri frowned behind her mask. Leave it to a bunch of guys to cheer for the person winning, temporarily forgetting I'm the one they hate. Draco managed to set himself on equal ground again, and began to swipe at one another.

The cheers had gotten so loud, that some of the students from the hallway came in to see the duel. Even a few teachers had wanted to see what all of the hubbub was about. After about twenty minutes the room was standing only, and was extremely crowded with fourth years on up, including the teachers. Harri thought she heard her mother's voice, but she needed to concentrate. She could hear what she thought was Sirius cheering.

Draco side swiped her, sending to the floor. When she looked at him, somehow she could tell he was laughing, or smirking at least. Harri stood up, and charged him, this time being sure to go for the kill shot. He couldn't actually be killed or anything, but it would render him defenseless. Harri would have to thank Dumbledore when they returned to their proper time. Even though she knew she had learned purely for defense against her eventual battle with Voldemort, she like sword play in general.

Draco was knocked to the ground gripping his throat where the handle of her sword had hit him. Harri walked over to him, and offered him her hand. He declined it, and pushed her away from him. Harri struggled with getting the mask off, and when she finally had done so everyone watched who had been the girl fighting. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders, and she shook it free. Draco despite his anger, and his reasoning, found her very alluring at the moment. He wanted to move that annoying hair that never fell in pla- He shuddered, stopping himself from even thinking like that.

"You didn't have to be a jerk about it Hollings!"

"You cheated, you Gryffindork!"

Draco yelled, becoming explosively angry. His anger did nothing but fueled Harri's ire.

"What's the problem Hollings? Got a problem losing to girls?!"

Harri sneered, ignoring the crowd. They both seemed unaware to the fact that their parents were present.

"Will you just shut up?! You make me so fucking sick!"

"Is that so?! Well it is your fault we're here, you insensitive bastard!"

"How dare you talk to me like that you frigid bitch!"

Draco spat back.

"What kind of mother would want you as their daughter? You're not even pretty. Nope you're too tall, too boyish, too ugly, and dare I say, know-it-all?"

The students and teachers watched as the argument continued, but no one bothered intervening.

"Aren't you going to do something?!"

Severus asked the teacher. He shook his head no, very content with watching the spat. Chaffin said nothing, but smiled grimly aty the scene. This man obviously saw pleasure in the arguments of others. It was rather disturbing. Severus didn't like the way things were going, but there was nothing he could do. He was glad Lily was not present to se any of this. After all of the gushing she had done about her daughter, he knew she'd hate to see her arguing with Lucius' son.

"I don't care what you think! You know why, because I HATE YOU!"

Harri yelled grabbing her robes, and storming off. She was so angry; she doubted if even her mother could cool her off. She didn't even bother looking at the teachers. Draco looked at her with shock. Once again, Harri was privy to that odd shine in his eyes, when his face faltered, and the walls were broken down. Just as quickly however, they were back up again, and he sneered at her, bending down so that they were eye level. The sea of students spread, giving her plenty of room to walk out. She gave her mother an apologetic glance, before storming off. No one bothered to follow. Severus looked down the hall she had walked down intent on following her. She definitely didn't get that attitude from Lily.


Lucius Malfoy was the second banana to Lord Voldemort. He was his Lord's right-hand man. He had to be sure to keep his face covered by his dark cloak. He could not afford being spotted. After picking up a few requested items from Knock Turn Alley, he was on his way to his master's lair. Many times Lucius had offered his home to be of use to his mater, but he had been denied. The master had said it would be unwise for him to stay there when on its Lucius Malfoy was not a Death Eater. There was speculation of course, and everyone knew he was a dark wizard, few knew he was actually a Death Eater.

"What have your learned Lucius?"

Voldemort said his voice low and scratchy.

"I am beginning to believe Severus is not as loyal as he seems Master."

"I am aware of such things. Severus will be dealt with accordingly. I need him to win."

"Of course master. I apologize."

Lucius stood next to his master, looking at him for approval. He had spoken out of turn, and yet his master did not punish him. Perhaps he had become even more favorable in his Lord's eyes. Ever since he had told Voldemort of his son's disappearance with Potter, he had been rewarded for such knowledge. Though Draco had yet to receive the dark mark, once his son had proven his worthiness to be in a Death Eater, he would be inducted. The dark seal was invisible, and was not placed on any children of Death Eaters, until they had proven themselves worthy. If any child failed to do so, then they were to be exterminated.

