Fan Fiction ❯ Shapeshifting Pride ❯ Nemo and Koye ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feith: Hiya! Koye has entered the story. He will be disappearing shortly, but he will appear in the sequel. If I ever get there. *sigh* I wish writing wasn't so long.

Jo: Writing is only as long as you decide to make it.


Unbeknownst to those who were fighting, King Nomedo's chief advisor, Nemo, snuck away from the battle and towards a house on the side of the river. The battle raged on; Seyr killed as many demons as she could even saving Raud's hide a couple of times. Raud fought furiously; he wasn't about to let Seyr make him seem like a weakling. At the end of the battle, Seyr counted all of the officers' bodies. Raud just gaped at her, "How can you fight like that?! I've never even heard of a lady fighting, much less fighting well! So, how is it that you can be that good?!"

"123,995; 123,996" continued Seyr, "Well, I always liked to get on my dad's nerves, so I challenged every guard in the palace until I beat my uncle, the captain of the guards. 124,207; 124,208; 124,209... Hey, wait a second! To where did that oily commander get? I counted the officers in this army, and there were one hundred twenty-four thousand, two hundred ten of them."

Feeling ignored, Raud retorted, "That sounds more like the total number than the number of officers."

"That doesn't matter, there's still one missing!" snapped Seyr. Thinking aloud, Seyr said, "Let's see; they were looking for a boy named Koye. Is there a boy by that name around here? Oh, yeah! He's my regular charge for Sunday evenings. Yako sometimes helps with that, too. Now, he lives... right by the river! Dammit, why didn't I realize that earlier?! Come on, Raud! We're going to visit Koye!"

Raud silently shook his head and said, "Nah, I think I'll work on getting rid of the dead bodies here."

Running in the direction of Koye's home, Seyr replied over her shoulder, "Suit yourself. I've got to go make sure that the last officer hasn't done anything to that boy, Koye."


Nemo laughed quietly, holding Koye's unconscious body close to his with a knife in his hand. As he looked up towards the doorway, Seyr stood there glaring at him. Memories came rushing back to her.

A child bundled up in blankets fell into a river while he sleeps. Wolves that smell of decaying flesh gathered around a cloaked figure, growling with the hunger of a starved, overworked human. A dangerously beautiful man smirked just as the ominous-looking human did. He reached for the cloaked figure... and missed; the cloaked figure had ducked under his hand. Although he had missed the throat, he did manage to knock the hood off the figure. Seyr's face, which was the one under the hood, spoke of fear and realization. She said, tears rolling down her cheeks, "You'll never get to take Koye away from the life that he should lead, Nemo. I could not stand the thought of Koye being like Lifo, so I killed Lifo. Do whatever you wish to me, but do not hurt Koye, please."

Evil laughter filled the air, Nemo replied, "Then you shall live the life of a human, void of your shapeshifting powers, your empathy, and your memories. You cannot raise Koye if you're only old enough to be his older sister. That is the price you shall pay for everything you've done in your entire life, including the murder of Lifo, the protection of that pickpocket, and the degradation of a very competent military leader." He reached forward and grabbed Seyr by her face, his hand easily covering everything.

Realizing exactly what was going on then, Seyr shouted, "Let go of him, Nemo, or I'll split you in two and destroy everything that you could possibly care about!"

Nemo smiled evilly, "You've got no power to back up those words, shapeshifter, but now, I realize where I went wrong in cursing you. There's always a way to undo the spells that I cast, if you can figure it out. I think I shall leave Koye here to torture you with the fact that he has no clue that you're his mother." With that still hanging in the air, Nemo disappeared.

Before Koye could hit the floor, Seyr dived and caught him. Hugging him close to her body, Seyr whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks, "I'm so sorry, Koye. I should've known; I should've been there to protect you. I was selfish, not wishing to remember being a demon. If I hadn't been so selfish, I would've protected you and realized that that army wasn't after me; it was after you. I can't undo what I've done, but I can regret it." She rocked him back and forth tears still running down her cheeks. Every tear fell on Koye's face, and slowly he began to regain consciousness.

