Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 12

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter Twelve
By: Echan2
Warning: *points, laughs, and then sombers* Ehh... a fight scene and nice, colorful words. ^^
Disclaimer: Characters portrayed in this fanfic belong to SquareEnix and Tetsuya Nomura, not me, all right? Oi, this thing is dragging on!!! Minna-san, aren't you happy, though? :) I'm working on a One-Shot Weiss Kreuz story so check that out too, please? It's called "Untouchable". I LOVE reviews...*hint, hint* Anyways, yeah, my boyfriend left this Tuesday and last Sunday was the last night I was allowed to talk to him. He can't take his cell phone so... yeah. SOL there, huh? But the story will continue on! And wait till you see Sora in future chapters... @_______@

"Playground school bell rings,
Rain clouds come to play,
Has no one told you she's not breathing?
Hello, I am your mind.
Giving you someone to talk to,
Hello..." --- Evanescence
Riku POV

The classroom seems to have lost its touch.

Everything isn't the same.

His usual friends, Tidus, Wakka, Selphie, and the newcomer friend named Zidane were very unhappy-looking. Kairi, however, seemed to be taking it to the limited extreme. Her now dark clothes and morose attitude was pissing me off. She was becoming a poser and it made my mind shudder at the thought of Kairi trying to turn punk or punk-like. The dumb bitch. I frowned deeply and continued to write my composition on Greek and Roman mythology, pausing over a story of Zeus and Lida. She turned into a swan. How cool is that? I could hear Kairi talking with Selphie, their voices hushed, but I could hear them perfectly. Kairi was complaining about Sora and his problems and how poor he looked and how she was the only student allowed over at his home to comfort him. I gritted my teeth hard and squeezed my eyes shut. "I'm not listening, I'm not listening...," I rambled to myself, clenching my pencil, hearing the faint cracks emitting from it.

The door opened with a soft turn and I looked up, and then, I felt my whole body go into shock, my mouth dropping. The whole classroom gasped and some guys cursed silently underneath their breaths. Kairi made little noises of surprise.

Stepping into my domain was Sora's mother. Her looked exactly like him. EXACTLY! Her hair and skin color weren't the same, but it was the same face and the same aura of energy that was never ignited. Her soft, sad azure eyes took in the room before her and she lightly touched her black hair that was braided, pushing back a loose strand. "Hello, kids. I wanted to tell you that Sora's coming back to school tomorrow. Everything's alright," she murmured, a faint smile playing upon her lips. Her eyes were on me all the while. I remembered that same look several weeks... almost a month ago...

I had gone to their house to give something to Sora, only to be greeted at the door by his mother. "Yes? What can I help you with?," she asked lightly, smiling though. I felt embarrassed, but I held up his Literature book. "He dropped this in the rain earlier and I thought I'd give it back to him," I mumbled, but a hand grabbed me inside. "You'll catch a death of cold out there, sweetheart! Thank you for the book! What's your name?," she asked all in one breath, eyes twinkling. I gaped at her for a bit, then recovered. "My name's Riku... Sora's my friend." She giggled and bowed. "I'm Miaka, his mother. Nice to meet you, Riku! Would you like some hot cocoa?" Once more, I was yanked into the dinning room, taking notice of the dark blue walls with white ceiling and lining. The curtains were lacy and white too, with small pink roses sewn on the bottom. The table was a dark cherry with a shinning finish and the chairs were the same wood with slate seat coverings. Off to the left wall was a cabinet set full of expensive china and silverware. On the right were family pictures. I smiled to myself as I saw a seven year old Sora holding a basketball and smiling goofy, two teeth missing. His mother must've been a model or something because there were two of her in flowing dresses, her hair piled high in elaborate curls and a sweet, angelic expression on her face.

"That was done last year. The one were I'm wearing the light green dress. I'm thinking about quitting modeling and just be president of my company full time," came a voice behind me. I turned and saw her holding a mug, still smiling. I took the mug and peered in. She put whipped cream in it...

just like my mom does.

