Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 10

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter Ten
By: Echan2
Warning: @__@ - that's all I'm saying.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Tetsuya Nomura and Square-Enix, okay? Oh, nelly, summer is so kick ass this year, ya'll. Harry Potter, cookouts, trips to MediaPlay, Harry Potter, catching up on swimming, re-playing old Final Fantasy games, Harry Potter, taking care of my horse, getting paid to clean, Harry Potter... 'nuff said, right? Riiiiiiggggghhhhhttt... anywho, review nicely, please? I'm so in love with this story! You guys are awesome! Especially Lain24, inumoon3, GirTheCatGirl, and Hotsummer Yami for sticking with me through this whole arc. I LURVE YOU GUYS! Oh yeah, something funny- my PS2 is completely DEAD.

"I'm going under,
Drowning in you,
I'm falling forever,
I've got to break through,
I'm going under."--- Evanescence
regular POV

The next was bleak, dreary, and totally gray. Everywhere there were puddles, drenched tree leaves, and unhappy flowers that did not receive any sunlight. The mood matched the students at the high school. Sora was bored in Geometry, trying to figure out triangles. Kairi was decked out in bright orange and hot pink, trying to be the merry-looking one in the classroom. Her hair was pulled up on the sides with blazing pink hair bows, contrasting against her dark maroon head. She wore a flowy orange skirt with words scrawled in red, saying, "Cutie". Her shirt with a hot pink tank top with a bit TOO low cut and a sparkling, red star choker around her neck. She was quite distant with Sora and Riku. She would glare at Riku with venom in her dark-blue eyes. He would simply ignore her, though. Apparently, she was still mad about him cutting off their 'date'. The silver-haired teen was calmly twirling his pencil between his fingers, sitting back in his chair, boots up on his desktop. All the girls were staring at him dreamily, blushes on their faces and stars in their love-stricken eyes. Sora, however, was getting irked. How DARE they stare at Riku like that!!! He was slowly dragging his pencil down his paper, his frown getting bigger and his anger as well. Riku noticed this and grinned wolfishly. Sora looked awfully cute today.

His sable hair was messy as usual, fluffy and soft to the touch. He wore a dark green shirt with wave designs in different greens with blue jeans that hugged his hips and bottom, baggy towards the end, meeting his large, yellow sneakers. A black wristband with a soccer ball on it and a light, silver chain necklace were his accessories that suited him well. Riku kept staring at him and the necklace hard until he heard his teacher's throat clearing. "Riku, perhaps you would like to tell me why you are sitting like that and WHAT you are staring at?," she asked, glaring at him with pale violet eyes. The punk glanced at her and sat down properly and said smugly, "No one in particular," he said lowly, making the girls sigh longingly, admiring his voice. The teacher, Mrs. Kazou, folded her arms across her rather busty chest, glaring ice daggers at her student. "I believe you were- SORA!!! QUIT VANDALIZING SCHOOL PROPERTY!" Sora blinked, not realizing that his dragging caused him to go through his paper clean through. Most students snickered, Kairi smiling rather vainly. Sora blushed some and dropped his pencil, hands folded in his lap. Mrs. Kazou sighed deeply, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "What am I going to do with you...? Stand outside, please, Sora." The boy nodded and silently walked out, keeping his eyes on the floor, not looking at anyone, including Riku.

Sora closed the door and stared out in the clean, glittering hallways that were just cleaned by the janitors. He sighed deeply in his chest and sat down on the floor, knees drawn up to his chest. Slowly, a dark, looming shadow appeared on the floor, startling the boy. Looking up swiftly, he was soon knocked out by a heavy blow on the head. The person picked him up gently, staring down at him.


"Have you seen him?"

"Where'd he go, you guys?"

"Kazou told him to stand outside though..."

Kairi was nibbling on her bottom lip, looking very nervous and upset for him. "Ooohh, Sora, where did you go to?" Sliding up beside her, Riku whispered into her ear, "Worry over Sora? That's quite unlike you..." Yelping, the girl whirled around on the teen, and glared at him hard. "How DARE you question me like THAT!!!" Riku blinked slowly, his aqua eyes wide. He then narrowed them. "You're not worry one bit, are you?" Kairi turned crimson and huffed away, Riku laughing softly after her. Though he should've felt sorry for her, on the inside, his heart and mind was racing. Where DID he go? No one seemed to really know. But on his outward appearance, Riku had to appear cool, calm, and almost not caring. And it was hurting him. He rounded a corner and saw something glittering on the floor. Walking towards it, he squatted down and picked up a silver object. Gasping to himself, Riku recognized the thing chain that Sora wore. It appeared to be broken... Riku's eyes followed down the hallway, noticing that there were broken pieces on the floor, as if directing him where to go... Riku clenched his fist around the chain and felt his heart burn brightly in anger, his eyes turning steely and menacing. He knew EXACTLY what happened.


very cold.


Blinking slowly, trying to regain consciousness and understand the surroundings, Sora was laying down on a blanket, sprawled out carelessly. It was dark. He tried sitting up, but his head prevented him to do so. Crying out softly, Sora clenched at his skull and laid back down, whimpering. 'What had happened?', he thought to himself, blinking away the tears that had sprung up. His thought was answered by a large hand picking him up by the end of his hair. Sora gave a yelp and cringed, trying to pull away. "No, no, no, Sora. We don't disobey our teachers, now do we?," came a sinister, cruel, low tone that made the boy's blood freeze. He was then tossed to the side roughly, carrying the blanket along with him. Sora gasped to himself, realizing that he was naked. He felt fine everywhere else, so nothing HAD happened...


