Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 11

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter Eleven
By: Echan2
Warning: @.@ My virgin ears- feh, THAT'S a lie!
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Tetsuya Nomura and Square-Enix, okay? OMG, you guys are awesome. It makes me realize that there are people out there that care. ^^ I'm going through a difficult time right now because my boyfriend is going to Iraq. He's a Marine and he's leaving me for seven months. I KNOW he sighed up for it, but it hurts to think about it. He could get hurt. :(:(:(:( So, I'm gonna be slow for awhile until I get my genki-ness back. Stay with me, ya'll. ^___^ This chapter is dedicated for inumoon3 because of her persistance. ^^ Love ya, gurlie!

"Long lost words whisper slowly to me;
Still can't find what keeps me here.
When all this time I've been so hollow,
inside..." --- Evanescence
Riku POV

Things are not good.

In fact, they're fucked up.

It's kinda like having absolutely great tickets for a AFI concert, and it turns out they've canceled, or Davey turned straight. Shit, I couldn't take news like that. Davey's hot. But, anyway, Sora isn't himself. No one is allowed over to his house except Aerith and Kairi, which THAT itself is fucked up. Dammit all to hell!!!

I sat in my sister's room, watching her paint her fingernails and toenails Barbie-doll pink and talk to her friends Yukari and Go-Go on two-way. I was glaring at her with inner most hatred until she spoke softly to Go-Go, "Listen, tell Yuka that I have to go. I need to bond with the freak... yeah, I know... don't worry about it... Bye, sweetie." she hung up her white princess phone and turned to me, pushing her blonde-silver hair away from her face and fixed me with a stare from her dark eyes. "How are you doing?" I snorted. "Not well, stupid bitch. Sora's trapped in his room under something similar to fucking house arrest! I'm not all right!," I shouted at her, standing up quickly, by blood boiling. Lynne contiuned to stare at me, not appearing to be mad or anything. She twisted the top on her paint and sighed deeply, sitting back on her hands. "I asked you to come in here, Riku, because I want to help. I went through this shit when I was dating Seifer Almasy when I was fifteen. He was hardly let out of his house, but we found ways to see each other... until he met that Rinoa person. Now, SHE'S out with Leon!


But, anyway, that's not the point." Lynne stood and sat down at her desk, regarding me with her eyes still. "You want to do this or not?" I stared after her, in shock and also, deep gratitude that didn't show on my face. She IS a normal person after all... I walked to her side and spoke quietly, "What do I haveta do?"

Moonlight is something that is precious and breath-taking. Simply irresistable and soothing to my vision that anything else-

except Sora.

My beautiful sky was holed up in his room, not allowed out until doctors assured his parents and that Ansem was secured behind bars. The trial would come later. I was going to present because I had rescued him. Sighing, I walked down the concrete sidewalk, listening to the treetops rustle in the crisp, cool, night wind. The glittering, silver stars offered me solace, but very little. I was unhappy and alone again like I had been. But, Lynne helped me. There was no way that I was going to die now. Sora needed me. And I him. I stuffed my hand deeper into my long, ebony trench coat, tightened my grip on my guitar case handle, and kept my eyes in front of me, not looking at the happy people around me as couples. I was on my way to practice with my band for the upcoming dance. I walked up the steps of my friend's house- Satoshi- and knocked on the door. His mother, Lilian, opened the door. "Hey, Riku, darling!" She kissed my cheek and gave me a big hug. "The boys are down stairs warming up. Danny's having trouble fixing the strings on the Fender. He needs your help, hon," she said, pulling me inside gently and taking my coat. Satoshi's mom is great. Long, flamming red hair pulled up in a bun, dark green eyes, and olive skin to die for. She was graciously tall and slender and worked for Sora mom as a model. I've adored her since I was five years old.

I make my way downstairs and I can hear Cale on the microphone, singing nonsense. He's the drummer and damn good. Shaggy black hair and mischevieous brown eyes like a deer's, he was the energy of the group. Satoshi is the back-up guitar player and very quiet and composed. He had his mother's hair and light, light blue eyes, they were almost gray. Satoshi loves to read, but his passion for music always wins him over. Our base was a tall, funny guy named William, but everyone called him Davey for short because he could look like Davey Havok from AFI, minus his recently dyed wild green hair. His eyes were the same electric blue, the same long face with the girlish looks, perfect nose, and coy smile. I love these guys more than they could imagine. Grinning mentally, I stepped into the room, barking orders, making Cale fall over and Davey laughing insanely like a hyena.

