Fan Fiction ❯ Only In Dreams... ❯ First Dream: Xianghua ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chai Xianghua.

A young woman from China who was now age 20, she used to live her life in service to the Ming Dynasty as a guard for the Emperor. She had quite the skill- an ancient and powerful style of swordplay that was all but dead- the hidden sword arts of the Ling-Sheng-Su. Due to her quite impressive talent, she was made the captain of the elite team of fighters that created the Emperor's inner circle, even despite her being a woman.

Her first run-in with Seung Mina, a firebrand of a woman from Korea, was four years prior. The two of them had gotten into a bit of a scuffle, and fought to a draw. Instead of being disappointed and vengeful, the young guard who was only age 16 at the time, smiled and laughed, saying that she had never had such a tenacious opponent. Mina had said the same of the petit guard, and said that she would beat her next time, sure enough. In any event, the two didn't part ways immediately- Mina was looking for information about a certain sword. A weapon of immesurable power that would turn the tide for her nation as they fought against the Japanese raiding parties.

Xianghua figured that such information would have a hefty price to it- she was looking for the weapon as well, and with such skills that matched hers, this woman would prove to be an asset. She told her that she would speak with her contacts and find out what she knew. Mina, puzzled a bit at the way she said contacts, simply nodded and stayed in China for the next two days.

Meanwhile, the cunning Xianghua relayed a message to the emperor himself, speaking about the warrior she had met earlier that day and how she was looking for information on the Soul Edge- the "Hero's Sword". He too was interested in this woman and of her talent with a zanbatoh, of all things. The weapon was horribly off-center and unbalanced, and yet from his best fighter's account, she wielded the damned thing like a graphite rod, even going so far as to be effective in close quarters. Such a figher would be indispensible on the quest!

Fortunately, Xianghua was quite fluent in Korean, and Mina was well-versed in Mandarin. The two of them understood each other completely, and when Mina heard that her new aquaintance had some news, she was quite excited. She followed her to an elegant palace, and wondered just what her friend did for a living, and with such skill. As she headed out towards the central gardens, the sight was breathtaking.

Guards wearing a vivid red patrolled the area, casting suspicious glances at the newcomer who tended to wear an obvious lack of clothing. She didn't mind the stares- she had gotten much worse back at home. What she was focused on were the flowers in the breeze and the way the sun glinted on the lake. The stage in the center of the lake was obviously for performances and exhibition matches- she felt a quite strong desire to be on that stage in such a place like this. The whole sight was... calming.

But her calm evaporated as they approaged the building in front of the stage... she recognized the man sitting there in lavish silk. It was the emperor of the Ming Dynasty... and she learned soon that Chai Xianghua was the captain of his guards. Why would a captain wear an outfit from the opera? Xianghua grinned- "Nice disguise, huh? No one'll know the difference!"

Mina nodded and grinned sheepishly. It was clever, she would grant her that. The emperor spoke at this, saying that he had heard of her skill from the woman just next to her... he needed to see it for himself. Mina, for the first time in her life, blushed. A figure of high authority wanted to see her fight? How many had asked for this chance, only to be turned down?

Now she was nervous. Her stomach turned from butterflies to a pit of snakes. If she lost, whatever chances she may have had were gone. If she won... well, perhaps something good would come of this. She didn't know. However, she was locked in now, and she wouldn't let her nervousness stop her. She had learned a year past that fear was ingrained into every living being. But fear was not something to be feared- rather it was something to be used.

And so she used it. She felt her body go still- freeze up, if you will. She knew what it was instantly: fight or flee time.

"Give me your best guards, all of 'em at once. Let them pick their favorite weapons."

Some thought it might have been foolish- she had deliberately turned the odds against herself. But then again, if she was going to lose, she was gonna do it with a bang, or at least that's what she thought. Besides, it is said that the best warriors come into a battle prepared for defeat. So as they assembled and pulled their best weapons from the rack, Mina closed her eyes and breathed. She felt the fear course through her- her body was completely still, her hands were shaking, one of them clenched hard around the rod of the Scarlet Thunder.

In all reality though, she was ready to MOVE.

So then, when the guards- about five of them, including Xian surrounded her, she almost jumped the gun. Her eyes might have been closed, but she heard them coming, brandishing their weapons, demonstraiting their art of combat- of defense. Of killing, if necessary.

One got tired of waiting and leapt forward, his dao flashing as he cut downwards, aiming at Mina's left shoulder.

