Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ The Rescue ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Rescue:

Joey was getting closer to Jess' location while Zak and Angel were way behind.(I hope Jess is alright… Joey worried as he thought) He then saw something in front of him but it wasn't Jess. It was a bunch of small demons they all quickly jumped at Joey. Joey didn't want to waste time on them when he could be saving Jess but realized the only way he could get to Jess is by destroying them first. So quickly stopped and got into a fighting stance then knocked three of them away with one kick. But the other one's jumped on him and clinged to him they then started to bite down on his armor. Luckily the armor was thick and they didn't penetrate it. They all kept gnawing at his suit Joey then tried to get them off three fell off but the rest were fixed on him. The six on the ground tried to jump back on him but Joey dodged them and they went flying to the ground. Then one broke through his suit and bit into his arm Joey clenched his teeth from the pain. He then grabbed the little demon by its head and started to put pressure on it's little skull. Right then the little demon on his arms head smashed from Joey crushing it with his hands. The other demons started to break through the rest of his suit. He hit the rest of them off as they were about to clenched into his flesh. He then stepped on one of them. Another one jumped on his leg and bit into his ankle.

"Grrr…. Damn little thing…Get off!!" Joey yelled as he shook his leg and it then flew off. It then smashed into the other 7 on the ground. Joey then jumped at the little demons to smash them. He only landed on 3 of them with his feet. The others scattered in every direction just then Zak and Angel appeared they both saw the four little demons.

"Need help?" Zak asked as he ran next to Joey and got into fighting stance. Angel was right behind him.

"Could you take care of them while I go to save Jess?" Joey asked as he kept his eye's on the little demons. Zak and Angel nodded Joey then ran off to go save Jess. Zak jumped at one of the little demons but kept on missing every time.

"Dammit…" Zak said as he became frustrated. One Demon jumped on his back as he was paying attention to the other one.

"Zak don't move…" Angel said as she snuck behind Zak and smacked the demon off of him.

"Thanks!" Zak said happily as he continued to watch the little demon jumping in front of him.

"I've never seen such small demons…" Angel said as she looked at the little demons jumping all over the place. She then dodged two of the demons. Zak then flew at the demon with his hands out trying to catch it. But as he flew towards it the demon jumped on his head.

"Grr.... Why you little…" Zak mumbled at the little demon and then caught it on his head and smiled.

"HA!! I got you!!" Zak exclaimed happily it then bit his finger and his eye's started to water and he clenched his teeth. He then squeezed the little thing until it popped and started laughing at it.

"Your so weird Zak…" Angel said as she wished he could see the expression under her helmet. Which was a what a loser look. Angel continued to chase the two other demons as Zak gloated around after killing just one.



Jess looked to her side and saw a demon carrying Go-chan who was passed out. The demon climbed up the wooden post next to her and chained Go-chan up. The demon then quickly left after putting Go-chan up. Go-chan then slowly awake as she felt the rain fall on her. The storm started to get worse and the rain started to pour down hard. The whole ruined city looked like something out of a nightmare as lightning flashed. Go-chan looked around and saw Jess and she thought the same things that Jess thought when she first woke up hanging there. Jess winced in pain as the water hit against her wound in her side and her blood started to drop down. (I hope Joey comes soon… Jess thought) Jess started to cry from the pain.

"It will be ok someone will be here soon to save us!" Go-chan said as she tried to comfort her sister. Suddenly the little goblin thing came out from Go-chans hair and climbed on top of her head. It then shook it's body to get the water off.

"Oh I almost forgot about you." Go-chan thought out loud. Two demons then came out the ground after sensing Jess' blood and the little goblin creature. One went towards Go-chan and the goblin as the other went over to Jess.

"Oh $hit we're in trouble!" Go-chan yelled as she saw the demons. Go-chan and Jess, the little goblin looked in horror as the demons came closer to them. The little goblin put it's tail in between it's legs and went back into Go-chans hair.

"Geez thanks a lot!! I'm so glad my little goblin friend is so brave!" Go-chan said sarcastically at the little goblin. The Demon came up to Go-chan and started sniffing her and it picked up the little goblins sent and started to growl at her. Go-chan tired not to panic or move hoping that it would give her more time. The demon that was over by Jess started licking her wound. Jess screamed in pain as it licked her wound it then stopped and looked at her. It then climbed on the top of the wooden post that she was hanging on and noticed her hair which was soaked from the pouring rain. It then grabbed her hair pulling it up and started to sniff it Jess screamed again in pain as it tugged and pulled on her hair. She then noticed that she still had her claws on from her mecha suit she then moved her hand and cut her hair above her hands. It also cut the chain that had her hanging from the wooden post.

"JESS!!!" Go-chan screamed as she saw her sister plunging towards the ground the demon in front of her got ready to smack her but then turned and looked at Jess as she screamed. (This is it I'm going to die… Jess thought) Suddenly out of no where Joey jumped up and caught Jess before she fell to the ground.

"Sweety!! I'm so glad you here! I would hug you but my arms are chained up!" Jess said as she smiled at Joey and he landed on his foot and knee at the ground and sat Jess across his lap. He then put his head in between Jess' chained up arms.

