Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 13

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Immortal
A KH fan-fic
Chapter Thirteen
By: Echan2
Warning: Just read. ^^
Disclaimer: All characters belong to the ever-fabulous Tetsuya Nomura and SquareEnix, okay? From the last chapter, we witness Riku finally declaring his sexuality in front of his classmates and also, not to mention, his fling with Leon and the fact his mother is now dying. Sora's back though!!! It'll be in his POV. No more Ansem, I swear! Oi, ya'll- pray for me- my play "Oklahoma" is going great, but the dancing part's hard!!! Yes, my foot has healed. Just gotta wait for the bone to stop being bruised... Be patient with me, guys. Review please! ***Oh, yeah... if any of ya'll have info on Advent Children and where I can find a really good screenshot of Aerith- not any of her being put into the lake-, please e-mail it to me at my address. Thank you!***

"Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping,
I'm still here,
All that's left of yesterday..." --- Evanescence
regular POV

The days were coming to a close in October with two more days, fall was driving itself into winter, and the school was buzzing of the October Dusk dance that was to occur the night on Halloween, Friday. Everyone had to dress up in a costume and no supervision whatsoever. Decorations went up in the large gym of orange and black streamers, black, orange, and red balloons were to be blown up soon and the tables and chairs were being assembled today by the student council members. The stage was being built and Riku was at hard work trying to place wires everywhere and getting the stereo system up and running by doing checks. Cale was coming in later in the afternoon with his drum set and amps. The guitars would come in later Friday afternoon and the microphones had to be set up as well. Riku paused at the sound system board and looked up at Davey to see if the disco ball was up.

"How's it coming, dude?!," he shouted. The green-haired boy gave him thumbs-up with a grin and continued to string it up. Satoshi was with Riku, working the controls. Daniel, or Danny as his mother calls him, is his real name, but he took up with the Japanese lifestyle and adopted the name Satoshi. He glanced at Riku and spoke gently, "Is he going to be able to come?" Riku stopped what he was doing and paused, aqua eyes focused in front of him. "...dunno..." Satoshi nodded slowly and picked up his clipboard. "I'll come by before the dance and we'll do a run through. You still wanna do the song?" Riku snapped up, a smile on his face. "Damn straight I want to!" His friend nodded once more and walked off.

Riku stepped away from the system and started exploring the gym, observing the decorations and people who were helping. Kairi was with Selphie and a bruised Tidus, giggling her head off. Wakka had a busted nose and was hoisting chairs on to his shoulders and moving them with Zidane and Vincent. Rinoa was the president of the council and was telling some kids were to put the pumpkins and haystacks. She caught Riku's gaze and smiled sweetly, waving at him. He waved back a bit, embarrassed. Apparently, even though Kairi's friend, Rinoa still liked him for who he was. Riku sat back against the wall and watched her. Her shoulder-length ebony hair shinned in the light and her large, brown eyes were bright and twinkling with excitement. She wore a baby-blue duster with black gloves to her elbows that cut off to the base of her fingers. Her shirt was dark blue and her jeans were black. She wore no shoes in the gym- she walked around barefooted. Her nails were painted half- black and half- baby blue. Rinny was someone else that was different. Riku felt himself smile. If she could make Leon happy, then Rinoa was a good person to everyone to make them happy. Sighing, Riku glanced at Vincent and realized that Vincent was making more friends than ever with his mysterious aura and slow, gazing, gold eyes. He always wore red, black, and gray. Riku liked it when people tended to themselves and asked for help every once in awhile. Riku stopped observing and started towards Rinoa.

"Hey, there, sugar! You're lookin' cute today! Where's Sora?," she asked lightly, dancing lazily around with a black streamer she found. "That's the problem- I don't know yet. It's still early." The girl stopped dancing slowly and pouted. "I wanted to see him badly. He won first place with my picture. I thought he'd send in his birds, but instead, he sent mine in. I wonder why...," she mused, tapping her slim finger on her lips. She paused and glanced at Riku. "You don't mind, do you?" The silver-haired teen shook his head. "Nah. If anyone in this school, I think you're a perfect model." Rinoa gave a bell-like giggle and glomped Riku. "Thank you!!! Oh, question: how about letting me and my dad's best friend's daughter do your bands make-up?!!," she squealed, clamping her hands together in front of her, giving Riku puppy-dog eyes. Riku eyed her warily, trying to act serious. It was failing...

"I guess..."