He missed as she immediately swung herself around the long-handled sword to the right, giving him a hard roundhouse kick as she came back around. She hit him square on the small of his back, and his balance was lost from hitting absolutely nothing; he toppled like a pile of bricks that got the base pulled from it.

Her eyes were open now, and she saw three of them come at her- heard the other one behind her. She ducked low and turned, sweeping the zanbatoh around in a full circle and taking them all out by their ankles. She was smart enough to know that they didn't deserve to die- this was only a demonstration. But that didn't meant that they couldn't leave without a few bruises, though...

In any event, The man who had been knocked down got up, and charged again, just as Mina was recovering. Bad move, that was. As she rose up, her right leg snapped upwards violently, catching the young man in the gut and lifting him skywards. Those that watched cringed- her legs were as deadly as her blade!

Before he came down again, the people who had been knocked down had gotten up again. This was fast- almost too fast! She had to take the initiative this time, or else be lost in the thick of it. She dove almost headfirst into the center of the three challengers, swinging her Scarlet Thunder with a subtle grace that most couldn't see. Her legs however were the real weapons- they kept the aggressors at bay quite effectively. A side thrust kick to the head; a reverse heel to the gut; a roundhouse to the ribs, then turn... and kick once, twice, three times!

The Circular Heaven Kick sent one guard spinning into the lake. She wasn't worried- he could swim, sure enough. Besides, she didn't have time to be worried- the one to the side and behind her were recovering from the force of her footwork, and quickly. She had to do something, and fast, because there were still four of them left.

She quickly spun clockwise to face them, blade extended. They had to defend themselves or get torn asunder, so she had some space. She waited this time, feinting when they started to move, and making them think twice about approaching. Xianghua was wating for an appropriate moment to strike- it would have to be while she was distracted. Meanwhile, the man that had been kicked into the air got up slowly to his feet- he had to be careful next time- not so quick.

They decided to strike in tandem- rush her with so many attacks that it would be impossible to counter effectively. And they did just that, stabbing and swinging with renewed force. They couldn't be upstood like this- they had to win! Mina had a difficult time this time, but still flicked her weapon this way and that with short, precise movements, parrying every strike directed at her. However, she was losing ground, and she could feel it. They were pushing her back.

'Oh... hell no!'

She deftly flicked the edge of her blade upwards, neatly parrying a horizontal swipe, then quickly swept low and wide with the polearm, knocking them both down again. This time, she had to make sure... she made a motion to stab forward... and then suddenly went downward, straight at the guard's neck. She hoped someone would give up soon, because her reflexes could only save so much-

And then Xianghua was upon her. She couldn't let that happen! She came at Mina with a lunge, the point of her sword extended and aiming for her ribs. And all at once, everyone could tell that someone was going to die- guard or girl.


The combat reflexes of both fighters kicked in. They stopped on a dime, the tips of their weapons just centimeters from checkmate.

"I am duly impressed! Truly you are noteworthy, as the captain of my guards suggested. You have a passion rarely seen, even amongst my guards, and it makes your talent all the better. I humbly ask that you join the expidition."

Mina relaxed and calmed down, raising her weapon. Xianghua did too, although cautiously.

"What expidition?"
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Fast forward four years.

The second incarnation of the Soul Edge had been silenced... however, Xianghua said nothing about it. It would damn near break the emperor's heart if she told him that she broke the sword into tiny shards, all due to the fact that there was a demon within. A demon that was hungry for souls...

Over the course of the months that Mina and Xianghua had traveled together, the two of them got to know each other, People seemed to be a bit interested in how they both spoke each other's languages so well- heck, she could even speak a word or two of Japanese- only so much to have a light conversation and nothing more. But they shared something else, when everyone was asleep...

Every so often, Xianghua would get lonely. She would miss her home, her family, the emperor... the rest of the guards were friends, but only by association. She had no real companion, save for Kilik... and he was a bit too boring and moody for her taste. Then again, he was a monk.

But Mina... now there was someone interesting. She had been scorned- called a child; denied the one who was quite possibly her only love; denied what was her birthright; and just all out ignored by society. She was a tomboy- she loved fighting and had a natural talent for the art of Seung's Long Blade. From the time she could lift a sword- she was taught how to use one. By the time she was about age 12, she had mastered the basics. The boys that picked on her... regretted their teasing when she showed them the concequences for such actions.

Xianghua had learned everything about Mina's past, but had only told her bits and pieces of hers. Of course, that's what happened at first. But the Seung prodigy had this... attraction to her. Some may have called it charisma. She tended to attract attention- good and bad. So little by little, as they shared stories, Xianghua started to get comfortable around her- that only grew with time into more than respect. She admired her for surpassing the odds and being able to venture out of the house twice.