Koye wasn't a redhead like Seyr, but he did have her eyes and her general attitude towards the world. Many thought that the eyes were just a coincidence and that the attitude came from her babysitting him so often. If anyone suspected that Seyr and Koye were related, that person would probably think that they were cousins or siblings because everyone thought that Seyr was about eighteen and Koye's about fourteen.

As far as looks go, Koye mainly resembled Lifo. He had brown hair, a deceivingly delicate face, and a deliciously red tongue. His general stance wasn't ominous, like Lifo's, but instead, it seemed to speak of precaution and kindness. All in all, Koye was thought of as a beautiful boy.

Koye loved the world that he lived in as much as nymphs love water, but in fighting standards, his general element was a mystery. Some say that his general element is life; others say that it is power itself, but Seyr says that Koye has no element. (Author's comment: This is one of Seyr's random moments, so don't pay attention to it.)

Elements are determined partly by parentage and partly by general attitude. Lifo's general element was not darkness, which can sometimes be good, but evil; Lifo didn't really like the world he lived in anymore than fire likes water, so Koye couldn't really take after him in element. Seyr's element is earth, and she loves all worlds that she can live in. Koye has the general attitude, but he also has the element of evil in him, so he can't have earth as his element. His element would have to be a powerful one like life or death or evil or good. Because of his general attitude, Koye most likely has an element of either life or good. By observing Koye's abilities, it was finally concluded that his element is that of good. Unfortunately, Koye is not the main character of this series, so he gets pushed aside despite the fact that he's got the most powerful element.

As Koye regained consciousness, Seyr continued to apologize and hug him closer to her body. Soon, Koye said in a choked voice, "Seyr, you're kind of squeezing me too hard; could you please let go?"

Realizing what she was doing, Seyr loosened her grip on Koye. Koye pulled away slowly, smiled, and asked, "Thank you. Now, what was that all about?"

Seyr looked at him for a long time and replied, "Koye, what would you say if I told you that I was your biological mother?"

Koye, bewildered by this reply, answered, "I think I would say that you're nuts, Seyr, but then again, if someone told me that a freaky business man would knock me unconscious today, I would've told them that they were nuts too." He thought for a little while longer before confirming, "Yes, I think I'll stick with this is one of your random moments."

Seyr stared down at her hands and said quietly, "But this isn't one of my random moments. Unfortunately, you won't believe me, so I think I'll get Yako to explain it all to you."

Just then, Raud appeared in the doorway and asked, "Seyr, did you find that missing soldier?"

Seyr smiled and replied as Raud was turning to leave, "Yes, I did. I was just trying to explain to Koye why the army was after him. He doesn't seem to believe me, so I think I'll have Yako explain it to him."

Raud paused in mid-turn and surprised everyone in the room including himself by confessing, "I was wondering about that as well. So, since you're not explaining it to Koye, perhaps you could explain it to me."

Koye interrupted Raud, "I don't think you would want Seyr to explain stuff to you because she can kind of, well, screw things up by leaving stuff out and being really random. In fact, Seyr is actually known in this town for being random. Yako, on the other hand, explains things in full and will never leave stuff out or get things mixed up chronologically if he can help it."

Seyr pouted, "Gee, thanks, Koye. Now you've really made me feel better about my ability to explain stuff." She jumped up and ran out the door calling Yako, so he could explain her past to Koye and Raud.

Eventually, Yako walked into the room and sat down. A silence grew between the tutor and the tutorages. Finally, Yako sighed, "I don't know if I can explain this in a manner in which no one gets disturbed, but here it goes...


Feith: Hah! A cliffy for the reader! I must keep putting them in here. Warning: Seyr's past is about to be revealed. This is going to be the closest thing to a fanfic that I will publish in an original story. My ode to Kurama. He is a gentleman and I wish that he was real. Unfortunately, he isn't, so I must dedicate stories to him. The next chapter is dedicated to you. Sorry if this is a little screwed up. Stupid Word doesn't want to get rid of the breaks.

Jo: Have fun reader. Oh, and review. This story is the whole reason that Feith joined mediaminer.