Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 8

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter Eight
By: Echan2
Warning: a little Riku POV going on
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Tetsuya Nomura and Square-Enix, okay? There's some Riku loving in this here chapter- we learn of his life and family a little. And, yes, the person ya'll are dreading is coming back and methinks Sora's not going to be a happy camper. Ah, tormented love... poor Riku!!! What'll he do? ... dunno yet. :):):) Just playing. Review nicely and happy reading!

"Now I will tell you what I've done for you.
Fifty thousand tears I've cried.
Screaming, decieving, and bleeding for you.
But you,
still won't hear me..." --- Evanescence

I can't believe I ran. Me, Sora- I've never ran from anything or anybody. If it was a problem I couldn't handle, I still went for it to solve it out. What's wrong with me?! I ran out of that classroom as fast as I could, my body numb and cold. I heard footsteps behind me, so I slowed some, but those arms got me and I was rammed into a hard and sturdy chest. "Sora! Stop shaking, please?! You're scaring me!" I couldn't help it, though. No matter how hard he was trying to soothe me, it wasn't working. I was terrified of the man that was coming back and I didn't appreciate it. Not one damn bit. I wrapped my arms around Riku and let out a shaky breath, tears smarting my eyes. "Make him go away," I moaned pitiously, rubbing my face in his shoulder. The grip he had on me tightened, and I could feel his breath next to my ear. "I'll protect you. Remember what I said?" I nodded, not wanting to leave him. All the things in the world couldn't compare to Ansem. What if he... came back for me? And did more? You know, finished the job? The thought made me want to throw up. I pulled back from Riku, and I knew my eyes were wet. "Thanks..." Riku's eyebrows came down, frowing, and he gently pulled me back to him. He kissed me softly, almost cautious. I opened my eyes to him, seeing Riku almost look like he was in pain.

I broke the sweet kiss. "What's wrong?" He shook his silvery head. "Nothing. Go back to class. I'll join up with you later, 'kay?," Riku whispered lowly. I nodded some, not really understanding what was wrong with him. I walked back to Ms. Lockheart's room and shut the door quietly.
Riku POV [about time, huh?]

I can't believe it.

I can't fucking believe it...

The one person that I want to protect I can't because some dickhead's in the way. What the hell? Okay, I'm one of extreme patience, but if someone pisses me off, I'll go and bust heads. I never really got a chance to tell you my 'lifestyle'. Aside from being a year older than Sora- he's sixteen- and my clothing choices lean toward the punk style of fashion, I'm not really all that bad. I come from a normal-looking house with normal-looking parents and a sister whose in college and that I can't really stand. She tried to hook me up with some of her friends, but I scared them off. Heh... Everything inside the house is clean and polished with the most beautiful furniture and appliances Gil can buy, but I don't know my parents anymore and they don't know me either. I changed the way I used to be because of different reasons; 1- too many memories of being alone, 2- no attention, 3- no one appreciated my different ideas about life, music, art, talking, or rather much, relationships. Being 'bi' isn't a crime, nor is it a privilege. It's just who I am. [1] If I feel something for the opposite sex or the same, I just go with it. However, with Sora now, I feel... I don't know... utterly at peace with myself. Sora helped me, even if he still doesn't know it.

My sister's name is Lynne and she's a prima donna, flirting with any guy, smart, sly and coniving, and gets what she wants- basically a big spoiled brat that needs PLENTY of whippings (though I don't know if it'll do her any good NOW). Tall, curvy, silver-haired with some bleach blonde and slanted almond-colored eyes, she is rather a killer-looking babe. Her skin is dark like my father's. She got the eyes and hair from him too, but the blonde comes from my mother. Her name is Yuki, and from what I can remember, she was my hero. Loving hands, gentle, warm smile and always there for me. Her hair reached her bottom and her eyes were large and deep green like the ocean that reflected off of her porclean white skin. That's where I get my eyes and skin from, plus that same smile we both have- slow and lazy. After the unaccountable fights I got in middle school, she couldn't help me anymore and I tended to myself without her. I think I might've hurt my mom in someways unexplainable that I couldn't see... don't really know if I regret it. My father's name is Stance and he's one of the meanest men I have ever met in my life. At least, to me he is. He treats everyone else like they're gold and I'm an unprecious stone. He's rather built and tall, overpowering. I can't remember the countless yelling and fist fights we've had in that house. The walls would shake and something would break. Mother would scream for him to stop and Lynne would be listening to her pop music, but all the while(she told me this later) tears would be streaming down her face, her heart thundering against her chest.

Mother couldn't stand it. Her heart is very fragile so now we're careful. I hole myself up in my room, earphones on, listening to anything that I could get my hands on that was metal, hard rock, and punk. I've been quite addictive some to a band called "Evanescence" from the other side of the island. [2] My room has been painted from ocean blue to smoky gray with camo covers on my bed, a drum set stuck in one corner, guitars in the other, amps and stereo equipment strewn over the dark green carpet along with music sheets, dirty and clean clothes, shoes, CD's, DVD's, pencils and pens, and the occasional plates of half-eaten food. There is nothing bright in my room. The only thing that stands out is the drum set because it's been painted to a bright, blood-red color. Very sweet... Posters of heavy metal bands, singer, and sadistic and vulgar messages on some of my posters like, "I'm here and you're not, dickweed", "Things in life get harder- suck it up", "Blow me", and my personal favorite, "I see idiots around me and you're one of them." I'm such a bastard, aren't I?

