Fan Fiction ❯ Reflection ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


'A girl, with long brown hair... She looks familiar. Houses burning, people screaming. What is this? A dragon with bright red eyes. The princess of Tochi, what is she doing? NO!' A small girl sat up in bed and covered her face with her hand. She felt damp from sweating and was breathing heavily. "That was a strange dream." She said, "What does it mean? Maybe the elders would know." She jumped out of bed, quickly got dressed and dashed out of her house and into a busy town. She stopped, in front of a large building in the center of town. She looked up at the sign that said "Town House". Before she could knock, the door opened and a little old woman stood on the other side.

"Yes, what is it dear?" The old woman said, seeing the concerned look on the girl's face.

"I'm sorry, ma'am," the girl bowed, "am I interrupting anything?"

"The men are at a meeting, at the moment, but you can come in and tell me what's wrong."

They walked into the guest area and sat down on soft pillows. "I had a dream this morning. I think it told the future."

"Oh, I see, I see." She then got up and left the room. When she returned, there were two old men with her. They all sat down on pillows in front of her.

"Tell us your dream," one of the men said.

"I thought you said they were at a meeting," the girl said, looking at the old woman.

"We did not have to attend," one of the men answered.

"I see. Well, I dreamt that the princess of Tochi was going to release a some sort of evil and it would destroy Kaigi."

"We have been having similar dreams and have been discussing it for some time, now," the other man said. "It's true that she will release the one that has been sleeping since the Great War, but it will not be the princess you know. She will come from another world and with the influence of dragons, she will release this evil."

"It is best that you become her guardian," the old woman said, "and protect her from these influences."

The girl's eyes widened. She clasped her hands together and bowed until her head touched the floor. "Surely, oh wise and noble elders, there must someone more suited for the task than I." She slowly raised her head and looked at the three elders, afraid of how they would respond.

"Since you are the first one to bring it up," The old woman smirked. "and you're so close to the general, it's only fitting that you do it."

"But I haven't seen him in decades," the girl protested.

"In two days," an old man said, ignoring her pleading, "when the sun is high, she will be waiting in the forest on the outskirts of Tochi."

"You had this all planed out didn't you?"

"If you want to become stronger, then you'll have to take on this task." The old woman said.

The girl hung her head, defeated. They were right. If she wanted to move up to the next level, then she would have to do something like this. After coming to this conclusion, she thanked the elders for giving her the task and left.

'In two days,' she thought as she left the building and headed back to her house. "Stupid dragons!" She yelled, kicking a nearby post. "Ow, my foot!"

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I hope this was better for everyone. I might end up redoing chapter one again. It won't change much, but hopefully it'll be better. Please read and review, no matter how bad it is. I love hearing feedback and it encourages me to keep on writing.