Then one night, Mina asked if her friend was cold. She nodded- and then blushed furiously as Mina made an overly simple, overly blunt suggestion.

"Come on then, let's curl up. Heck, it's the only way to keep warm without a fire. 'Sides, what's the worst that could happen?"

Xianghua thought about it... opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again... and then just shut her trap and nodded, still blushing. Mina was right, after all. There was nothing bad that could happen... Of course, she didn't expect to feel so comfortable around Mina. The content sigh was completely not in the game plan, neither was snuggling closer in the story. Her hands wrapped around her stomach, breasts against Mina's back. Her sigh turned from content... to something she hadn't expected. Something confusing... it was pleasure.

She shifted against her friend for a bit to see if she could get the same result, and found that she did. Of course, this woke Mina up- or was she awake in the first place, and simply letting her relieve herself? No matter...

"Can't sleep?"

Xianghua nodded, and Mina could feel her nod. "I think I have an idea... but I dunno if you'd be interesting in something like this." Xianghua smiled sheepishly. She didn't think that much of anything would help her at the moment, with the beautiful brown-haired, well-endowed korean next to her.

"Oh, I think I have something that'll help a lot."

Mina shifted around until she faced Xianghua and looked into her friend's big, brown eyes. "You're so cute..." Xianghua blushed again and whispered her thanks. Then, with a surprisingly wicked grin, Mina asked... "You haven't been kissed before, have you?"

The young guard probably knew what was coming next- her heart was already speeding up in her chest. Her body was completely still, waiting for something to happen. She shook her head no... and then Mina placed her lips to the guard's lightly, simply testing the waters.

Whatever Xianghua was expecting, it was not the elecric pulse of sensation that passed through her. No, she had never been kissed, especially not by a girl. But this... this was tolerable; very much so. When Mina didn't get any refusal, she pressed her lips harder, inviting Xianghua to try it out as well. She leaned her head forwards, pressing her own lips into the kiss.

Good, this was good... Xianghua was speechless as the waves of heat passed through her. Well, except for a passion-laced moan that surprised her. She could make that noise? It sounded just like she felt right now... very good indeed.

Mina broke the kiss as Xian moaned, and licked her lips. "You taste good too. I've always wondered what it would be like to kiss a girl... it's not bad. Actually, that was kinda fun."

Xianghua nodded almost dumbly in response- it was fun.

"Wanna do it again?"

Xianghua nodded... and this time, she started the kiss.

Maybe... that's what started the entire thing. Not Mina's kiss to Xianghua, but her kiss to Mina... maybe that had been the thing that started the entire chain of fate that bound them. All that night, and for the next few months (when they needed it), they shared a bed and explored. Mina learned that Xianghua loved to be kissed... anywhere. She taught her where the best spots were, how to make someone laugh and then sigh immediately after... Xianghua liked it wet, and Mina gave. Tongue and lips were everywhere as Xianghua moaned in joy- sometimes desperation.

And then, they finally went to the point of no return... Mina and Xian had snuck away from camp, taking their bedrolls with them. Well, one of them anyway. They quickly lay on it, covered themselves with the blanket, and held each other, kissing and fondling. Moans and sighs were exchanged, and Mina started her routine. But Xianghua's surprise was evident in a cute little squeak as Mina's tongue parted her folds and licked tentatively inside her.

"Mmmmm.... nice. Did you like that?"

Xianghua grinned. "Did you even have to ask? It was just... wierd."

Mina nodded. "I've always wanted to try this, too... can I? I promise it'll feel good."

Xian smiled and closed her eyes. "Oh, I don't mind. Go ahead."

That night, she had never moaned louder in her entire life- in fact, she shouted and screamed this time. Her body went into a new series of twists and turns as Mina drove her to distraction. Her dance was both graceful and erotic, her figher's form doing entirely new things that she didn't even think were possible. She felt everything.... and loved every... single... minute.

In just about the time it took for the moon that night to rise high into the sky... she felt something tighten inside of her.

"S-something... ahhhh! Something's happening...."

Mina paid no mind- she knew what was happening. She was going to come, and for the first time in her life. She knew because when she had reached down there with her fingers, she could pretty much tell that nothing had happened yet. But that didn't matter, did it? She wasn't about to steal that from her.

"Please! Please... I... ohhhhh, Minaaaaa...."

