Fan Fiction ❯ Once in the Night ❯ Train Ride ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Stirring the last of her hot chocolate, Nara contemplated the unfairness of the universe and the cruelty the heavens had so graciously decided to dump on her like so much sewage.
Maggie had stopped by for some time to hear what was bothering her. Nara had told her the whole story, to which Maggie had stated some expletives that made even her ears burn. She had then hugged her tight, told her to stop fighting, and if the principal even so much as breathed funny while Nara was serving detention she would go up there and obliterate him. Nara wished Maggie could have stayed longer, but Matt needed her at home. He was so adorable it made her hurt to think he was not feeling well. Nara bid her farewell as she started the dreaded journey home.
Nara felt like a complete blob after she left the restaurant. “I am never gonna get out of these damn jeans… bleh, I feel like such a pig”. she groaned. She felt like she was about to explode. And the idea of riding the metro at night was not helping her stomachache one bit. She had heard enough horror stories about the creepy things that could hardly be called human that lurked on the metro after dark. If she could manage to not get either raped or mugged on her way home, she might just feel a bit better.
After battling her paranoia for a good ten minutes, her train arrived and she scrambled on board. She snatched the seat closest to the door while carefully placing her bag next to her. There was no way some bastard was gonna snatch her cd player! She slipped a stick of licorice into her mouth, placing it between her teeth like her uncle did his Cuban cigars. She figured that these people reacted like wild animals; they charge if you make eye contact. Therefore, she studiously trained her eyes on the stained and scratched linoleum floor. It was her focus on avoiding the eyes of her fellow passengers that prevented her from noticing that about five minutes after the train had left the station she had picked up a traveling companion.
Her eyes were slipping in and out of focus she was so sleepy. Just as she was about to get comfortable, a leather-clad arm snaked its way around her neck. Her eyes snapped open as she froze in terror. Oh God, she was dead! She sucked in a breath and slowly turned her head to see what monster had so callously slung his weighty appendage around her shoulders. She gasped in utter surprise which quickly turned to bitter fury. Of all the assholes to run into on the blasted train….
“Vhy, hello there.” he said, smiling boyishly at her.
“What the hell?! Get off me, you idiot!” Nara hissed around the licorice in disgust as she through his arm off of her shoulder.
His smile mocked her anger. He seemed overly pleased with himself and the reaction he so easily got out of her. She wondered if anyone would care if she slammed his head through the window as they went through the tunnel.
“Ah, I see you remember me.” he chuckled deeply. “ I see you like licorice… what kind is that?” He then proceeded to snatch her candy right out of her mouth!
“Hey give that back, jerk!” she screamed as she reached over to grasp at her sugary pick-me up.
He looked down at her and smirked before tearing off the wet end and placing her little comfort into his own mouth.
She looked at him in utter disbelief.
“Still want it now?” he asked.
“You…you bastard! That was my last one- how could you?!” she screamed so loud that practically everyone in the train was staring.
“Good. Now be a good little girl and keep that mouth of yours closed.” he said, pulling his goggles higher in his forehead turning and shutting his eyes.
“Ooooooh!” Nara seethed as she crossed her arms and slunk further into her seat. “What in hell do you want? Why don't you find someone else to stalk?” Nara glared her hatred at him as he munched away on her precious licorice.
“Ya know…you come here, you take my licorice, like I freakin' know you or something, then you have the nerve to tell me to be quiet!! I don't even know your name! You might as well tell me since you are hell bent on bugging me every chance you get. Unless you prefer to be called “jerk” or “asshole” all the time.” she quipped.
He chose to ignore that last part. “I really didn't think names were all that important.” He said still refusing to look at the girl.
“They are to me, and I think I deserve to know who the hell is following me around… and who to watch out for next time I put food in my mouth!” she said irritably.
He finally opened one eye and glanced down at her frowning face. “You're not going to let that go anytime soon, are you?” He sighed and turned to face her. He eyed her slim figure appreciatively before replying. His mouth quirked as her face went beet red. He briefly wondered if she had the courage to slap him for his audacity.
“Vell…If it means that much to you, little one, my name is Alek” he stated quietly. “Happy now?”
“Umm… yes. Yes I am. ” she stammered out. His blatant staring had caught her off guard. She forced her blush to recede and replaced her mask of irritation. She resolutely turned to face forward again. After a few minutes went by, she couldn't help but steal a glance in Alek's direction. Was he staring at her again!?!
“What?!?” she snapped. “Do I have another head sprouting from my neck or something?”
His gaze met hers as he continued to look at her thoughtfully. After another moment, he shook himself, turned forward as he lay back against his crossed arms. “ I am just admiring your total lack of beauty, little one. That is all.”
She gawked at him, stunned. “Why you little sonofa…” She was silenced by a slim finger to her lips.
“Let's try and be quiet now, little one. It is a long way back to the station.”
Defeated and feeling another blush coming on from his intimate touch, she grabbed at her bag, withdrew her player, and smashed her headphones over her ears. She didn't hear anything for the next hour except the mournful sounds of Nightwish.