I had to make a song and fast.

It was minutes before midnight and I was surrounded by sheet music, my boys, and lots of empty Coke cans. I was utterly fustrated. This song needed to be perfect. Davey yawned largely and laid down on the carpet of the basement. "C'mon, Riku... how much longer, dude?" Cale was tapping his drumsticks against a Coke can, his grin plastered on his face still. "This makes the coolest noise EVER!" Satoshi glanced at the imbicile and took the can away. "I can't stand the noise. Stop it, please." I ran a hand through my hair, glancing over the right notes on the papers.

"This is it!!!"

The guys jumped slightly and looked at me. "This is what we'll play at the end of the week. Tomorrow and so forth until then, we're practicing our asses off, okay?" They nodded, knowing that I don't screw around. I stood and stretched, yawning as well. "Let's go home and get some sleep, 'kay? See ya," I called, packing up my Gibson Lez Paul. I walked out on my own towards home, but pausing at Sora's, seeing that the light was on in his window. I gasped, seeing him looking out the small gateway, staring remorsefully at the sky. The moonlight hit him perfectly. I was blown away. He's so beautiful to me... I felt my eyes sting. Impossible! I slapped myself. I've never cried before in my life. I heard Sora calling my name, but it sounded like he was crying. Looking up, I saw his head in his hands, shoulders faintly trembling. I felt awful. I had to go to him...

I will tomorrow.

7:04 A.M.

I opened my eyes blearly to see sunlight streaming in through the small crack of my blinds. I groaned and sat up, shirtless and cranky. I could hear Lynne singing to herself as she walked down the hallway. Apparently she was through with the shower... I made a beeline to the bathroom and took my shower fastly, brushing my teeth in two minutes flat, and dashing off to my room to wear something freaky for school. I settled on a bright blue tight T-shirt with a thin, long sleeved black shirt and baggy red Dickies with my boots I found at a remote Army base. I put on one studded braclet and was applying my eyeliner when Lynne came into my room. "Oy, freak-face, eat something before you leave." I glanced at her and noticed her outfit. A short, white skirt with a chain around her thin waist, white, tall boots, and a clingy pink tanktop that didn't hide her boobs all that well. Her hair was loose and flowing and she wore light pink eyeshadow and clear lip gloss. "You look like a whore," I stated. She rolled her eyes. "Gee, thanks. I love you too." She left and I finished my eyelining and observed myself in the mirror. I look...



I sombered a bit and shook my silvery head. I brushed it with a comb and made my way downstairs. Lynne was eating a yogart standing up and mom was placing a plate of food on the table for me. "Hello, sweetie. Here's your breakfast." I nodded a thanks and sat down awkardly, feeling out of place. I started eating until dad came downstairs, fixing his tie. "Why's he down here? Is it the end of the world?," he said sarcastically. I felt my heart race and pound against my chest. I stood and went for the door. "I don't have to take this shit from you, fuckface," I growled, snatching up my bookbag. "That's great, just great! Saying that crap in front of your mother like that," he spats angrily. "Stance, please," I hear her whisper, pleading. Lynne is silent, but I hear her coming behind me.

"Go. Let's go..."

She gives me a gentle push and soon, we're both out the door. I can't stand my father... Lynne knows it. We walk on in silence until she spoke up softly, "I'm going over to Sora's house today to talk to his mother about a modeling position. If there's anythign you want me to give him...," she trailed off. I stared after her. Wow, she's being caring... I dig through my pants pocket and retrieve the necklace that was broken. "Give that back to him for me. Thanks," I muttered, handing the thin chain to him. Lynne made a noise and took it gingerly. "You're welcome. Um... you need to spend some time with mom, okay? Just a little bit." I nodded and we stopped, trying to go our seperate ways. "Bye."

"See you."

I walk off, but something tugs at my sleeve. It was my sister. Her eyes were bright; unusually bright. "May... I mean... can I walk with you, please? I don't wanna walk alone," she whimpered. For the longest time we stood there, staring at each other. We've hated each others guts since I was in 5th grade, but I know it hadn't been that way forever. She was my protector and my friend, even if we were both different. She needed her little brother for support. And secretly...

I did too.

I took her hand into mine and we both walked to school together on one route.

Aw, wasn't that sweet? Sorry, no ecchiness JUST yet. I'm working on a climatic scale here. there will be some Sora and Riku loving- jsut not yet. LOVE ME, MERE MORTALS! *blinks* Maybe not... Sora's acting funny... is he pushing Riku away? @___@
- Echan2 ^_~