"Thank you!!!"

"Who's the daughter?"

"Her name is Paine. And SHE'S got two other friend's who can help out!"

"Their names?"

"Rikku and Yuna."

"Wait... I know that girl... Rikku..."

Sure enough, he did know her. Back in the 7th grade, he had a crush on her, and so did she, but it was nothing more. She was always the cheery one, bright as the sun and sweet as cotton candy. Her luxurious blonde hair was everywhere and she had peculiar green eyes that swirled in color, but they were always happy. Her skin was a dusty gold and her figure- even at the age of thirteen- was killer... Her colors were orange, green, red, browns, and yellow. She liked to invent things and take electronics apart. She also liked to speak a language all her own. The reason Riku was so drawn to her was the fact that she could be happy in any situation and still smile. Riku inwardly groaned in Science, trying to get the blonde off his mind. It had been to long and it brought back memories that Riku didn't want to think of. Sora wasn't back yet and the boy was getting antsy. He stared hard at the clock. It was only 11:01... now 11:02. Riku let his head flat on top of his desk. 'This is pure torture,' his mind growled. The teacher, Mr. Highwind, spoke up gruffly from behind his desk. "Oh, yeah... forgot... Sora's coming back during lunch, so go by Beatrix's room to get yer cards." Riku grinned in his desk. 'Leave it to Cid to sound sentimental.' The cranky, 37 year old man liked to build and fly airplanes and loved to smoke, cuss, and drink. But teaching was a habit for him and Cid took it seriously, especially in Science. Cid was a genius, talking about space and such... especially rockets.

The first bell for lunch rang and the class scattered outside in the hallway, laughing and talking. Riku found Rinoa and traveled along side of her. "Let me see your card, Rin." The girl gave it to the boy and he had to give a grin. It was none other than pink and bright blue with gold writing. "You're so creative, Rin." Rinoa gave him a bright smile. "I know. Hey, are you going to let Kairi take Sora away from you?," she asked somberly, doe brown eyes saddening a bit. Riku gave a sharp, bark-like, laugh. "Hell no. She tries anything funny, I'll beat her ass to kingdom come," he threatened, a gleam appearing in his dark aqua eyes. Rinoa silently nodded in approval, though a slight emotion ran through her pretty features. Entering the lunch room, the duo noticed a crowd around something, loud exclamations scattered in the air. Curious, Riku walked to them and started making his way in the crowd. Vincent turned around, hearing the rich voice. "Oh... you're just in time, my friend," he said in a soft tone. He pointed a finger in the inner circle and Riku's eyes followed. What he saw completely surprised him. And made his mouth drop.

There stood the hero of the day, dressed in black and deep, dark red against caramel skin. He wore a tight-fitting fishnet shirt with black Dickies and dirty All-Star Converses. The shirt was a wine-color and everything else was ebony. His eyes stood out brilliantly behind his gleaming brown bangs with black eyeliner around them, enhancing the color to a fiery blue that looked electric. His lips were shinny in the light with what Riku guessed lipgloss... possibly 'flavored' gloss... Yum. Riku drunk in the attire and realized that Sora's curves were exposed to the world in his little punk outfit. The electric blue gaze of Sora met with Riku's, sending hundreds of hypersensitive sensations coursing through his body. Slowly wakening was his arousal and Riku felt himself clench inwardly. 'Not here... anywhere but here,' he pleaded silently to himself. Sora walked forward deathly silent, his eyes never leaving Riku's pale face. "Hey, there, Riku," he whispered lightly. Riku swallowed hard, his barriers decaying slowly. "H-hi, Sora. I'm g-glad you're back," he answered shakily. By then, the crowd had dispersed having seeing Riku coming into the middle. The boy in front of him smiled toothily and reached up, cupping his cheek. The silver-haired teen noticed his fingernails were painted black and red and a silver thumb ring twinkled in the light. "I decided to change my wardrobe. What do you think? If not then...," Sora trailed off, his old self showing some from behind his eyes. Riku shook his head. "Nah, it's fine. Just fine... I like it a lot on you, kitten," the boy teased some, leaning into the warm hand. Sora was always warm. His love smiled below him and then glomped him just as Rinoa did earlier. "I missed you a lot, Riku," he mumbled in his ivory neck, slightly putting moist kisses upon it. Riku embraced his little lover tightly, pressing his hard length against his thigh, causing Sora to gasp and shudder, curling him against his tormentor more. "Not fair! Cheater...," he breathed heavily. [and doing this all inside the school! >.<;;;]

