Fan Fiction ❯ Stormy Conscience ❯ White Wolves ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It's getting late and the men are looking for a place to settle down. But I'm uneasy I don't like this forest at night. Full of demons waiting to eat your souls and forest guardians. This is Wolf and Snake Clan territories, Lions are not welcome here at all. I speed up the trot of my horse to catch up will Fahum, he was in charge of the gang.

"Fahum. I can not rest nor may I hunt in this area. It is not a good place. I'm just in danger for entering this area of the wood." I inform him desperately.

"Why not?" he gave me a confused look. "You are a from the Lion clan, what could poses a threat to you. Anyway my men need to rest."

"This is Snake and Wolf clan lands, Lions are not welcome. Wolfs will come in the night and kill us."

"Then we will set up guards in the night to keep a look out. We have dealt with wolves before."

"Not like this. Please. I Dragon ask this of you. Do not lay camp here, another couple of hours and we will be out of their land and into Horse Territory." I begged him.

"No. we have travelled long enough, we shall be fine here. There is nothing you can say that will change my mind." He stared in to my eyes challengingly. Reluctantly I gave in and averted my eyes with a snarl. The men settled down to sleep, with a few in the trees keeping watch. I lent up against a tree and watched a tiny black beetle scuttle across the leaf litter. I made my-self as alert as possible, I listened for anything unusual. Nothing except the noise of the bounty hunters. I lifted my head slightly and sniffed the air. There was something unusual there. I took in a deeper breath. Neither wolf nor snake. My curiosity took a hold of me as I decided to find this creature. As I got closer to my prey I lowered my self so I was flat on the ground. Just behind this bush it is. I squirmed forward on my stomach until I could see in to the clearing. There on a pile of rocks was… one of the Falcon clan. Huh…Chaos. `Looks like her, but what would she be doing here?' I let out a small Tisk sound to see if I could get her to face me so I would be able to tell for defendant if it was her or not.

"Oi you." I heard Triks annoying voice at first I thought he was yelling at me. But then realised he was yelling at the girl on the rocks.

She leaped to her feet quickly and faced Triks. `Yes this was Chaos'. Chaos got into a fighting pose, if Triks got any nearer he would have a foot in his face and it would hurt. But I'm not gonna tell him that, maybe it might teach him a lesson about being cautious and never underestimating his opponent.

"Hey take it easy luv. I don't want to have to restrain ya. I might `urt ya and I wouldn't want dat on my conscience." He started to make his way towards Chaos; he got as far as the rock Chaos was standing on. She let out her assault and with on powerful kick in the centre of Triks' chest, he flew back a few feet. He drew out his knife and Chaos let out a whimper, but stood her ground. I got ready to pounce as soon as Triks took a step towards her.

"Right I warned ya, so now I'm gonna have to do this by force." He step forward.

I rush forward and pounced on Triks, with one hand on his wrist with the knife in and the other on his neck, I let out a low growl. Triks let out a gasp and dropped his jagged dagger on the grassy ground. I stood up, as soon as I had done so he backed off in fright. I loosened my jaw slightly, looked at the ground and waited. After a few moments Triks' look of horror turned to admiration. I glanced at him and to my surprise he was smiling.

"Wow dude. I had no idea you could do dat and thanks for not biting me wit does pointy teeth. You are so cool." Triks exclaimed, he really meant it I think as he wasn't saying it out of fear.

"Dragon, It's you." Chaos stated "I got something to tell you. It's really Important." With her eyes suspiciously on Triks all the time she walked to me.

"What is it? What are you doing here? Is Blade with you? Who…" I was cut short, by a wolf howl in the short distance. "No time. No time we must move and now. We are in danger here. Triks Reason with Fahum get him to move his men." I grabbed Chaos' wrist and dragged her to the horses. I helped her on to my stead and got on after her. Triks, I was relived to find had managed where I hadn't. Fahum didn't look happy, but he wouldn't be too happy if we got caught by the Wolfs. Triks pulled up to my right, "dese Wolfs are day like you, I mean magic sort?"

"The Wolf clan will not attack us directly they will use `Spirit Wolves' not as deadly, but still more dangerous then normal wolves."

"Demon wolves, like in da legends. We ain't got a chance they bite and you die and they appear out of thin air. One sec deir dere and the next deir gone."

"No that is a wolf guardian, we are not at war with the Wolf Clan, we just don't get on that well."

"Oh dats good den." Triks smiled at me before riding to Fahum, probable to tell him what I had just said.

"You have an admirer then?" I had forgotten that Chaos was sitting there.

"Huh? What do you mean and what were you gonna say to me before we started to run for our lives?"

"Come on I know you're not into… well anything. But surely even you can see his into you. I bet as soon as we get to a town he'll go off and learn as much about the Clans and then try to impress you with his new found knowledge. Anyway Shaz talked Blade into taking us in to the wood and there was this noise and the horses bolted and I fell off and the other to horses galloped of and…"

"Take a deep breath and continue slower. Ok. I don't need you collapsing through lack of breath."

"Ok. I was all alone, so I went in the direction they went and you know those rocks I was on." I nodded "Well on them was a Creature with beautiful bird wings, lion waist down, human waist up and a lizard head. And he told me some thing about two lions hunting and about one having a dark heart, which wasn't her's. Does that make any sense to you cos it told me to tell you and if I didn't it would get dirty or something like that."

I was about to reply when I saw a white streak out of the corner of my eye. A white wolf throw itself at my horse and another at the legs of the horse. The horse reared, Chaos and I fell off, I landed on my feet miraculously, Chaos though didn't. She landed with a thump and the hard ground. My hair bristled on the back of my neck threateningly and I let out a low deep growl to warn them that I meant business. There was no good running now our only chance was to face them down and hope there wasn't too many of them. The bounty hunters had bolted off somewhere, yet there stood Triks, Why hadn't he ridden off with them.