Hands thrust his thighs apart harshly and a firm grip came upon his unprepared member, pumping it. Sora cried out, the dry feel of his palm upon him was hurtful. "Work with me, Sora. Don't disappoint me now, pretty Sora," came a deep purr in his ear, and the man bit it hard, making the boy squirm and he tried to push away at the same time, pressure increasing on his penis. Sora arched his back, gritting his teeth, willing himself to not enjoy this, no matter how high his hormones were. He was Riku's...

"Oh, Riku..."

A flashback came to Sora. It was nighttime and he had snuck to the beach, knowing that Riku would've been there already. He wanted him there. Sora was greeting by Riku dressed in blood red and ebony, his make-up done to perfection and a beautiful smiled graced moonlight skin. He was holding something out to Sora. A small box. Inside was a thin chain of silver with a tiny
crown hanging off of it.

"I had made it myself... just for you."

Soon, the two were rolling in the sand, desperately seeking the warm of each other's mouths and hands. Articles of clothing came off, shoes kicked off of feet, and then Sora was underneath Riku, moaning delicately and scratching his nails against Riku's strong backside as Riku penetrated him, slowly moving in and out in a rhythmic motion, the younger teen mewling and grinding against Riku's pelvic area, trying to retrieve more. The silver-haired teen smiled down at Sora, brushing away his hair and stroking his erection, moving against Sora, feeling the velvet passage he provided for him tighten around him. Groaning, Riku pushed his kitten's legs open more to get more room. Sora was being pounded into the sand hard, but enjoying it all the while, sweating and moaning incoherent words. However, the flashback ended when Sora actually felt something bigger than Riku enter into his body, causing him to jerk and started to tremble. Two strong hands pinned him down and heavy pounding came into his entrance hard,
something trickling down Sora's inner thigh.

His eyes grew glazed and solid, his body going limp instantly, but someone slapped him hard across the cheek, trying to keep Sora awake. "C'mon, you little piece of slut-work. Get hard, dammit, or I'll fucking screw you raw until you bleed permanently!"

Something sparked inside of Sora, causing his skin to over-heat instantly. A small flame appeared on his chest in a shape of a cross and it spread out in great red-orange flames. The man atop of him started to panic slowly. Soon, a circle of fire surrounded Sora and a great force sent the man into the wall. His body stood from the body, dark sable hair flying everywhere. His scratches and the recent slap mark vanished off his body, but his eyes were eerily solid still in that endless blue. "How dare you come inside me. No one is allowed to. Only 'him'," came Sora's voice, cold and venomous.


A door opened, revealing Riku, panting and shocked, seeing the fire. "It worked," he whispered hoarsely, staring at his kitten. The spell worked...

While gaining more speed from his and Sora's actions, Riku leaned down into Sora's ear and whispered huskily:

"This love I give you,
Is your fire, your intensity.
Use it for your one and only and no one else.
Protect yourself from those that don't love you.
Use your light.
Hold the fire." [1]

Sora whimpered and answered back weakly, "Weird... but, okay." The efforts redoubled and Sora pushed himself off the sand, screaming out Riku's name, feeling his erection spray him in liquid while Riku arched his chest to the gleaming ocean, his heart and eyes radiating. The spell was delivered. Now, the boy stood before his fear and enemy and heard someone approach him. He saw Riku and immediately, the fire died out and he collapsed onto the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. Riku dashed to his love, and saw a disgusting sight on the floor.

"Ansem, you dirty fucker!"

The grown man stood, tucking himself inside his pants and glaring at Riku and the sobbing teen on the dirt ground. "He wasn't even a good fuck, Riku. I'm surprised you haven't left him yet." The pale boy growled lowly in his throat until he heard footsteps approach. He grinned largely and evilly. "Oh, look. It's the principal and the staff. More than likely, half the student body," he snickered, kneeling down to Sora. The principal in fact did appear, his glasses askew and hair fly-away. "Wh-what's the MEANING of THIS?!!! YOU'RE A TEACHER, ANSEM! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!!," he bellowed, waving his arms around. Teachers surrounded the teacher while Riku silently took Sora in his arms, covering him with the soiled blanket. He decided to take him to Aerith, forgetting about school entirely. He made it outside where a sight greeted him that made him do a double-take. It was Cloud, standing beside his car. The blonde rushed forth and stared down at Sora. "Is he okay? Nothing happened-"

"Just take us to her, okay?"

[1] Do not ask me where the hell that came from. I'm lacking on sugar. It could be that.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! All horrors of horrors, what DID I do?!! I DID pass all my classes, GirTheCatGirl, so here's the chapter. ^^ How did it go? FEED ME MORE REVIEWS! I adore getting those. It makes me all fuzzy inside. ^_____^ Well, that's the end of Ansem, so the easy part is over. The hard ones are next and then I'll be through.
@.@ I didn't think about that until now... I MUST NOT! Review nicely!
- Echan2 ^_~
P.S.- "Spirited Away" kicks ass. Saw it seven times today (I had seen it before, but I decided to dust it off and watch it today) and I think a sequel is need, but that's my opinion. MORE HAKU! Miyazaki-sama must listen to out demands!