Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ Torment ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


The next morning Jess suddenly woke up. She remembered about Jewels being kidnapped. She looked over and saw Joey was asleep in the chair next to her bed.

"Sweety!! Wake up!!" Jess screamed as she panicked. Joey mumbled in his sleep and didn't wake up. Jess then shook Joey until he finally sat up.

"What is it?!??!?!" Joey yelled because he was sleepy and grumpy.

"Jewels she's still kidnapped!! I must be a horrible mother." Jess started to cry as she spoke.

"I know… It was only you and Go-chan that we found. We can't go to their base and get her. " Joey said as he looked at Jess.

"What?? Why not?? I would go in there if I wasn't pregnant!!" Jess argued as she questioned him.

"Are you kidding me? They have demons and soldiers and find the right building that their in. We would also have to find a way in there." Joey said.

"But what about our baby girl. We can't just let them keep her. I want her back." Jess cried, Joey then wrapped his arms around his wife and she leaned her head against his chest.

"Everything will be ok Jess." Joey said as he tried to comfort her.


Meanwhile at the Boe Corporations:

Jewels was hooked up to all sorts of machines in some sort of liquid substance. There were dozens of doctors and researchers in the lab running tests on Jewels. Jewels muscles twinged as she felt shocks in her different muscles. She was so confused about what was going on and why on her. A doctor then stuck her with a needle and took some of her blood. Jewels wanted to cry but couldn't because of the strange liquid she was in. It was like the only thing that could move in the liquid was her twinging muscles. (Why aren't my mumsy and daddy trying to save me? They must really not care about me. Not even my aunt or uncles have come to save me. Jewels thought sadly)

"Sir this blood does seem to have some genetic enhancements." Dr. Tremor said to Sirus.

"Good perform more DNA tests and then take her out of there and start the physical tests." Sirus ordered Dr. Tremor. Dr. Tremor then took more of Jewels cell samples and started to test the enhancement of her cellular regeneration. He then noticed that her cells accelerated at a high rate and tested positive and she was able to heal faster then normal people.

"Hmm so she isn't just a normal child after all. She must definitely be the daughter of him then...." Dr. Tremor thought out loud to himself. Hours after testing Dr. Tremor then let out the liquid in the tank that Jewels was in. Jewels then fell on the ground suddenly the glass slid up into the ceiling and two guards grabbed her by her arms and carried her to another room to be tested.



Messa walked in the room and saw that Jess was dressed in her uniform and Joey was next to her.

"Are you feeling that much better?" Messa asked as she looked at Jess as she saw Jess look at her tummy.

"Yep. Messa how far long am I?" Jess wondered.

"A month! I have to get going my boss is going to start yelling at me again if I don't go out there." Messa said as she smiled. Messa then quickly left.

"Do I look like I put on any wait Sweety?!?!" Jess asked as she was amazed that she was that far long. Joey looked at Jess as Jess stood there to her side with her hands above her stomach. So he could see if she gained any weight. He looked at her in wow on how great she looked for being a month pregnant.

"Actually you don't look like you put any. You look sexy actually. " Joey smirked as he wrapped his arms around Jess' waist.

"Sweety!! We're in a public place for crying out loud calm down!" Jess blushed as she spoke to him. She then quickly walked away from him and started out the hallway. Joey quickly followed behind her. As they walked in the door they saw Go-chan, Tifa playing Joeys videos games as Kat watched.

"Having fun?" Jess asked her sister and children.

"Yep!!" Go-chan exclaimed. Tifa then ran up to Jess and held out her hands and a little goblin was in it. Joey quickly pushed Jess behind him.

"Lookie what Auntie Go-chan gave me!! He's Mr. Fluffykins!!" Tifa announced happily.

"Tifa don't have any creatures around your mother! Definitely keep goblin creatures. It could have a disease." Joey lectured her. Tifa pulled her hands away from her father and put Mr. Fluffykins on her shoulder.

"Sweety it's ok it doesn't look too dangerous. But I think I need to lay down." Jess said as she put her hand on Joeys shoulder. Jess then walked into the bed room.

"Is mommy feewing bad?" Kat asked her dad and Go-chan and Tifa also wondered.

"Actually your mother is having another baby and she's also still weak from getting hurt." Joey explained to them.

"Cool another niece! Or a nephew!" Go-chan happily commented.

"Yay babies are cute! And I can feed her or him coffee like I do to Kat!!" Tifa jumped up and down as she giggled.

"YAY!!! WOFFEEE! AND A WABIE!!!" Kat clapped and smiled as she spoke. Joey had a huge sweat drop on his head.

"Well I'm going to go bye Joey! And congrats on the baby tell Jess that also!" Go-chan said as she smiled and waved. She then left and Tifa and Kat looked at there daddy.

