Fan Fiction ❯ One with the Music: Picking up the Pieces ❯ Fairy Ball ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One with the Music: Picking up the Pieces
By Aden Silverflame
Proofed By Torrent Silverpelt
Characters © Owners, they know who they are.
Chapter 2
The grand doors opened and I beheld the halls before me. Creatures magical and long forgotten walked around and socialized. I could instantly feel like a great weight had lifted from my shoulders, it was good to be home.
“Kiz and Kaz... welcome, it's been a while since we've seen you two, living in the human world as you do.” a gray bearded raccoon commented as we passed, his eyes slightly bloodshot and the scent of Sake hung on his every word.
“It's been too long, Kensuke. How are the wife and kids?” Kiz, smiled and did his best to be sociable, he hated the old Tanuki ever since the time they got into a fight ages ago.
“They cause mischief and strife wherever they go, same as always.” he grinned and I could tell he was up to something. “And how about your wife and ch- ooh right I forgot you take it from behind.”
Kiz looked evilly at the overweight rodent. “Hey, I dish it out I never take it, perhaps you want a demonstration?”
“Kiz, no... Let's go see who else is here...” I pulled on his arm and Kiz stopped, nodding gently and leaving the Tanuki without any further prompting.
The hall was filled with fae of all kinds, some I hadn't seen in centuries.
“You're smiling Kaz... making you feel better?” Kiz prodded my arm and I couldn't help but nod.
“Yeah... you go mingle... I wanna get a drink... I'll catch up with you later.” I smiled and the other fairy nodded, leaving me to wander the halls in search of a nice place for a quiet drink.
It wasn't long before I had my cocktail and a seat where I could watch the proceedings. The decor was nice, I should know; I was the one that decorated the place. I watched as the Half-blood Princess padded past, followed by her Half-blood guardian. Both nodded and smiled to me and I returned the favor, but deep down things were starting to get to me again, the music and the people reminded me of the club... reminded me of Kurt.
I missed him, a lot more than I should. But it was all my own fault, maybe if I found someone else, one of my own kind, then I could be happy and move on. But who would want me, as I am, small and insignificant.
“Awww... poor little bug... topping up your glass with tears.” a familiar and deeply sarcastic voice cut through my lapse. I looked up and there was Ebon Gypsom, son of the king's general, half fairy, half dragon, a total jerk and a very not nice person.
“Go away Ebon... now is not the time.” I looked back down at my drink.
“Hey! Don't turn your eyes from me you pathetic little thing!” he snapped and I looked back up at him. I really wasn't in the mood for this but there was nothing I could do. He was the son of someone very powerful and being a brat he always got what he wanted. And I had a pretty good guess what he had in mind. “It's been a long time since I've seen you... you came back for more of this no doubt.” he stroked the crotch of his breeches and I turned my head.
“Not a chance, Ebon... that was a mistake... one I won't make again.” I looked up at him and he sneered, raising a hand to strike me and following through, sending me back in the chair and my drink to the cold marble floor
The crash attracted the attention of a few of the fae around and one in particular came striding forwards. It was Kiz and boy did he look pissed. His leather boots thumped on the stone as he strode up to the bastard dragon and grabbed his shoulder.
“That's enough of that, Worm. Leave him alone.” I was crying as I looked up at Kiz and the dragon. Ebon was much better built than my friend but that didn't faze Kiz. The Smaller Fairy Boy raises up his hand and that's when it really started to get nasty.