Riku set the kitten down, smirking. "I know. But you love me anyway," he purred lowly, watching with relish as he saw Sora shudder some and turned his face to Riku, pouting. Right about now, those damned lips were looking PRETTY tasty. Licking his dry lips, the teen grabbed Sora's arm. "Follow me," he whispered hoarsely in his ear and gave it a hard nip, causing the wild-haired boy to yelp some in the back of his throat. Riku looked around the lunch room for any teachers, and dashed out, leaving behind a befuddled Sora. Slowly, timidly, the boy made his way outside where he saw Riku motioning for him from the bathroom. Sora approached the facility and was drug inside roughly. Pushed up against the cold tiled wall, his mouth was invaded by a slick, wet tongue, mingling with his own. Groaning heavily in his mouth, Sora allowed Riku to push up his tight shirt some to play with his chest. "God, do you know how long I've been waiting to be with you?," moaned Riku into his mouth, licking and nibbling his kitten's lips, watching them turn into a rosy red color while playing with a nipple. Sora shook his head dumbly, eyes glazed over with lust. "A really long time?" Riku groaned at the innocence in the question and assaulted his mouth once more. "You taste good... like watermelon..." Sora grinned some. "I know."

Riku was struggling with the shirt. "Dammit, how do you get this crap off?," he muttered against Sora's lips. The boy giggled and pulled it off with ease, the cold air hitting his chest, awakening goosebumps on his dark flesh. "Better," purred Riku and latched onto Sora's thin neck, biting and sucking hard. The body beneath him writhed and arched upward, gasping loudly. Riku nibbled along the edge of Sora's jaw line and stared at the purple mark he made upon his kitten's body. "Mine... no one else's," he growled into the empty air. Sora purred happily, blushing some at the idea of belonging to his lover. Then, he straightened up, eyes wide. "Are you sure no one will come it here?," he inquired, looking past Riku's large shoulders to the door. Riku help up a bobby pin. "Nope. Locked it and everything. The kids will think there's a leak in here. Making signs do help out in the most possible ways," Riku winked, grinning like a wolf. "You planned this the whole time," Sora laughed softly and hugged Riku around the torso, burying his face in his shirt, smelling the scent that was his love. It was very clean, like soap, and still that lingering scent of moonlight. It was cold and silvery-smelling. He felt large hands rubbing the curve of his spine, gently massaging, loosening tight knots. "... You sure you wanna do it in here? Or wait till it's time to leave? We got another... fifteen minutes until the bell," stated a deep, warm voice. Sora nodded, lifting up his head and smiling purely. "Positive. I've missed you so much... plus, this might be a new experience." Riku gaped at Sora and then threw back his head, laughing. "You're something else, kitten," he said huskily and brought Sora closer to him, kissing him more lightly, slow and lingering.

The wild-haired boy clung to Riku as he felt them move downward onto the floor, the coldness of the tiles make him shiver some at the impact. Riku moved his body on top of his kitten's and made tiny wet paths of kisses down Sora's chest, pausing to capture a nipple within his grasp, rolling it and tugging at it, turning it into a hard nub. Sora's breathing labored and his chest was falling up and down at an alarmingly fast rate. The kisses made their way south, stopping at his pants and belt. Riku undid the belt fastily and opened the fly and button from Sora's pants agonizingly slow, smiling like a cat who ate too much cream. He placed a hand inside the boxer slit and nestled it against Sora's cock, feeling it come alive at the slightest touch of a fingertip.
No sooner did that fingertip touch him, the young boy jerked upward, drawing his legs up to his chest, surprising Riku. "What's wrong, kitten?," he asked worriedly. Sora stared at him wild-eyed. "I- I can't believe it... Y-you actually w-would do it h-here," he stammered, face paling. "Like him..." Riku felt his world crash around him.

Sora thought Riku as Ansem, about to make love to him in the school bathroom...

Like it had been when Ansem took him into the abandon janitor's room...

Him? Ansem?

