Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter Seven
By: Echan2
Warning: And it keeps growing- SO MUCH DRAMA!
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Tetsuya Nomura and Square-Enix, okay? Well, it is slowly coming along. I noticed that while I am using the lyrics, they're ending shortly. So, I'm going to insert some more Evanescence lyrics. ^^ That shall work out nicely... I hope. Ya'll are surely enjoying this story greatly. :):):):) THANK YOU! I write it only for my readers because they are truly the inspirationers I need. XOXOXO

"I tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone.
But though you're still with me,
I've been alone all along."--- Evanescence

Lunchtime rolled around and I stood in line, really concentrating on eating something of my mom's right now. My stomach growled at the loss of not finishing that okonomiyaki the other night. Kairi was in front of me and Selphie behind me, so the continuous giggling and squealing was kinda getting on my nerves. Remembering the breathing exercises, I got my tray and allowed the lunch lady to plop something gray and brown on it. I THINK it's supposed to be some sort of meat. Skipping the vegetables and going to the rolls, I picked up one, then a fizzy drink, and paid for my 'lunch'. I was going towards the usual table were all of my friends and I sit, only to see something catch my eye. Kairi was talking to Riku in front of our table, all red and giggly. I don't know why, but it made me upset and mad. I caught Riku watching me and he gave me a toothy grin.

"... sure. I'll do it."

I was confused. Do what?

He walked off leisurely, leaving Kairi breathless. "I can't believe it...! HE SAID YES, SORA!!! Is that great or what?!," she shrieked, looking like a misguided bird caught in a whirlwind. "Yes to what?" "The dance! The October Dusk dance. Remember? A local band called Broken Kingdom is going to perform. Riku's the lead singer and guitarist." I DID forget about the dance. We celebrate it every year, but I always thought of it as a nothing but where people move up and down each other, getting sweaty and almost having sex right there on the floor. With Riku and his band playing... I might lose myself. Kairi kept on talking, but something caught my attention."... he's so nice and he also said he'd be my date!" That's when my stomach lurched, causing me to see everything in a haze. He was... taking Kairi?

But, what about me?

"Sora? sora, are you okay? ... hmp, well, whenever you get out of la-la land, come eat with us okay?" Kairi skipped away, leaving me gaping at her and anger swelling within me now. This isn't right. Why is Riku acting like this? Why? I felt something crush into the palm of my hands. I didn't realize I was clutching at my lunch tray so tightly...

I didn't mean to, but I skipped the rest of school sitting outside in the garden. The breeze lifted the hair off the nape of my neck, tossing it carelessly. I was sitting on the green grass, knees up to my chest, hugging them. I felt betrayed and lonely now. Is broken love supposed to make a person feel like this? I felt my eyes sting, quickly, I rubbed them, trying not to cry. I didn't know I was falling IN love with him... that's why I never played around with it. I've seen too many people get hurt because of love and I didn't want to be a victim to its gripping claws. I pulled on my khakis and stared down at my bright blue, plaid shirt with a dark navy one underneath. I looked... preppy. Normal... not like Riku. I was bright and clean, not dark and grungy. I was the total opposite of him. I touched my face and then my lips. I let him touch me in no ways that no one ever has. He kissed me, stroked me, and took me. I heard footsteps behind me, and I stilled. I had an idea who the hell it was. "What do you want?," I asked miserably. "You weren't in fifth period. I was sent to get you... what's wrong with you, Sora?," came the smooth, calm reply. It was seriously pissing me off now. I stood up fastly, turning on Riku, who stood there with his white hands in his pockets. "You know good damn well what's wrong with me!," I hissed at him, my hands curling into fists. His cool aqua eyes stayed mutal. "Do I? Or do I detect the hint of jealousy?," Riku pondered, a faint smile gracing his face.

I growled. "Are you playing with me or something?! I'm not really appreciating this, Riku. I thought-" What he did next made almost throw up. He threw back his head and let out a laugh like a rough bark. "Sora. Pretty, pretty Sora... did you actually think I would let you go that easily? My dear, you are so gullible. Kairi simply-" I reached forward and punched him in the face. Hard. "SO WHAT THE FUCK AM I? A ONE-NIGHT PLEASURE THAT TURNED INTO YOUR WHORE?!!," I roared, shaking like a leaf. Riku's face was now a shade whiter than his face. Slowly, a dark red mark were I punched on his cheek started to appear and he glared at me with such icy eyes that I felt my shaking deepen and I shrunk back. His mouth was set along with his jaw and now it looked like he meant business. "Why did you do that?," Riku asked calmly, barely a whisper. I tried to act brave. "B-because you deserved it!," came out of my mouth, stuttering. Riku drew in a breath and the next thing I knew, he had tackled me to the ground, wrestling with me. I tried to get on top, so he wouldn't have the advantage. With much struggling, crying, and hits-

I ended pinned beneath him as always.

