Fan Fiction ❯ Once in the Night ❯ Rage Issues much? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

S.A: …eh….allow me to explain. I am truly sorry to anyone who read my story and had to wait for such a long time for me to update. I have had the worst writer's block of my life, not to mention that I have been going through some unpleasantness in my life. Please forgive me. Although this is only one chapter, I am already working on future chapters and have a pretty good idea where I'm going with this story. So please please PLEASE read this…tell me what you think. I like having readers ^^;;
The train slowed to a stop at Rikvah Station, and Nara irritably waited for the people ahead of her to make their way to the platform. She grabbed up her bag, slung it over her shoulder and stalked to the front of the train, still mentally berating the idiocy of a certain punk and his thievery. She was surprised then chagrined to see that the jerk was getting off at her stop as well. Was she to endure his company all day? He jumped down beside her, straightened out his jacket, and gazed nonchalantly around the station, all the while keeping his line of vision clearly over Nara's head.
She stood staring at him till she finally said, “Do you live around here or something? You're looking pretty lost.”
His gaze slowly sunk downward until she could see her reflection in his eyes as he considered her. “….Did you say something, little one?”
“Ugh! I asked if you live around here or are you lost considering you've been whipping your head around like it's gonna fly off… hey!!” she spluttered indignantly as the tall youth simply began walking down the platform. She took off after him.
“Is there a reason you keep following me, little one? he said without turning around.
“I am NOT following you… it's your fault for walking away in the middle of a conversation, you know.
“As I recall it was you that was doing all the babbling.”
“Why you little… and will you stop calling me little one?!? You make me sound like a child! And…” she was once again silenced as the shadow she was following suddenly stopped, whipped around and placed a single finger against her mouth.
“Don't you ever stop talking? Enjoy the silence for once… it will save your jaw from aching.”
Fighting the flush the covered her face, Nara murmured around the digit, “Don't you at least wanna know what my real name is?
The young man straightened again and adjusted his goggles with a soft chuckle.
“You never give up do you?” Gods, he thought to himself, this girl is persistent.
“Well aren't you the least bit curious?” she gave him a little poke in the side.
“Like I said before, names aren't all that important to me.” he told her.
“Well I don't care if you want to hear it or not. My name is Nara. There, now you have no choice but to call me by my real name!” she said triumphantly, obviously proud that she won one over him.
“Vhatever you say brat.” he grinned inwardly as she looked as if she was about to burst with frustration.
He didn't know why he loved getting on her bad side so much.
“Damn, I don't know why am even keeping you company… consider yourself lucky I actually live in this direction…why can't you be like that Nicholas guy I met today…nice and polite…” Nara grumbled to herself as she went to go get her walkman out from her pack.
“Vhat de hell did you just say?!?”
With no warning, Alek clenched her left arm in a vicious grip. He had murder in his eyes and Nara was suddenly terrified. He was much stronger then he looked; she was beginning to sorely regret pestering him so much. She squeaked as he gave her a hard little shake, her bag falling to the floor.
“Vhat did you just say?”, he hissed harshly inches away from her fearful eyes.
“I…uh..” Nara's throat tightened and she fell short of breathe. Fear got the better of her and she couldn't say anything. All she could do was stand there wide-eyed. Talk about mood swings… what was with the male species today?
Alek let go of her arm, and sighed.
“I am…sorry, little one.”
Nara looked at him with confusion. Did he just apologize?!
She responded with a little nod; this situation was getting too tense. Alek struggled to remain patient; this was an unforeseen problem.
“Chyort! Look, when did you see this Nicholas? What did he say to you?”
“He was very pleasant, actually, if you know what that is. We chatted a bit while I was waiting for the metro. I.. I didn't say anything about you, really. Damn, I only mentioned our “lovely” encounter and he freaked out just like you did just now. What is with you guys? Bad blood between you two?”
“Something like that…” muttered Alek.
“Well, I'm leaving now…” she stated simply and turned around to pick up her things. “Whatever problems you have you're gonna have to fix em on your own since I gotta get home. Now, I don't want you to follow me anymore.”
“Now vhat makes you think I would be following you? Such arrogance, little one, to assume I have time to stalk a skinny, dull little thing like you…” he smirked.
“How dare you, you bastard!! Don't lie to me; there is no way all the times I've run into your sorry ass have all been accidents!” Nara seethed.
“Oh stop being childish.” he rolled his eyes and smiled at her as he walked towards the exit.
“I'm not childish! Hey! Wait up for me!” she shouted out to him.
Nara rushed towards Alek's side.
“Shouldn't you going home now, little one?” Alek asked her as they walked up the stairway
“I'm not finished with you yet, mister! Besides, my parents are going to kill me since I got suspended from school today!” she said, lowering gaze to the floor as she shook her head.
“Whatever for?” he said looking down at her giving her a questioning look.
“Well…I kinda broke this girl's nose at school….” she said impishly as she then looked at Alek and giving him a playful grin.
Why would he even ask?
“I think someone may have a bit of a rage issue, maybe you should see someone, hmm?”
“Yeah…like you should talk about anger issues…” Nara mumbled under her breathe. “What is going on between you and Nicholas? I doubt its just testosterone that's making you two so jumpy…”
“For now, it doesn't concern you.”
Sighing, Nara brushed by Alek and headed over to the exit of the station. “Well, I'm off! It's getting late and I have a ways to walk still.” She turned around only to hear him call to her again.
“Would you like a ride? I was just about to walk to the auto shop down the block and pick up my bike.” He told her.
Why the hell was he being so nice all of a sudden? She certainly didn't want to walk all that way…in the dark…when all the creepies come out .Yet, she didn't even know this guy. What happens if he turns out to be some serial killer?
Finally finishing her little internal struggle she decided that she'd just hitch a ride, it's not like she was in a rush to get home anyway.