"There now you can hold onto me and hug me!" Joey said as he smiled back at Jess. The demon jumped from the wooden post while still holding Jess' hair that was chopped off. It landed right in front of the couple, Joey then started to run back to the base with Jess in his arms. Go-chan sneezed from the rain and the demon in front of her turned around and smacked her and the wooden post and it started to fall over. Angel and Zak then went underneath the wooden post and caught it before Go-chan and the post fell.

"It's about time everyone shows up!!" Go-chan yelled as she looked at Angel and Zak.

"We would have been here sooner if Zak would of helped me kill one of the two demons. I had to kill them by myself." Angel grunted as she looked at Zak.

"Hey I killed one!!" Zak replied.

"Ok I don't care just stop arguing and get me down!!" Go-chan yelled at the two as they bickered.


Meanwhile at the Boe Corporation:

"Sir they saved the two women. It looks like our plan is working. Now we just need to wait till they get back to their secret base." Sirus told Kriedler the updates on the subject. Kriedler while sitting in the shadows just smirked feeling very pleased at the events.

"Perfect…." Kriedler quietly said to himself.


Meanwhile outside:

Go-chan glared at the two who would not stop bickering. They quickly shut up after looking at Go-chans glare. They then threw the post in the air.

"AHHHHH!!!! HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?" Go-chan screamed as she went flying with the post. Zak then cut Go-chan down and caught her.

"Sis we would never do anything to hurt you. Just things to scare you that's all!!" Zak said with a smile. Go-chan sighed at his comment and was annoyed by him. She then started to sneeze more.

"Oh great I'm catching a cold… Lets get out of here." Go-chan whined. Zak nodded and started to run while carrying his sister. Angel followed right behind him the demons chased them.

"How are we going to lose them?" Angel asked Zak.

"Don't ask me I'm not good at thinking!" Zak said as he continued to run. Angel and Go-chan had huge sweat drops on the side of their heads.

"I already knew that…" Angel commented and Go-chan laughed.

"Not like that I mean planning things!" Zak argued back at the two women. Zak then tripped from some mud. Zak fell on his back and Go-chan went flying into the mud. Go-chan sat up and was covered in mud from head to toe. Zak and Angel looked at her and started to snicker . Go-chan's eye's grew wide as she looked behind them she then pointed. Angel looked but Zak didn't thinking his sis was trying to trick him.

"I'm not falling for that one Sis!" Zak closed his eye's as he spoke. Angel then tugged on Zak's arm and he looked at her and she looked scared and then she took off running. Zak then saw the two demons and grabbed Go-chan and ran behind Angel.



Joey finally arrived at the docking bay and Jess and Joey were soaked. The medical teams ran to the two of them. They quickly put Jess on a stretcher and rushed her to the medical bay. They offered to take Joey on one but he said he would rather walk. The doctors quickly cut the remainder of the chains wrapped around Jess' wrists they then took her uniform off and wrapped up her wound and put her in a medical gown. Joey came in to check on Jess after they put bandages on his wounds.

"Are you feeling better?" Joey said as he put his hand on Jess' shoulder he then kissed her.

"I'm doing a lot better!" Jess said as she smiled. Messa then quickly came into the room.

"Jess your blood tests came back. There's nothing wrong with you. But there is some good news! Your pregnant!" Messa said very happily.

"That's great!! Isn't Sweety?" Jess said with excitement as she looked at Joey.

"Yep! We have to fix up two of our extra bedrooms now." Joey said as he smiled at Jess.

"I'm going to leave you two alone now. I'll see you both later." Messa said as she backed up and left. She then saw Zak walk in holding his finger that got bit by the little demon. Messa walked over to Zak.

"Are you ok? What happened?" Messa asked as she looked at his finger.

"A little demon bit me!" Zak whined. Messa smiled at Zak and had him sit down.

"I'll fix it up in no time." Messa said as she took out a little bandage and put it on his finger after putting antibiotics on it. Zak looked up at Messa and smiled he started to blush.

"I'm sorry…" Zak said at he looked at Messa.

"Why?" Messa asked with a confused look on her face.

"For taking up your time every day. By coming here all day." Zak said as he looked at the ground.

"Oh don't be silly!" Messa said as she put her hand under his chin and lifted his face so that he was looking into her eye's. Zak then started to blush more.

"Messa…" Zak tried to tell her his feelings for her. But Go-chan then walked into the room sneezing and it interrupted him. Zak and Messa both looked at her. Zak glared at his sister for interrupting him.

"Oh Messa I need some medicine I have a bad cold!" Go-chan whined and then she looked at her brothers expression and was confused by him. Messa quickly got up and got Go-chan some medicine.

"I'm going to go now Messa so you can get back to work…." Zak said with an unenthusiastic sounding voice.

"Oh ok Zak see you later! Bye!" Messa said as she waved bye to him and he walked out of the room feeling sad. She then handed the medicine to Go-chan but Messa wondered what Zak was trying to tell her before he left.

"Thank you SOOOOO much Messa!!!" Go-chan exclaimed happily as she took the Medicine Messa gave her.

"Sure Go-chan…" Messa said as she was thinking about Zak. Go-chan noticed that Messa was in a gaze looking at nothing.

"Ok I'm going to go now talk to you later Messa." Go-chan said as she quickly left to go see her husband Wufei and daughter Jade.