Fan Fiction ❯ San ❯ 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
San was crouching upon a tree limb. A deer walked into the clearing and San aimed her gun directly into the animal’s heart. The deer looked up and suddenly broke into a run and was gone into the forest before San could pull the trigger. There was crashing to the east of the clearing and the bushes swayed as someone pushed their way through. San’s first thought was of the aliens. San pulled her gun to her shoulder.

Quip burst through the foliage, tripped over a root, and fell on his face. San jumped gracefully down to the forest floor a foot form Quip’s face. Quip looked up at San and smiled weakly. Quip got up quickly and placed his left hand into his pocket. San saw the blood running down Quip’s leg and inquired about what happened to him.

“The aliens attacked. I tried to hold the doors shut, but there was just to many of them. They came in and opened fire on anyone they saw. I don’t think anyone survived. There was blood and death everywhere. I remembered how you left and got away when they weren’t watching. I wandered through the forest searching for you. I kept remembering how the three of you looked at me with sad and knowing eyes. You knew they were going to attack didn’t you? Why didn’t you warn us? Because of you everyone died! You should warn us of these things! Why did you let this happen?

“A long time ago I looked up to you and I wanted to be like you. I thought you were the greatest. I thought you would do anything to protect your people. Why was I so wrong?” Quip starred at San as tears started flowing down his face. “I thought I knew you. I was so wrong. Almost everyone I ever cared about, ever loved, died because of you! Why did you let them die!” Quip was screaming at San. San stood before Quip and let him vent all his frustrations at here before she even tried to reason with him. Quip fell to his knees as he cried and cursed San for not warning him.

San waited until quip’s sobbing stilled then she reached down and pulled him up. Quip voiced no objections to San helping him up and guiding him to the hold she had made home. Ro was sitting alone in the entryway waiting to see what San had caught this time. Ro looked up as the door slid open and San pushed her way in supporting Quip over her shoulders. Ro’s eyes widened when she recognized Quip. Quip slumped against San, passed out from exhaustion. Ro pushed San away and half-dragged Quip down the hall and into her room. San laughed at Ro’s pushiness.

San went into the room next to the one Ro dragged Quip into. Kuto sat up and smiled at San. San went to Kuto and sat next to him on the bed. San slowly and carefully pulled the bandages off Kuto and piled them on the bed behind him. San pulled the remainder of the bandages off and examined the wound. San smiled. “Soon you will be able to get up and walk around more than just in this room. I found a new resident while I was out hunting today.” San laughed at Kuto’s confused expression. “Quip wandered into the clearing I was staking out just as I was about to get something too. Ro took Quip to her room. I think she is glad he survived the aliens attack. I have to go check on them, Quip was hurt and passed out when I carried him here.” San got up and headed out the door. The door slammed shut and Kuto fell back into the bed with a heavy sigh.

Ro was putting ointment on the minor scratches that Quip had obtained during his long track through the dense forest. The door slid open, San came in to check on Quip, and Ro. Ro glanced at her elder sister and continued to treat Quip’s wounds. San smiled and thought about the best way to break the news to Ro.

“When Quip awakes, he will be very confused and angered. Quip does not know the whole story and assumes we had information that no one else had and is extremely upset. Quip thinks we left the people to die and we knew what was going to happen. He is somewhat right, we did know what would happen to the people. We also knew that the people were in danger and the committee knew and stayed where they were. They did not warn anyone.

“Quip may say things that will hurt. He is distraught and may need to vent. Would you like me to stay here and talk with Quip? I will if you want me to. I know how you feel about him, and I also know that he will be very angry. I know Quip would never strike you but he may lash out with his words, and sometimes words can hurt more than anything.”

Quip moved slightly in his sleep and both girls looked at him. Ro smiled and pushed his bangs out of his eyes. San nodded and stood up. Ro smiled at San weakly as San left the room. The door slid shut behind San and a single tear slid down Ro’s cheek. Ro ran her hand down Quip’s face and lied down with her head on his shoulder. Ro closed her eyes and drifted into slumber.

Quip opened his eyes and was astonished to see Ro lying next to him. Quip closed his eyes for a moment and opened them again but Ro still lied upon his shoulder. Quip was sure he was dreaming and wished it would go on. Quip had a feeling he would soon awake. Quip had often dreamt of holding Ro close to him. Quip smiled and pulled his arms up around Ro, after all it was a dream and could do no harm
he rationalized.

Ro opened her eyes and looked up at Quip as he pulled her in close. Ro smiled and kissed Quip’s cheek. Ro hugged Quip, got up and went across the room to get her writing pad and pencil. Quip watched curiously as Ro sat down, leaned against him, and began to write on the pad. “Did you sleep well?” Ro wrote in the pad. Quip nodded with a look of confusion. “Are you OK Quip? You don’t look well all of the sudden.” Ro scribbled quickly.

Quip had remembered that people couldn’t read in dreams so he must be awake. Quip pinched himself and, finding it hurt, began to turn a bright red. Ro looked at him and silently laughed at his embarrassment.

“I... I’m sorry Ro... I thought...” Ro smiled and cut him off by kissing him. Quip smiled but still looked embarrassed. “Where are we?” Quip asked looking around for the first time. Ro smiled and wrote down that they were within an old fort. Quip smiled weakly and plopped down upon the pillows. Ro lied down gently upon Quips shoulder.

~~~~~~~~~~~Authors notes~~~~~~~~~~~~
Awww, cute fluffyishness... ^_^