She didn't know what exactly she needed... heck, all she knew was something was coming and coming fast, and she needed a release of some sort before she went completely insane!

Then, it felt like everything on her person was on fire. She opened her eyes and saw nothing but white, and when she opened her mouth, a scream of release came out almost on its own. Her entire body shook and tightened, her back arching like a cat that was stretching out.

Mina had probably never seen anything so beautiful.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Fast foward again- present day.

Xianghua had been demoted from her position. It was from the lie that she had told. The emperor was heartbroken anyways.. but he was angry as well. Due to this failure, she was dismissed from the guards and given a menial posision. She was content however, due to the fact that the evil was destroyed... or so she thought.

Then, it resurfaced. It was always there- she had just not sensed it in four years. It was coming, and spreading like wildfire. Not only that, but she had heard that Kilik was planning something dangerous... something with the Kali-Yuga and its ability to suck in all forms of energy like a damned sponge. He was going to take in the energies from the Soul Edge itself and try to purify it from both the weapon, and him.

A journey of atonement... and perhaps death. She couldn't let it happen. She still thought of him as boring and moody... but by all rights, he was still her friend. She had to help, however she could.

But right now, Kilik was asleep, and so was she. She was blissfully unaware of it though- her mind's eye saw something else. It was China... the emperor's garden. The place was silent and she was wearing her guard's uniform, the red one made of silk. She looked around the complex and smiled. It was still beautiful, just like she remembered. She would probably not be back here again, so she would make the most of it.

As she walked around, she could feel a presence- a familiar one at that. It was her... her lover. Her passionate, loving friend that would do anything to make her smile. Mina.

And as if the thought conjured an image, there she was. She was standing on the bridge that led to the walkway- the one that led to where the emperor sat. Though she doubted that he was going to be here anytime soon...

"Hi, Xian."

Xianghua grinned. She loved the short version of her name that Mina had come up with. It was endearing; she knew that much for sure. It meant that she thought of her as more than a friend. But she wore something rather interesting this time... a Korean Hanbok- ceremonial, she assumed. Made of silk and with a blue chima and pink jeogori, it made her look funny- like a girl.

'Then again, that's what she is.. I know that better than anyone.'

Mina cocked her head to the side and smirked. "Why, thank you. May I remind you that I can read your thoughts?" Xianghua blushe, despite herself. Apparently, she had to be reminded to watch which thoughts got through and which one's stayed quiet. But she didn't mind right now- this was probably the most secretive place in China. No one knew heads or tails of where they were.

"Sorry; I forget sometimes."

Mina smiled and walked over. The sway in her hips and the look in her eyes was not lost on Xianghua- she felt the same way right now. There was no time for play- they felt each other's need. They both knew what was coming, in this place where none could hear or see them. A place that was just for them, if only for the time being.

Mina pulled at the ties to her jeogori and smiled seductively. "Come here... I want to taste you again."
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Outside, a figure stood over the young woman, burning brightly. Her hands reached for the prone figure, eager to touch... and then she stopped. That wasn't what happened first, was it? Xianghua liked to be kissed, licked, sucked. Replace the tongue for the hands, and kiss everywhere. That was it...

So then, she leaned forward, looking very much like a predator hunting an unwary prey, and captured her lips.

Xian didn't wake... she moaned, though.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Xianghua moaned as the reality around her shifted a bit. Her world shook as their lips touched, and all at once she thought 'Gods, that's good! I've never had that happen to me before... this isn't just a kiss, is it?' But then any other thoughts were drowned out. Silenced. Mina had gotten her fully into the kiss, even slid her tongue inside of her mouth. Xianghua didn't mind playing at all- the sensations were almost doubled, as if someone else were there as well.

But that couldn't be. She was just so happy right now that everything else seemed to multiply.


Ubeknownst to her though, Mina had already started to take her uniform off, working at one button after another in rapid progression. She was anxious for something... but what? No matter- Xian felt a breeze on her back as the top was taken clean off. She didn't much care. Well... not until Mina had taken hers off as well, and she felt something rather interesting.

Skin against skin...

Mina's top was now officially off, and her breasts were showing. That was just like her, wasn't it? In any case, Xianghua looked at Mina hungrily as they pulled away from each other and she slid the rest of the silken dress down. Nothing underneath but smiles and skin and hands on hips.

"So... how about it?" She started walking forward. "Should I let you start, or should I just take you right here? Y'know, make you scream until your voice goes out? I bed you'd like that."

