Fan Fiction ❯ Once in the Night ❯ Confrontations ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Nara took a seat in her usual spot and placed her pack by her side. She cautiously looked around the room and behold! No Jessica in sight! Mentally praising this apparent act of divine intervention, she breathed a huge sigh of relief.
“No Jessica today....guess the slut crawled back under her rock to get over her little morning shock… cant imagine that she's tired after doing that asshole though… moron can't even kiss right let alone anything else…” Nara thought, smirking to herself. Now if only the bitch stayed away for the whole day like a good little whore…
Homeroom was the usual: announcements for crap that had no interesting aspects and dates for the weekly dose of torture, a.k.a. tests, something that Nara hated but took to keep up the appearance that school wasn't hell on earth. She got As all the time anyway so it was really just going through the motions. One thing that did grab her interest for a nanosecond was something about a walk-on soccer game that was going to be held that weekend.
“Hmm… sounds mildly amusing” Nara murmured.
She had been quite good when she was a little girl - although there was that incident when she attacked the opposite team's forward for calling her a baby. The poor girl never knew what hit her before she found herself eating dirt as a little demon Nara sat on her back, demanding she take back the obvious insult. Her mom hadn't been too happy about that, but at least they had won.
Coming out of her reverie, Nara gave a lazy yawn.
“Might give me a chance to let off some steam… now if I could just find a way to drive the ball into that cheating bastard's crown jewels without making it look too obvious…”she added with a wicked little smile.
She stretched herself out in her metal chair as best as she could and prepared to catch a few extra Zs before class started. Nara rested her head on her arms, hoping her teacher wouldn't notice and squawk at her about getting proper sleep at home. Being drained of everything almost to the point where she went crackers tended to make her just a tad sleepy: Teach would have to put up with a little snoring if she expected Nara to function today.
She was tempted to actually skip school after second period; after all, it wasn't like she was going to miss anything she didn't already know. However, a suspension was not
something she needed hanging over her head... and the fact that hell hath no fury like an outraged mother caused her to reconsider her options. Maybe she could say that there was a fire in the cafeteria and everyone had been told to head home? Wait, she had tried that in the fourth grade… damn. Perhaps she could fake a fever? A light bulb has many uses when one is given a thermometer. Pondering that notion, her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as the teacher began a tirade against a late student. Nara just had to have a look to see what unfortunate wretch had interrupted her peace. Wanting to slam her head on the desk in despair, she groaned at the sight of a disheveled girl who was none other then, of course, Jessica.
"And they say God is benevolent... I say He has a sick sense of humor and is just laughing His Holy butt off at me." Nara whispered to herself as she looked with loathing at the human mess that just walked in.
Her super mini skirt was completely wrinkled, her designer pink shirt wasn't even buttoned correctly, and her hair was a rat's nest of tangles… what an appropriate style. Her face was blotchy and from the way she was sweating she appeared to have just run the 100 yard dash with cement blocks attached to her ankles…
“Hey, there's a fashion trend I sincerely wish she would consider… she could flirt and prance all the way to the nearest body of water to show them off ” Nara muttered to herself.
"Where were you, young ladyand what in God's name have you been doing??" her
teacher shouted.
“Screwing my ex boyfriend is what she was doing.” Nara seethed as she glared daggers at the girl in the doorway.
"Well...I err..." Jessica's minimal brain capacity failed to drudge up anything other than squeaks.
"You know what? I'm not interested in your excuses… honestly child, couldn't you have at least have bathed before coming to my classroom? Just go sit down!" her teacher exclaimed with an exasperated motion towards the chit's seat.
Jessica strutted to her desk, all the while swaying her hips in time with her huffs of defiance. As she passed Nara's desk she let a spiteful sneer cross her puckered, lip stick smeared lips. When she sat down she attempted to fix her blouse, trying hard not to expose herself without much success.
“Damn, woman, why don't you just flip on a boom box and give the guys a real show if you're gonna do that…” Nara rolled her eyes and turned back around in disgust. That bitch…can't believe she has the gall to even look at me!” If that whore did anything like that again, Nara would be sure to kick her skinny little ass.
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
After what seemed like an eternity, the bell rang and Nara rushed to pick up her things. She pushed back a few fallen strands of hair and waited for the crowd of her classmates to disperse. As Jessica began to brisk by her Nara took the opportunity to casually stick her leg out into the prima donna's path. The frilly chit, being to busy checking her make up, stumbled and nearly collided with a desk. Jessica glared at Nara and went on a barrage of name calling and screaming something about nearly causing her to fall and wreak her perfect teeth.
Nara merely gave her a cool stare and replied, “Tsk, tsk Jessica. Such a temper… honestly what does that half-wit see in you?"
“Darren and I just…. besides you're such a nasty little... you bitch! It's not fair to me or Darren to have to put up with your… and it's not fair that you…”
“Not fair?” Nara interrupted as she got right in the princess' face, “Really, if you don't think what just happened and what will continue to happen isn't fair then maybe you should think next time before crossing me… not fair, not fair… one wonder's what your basis of comparison is? Do yourself a favor… stay the hell away from me.” Nara adjusted the strap of her pack on her shoulder and continued on to her next class.
Faye called out to Nara as she made her way through the crowded hallway to join her.
"So... are ye ready for lunch m'dear?" Faye said, jokingly slipping into her native Irish brogue.
"Lunch? Are you kidding me? What this place feeds us isn't good enough for a correctional facility..." Nara exclaimed.
