Fan Fiction ❯ Once in the Night ❯ School time! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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After she get off at her station, Nara still had always to walk yet before she got to school, she checked her watch again just to make sure she would make it on time. She flipped on her walkman and started down the sidewalk. It was still pretty early in the morning so the usually busy shops and booths were closed down. There wasn't that much traffic or too many people on the sidewalks, which made it that much easier for Nara to get to her destination.
She was grateful; she hated to have to push by people and getting shoved around by the crowds. She was REALLY claustrophobic; she had started therapy last summer but it didn't help all that much. Nara supposed her parents would try a different treatment once school was over. She sighed at the thought; she knew they were just trying to help her but seeing a shrink was truly not her thing. Her breath clouded in the morning air, but she smiled contently.
This would of been a freakin nightmare if that guy hadn't given me his coat... I should feel bad since he's probably freezing his cute ass off right now, poor guy.” Nara thought with a grin.
She hummed along to the lyrics of Kagerou and bobbed to the beat as she reached the school entrance. Her day so far was looking decidedly better than yesterday; maybe today wouldn't be a totally hellish ordeal after all. Nara had made it to the school yard just as the students were marching to their classes to the tune of the school bell. Nara chuckled in amusement as the image of a herd of sheep came to mind. The fact that most of them were bundled up in various chubby wool-stuffed jackets only added to her mirth. She thought that most of them probably had about the same brain capacity as your typical barnyard-variety sheep as well.
After searching for a little bit Nara finally met up with her friend Faye. Faye tended to stick out in the crowd so it was hard to miss her. She was a good three inches taller than Nara, and she was slightly more… developed in certain areas. She had short purple hair with a streak of pure white that framed one side of her heart-shaped face. She had layered her outfit today; she had on her favorite medieval style corset on that laced up the back. It was bright scarlet with black embroidery; a sweet little number Nara had gotten her last Christmas - tasteful but delightfully outrageous. She had on a short black skirt that was heavily laced with chains. On her feet were her fish-net stockings covered by thick- heeled leather boots that reached nearly to her knees. She was loud, defiant, and very outspoken; Nara loved her to bits.
"Whoa girl, what the fuck happened to you?" Faye asked, lacing her arm around Nara's neck as they walked up the stairs.
"Good morning to you, too, Faye...I just didn't get much sleep last night that's all." Nara muttered.
"Oh, I don't mean to be a bitch about it, it's just that you look...bad! You even screwed up putting your face on…what were you doing last night?!"
"It's a LONG story lets just say that I'm completely miserable and Darren is a dick!!" she exclaimed.
Faye looked at her wide eyed. "Wait, hold up. Do we have trouble in Paradise? What happened with you and Darren? Did you guy's have a fight or somethin'?
She looked at her friend, watching as Nara's eyes began to well up with tears. Now this worried her. Faye hadn't seen Nara cry since the first grade when she had pushed her little overalled-butt in the sandbox!
"Oh, ummm… we broke up." Nara's voice cracked, her head lowered, trying to hide her heartache.
"What the hell? How come?!" Faye pressed her.
After Nara explained to her about the incident last night in his apartment Faye looked as if she was about to burst. She clenched her fists in fury and looked down at her friend.
"That's it!! I'll fucking castrate the bastard!!!! Where is he?! I'll gouge his two-timing eyes out!!" Faye yelled in her outrage. People in the hall were staring and tried to walk by her quickly as possible.
"Faye! Please, keep it down. I don't know who knows and who doesn't! Please...don't do something irrational." Nara said.
"'s just that...OOOH that sorry prick gets me SO mad!!!" Faye seethed.
"Don't worry...I'm fine, I promise!! Anyway, I need to get to class! You should too!" Nara said, giving Faye the biggest fake smile.
Faye simply nodded and giving her friend a wave goodbye as she left for her own homeroom. Nara took a deep breathe and hesitated a moment as she gathered her courage and anger to strengthen herself before entering the room.
If Jessica so much as looks at me I swear I'll ...' Nara was mentally going over a long line of torture she so much wanted to put that little whore through. But, she knew she was going to show self control; she always did. That's one of the things she was good at; no matter what these assholes at her school did to her she managed to suck it up and stay strong. No matter how much she wanted to connect her fist to their jaws… she survived. So this shouldn't be ANY different...she hoped.