Xianghua nodded and licked her lips. "Just kiss me again. I need it. I need you..."

Mina didn't hesitate... but she didn't kiss her, either. Instead, she fell to her neck and sucked hard, making Xianghua gasp. She cooled the spot down with a long, slow lick, then started sucking gently at other places on her neck, picking a different spot every time.

"Yes... just like that, Mina..."
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
And as one could guess, the firey double of Seung Mina was at it as well. But it was uncanny- the same places that she was kissed in the dream, she was kissed here. That meant she was getting help from outside... but one could probably already tell where it was coming from, if they were awake.

Each lick made Xianghua shift and move and moan. each kiss and suckle made her sigh. Soon she smiled happily and spoke... it was broken, unlike the dream, but it said enough.

"Yes... like that..."

Somewhere nearby, the real Seung Mina smiled. Here was a new way to give them what they wanted, exactly how they wanted it. This was working out perfectly, and they would definitely get all they wanted out of the evening- even if the dream was shockingly real.

'Don't thank me, guys... just have fun.'

With that, she closed her eyes and watched the dreams again.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
She was probably sure that nothing felt this good. They had since moved to the place where the emperor had sat- the quite comfortable chair in which he had lounged to catch some sun- and Mina began to feast on her friend with a renewed passion. Xianghua was thrown into a frenzy as Mina hit all of her soft spots- and somehow, it felt twice as good.

"Yes... yes! Aaaaah! Don't stop, pleeeease..."

Mina pulled away from a tit and smiled. "Oh, I don't plan on it. In fact, I just might make you scream before this is over- not like anyone's gonna hear you anyways." With that, she got straight back to work, her tongue running light circles around Xianghua's left nipple, her lips pulling at it frequently.

Xianghua placed one of her hands on the back of her lover's head and pressed her towards the breast while arching her back gracefully. She couldn't get enough of it- the sensation was almost enough to kill her outright. It would be a wonderful way to die- being held like this.

However, it wasn't enough. She had to feel more of it... she wasn't nearly close, and the fire within her had started to reach the point where only one place would satisfy. But she would play along- let her lover fan the flames until they got to a high point, then have her happily toss her into them.

"More... give me *gasp* more... Oh, gods..."
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------

Mina almost laughed in triumph. She wasn't awake yet! Her doppleganger was doing an impressive job of doing her job. It was one that she didn't mind doing, but every once in a while, she had to rest from it all. This was a good way to do it while having herself some fun watching.

Speaking of her doppleganger, she was busy switching to the other breast, just as the dream shifted in that direction. Xianghua gasped and sighed- she was still trapped in the clutches of the dream- only that she would find herself satisfied beyond the bounds of that dream afterwards.

But it was soon coming down to that time, as the next set of muttered words came forth, followed by another moan.

"Please... finish...."
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
"Please, finish me off! I can't take anymore teasing..."

Mina shook her head and laughed. That just wasn't how it was played! "Nah, I think I'll have fun for a bit. We don't wanna get down there yet- it wouldn't be satisfying enough, and you know it. Now just enjoy what I'm doing!" With that, she returned to her duty, happily licking down the skin of the younger woman's stomach, adding her lips now and then to suckle and taste. Xianghua jumped and twitched, giggling like the girl she was.

Ticklish, damn it all!

"Heeeee! Quit it, Mina! I'm... I'm ticklish!"

She was merciless, though. She heard the happy noise, and she was determined to make that sound come out more and more. Her tongue ran everywhere, even into her navel and back out again before going back up. Xianghua was tingling and in bliss at the same time- she was on the borderline between crying out and laughing until her sides hurt.

Quite frankly, she wouldn't trade anything in the world for it.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
This was the dangerous part... the part that would make or break the whole thing.

Mina knew she was both ticklish... and entirely active at her soft stomach. The giggles she heard were evidence enough of that. They were both from hapiness... and from outright pleasure. Feeling everything at once like that could wake someone fully- the part in the dream was coming though where the finale was at hand. Her double just had to hold on until then...

'There's no way to help it- it'd go against the plan if we stopped now. Keep going, and just hope she doesn't wake up!'

She didn't have to be asked twice. The flame double kept up with the pace of the dream, almost feeling the end near. The light, airy giggles were starting to get to her head, though- both of them. Such a happy sound made others want to be happy, or find a way to do so at least. Mina fought it with all the force and will she had... and she managed to keep herself from breaking her meditation.

'Not yet... her first, then me.'

The time was coming, however...

"S-stop.... heee... too much... just finish.."