"Hmmm…point made...which is why I brought the food for today. Good thing seem like you need some comfort food. How'd you hold up?" Faye slipped an arm through hers and semi-guided to the cafeteria.
"Well let's see, I've a jaw that's in agony from me clenching it all afternoon, failed my math test … this all going on while Queen Asshole is sitting next to me during English...." Nara finally ran out of breath. “All and's been a pretty good day." Nara finished with a dramatic sigh.
"You can still take me up on my offer to let me deep fry and skijor the Pimp and his Bitch so you can feed them to Riley Faye winked. Riley was her half-wolf dog that Faye's dad had brought back from his trip to Alaska. When he was a puppy, a big, black ball of fluff with huge blue eyes, he reached almost to Nara's thigh…now that he was full grown, he was nearly as big as a good-sized pony with pounds of primitive muscle. No one messed with Nara or Faye while he was around; he really was a big softie but you didn't want to test him.
"Nah, they would give poor Riley massive indigestion… and he might not forgive you for that.” Nara replied with a laugh. “ Speaking of food, let's just get something to eat now. I'm starving!!" Nara smiled sheepishly at her friend as they climbed down the staircase to get to the cafeteria.
After grabbing a couple of not so choice items from the buffet line, they settled down at their usual table with the rest of their rest of friends. Nara sat down in between Faye and her other friend, Sophie, a fiery red head who hunted men like most women hunt for a good set of stockings. Most of the pathetic losers in high school couldn't keep up with her- her idea of a good time was a whole day of zipping around town on a shopping spree and a night of dancing. Not that Sophie minded; she wanted to go to Europe and find herself a dark Irishmen. Nara loved her almost as much as Faye, especially when she was carrying her variety of chocolate goodies that Nara could shower herself with.
Nara was a firm believer that food can solve any crisis.
Just as she was about to bite into her second helping of Faye's homemade brownies, she was rudely interrupted by a hard tap on her shoulder. Nara turned around to find herself staring into the highly perturbed face of Jessica. She looked at her with an incredulous expression on her face.
The girl couldn't be this stupid... “Lord, this chick doesn't know when to quit!” Nara growled to herself.
"I know what you've been saying about me bitch, and it better stop now!" Jessica's screech carried over the entire cafeteria, and of course everyone proceeded to stare in their direction. The sudden silence was deafening - you could almost hear the straining of people trying to catch what was going on.
"What the fuck are you talking about? She hasn't said a damn thing about you that ain't true and you know it, you selfish bitch." Faye sneered at the girl, cracking her knuckles as she prepared to pounce the moron who dared to mess with Nara.
"Shut up freak, do I look like I'm talking to you?" Jessica spit at her. The little gang of lackeys hiding just behind her giggled at their leader's clever insult.
Just as Faye looked as if she was about to introduce the little brat to a whole new world of pain, Nara shot her a look that assured Faye that she could handle this herself.
Excuse me? I honestly have no idea what you mean. I wouldn't waste my breath on you!" Nara calmly stated despite the fierce glint in her eye.
"Don't lie! Everyone in the whole school is saying that I slept with your boyfriend. You are fucking ruining my rep in this school… I demand you keep your fat mouth shut if you know what is good for you!” Jessica's voice escalated to entirely new levels as she continued to lose control of herself.
"Why don't you ask Darren why everyone knows...he has a bad habit of bragging
about his latest conquests" Nara said grinning at her madly "Now...if we are quite
finished here, I don't care for the stench of him on you… hey, the least you could of
done was take a quick shower before getting anywhere near me!" throwing there teacher's words back in her face.
The silence was shattered by the harsh sound of flesh hitting flesh, and Jessica stood there glaring as she recovered from her exertion.
“There…” she cackled to herself evilly, “That should humiliate the bitch enough to get her to shut the fuck up...”
She was just waiting for her to burst out crying and rush for the door.
That certainly never came.
Faster than anyone could follow, Nara shot up snarling and pinned Jessica to the closest wall, her fore arm suspending her from the floor.
"How dare filthy little whore! How dare you hit me!?!" Nara roared at the terror stricken girl.
The whole room couldn't believe Nara's strength… Jessica was nearly twice her weight and height and yet she had no problem keeping the girl in the air squirming like a worm on a hook. Nara continued to look fiercely into her eyes. After what seemed like forever, Nara managed to get her rage under control. She sighed, took a deep breath, and unceremoniously dropped Jessica to the floor, letting her crumple in a trembling heap.
Nara turned around and was about to gather her things when her head was snapped back from a sharp tug on her hair. Fingernails sharpened to claws raked her scourged back as Jessica tried for revenge. Nara faintly heard someone yelling at the slut to stop, but the pounding of her blood blocked everything else out.
Nara gave out a quick cry of pain, then she clenched her left hand into a fist and swung as hard as she could behind her. Her scream of wrath echoed against a scream of agony as her fist connected with Jessica's nose.
Blood sprayed everywhere as Jessica slammed back to the floor, curling up into the fetal position as she screamed.
"She...She broke my nose!! That bitch broke my nose!!" Jessica cried as blood soaked her shirt and skirt.
Nara looked down at her; she smirked but then winced in pain as she was sure
that the little psycho had ripped open every single cut on her back. She scoffed as the horde of Jessica's lackeys huddled around her, shrieking to have Nara crucified and for an ambulance to be called. Nara turned to leave for home, but instead met with a brick wall wearing a dress shirt and slacks. The figure of her gym teacher, Mr. Yamato, towered over her. His voice shouted out her doom:
"Nara! Principal's office, NOW!"