"If you want to stay the night and go on to school tomorrow, it's fine with me! Go upstairs and see him, Riku." I stared at her in bewilderment. "R-really?" She nodded, her eyes flashing bright blue. "I don't mind. He needs a friend now." I moved my head some and took a long sip from my cup, the chocolate racing down my throat in a hot line. She was weird, but okay. Then, something his me. "But, why do you want me to?," I asked suddenly. Her bright eyes softened and a light smiled played on her lips. "You're a good person and you seem to be close to Sora. I know that his father and I aren't always here, but we try. You, Riku, seem the perfect type to give a good amount of care and love that we haven't been giving him for awhile," she answered in the gentleness of whispers.

"You're not neglecting him!," I pointed out.

Miaka laughed, the sound like wind chimes. "I know we're not. But, I feel as though we 'are', darling. So, go up there and see him!," she giggled and started pushing me to the stairs. Wow, she was forceful- but in the nice way...
~~~end flashback~~~

Somehow, I think she knew of me liking Sora for awhile and just never said anything. Miaka started talking again. "However, some homemade cards or something nice to cheer him up would be lovely. I want your class to do so, Ms. Beatrix," she asked gently. The woman nodded and she turned to us. "Please turn in your compositions and then start working on those cards. I'll be back in a few minutes." The two women left and Kairi started crying out loud. "Poor, poor, Sora! My love-" I whirled on her and glared daggers. "That's a whole lot of bullshit right there, Kairi. You don't care for him like that!" She stopped her fake crying and stared at me with cool, blue eyes that actually made me falter. "Really? Why do you care? You're nothing but a freak and a loser anyway, Riku. Punks and goths like yourself have no feelings!," she spat out evilly, her lips curling up in disgust.

I think somewhere inside of my body, I then snapped. Completely. Everything that had built up ever since Ansem touched my Sora, it was now coming out.

"Don't you EVER say that to my fucking face, you cunt!," I yelled, knocking over my desk and chair, anger flaring inside of me. All the kids in the room stared at me, Tidus even fell out of his seat with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. Kairi placed a hand over her mouth quickly and then did her eyes fill with real tears. "You have NO idea what's going on with me or my feelings about Sora. You never asked!!! And, yes, punks and goths DO have feelings! We're just not caught up in a high society that thinks the world is in love with them like you preppy bastards! Sora is my whole life now, and the fact that I'm bi doesn't make me different from anyone else. He stopped me from committing suicide and I'm grateful for him. So grateful...," I whispered lowly.

I could feel every pair of eyes on face and I froze. I just realized that I spoke out. I told my whole class that I was bi. Immediately, my face flushed brightly and I clutched my hands tightly to my sides. "W-what are y-you saying?," stammered Wakka, his face bland and trying to steady himself. "You're, what, part queer?" I nodded slowly, trying not to lose my composer and the rest of my flaming temper. Kairi spoke up, shrieking shrilly. "I KNEW IT! I KNEW SOMETHING WAS DIFFERENT ABOUT SORA! YOU MADE HIM GAY!!!"


I didn't know. I didn't even feel it nor saw it coming. The next thing I knew, I was being thrown to the floor, punches on my left and right and some kicking into my ribs and face. I had slapped Kairi in the middle of a classroom with a bunch of people who didn't like faggots. The blows were strong, but those bastards forget-

I'm stronger.

I pushed myself off the floor, knocking over the boys in the process, and I punched Wakka square in the face, blood spraying everywhere, the echo of the girl's screams and cries hovering in my mind. I wasn't stopping though. My adrenaline was up and pounding freely in my ears, and I was extremely pissed. I felt someone jerk my backwards, away from the guys, who were panting and holding their injuries. Red was all that I could see and I struggled to finish the job that they had started, but a smooth, deep voice stopped me. "That's enough, Riku. Calm down, please." I turned my head some and saw dark blue eyes behind dark, oak brown bangs and a thin scar running from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the nose. I knew who it was. "Leon," I said distantly, feeling my muscles relaxed. "Come on. I'm taking you home," he said and stared pulling