Mina smiled in relief and delight. Fun time!
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
"S-stop! Heee.. It's too much! Just finish me already, you've gotten me all horny."

Mina giggled herself- she didn't think she could, but she did anyway. It surprised her, and made her feel good at the same time. Something human was left inside her- fighting had not taken it all away. "Okay, you win. I'll get down to it. Besides, I'm thirsty anyway."

Xianghua went silent. That sounded all too hot right now... she spread her legs invitingly and rubbed her inner thighs, closing her eyes and moaning. "Well then, come take a drink.... and be done with it."

Mina didn't need any more coaxing. She dove towards her sex in a mad rush and thrust her tongue inside. Xianghua screamed in passionate extacy- finally, there was what she was looking for! The feeling of being so complete- filled with something that made her jump and shiver- was almost overwhelming.

"Yes!! Oooooh, Mina... you're so good *gasp* So good at thiiiiis.... mmmmm..."

She drank from her like someone thirsting in the desert when the sun was at zenith. Basicly ignoring her cries and focusing on her sweet, sweet taste was just something that couldn't be helped. But somewhere deep down, she knew she was screaming- begging to be thrown into the abyss. The place where nothing existed but sensation... and extacy... and them.

But not yet... no, not yet. She would have her fill.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Xianghua was all gasps and moans and sighs at this point.

Mina heard... and did her best to ignore them. She felt no jealousy, no envy- essentially, it was her that was doing this. She felt... empty. Peaceful. Hearing her moan made her feel all right, somehow, as if Xianghua voicing her passions made Mina feel complete. It was odd, but it was good. Then again, they were bound by heart and soul, after all. Why not be happy when she was?

And with that, she smiled. She could almost hear the cry of release now... she shouldn't, but she thought that she could. Somewhere in the base of Xianghua's throat, a scream was forming. This was it... this was the one where everything mattered. The one where the dream would split in two... hopefully, everything would make sense and come out all right.

'Don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up....'
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------

Her cry of release sounded off through the entirety of the gardens- it was empty entirely, and no one heard her scream of joy. Her body stretched as she came for her friend, and Mina drank deeply, her tongue going as far as it could. She licked her clean, loving her taste, her smell... just loving her, regardless of what may happen.

"Mmmm... you're still as tasty as before, Xian. Wonderful."

She curled up into a ball and caught her breath. It was the most... intense, wonderful, heady rush she had ever felt. This climax crashed on her with the force of a tsunami- a quite big one at that. Her body was still shaking and she still leaked- Mina had left prematurely. But she was having fun all the same, watching her come over and over again.

'Oh, I think I may have pushed it just a bit.'

Xianghua shivered one last time, then relaxed. Her eyes opened slowly- she still saw spots before her eyes, but other than that, she was fine.

"Mina... thank you."

Her brown-haired friend smiled.

"No worries. You just sleep now...."
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
Outside, the scream was dampened. The plan had to be deviated somewhat- this had to be stopped. Her scream when she came would definitely wake their all-too-close neighbors. So the firey twin that Mina had created decided on her own to do something. She leaned forward and captured her lips again in a vice grip- one that had a velvet and silk sheet around it.

Xianghua was so lost in her sensations that she didn't notice. The dream was still a dream- heck, if she hadn't been suppressed, she might have believed that no one could hear her! How embarrasing it would be to find everyone awake so suddenly at the scream of utter bliss, thinking that it was some nightmare.

But in any case, Mina sniggered to herself. Nothing had ever gone so successfully before! Here was a way to get them off without worry or fear of waking them up entirely- just having the dream extend to some other plane. Oh, when she woke up, she would have a very fresh start in the morning.

Mina smiled to herself as the firey apparition cupped one of Xian's cheeks with one hand lovingly.

'I'm tired...'

Mina spoke back, touching minds with her creation.

'I know. Rest now- I'll need you at the next stop.'

The twin of Seung Mina nodded, smiled, and vanished from existance, leaving a trail of heated air in its wake. Mina herself smiled and leaned back on her bedroll. As sleep overtook her almost immediately, she felt relieved for the first time in weeks. She wondered what Talim's dreams held- she could only read one mind at a time when it came to dreams, while she could talk to both of them at the same time in normal speech.

Reaching through the subconcious was a quite dangerous thing, but she did it with no trouble. She was worried that it would have adverse effects... but now that she saw that it didn't...

'Oh yeah, this is gonna be so much fun. Talim, just you wait!'


A.N.- Ah, bliss. Review, if you will.