We were both breathing hard, gleaming with sweat in the sunlight. A cloud passed over as we stared at each other. We were both dirty, I imagine. His eyes... I had to turn my head around; I didn't want to see it. It made me feel bad. "Oh, no. You are NOT hiding from me, Sora! You will not hide from me," Riku growled, grabbing my face. "Open those pretty eyes for me, Sora. I want to see those endless blue eyes that made me attracted to you. That saved me that one afternoon," I heard him whisper huskily, stroking my face. I was trembling, flushed. He was getting me into a corner, trapping me and making feel embarrassed. I opened them to him willingly and slowly. "How inticing, kitten," Riku purred and leaned forward, licking at my lips. I felt that familiar pull of fire in my groin. I could feel Riku erection pressing into my thigh, only to make me feel turned on more. Here we are at school, in the outdoor classroom, Riku putting moves on me...

how wrong is this?!!
regular POV

The silver-haired boy stopped his actions and sat up, straddling Sora's hips. Crossing his arms over his chest, Riku stared down at the teen underneath him. "Exactly what is your problem today? Last night was great. More than great- it was incredible. Now, you're moody and having a problem with Kairi. She's a nice girl- ditzy- but a nice girl. Are you possesive, Sora?," Riku asked, almost teasingly. Sora struggled to get up at the comment, but Riku pushed him back down. "I like it when you're on your back... now, answer the question. Please." The boy was quiet, shame filling his azure eyes. Here he was on his back, Riku straddling him, looking like he conqured a foreign land. How humiliating. What if someone came by and saw them like this?!?!! Sora squirmed, blushing more. "Come on, Sora. The quicker you answer, the quicker it is for you to scamper back into the school." "SCAMPER?! What the hell?!," shouted Sora, furious. Riku chuckled deeply, his eyes blazing. "I love it when you're angry." Patience was wearing Sora thin now. "Okay- yes, I might be... I just don't like the idea of Kairi-"


"...taking you... to the dance."

Riku blinked, trying hard not to laugh. "Is THAT what the problem is, kitten?" Sora nodded, his whole face now tomato red. "Yes." Riku fell over, laughing hysterically now. "Y-you think that... ME and KAIRI?!! THAT'S funny! Gods, Sora, I thought you'd have better sense than that! I would never let anyone replace you, kitten. Not by a second, as long as there is a breath in me," Riku stated, calming down and being serious. His face was peaceful and smiling geniunely. Sora sat up, hugging himself. "You say that as though we've been together decades," Sora said softly, feeling his heart beat wildly. Riku smiled and reached for the boy, embracing him tightly. "That's what it feels like. No one can take you away from me. You're mine and I yours. Don't think that for a second," he murmured, rubbing his face in the wild, oak brown hair. Breathing a sigh a relief, the boy leaned against Riku, hearing his heartbeat around his ears, pumping madly. 'He means it. He really does.' Sora encircled his arms around Riku's neck and brought him closer. "You won't leave, will you?" A small chuckle reached his ears. "Of course not. Believe me." Some moments past, until standing up, Riku walked backwards some and reached out with his right hand, as if an offering. [1] Sora grinned and and took the hand, the two going back inside the building. Riku stopped and smiled down at Sora. He took his face in his large hands and kissed him tenderly, nibbling at his lips. Sora felt his knees buckle slightly as their tonuges entwined, the lightest of touches and swipes. Parting, Sora's eyes were shinning, as well as Riku's "Never doubt me, Sora."
Sora POV

So, I guess everything is okay now... he told me that Kairi had asked him to perform at the dance with his band, Broken Kingdom. He's lead singer and guitarist. But, here's the thing- Kairi THOUGHT Riku was going to be her date. She must've not heard properly. And he was going to kindly decline her offer in sixth period, the last class of today- Art. I sat at my easel with this new kid, Zidane Tribal and this moody guy named Vincent Valentine. Zidane was a talker, but really nice, with sandy blonde hair tied in a loose ponytail and mellow blue eyes that danced when he laughed. And he had a tail... please, don't ask me why. Vincent had long, ebony hair that reached to his thighs and hazel-red eyes that stood out from behind his bangs. He liked the colors red, black, and gray a lot; that's what he wore. Zidane wore blue, aqua, brown, and green. Very natural colors. I glanced up at Riku, who was absently chatting with Kairi, who was acting all girly. She never did with me, and Selphie swore up and down she liked me since kindergarden. Shaking my head, I finished up my charcol picture of a girl surrounded by lilies near a river. I don't know where the idea to draw her came from, but I think it was from when I was walking home the other day in the rain was when I saw this 18 year old wearing a skimpy white shirt and blue jeans with a faded sky blue side-skirt under a light pink umbrella. Her hair must've been long- it was wrapped up in a pink wrap and some of the strands hung from the bottom, a mix of honey brown, blonde, and dark brown. I think, and this is what Tidus told me, her name was Yuna, and he was madly in love with her, even though he was fifteen. Plus, what's with these new people coming to Destiny Island? I dunno...

Shaking my head, I finished her face and sat back, marveling at my work. I heard then Kairi gasp and her muffled cries as she fled from the room. [2] I stared after her as Selphie and Rinoa followed behind her. Riku stood at Kairi's easel, looking embarrassed and a bit sad. I walked over. "So... I guess she didn't take it well." He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Guess not." Our substitute art teacher was named Tifa Lockheart and so far, she was doing a really cool job. She's really nice and helps everybody. But she looked sad today. I went up to her. "What's wrong?," I asked. Her ruby eyes were welling up with tears. "I'm... going to have to resign. Your orginal teacher is coming back tomorrow." My blood ran cold. I completely forgot about Mr. Ansem! I didn't even tell my folks about what happened that day. "A-are you s-sure?," I stammered, clutching at my neck. She nodded, dark chocolate brown hair falling in her eyes. "Yes. I'm sorry, Sora." I suddenly did something I've never done before:

I ran.

[1] got that idea from the opening sequence from the first game. ^^
[2] hee-hee! I lurve Kairi bashing...!

Soooo, whaddya think? Ansem coming back?! Yes, he is. I wanted to please my people. ^_^ Harry Potter's coming out soon!!! I'm SO excited! How about ya'll?!?!! Plus, Peter Pan comes out on DVD tomorrow! Plus, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King comes out on DVD the 25th- ARAGORN! SEXY MAN!!! A lot of good movies are popping up- make sure you see them! Review nicely!
- Echan2 ^_~