"No, no... No, Sora. I'm not like him," he gasped lowly, his own eyes widening. Sora curled up against the wall, hands trying to clutch at the tiles. "Yes, you are!!! She was right, she was right," he sobbed uncontrollably, hiding his face behind his arm. Riku stood fastily, breathing hard. "Sora. Kitten, I would never hurt you. Never!," he hissed, feeling his hands curl into fists. What made Riku feel guilty next were a pair of large, deep blue eyes swimming in tears, some falling down his cherub face. "Then what was this?," he whispered, hiccupping. Riku took a step backward, shocked and even more guilty. He turned his head away from Sora and stared into the mirror in front of him. Here he was, assaulting Sora after Ansem had done before, and he didn't have the balls to wait until after Sora felt better. Now, he was pissed at himself. Lunging forward, Riku punched the mirror, making it break and scatter glass everywhere, missing Sora by some. He looked on, scared, eyes wide and trying to pull his shirt back on. Bleeding crimson was Riku's fist, shaking ever so slightly. He watched with fascination, bringing the wounded hand to his lips, tasting his own blood. Coppery, slightly bitter, and slightly sweet to him...

"Well, now what Sora? Are you going to believe Kairi says to you?," he mumbled, eyes hidden behind his silver bangs, bringing his hand down.


"Answer me."

"I- I dunno."

Riku whirled on him, bringing his face close to Sora's. "You better fucking find out, because at this minute, she's pissing me off. And so are you. You should've said something before I brought you in here!!!," he hissed threateningly, aqua eyes dark and frightening. Sora shrank against the wall, the tears coming faster. "Don't," he whispered hoarsely. Riku stood with disgust and stalked to the door, unlocking it and flinging himself out. "Don't leave me, Riku!!!," Sora wailed helplessly, crawling towards the swinging door like a weak kitten. "Please, don't leave me, Riku! PLEASE?!! RIKU!!!" Running down the hallway, the silver-haired boy could hear those lingering cries coming from the bathroom. He continued to run towards the entrance of the school and he dashed outside, the sunlight blinding him, but he still went on, the cries of Sora echoing in his head. It pounded against his skull like a drumbeat, making him push on harder, faster. The noise began to grow fainter and fainter until it stopped all together. Slowing to a halt, the boy collaspsed on the lawn outside his house, face down into the sweet-smelling grass. A butterfly drifted by, butter yellow. The tree above him rustled slightly in the breeze, the leaves scratching against each other, several falling down in brilliant colors. Everything was quiet in the neighborhood. Very faintly, Riku could hear the ocean calling out to him. It was his other strength. It was where he went to when nobody wanted to be near him. It was there that he wrote his songs for no one and swam alone to find himself. Sitting up, Riku hugged himself close and brought his silvery head down on his knees, feeling his shoulders shake.

It was here that Riku first cried alone once more, but bitter and afraid. The one person who brought him to life was terrified of him. He sobbed louder, clutching at his hair, the tears coming forth harder than how they used to when he was little. His fragile feelings were tender then, but now, Riku didn't have anything left in him. He was by himself in the house now, his sister would come home and hole herself up in her room, their dad rarely at home, and his mother was dying in a hospital. Now, Sora had been scared of him. Riku couldn't make anyone happy. The weight and pressure caused Riku to let a cry rip from his throat, long and loud, like a wounded dog. Everything was wrong and screwed up. His crying ceased some and he then grew quiet, his face stained with dirt, blood, and tears. An idea formed in his head. Standing up, Riku walked inside the house, thinking hard. "If Sora doesn't want me... I'll get him back. He'll have to take me back," he muttered at himself, standing in the kitchen. Looking at the phone suddenly, he grabbed a phone book with his injured, bloody hand, and hurriedly began looking for a number. Finding it, he took the phone from the cradle and dialed shakily, not really believing what he was doing.




"Hi. My name is Riku. Is she there?"

"... hold on a sec... does she know you?"

"She better. I'm her favorite cousin."

He heard shuffling and the voice yelling in the background. "You have a cousin named Riku?"

A few short seconds and a breathless female voice filtered through the receiver. "Riku? What's up? You okay?"

"I'm fine- sort of. I need a favor to ask you..."

CLIFFHANGER! Yes, my muse is back!!! I love my Seraphim. Anyway, who is the mysterious caller? *blinks sweetly* I'm not telling you... you can guess though. Guess really hard. If you get it right, well, pat yourself on the back because I'm a poor white girl with no money. ^^ You can try and capture my Riku if you want, but I'll kill you if you do. My pwetty Wiku all punky-wunky! *smiles vainly* No stealing my Riku!!! Anyways; yeah... IS SORA AND RIKU OVER WITH?!!! ... wait until the next chapter. *sticks out tongue* Review nicely!
- Echan2 ^_~