Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ The Origan ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The origin:

As Rae was walking by the research bay and saw 16 year old Julo working on pieces of something that looked like a controller of some sort. Rae then peeked her head inside.

"What are you doing Julo?" Rae asked as she looked at her with a curious look on her face.

"I'm making a machine gun before I go over to baby-sit Kat, Jewels, Tifa.." Julo said with a smirk on her face. Rae then collapsed anime style but then got back up to her feet.

"Um… Ooook.." Rae said with a huge sweat drop on the side of her head.

"Now shoo I must complete it quickly!" Julo said as she shooed Rae away with her hand signal Rae quickly left. (How can you make a machine gun out of a controller? And that fast?) Rae looked totally confused. She then went by the medical bay and heard a woman screaming. Rae looked in the room and saw she was giving birth. Son Cheche was one of the nurses Rae watched as they took the baby to the incubator.

""It didn't survive doctor.." Son Cheche told the head doctor.

"I know these kind of babies never do…" The doctor announced.

"I'm glad it didn't survive I didn't want a monster for a child!!" The mother screamed. (How could a mother say that about a baby… And what do they mean their kind… Rae thought) She then saw Son Cheche come through the door way.

"Son Cheche!" Rae said as she grabbed her arm.

"Yes Rae? What is it?" Son Cheche looked at Rae and wondered why she stopped her.

"What was everyone talking about in there?" Rae curiously asked. Son Cheche then pulled Rae into another room so she could tell her without anyone over hearing.

"Well not many people like to talk about this subject. You know about Piper right? All demons are male so demons often rape the females they find above ground. And well most babies that are half human and half demon die at birth. Because our DNA was never meant to mix. So Piper is the only of her kind… "Son Cheche tried to explain the best she could.

"Oh… But that doesn't make since though. If all the demons are male how do they reproduce and have other demons? " Rae asked.

"That's it they don't reproduce. The Boe Corporation just creates more of them. That way they have them under control to a point. And their always creating more and different kinds of demons." Son Cheche continued to explain.

"Thank you for telling me that Son Cheche! I'm going to go now!" Rae said as she ran out the door.

"I wonder where she's going in such a hurry." Son Cheche wondered. Rae quickly ran down the halls towards the mechanics bay. She then saw Piper working on Zak's suit.

"Piper!!" Rae said as she ran to Piper.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Piper asked as she looked at the girl.

"I wanted to talk to you about your origin!" Rae asked as she looked at Piper. Once Piper heard Rae said that she looked very angry.

"What the hell do you mean by that? There's nothing of it to tell… And I for damn sure are not going to tell you of all people." Piper snapped as she continued to work on the suit.

"Isn't it lonely being the only one like you? How does it feel? Where's your mother? How does she feel about you? And what happened to her?" Rae asked more and more questions. Piper stopped what she was doing and glared at the girl.

"I don't give a damn about being alone. I actually like being alone instead of being around annoying little kids who ask a million fucking questions. You know your very annoying… My mother is dead she died while child birth so never fucking bring her up again!!" Piper screamed at the girl.

"But I just want to know more about you. I've never met anyone like you of course you're the only of your kind." Rae explained. Piper punched the girl and she went flying into a bunch of metal suits.

"I'm super strong ,and mean, evil and a nasty bitch so stay the fuck away from me you little brat. And that's all you need to know about me." Piper growled a she glared at Rae and tried to scare her so she would never bug her again. Rae held her head and realized that she cut her head and arms, legs on the metal suits. So she slowly got up and looked at Piper who was mumbling things as she went back to fixing Zak's suit. Rae then left the room.

"The nerve of the little fucking brat… Asking me all those damn questions…" Piper mumbled to herself as she fixed the suit. Then she remembered and started to have flash backs from when she was a 10 year old child.

"Eww your ears are so gross!!!! Your mom must be happy she died so she didn't have to see you!!" little Bobby said as he pointed at Piper and the other children laughed at her.

"Shut up." Piper whined as she covered her ears.

"Her eye's look so scary and freaky looking." Little Go-chan said as she looked at Piper with a grossed out face. Piper was getting tired of being made fun of by everyone and was getting more upset by the minute.

"Look at her skin she looks all gross like a vampire or something!" A little girl commented and grabbed Piper's arm. Piper quickly pulled her arm away from the girl. Little Messa and Agra, Jess watched as the other kids made fun of Piper and felt bad for her.

"Poor Piper… those other kids are so cruel… I just want to smack them around with bats!!" Agra said angrily as she stood up and shook her fist at the other kids Messa grabbed Agra's arm and pushed her back in her seat.

"Agra you don't want them to start making fun of us." Messa said while feeling nervous. Little Agra mumbled to herself.

"Shut up leave me alone. All of you leave me alone!!" Piper screamed as she ran out of the room from all of the mean kids taunts Jess then followed Piper.

"Jess don't go!" Messa said as she watched Jess run after Piper. Piper ran to the Psi sector and went up the elevator to the surface. She wept as she tried to figure out why she was born and why she could not fit in like everyone else. She looked all around at her surroundings and only saw dust and ruins. She hated the children that teased her. She wanted to rip them apart. Jess then ran up behind Piper. Piper quickly stood up but didn't turn around to face Jess.

"I saw what the other kids were doing and saying to you. I'm Jess do you need help?" Jess asked as she looked at the girl standing in front of her.

"I don't need your help or your pity!!!" Piper snapped and hit Jess as she turned. Jess went flying into one of the broken walls from the ruins and instantly was knocked unconscious. Piper just stared at Jess who was unconscious on the ground Piper was amazed at how strong she was. She then looked at her hands (I am stronger then these normal humans… I shouldn't fear them or feel upset when they insult me. I can just break their necks with my hands if they mess with me. Piper thought as she smirked) Suddenly soldiers ran up from the elevator and surrounded Piper.

"Why did you come up here? What did you do?" The soldier asked Piper and saw Jess' body unconscious against the wall of the ruins with blood coming from her head. Two medic's then rushed over To Jess and put her on a gurney.

"I wanted to be alone… I just hit her I didn't know she would go flying so far." Piper answered.

"We need to take you to research… For studies…" The soldier said as he told some soldiers to grab her. They then grabbed her by her arms and took her away as she screamed, she tried to escape their grips but was unable to. Piper then awoke from the flash back as Zak was trying to talk to her.

"Hello Piper snap out of it!! Is my suit ready yet?" Zak asked as Piper looked at him.

"Oh… Yes it's done just try not to screw up and break your suit so damn often." Piper growled at Zak waving her wrench at him. Zak backed away from Piper.

"Ok I just wanted to make sure incase I have to go on a mission today." Zak said with a huge sweat drop going down his face as he slowly backed away from Piper.

"Get the hell out of here!" Piper yelled angrily at Zak. He yelped as he ran out of the room to get away from Piper. Piper sighed as she sat down and held her head and thought.

"Stupid fucking memories…." Piper mumbled to herself as she sat there.