It was a harsh punishment, but every Death Eater parent knew the consequences of joining, and more than likely, if they were willing to join the Dark Side, then they could care less about their child's welfare. Why was Severus so essential to his Lord's rise? Yes the man was intelligent, and was a genius when it came to brewing potions, but why did his Lord need him so much. Lucius was going to find out why he was so valuable and then use to his own advantage. There definitely something going on with Severus, and he aimed to find out what it was. He hadn't been called to any meetings lately, and when he had spoken to Severus before he seemed withdrawn.

Severus anti-social skills was something he had gotten used to ever since their days at Hogwarts together. He would need to check up on him and perhaps pay another visit to the school. As long as they hadn't screwed around with the future or the past, he didn't mind. Draco could get much needed information that he could relay to Voldemort. Whatever placed they traveled to, he knew (though he'd never openly admit it) that Potter was smart enough not to play around with time. Lucius excused himself from his master's presence, and headed towards Malfoy Manor. After he changed out of his Death Eater's uniform, he apparated as close as he could get to Hogwarts and walked the rest of the way. Severus and he had been long overdue for a chat.


Neville Longbottom was both tired, and shocked. He had not expected to be roaming the halls earlier that morning, or discovering that his good friend Harri, the girl that had helped him on so many occasions was his Potions Master's daughter. It was just all so confusing. Harri had always stood up for him when others picked on him in his earlier days at Hogwarts. She had been a good friend, and on a few occasions she had even saved his life. Harri was so kind, and polite. She was thoughtful, and friendly, so how could she be Snape's kid? She had even known she was his daughter, yet she didn't even tell her best friends. He supposed she had her reasons. If he were related to Snape he'd have kept it a secret as well. When Ron and Hermione had heard that, they were very distressed. Then again, maybe Harri hadn't known for very long. He wasn't going to judge her though. She was still Harri Potter a friend to the lucky bloke's that knew her.

Neville absently stirred his peas, deep in thought. He was completely oblivious to the students around him. Hermione and Ron were nowhere to be seen, and he would have liked to talk to them about what they could do next. Though he had grown out of his timidity he was still shy sometimes. He decided against going to search for those two. They probably wanted to be alone anyway. Gathering up the Gryffindor courage, Neville headed to the dorms. He was going to get that cloak, and dig up some information on time traveling, in the restricted section.

He walked the halls with a purpose. The future was on the line, and they needed to bring them home. Draco Malfoy had tried his best to make Neville have an unpleasant time at the school. Ridicule was too childish now. Things had once resorted to violence. Neville disliked Draco, but also felt sorry for him as well. Draco was the son of Lucius Malfoy, and he had heard enough about the Malfoys cruel behavior from his Gram. Stealing the cloak would be rather easy, because Ron didn't carry it with him, and it was inside Harri's locked trunk. Getting into the girl's dorms unnoticed was another story.

He tip toed upstairs, hoping the girls on Harri's floor would be either asleep or not there. Thankfully, the floor in which Harri's dorm was located was empty. Neville muttered a quick spell, and doors were opened. He walked in silently, wishing he could have mastered the invisibility spell. Luckily, there was no one in the room, and he was able to move about freely. Which one was Harri's bed? Neville looked at each of the trunks, and finally found 'H. Potter." He opened the trunk feeling guilty all the while. It was to help Harri he had told himself, memorizing the mantra. He brushed some of the more personal items aside, and still had not found the cloak. He placed his hand down against the floor of the trunk, and felt the cloth. He had to give it to Harri. She had it hidden by facing the cloak's invisible lining, so that if anyone went through her belonging's it would appear as if the cloak was not there at all.

Neville folded the cloak, and headed towards the library. It was the middle of the day, but he hid his cloak in his bag, he could sneak into the restricted section. It was not very crowded, but there enough people to make him wish to proceed with caution. There no Gryffindors in the vicinity, which meant no one would be able to give him an alibi if he were caught.

"Well, I just can't get caught then."

Neville said aloud. Neville walked through the aisles, silently, hoping he was neither seen nor heard from. The section usually deserted was the history of magic aisles. It would be the perfect place if he could just find somewhere to hide his bag, and lurk around the restricted area. There had to be books of some kind about time travel that could help him save his friend. Right about now he could sure use Hermione and Ron's help. Neville rounded a corner, and ran smack dab into the twin terrors as he had secretly called them. Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle. They stared at him with contempt, and he did the same.

"What are you doing hiding around Longbottom?"

Goyle snickered, wiggling his eyebrows. Neville sighed dejectedly. It was going to be a very long day.

FN: I tell you those kids are so stubborn, and dense. >_< (Proceeds to smack sense into Harri and Draco.) In the next chapter: Quidditch practice! Snape, Remus, and Sirius think they've discovered something. Draco learns about his mother, and begins to think differently about his father. Severus comforts Harri! Where were Ron and Hermione? Thanks for reading so far, and don't forget to review, okay? Thanks!