Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ The Diggers ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Diggers:

"What's going on?!?!" Jess asked as she looked at the security screen.

"The Diggers are snooping around the docking bay and mite dig into the Psi sector. We don't need all of you Joey take Go-chan and Angel." Commander Victor explained. Joey, Go-chan and Angel ran to Sector Psi to suit up and go above ground.

"Why not me?" Jess asked.

"What the Fuck are you thinking talking back at me when I give orders. I thought you were Fuckin smarter then that. Go home and watch your kids and be useful." Commander Victor snapped.

"Yes sir...." Jess said as she saluted and left the room with Zak.

"He's an asshole don't pay attention to anything he says." Zak tried comforted his sister.

"Yeah your right." Jess sighed as she went to go check on her kids. And Zak went to the medical labs to fake some injury or illness as he usually did to get Messa's attention. Jess then saw some doctors leave a room she never seemed to notice before.


Joey, Go-chan, Angel arrived at the docking bay and were being raised up above the ground to go face off with the diggers. The Diggers are a kind of Demons that use their claws to dig and also slash up their victims. They're claws are very long and lethal. Go-chan, Joey, Angel quickly split up to take care of the three diggers. A digger quickly clawed at Angels arms and easily sliced one open. And then quickly ran by Go-chan and smacked her causing her to go flying.

"That's it!! Take this you piece of $hit!" Angel yelled as she kneed the Digger and then sliced it with her elbow blades killing it. Go-chan slowly got up.

"You should go to the Medical bay Angel!" Go-chan told Angel.

"I can handle it." Angel growled as she held her wounded arm.

"Stop pretending Angel. Your no use to us if your injured you'll just attract more of them. So do as Go-chan says. She is in higher command then you." Joey explained as he dodged the second diggers attacks.

"Grr.. Fine.." Angel grunted and went into the docking bay where a medical team met her to take care of her. Meanwhile Go-chan Kicked and dodged the digger as it tried to slash her face. She looked at it and got ready to attack but she then felt it behind her.

"What?!?! How the hell did it move so fast?!?!?" Go-chan said out loud to herself. It then slashed her side.

"Ah dammit!!!" Go-chan said as she flinched in pain the second Digger went after Go-chan and left Joey because of sensing her blood. Joey then jumped on it's back and broke it's neck just as it flung him off of it. Joey went flying into the ground.

"Joey are you ok?" Go-chan asked as she kept her eye's on the third digger while in a fighting stance. Joey quickly got up.

"Yeah... Do you want to finish it or should I?" Joey asked as he held his head for a moment.

"If you don't mind I would like to!" Go-chan smirked as she got ready to run at the third Digger.

"Sure. I'm going to head back then." Joey said as he turned toward the docking bay to go inside.
Go-chan quickly jumped up and jumped on the Diggers head confusing it. And then shoved her hands down it's throat ripping it open and killing it.

"There!" Go-chan said proudly. She then went into the docking bay with the rest of her team. The medical teams quickly checked them all out and wrapped up Go-chan and Angels wounds.


Jess put her hand on the unmarked door and shook the handle.

"Huh.. It's unlocked. I wonder what's in here hmm.." Jess thought to herself as she slowly turned the door knob. She then looked inside.

"It's a lab!" Jess said out loud. She then looked around and saw documents and papers about human genetics.(When did our government start playing with human genetics? Jess thought) She then saw a giant tube with something in it. She then went closer to it.

"What the?!?!?! A GIRL!! Oh my gosh how could they do this to a child." Jess was horrified at the thought a little girl being used as a lab experiment. She then hit buttons all around the tube tank and the water suddenly came out and the tube was lifted. The girls body quickly fell. Jess quickly took off her uniforms coat and put it around the little girl because the girl was totally nude.

"Hey wake up..." Jess said as she shook the little girl in her arms. The girl slowly opened her eye's.

"Please don't hurt me!!!" The girl looked terrified and put her arms up covering her face and started to cry.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you I'll get you out of this place!!" Jess hugged the girl and tried to comfort her and started to cry herself. (How could they be such monsters to do this to this little girl those Bastards Jess thought to herself)