me out the door. Before I stepped out, I could hear Kairi screaming, "QUEER! YOU STUPID FREAK!" Ms. Beatrix was trying to calm her down, while Sora's mom stood outside the room. Her expression was serene and cool. Her dark hair gleamed dimly in the school light and her eyes bore the aura of understanding the situation. "Thank you, Leon. I was surprise that you were substituting for P.E. today," she said, bowing to him. "Well, I heard the fight when I rounded the corner, so I was lucky, I guess," he stated, looking down at me. Miaka smiled sadly and bowed again. "I must be going. Stay out of trouble, Riku," she teased and walked off. I then felt awkard and looked at the man from the corner of my eye. Leon Lionheart; an expert swordsman and Gunblade specialist on Destiny Island and always known as the "Lone Wolf." That is until Rinoa Heartilly came along. But, Leon was always my mentor and he taught me how to play guitar since I was twelve. He was part of a band for awhile until he had to move and then the members disbanded. With his rugged looks, quiet demenor, and mysterious ways, all the girls fell for him. But he only choose two people:

me and Rinoa.

We sort of had a thing for awhile before I turned sixteen. He was always very gentle and kind when we made love and afterwards, we'd lay there, cooling down, and talked for over at least an hour and a half. I thought it was me who changed him, but it turned out Rinny did. I wasn't mad, nor upset. Sort of relieved. Rinny has control over Leon that I never did and it made me happy to see someone who would love Leon for who he was and still is. So, we broke off our little 'fling' and afterwards, we stayed in touch and he continues to teach me guitar. I wasn't surprised to hear that he was subing because he loves athletic sports.

"So, Riku, why'd you slap Kairi?," I heard him ask. I blinked some and answered truthfully, rather bluntly, "Because she said I changed Sora. It's not true. He changed himself. I didn't ask him to fall in love with me. But he did anyway and he's made me happy. She's jealous, that's it." Leon stared at me and frowned some. "Are you sure? Wasn't Sora and Kairi 'inseperatable' since they were two? You'd think Kairi would have feelings for him," Leon spoke, stuffing his hands in his black jeans pockets. I glared at him. "So? He didn't return them." The older man sighed and started walking, so, I followed. "Riku, you have to notice that people like other people and have certain feelings and emotions towards them. You just can't enter into someone's life, pass moves, when you know someone else likes them. It can hurt, both mentally and emotionally. Not to mention phsyically."

"That's why she's acting like this. She's being dramatic."

"Why do you suppose that?"

"Because she didn't sleep with Sora."

Leon stopped and turned to me, eyes narrowed even more into slits almost. "Sex isn't the topic here, Riku." I blurted out, "It's true though!!! Kairi LOVES to get laid! Ask any of the guys in my classes! They've been with her!" [1] The Gunblader sighed more deeply and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his large chest. "Riku, I think, and this is just my opinion, that you and Kairi need to set some bases and rules. But moreover, talk. Maybe she needs not arguments or accussment, but maybe a friend," he finished smoothly, deep. I felt all knowledge slam onto my head. Guilty, somewhat, I felt sort of bad. I raised my eyes to Leon's and knew what I had to do now. "Tomorrow, if she's here, I'll talk with her." Leon smiled slightly and pressed off the wall, clapping a hand on my shoulder. "Good. Now, you need to go home, though."


Before I knew it, I felt Leon's warm body against mine, holding me close. The way he did it made my stomach lurch. "No...," I whimpered. "She's fading slowly, but today's her last day inside that house. She has to go to the hospital. You knew this was coming, Riku," I felt Leon murmur against the top of my silver head. I then desperately clutched at his back, feeling my knees give away. It's not true... please, don't let it be true...

[1] On so many levels of badness, that line was harsh. Ouch.

Gomen, minna-san for the delay once again. Not only did my boyfriend leave, I injured my left foot. It's all blue, purple, and yellow. Yay... So, walking is rather hard, but I made it to the computer today successfully. ^__^ I need some more Sora/Riku lovin'. But, it's the angsty part of the arc, so learn to deal, and you shall be greatly rewarded, minna-san. :):):) Trust Echan on this, reviewers. Especially you too, inumoon3. Review nicely!
- Echan2 ^_~