Fan Fiction ❯ Reflection ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1

"Mr. Aihara, may I speak to you?" Ohime heard the doctor say, to her father, as she walked out of the house.

'It's so stuffy in there,' she thought. She had long brown hair that stopped right below her knees, and blue eyes. She was wearing blue jeans and a dark green sweater. 'I hope she'll be ok. It's happened before and everything turned out all right, but this time, I don't know.' She looked up at the night sky and breathed in the cool air. "What is that?" She noticed an unusually bright star that seemed to be getting brighter. Soon she realized that not only was it getting brighter, but it was also heading right for her. She tried to turn and run, but her legs refused to move. She stood there and the falling object hit her in the forehead, knocking her to the ground and causing her to black out.

"Ohime.....!" A small girl called. "Come on, Ohime, get up!" Now beginning to panic, the girl dashed away only to come back with a heavy bucket of water. She lifted the bucket as high as she could and dumped the it onto the sleeping girl. The small trickle landed on her face, causing her to stir.

'Is it raining?' Ohime thought as she put her hand on her wet face. 'Why does my arm feel heavy?' She flopped her arm back down. 'Did I die? I hope not, that would ruin my day. I think I heard someone calling my name. An angel?'

"Ohime wake up!" The girl called again.

'Yea, that's the voice I heard.' She slowly opened her eyes and saw the girl hovering above her. 'Wow, I didn't think it would actually be an angel!' She thought, sitting up.

"It's about time you woke up!" The annoyed girl said.

Ohime inspected the girl. She had long red hair that had two buns on the sides and were held together with gold beads. She was about the size of a hand and had butterfly like wings. 'Nope, she's too small to be an angel.' She examined the girl again before asking, "Are you a pixie?"

"W-What?! A p-pixie?!" She said, turning red with anger, "I can't... You called me... P-Pixie...?!" Unable to control her anger, she flew into the woods and disappeared.

"Aww man! I scared her away."

After a few moments of silence, a scream could be heard coming from the woods. Then the girl flew back as fast as she could and stopped in front of Ohime. "Iamnotapixie,Iamafairy!!" She bellowed.

"What was that?"

"Ohime, listen very carefully. I... am... not... a... pixie... I am a fairy. Pixies have long pointy ears and funny clear wings. They're really annoying too."

"Oh, ok. So you're not a pixie."


"A fairy?"


"What's the difference again?" Ohime grinned. Before the fairy could throw another fit, she asked, "Where am I?"

"Well, you're in..."

"Princess?" A man cut in.

"Too late, he found us," the fairy mumbled.

"Who...?" Ohime said, looking around.

"You, majesty, you have the princess' tiara, so you must be her" he said, pointing to her forehead.

"Oh wow! How did that get there?" She exclaimed, patting her forehead. "Sorry, I'm not a princess."

"What? Then that must mean..." He said, drawing his sword, "You killed the princess!"

"Gack! N-No, I-I didn't mean it that way!" She cowered.

"What did you mean, then?"
"I... um... I," then she looked around and mumbled, "Crap, where did that stupid fairy go?"

"Pst, I'm right here," she whispered, hiding behind Ohime's hair, "Use some of your magic."

"What magic?!" Ohime said.

"You're a magic user too?!" The man hollered.

"N-No, I didn't say that," she cowered.

"Die Maho!" The man yelled, pointing his sword at her.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! He's gonna kill me!" She screamed. Then she turned and ran through the woods. As she was running, she tripped over her kimono and fell flat in the dirt. Then she stumbled to her feet and continued running.

"Hey, wait!" The fairy yelled, dangling from the end of Ohime's hair, "Stop! Stop running!"

"He's gonna kill me!"

"He's not following us." Ohime turned her head to see if the man was still following her. Her hair acted like a whip and threw the fairy, that was dangling from the end of it, into a nearby tree. Ohime sat down behind a bush to catch her breath. "Why didn't you stand up for yourself?" The fairy asked, flying up to her.

"What do you mean?"

"You could've used magic." 'That's right,' she quickly remembered, 'she doesn't know magic yet. How am I supposed to keep her from it now?'

"Used magic?! What are you talking about? There's no such thing as magic!"


"Don't 'shh' me!" Ohime snapped.

"I hear something!"
After she finally got quiet, they could hear moving water and someone whistling, on the other side. As quietly as they could, they peeked over the bush and saw a tall thin man, sitting on a rock, fishing. He had silver hair that was pulled back in a ponytail and he was wearing sunglasses and a black cape.

"Hide," the fairy whispered loudly.

"Why are we hiding?" Ohime asked, ducking down.

"Because he saw us."

"How could you tell? He was wearing sunglasses."

"I just know!"

"All right, all right," Ohime said, putting her hands on her head and leaning up against the bush. After a bit of silence, she said, "You never told me your name."

"What, where did that come from?"

"Well, I figured, since you know my name and it looks like we're going to be here for awhile, we should get to know each other."

"Ok, then, my name is Ani."

"Ani huh? That's different."

"It's not like Ohime's very common either!"

"You don't have to get all pissy about it."

They sat there in silence for awhile until, out of boredom, Ohime yawed and said, "I wonder if he left yet." She then got on her hands and knees to look around the bush.

"Don't let him see you!" Ani said, pulling on the end of her hair.

"What's the deal? Do you know him or something?"

"I don't know him, but I know he's a dragon and that's all I need to know."

"Really? How can you tell?"

"Dragons have slanted eyes and slits for pupils. They also have fangs and they eat people."

"The guy was wearing sunglasses and he wasn't exactly bearing his fangs for all to see. So how could you tell?"

"Because he smelled like one! So stay away from him, Ohime!!"

"All right, you don't have to be so loud," she said, with her finger in her ear. 'She's loud for such a small person. She's right, though, I should probably stay away from him. But I can help wondering if he's still there.' "I bet Ani scared him away with all of her yelling," she chuckled to herself, getting back on her hands and knees to peek around the bush.

"What are you....." Before Ani could finish, Ohime grabbed her and brought her around the bush.

"See? Look, he's not there anymore."

"Good, he's gone."

"What are you looking at?" A man said, behind them. Still on the ground, Ohime turned around and was face to face with the dragon.