"Are you going to feed us now?" Tifa and Kat both said instantly.

"Uh I guess it shouldn't be too hard.." Joey said with an unsure look on his face. He went into the kitchen. An hour later there were dirty dishes and burnt food all over the place.

"Wow mom usually just orders pizza instead of burning things before! I like the smell of burnt things! I like it when you burn things!" Tifa said happily Joey just gave her a weird look.

"Thanks I think." Joey said with an uneasy smile.

"I won't like it wat all!" Kat said with two fingers holding her nose together while eating her pizza. Joey sighed and continued to eat with his children. Jess then walked of the bedroom and saw the mess in the kitchen.

"Oh my……." Jess fainted before she finished the sentence from how dirty and messy the kitchen was. Joey and the kids ran over to her.

"Jess are you ok?!?!" Joey asked as he held up Jess. Jess slowly regained consciousness.

"Bad daddy you made mommy faint!" Tifa and Kat yelled at Joey.

"It's ok. I'm ok now. Sweety you don't expect me to clean up your mess do you?" Jess said as she looked at Joey.

"Of course not I just didn't get around to it yet that's all. And I'll have Tifa help me." Joey said as he looked over at Tifa. Tifa was mad at Joey for pulling her into it.

"Ok. I just came out to get something to eat I'll bring it back in the bedroom with me." Jess said as she stood up.

"I want to wome with you mommy!!" Kat said as she looked up at her mother. Jess nodded and then her and Kat walked into the bedroom with some food.

"Don't worry Tifa this won't take long." Joey said with sweat going down his face. Tifa gave him a yeah right look. Tifa and Joey started to clean the next day they were finished. Kat then walked out of her moms room wiping her eye's because she just woke up. She then walked over to Joey.

"Daddy where's Jewels? Mommy wries when I ask her. " Kat said as she looked at her dad.

"She's going to be back soon don't worry about where she is. I'm going to go out tell your mother I'll be back later." Joey said without telling any details and not knowing how to explain it to a 4 year old. Kat then nodded and Joey ran out of the house. Kat then walked over to Tifa who was asleep on her floor because she fell off the bed while asleep.

"Wake up Tifa!!" Kat shouted in Tifa's ear. Tifa jumped up screaming.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! DON'T HURT ME!!!" Tifa screamed as she covered her face. She then realized that it was just Kat.

"Why did you do that??" Tifa asked her little sister. Kat looked at her and shoved a coffee can in front of her face.

"You could of just told me you wanted coffee and not have to yell in my ears!" Tifa yelled and crossed her arms.

"I want waffeine from woffee!!" Kat said with a smile. Tifa then walked over with her little sister to the kitchen. Tifa then climbed on a counter and knocking things over in the process. She then saw the coffee pot with fresh coffee in it. She then started to pour it into a coffee baby cup and spilling it all over the place at the same time. Kat started to get excited and was jumping up and down all over the place. Tifa then moved the full cup of coffee towards the edge of the counter and got down from the counter. She then grabbed the coffee and gave it to Kat. Kat then started to chug it happily.

"There now I'm going to play daddy's video games!! Want to watch??" Tifa sounded excited as she spoke and walked over to the tv.

"YEAH!!!!!!!" Kat said as she took her coffee with her and continued to drink it.



After Joey went up above ground he then went through the ruins of some city to check all the buildings. When he went into one building he had a weird feeling like he's been there before or a building just like it. He then started to see images flashing in his head. He dropped to his knees as he saw them they were of him as a child. Joey saw men talking but he wasn't in the room with him he was in some sort of confined room with another child. He then had flashes of being on a metal table with the men surrounding him with needles and mechanical devices. Joey couldn't remember who the men where just that they were doctors. But he had no clue who the other child was. (What do these images mean? I must be getting close…. Joey thought to himself) He then noticed that papers were scattered all over the place. He looked at them but the ink was worn but he was able to read the logo. Which was the logo for the Boe Corporation. He then saw that the sun was setting.

"I have to get back to Jess." Joey said as he started to run towards the base. Joey felt bad for not finding out where Jewels was but had an idea of where to check next. Joey arrived at his home a couple hours later.

"Sweety there you are I was so worried about you!! Where were you?" Jess said as she ran up and hugged Joey.

"I was busy doing some work." Joey lied.

"You know I'm smarter then that! I called and talked to everyone I know and they didn't know where you were except one person. Agra happened to see you on the monitor as you went above ground. Where did you go up there?" Jess wondered as she looked into Joeys eye's.

"I was just looking for information about the Boe Corporation and hoping to find out where there base was." Joey explained.

"I don't want to lose you. Please take someone with you next time you do that." Jess said with concern in her voice.