Fan Fiction ❯ Once in the Night ❯ Meetings at the metro ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authors Note: Hello again to any returning readers…this is the next installment to this story…hope you enjoy by the way. Chapter three will be following this VERY shortly so no worries. Sorry if I don't happen to update every day. It takes me a little while to come up with some REALLT good and then all the editing and such...just bare with me U_U Thank you for all those who are reading this! I'm working my hardest on it! Please Review =)
A loud yawn interrupted the early morning silence. Nara rolled over on her side, opening her eyes to glare at the offending object that was her alarm clock.
"Only two freakin' hours of beauty sleep... and the hits just keep on coming … my life sucks.”
She stared at the clock for a moment longer, then casually tossed it over her shoulder so that it bounced off her wall into her laundry basket. Mumbling incoherently about how she was going to behead the man who invented the cursed contraption, she groggily got up from her bed and shuffled into her bathroom. She winced as the cold air swept over her bare skin. She was incredibly sore from last night's affair, and she was almost certain someone had taken the liberty of abusing her with a baseball bat while she slept.
"Oh goodie...this should prove interesting..." she murmured and massaged her temple.
That damned headache from last night was still plaguing her! She located some extra strength aspirin, downed a few, and then turned around to take a much needed shower. As the water was heating up, Nara took a peek at herself in the mirror. Much to her disgust, her eyes had dark circles underneath, she had a bruise on her collarbone, and her hair was an absolute wreck. She looked as if she hadn't slept in over a week!
"Well now, don't I look horribly lovely this morning?"
She undressed and stepped into the shower, letting the nearly blistering hot water hit her bare back. After a mere three seconds, she was back out on the linoleum floor, biting her lip to keep from shrieking. “Oh my GOD that hurt!!” she hissed to herself. She had forgotten all about the cuts she received from earlier that morning. She turned around to examine her body in the mirror… yep, her back was covered in little thin cuts from the thorns. She noticed they reached clear down her arms, and she even had a few on her thighs and ankles. With a curse, she gritted her teeth, climbed back into the shower, and managed to get reasonably clean without screaming.
“It's not anywhere near as bad as the emotional hell I am gonna have to deal with today.” she told herself as she was drying off.
She glanced back into the shower and noticed then how much dried blood had washed off from her body.
"Hmm...I guess Jackass was right…I was bleeding... ewww, I had better go check my sheets before I leave or Mom will freak."
She quickly dried her hair and managed to tame it to a certain degree. Not bothering to attempt to mess with it past that point, she went to her closet and looked something half way decent that hadn't been strewn across the floor lately. Finally finding something clean, Nara put on a pair of jeans that hung loose from her hips and just a regular black t-shirt. She added a black studded belt for affect. She didn't have time to do her usual make-up - eyeliner, smoky eye shadow, and some color on her lips. Throwing her pack over her shoulder and grabbing up her walkman, she made her to the door, snatching one of Mom's muffins on the way out. Mom and Dad were already at work, so she didn't bother to grab a coat. She realized how stupid that was as she walked into the metro station. It hadn't warmed up much since last night, was starting to look like rain, and well...yeah it was really stupid. She stood there shivering, waiting for the train to arrive.
As she waited, her thoughts went back to her previous meeting with that mysterious young man.
“Why the hell do I keep thinking of that obnoxious loser?... Still, I wonder how old he was...he looked 21 or so. I probably will never see him again anyway… its just as well...” she sighed, then mentally slapped herself for being such a dork.
“Good! The longer the better I say! He's probably one of those psychos who gets off scaring women...”
Nara's thoughts were interrupted when she felt something placed over her quivering
shoulders. She stared at the light brown leather and gold engraved buttons that nearly reached her ankles in disbelief. Someone had just given her their coat!! She whirled around to see who it was and was faced with a grinning young man. To her relief, it was not the same guy from last night; however, she was awed by him anyway. He was huge, almost as tall as the creep she met the previous evening! He was maybe 6' or 6'2, and he had long, platinum blonde hair pulled back away neatly from his face. It looked so...silky! He had deep green eyes that were almost …unnatural looking. He wore a pair of sharp dark jeans with a wide black belt that had no buckle. His white button up shirt which was partially opened revealing a nicely chiseled chest.
“`Ello there! Sorry to disturb you, but it's just that your beauty caught my eye! Couldn't let such a darling like yourself stand shivering in this God- awful weather" he said as he slyly winked at her.
Nara, caught off guard, gaped at him. There was no way this guy was talking about HER!!! She blushed, frantically searching for a way to respond. " After all, what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't offer you a bit o' warmth if I could give it!"
"Ehh...why thank you!" she said, still eyeing him.
"Oh, by the Lord...I'm sorry you must think me totally mad! Just saw a lovely lady waiting for
a I thought I'd introduce meself! The name…is Nicholas!" he said, taking hold of Nara's hand and lightly planting a kiss on the back of it.
Okay, now this guy was just being incredibly cute! She decided that his accent was most likely British or muted Irish. She was flattered, but what the hell was he doing?!
"Ni-nice to meet you, Nicholas. My name is Nara..." she said, blushing a deep scarlet.
"Ah! What a beautiful name!" he said smiling gently, but then eyed her arms.
"One so beautiful shouldn't have their perfect flesh marred by such unbecoming scratches! Where, if I might ask, did you get so badly injured?" he asked sweetly.
"Oh? It's nothing, I just fell into a bunch of rose bushes...some moron I met last
night scared me while I was trying to get into my room. He was a total jerk…he didn't even offer to help me out! Can't leave a girl in peace just because she's visiting a cemetery…you should have seen him… him and his stupid motorcycle goggles… " She briefly wondered why in hell she was babbling about that freak to this extremely hot guy, but as quickly as that thought arose, it vanished. She blamed it on her nerves and shyly smiled up at Nicholas.
Suddenly, Nicholas lost the cheerful expression that had graced his face and looked as if he had been slapped. He looked down at her now, his gentle smile gone, and his face void of any particular emotion. His eyes bore into hers as he bent forward so that only she could hear his words.
"By any chance, did you catch this man's name?" he asked.
"Huh? Uhm, no! He never told me his name..." she said, wondering what just happened to the sweet guy that was just showering her with the compliments.
"Oh… never mind then. Think nothing of it! Forgive me, love, for inquiring so intently." he said, his smile flashing once again.
He turned his head to glance down the tracks. "Ah… looks as if your train has arrived, m' dear. I've got to be off now, but it was a true and rare pleasure meeting you!" he said pleasantly.
He winked at her and began to make his way down the sidewalk.
"Hey! Don't you want you coat back?" she shouted.
"No you keep it for now, love. I'll be sure to get it back some other time." He gently waved and then started off again.
Nara hesitated but finally got onto the train. 'Strange guy... incredibly gorgeous, but strange.”
She decided it didn't really matter so much. She was just thankful to have his coat to wrap up in! No awkward questions! She examined Nicholas' coat to pass the time. The coat wasn't some cheap knock-off: the leather was soft and smooth. As far as she could tell there wasn't a blemish anywhere on it. The fine stitching and careful styling of the coat suggested it was made for him, too. She examined the gold buttons that flashed in the artificial light. She was stunned to discover the buttons weren't fake; they were solid gold!
“What in hell did he pay for this thing? And why in God's name did he give it to me?” she thought to herself.
Looking closely, Nara noticed the each button bore a strange symbol she couldn't place; she guessed it was Celtic or something. After she was satisfied, she lent back in her seat and enjoyed her ride to school…