Anyway, with Sora, I'm starting to see things maybe a little better. He's opened up emotions in me I thought I had lost a long time ago. His body fits against mine so perfectly like a glove and he's so tender, sweet, and the complete opposite of me. I thought of him like one of His angels that embraces the sunlight and the good feelings in the world. I thought of myself as a fallen angel that clings the darkness and the opressed pains. The night that I was planning to kill myself was perfect- I was going to strip down to my black jeans, fill the tub up with cold water, slit my wrists and then the sides of my neck, then climb in for a peacful, icy cold sleep of eternity... ah, didn't that sound absolutetly wonderful? Then, I met him. Care-free, innocent, bursting with energy, and down-to-earth cute. He captivated me. So, the idea dropped from my head the thought of suicide and I decided to give Sora a chance and myself. Now, the whole 'Ansem' thing is going to stop. The moment I saw that mother fucker's hands on MY Sora, I lost it and started punching the shit out of him as hard as I could- which is a lot. He ran off, Sora on the floor, fainting completely. Nothing was reported against me, and no one knew where he ran off to. What a pussy. He made me laugh. Ansem didn't seem very strong and he really didn't put up a fight. He doesn't scare me, but he scares my Sora. What a prick he is. Sora is now very precious to me and I refuse to allow someone to take him away from me, not now, not ever.

Now, I ponder and wait. What next to do to ensure the light of my dark world stays alive and lit? I must be with him. I walked down the hallway towards the exit doors and an idea popped in my head. "She'll know what to do!," I said to myself, a light smile on my face. I knew exactly what to do now.

I knocked on the wooded door, praying that she was home. I waited, glancing at her yard. It was kept very nicely with rich green grass and endless rows of yellow daffodils and pink carnations. [3] The woman living here adored gardening and took it seriously. The door opened fully, revealing a rather... well, lovely sight. I felt my mouth drop. I had seen her before, but not long enough to stand and stared at her for a long time. The woman smiled. "Riku, it's nice to see you again. School let out?" I nodded, silent, still radiated by her beauty- not as beautiful as my Sora, but close enough. Aerith giggled and closed my mouth. "You'll catch flies that way, honey. Do you want to come in?" I nodded again and followed her in. Aerith was wearing a soft, white, flannel shawl over her light pink spring dress that had a full skirt. She was also barefoot. Cool. Her long, oak brown hair was pulled up in a bun with curls falling around her face. She lead me to the patio out back where there was lemonade and her gardening tools were out. "I was planting a papou tree. Cloud's rather taken by the fruit on your part of the island, so I decided to get a tree for him. Now... want to tell me what's wrong?," she questioned lightly, handing me a glass, her gaze gentle. I took the cool glass and stared down into it.

"I need to learn how to do something."

"What is it?"


"Honey, you're going to have to tell me. Is it something about Sora?"

I nodded, clutching at my glass. "I want to protect him better, but not get in trouble at the same time." Aerith sighed and grew silent. She knew what I was asking. Several people called her a witch and a mistress of the dark arts of spell-casting. Others called her a servant of nature, loving everything that had a soul and a purpose, a wiccan. They came to her for help, even though technology ruled everything nowadays. "I can't GIVE you the magic you need, Riku, and you know of this," Aerith explained, her voice flowing like music. I nodded again and took a sip of the lemonade. "I'm a healer, but I do know somethings that can help you. You just have to learn it yourself, understand?," she asked, green eyes staring down at me. I spoke. "I do. When can I start?" Aerith tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Tomorrow after school. However, I sense a great disturbance in your mind. He's coming back tomorrow, isn't he?" I gripped the tabletop tightly, gritting my teeth. "Hell yes." The healer grew quiet and she stood, the sunlight gracing her features. "I maybe able to teach you one thing that can help Sora tonight. How long can you stay?"

"Until nine at the least."

"Hm... that's enough time. Do you wish to start now?"

"YES! I don't care! Now is great!"

Aerith smiled prettily and pushed back some stray hair. "Such an enthusiastic child you are to protect someone you love!" I blushed some, fiddiling with my wristbands, the studs glittering in the light. "I'm teasing! Well, let's go down into the basement. Can't be too careful."

[1] angst is my favorite emotion
[2] hee... I had to put them in here. They live on the the side of the island is my saying of them living on the other side of the country. ^^
[3] yellow+pink= Aerith and Cloud :):):):)

Sorry for the long chapter, people. My mother had put me on restriction becasue of exams. Arrgg...! >:( They are SOOOO evil! School let out last Friday, so I'm free!!! Until I get my report card, then we can all panic. Sorry for not putting anything juicy in here, but I'll try later.
- Echan2 ^_~