Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ Strangers ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Julo grabbed her books and headed out the door to go baby-sit Kat, Tifa, Jewels and baby Dimond. She always took her work with her so she could study to be a scientist some day. Right now she is only a hard working technical assistant. As she walked to the Janeba's residence she saw two strange men whispering to each other that she never saw in that area before.(What the hell are they up to? And why are they looking around the hall so much? Oh well their probably just some dumb assholes Julo thought to herself as she looked at them). They looked very suspicious to her but she ignored them and kept walking to her destination. She then arrived at the Janeba's home and knocked on the door. It then quickly slid open.

"Hi Julo you came right on time! They just had lunch and Dimond is asleep. The girls are all in the play room right now. I have to go to a meeting I'll be back sometime this evening I'm not sure when since the Commander is such a jerk and likes to take his time." Jess said as she let Julo inside Jess then grabbed her stuff to get ready to go.

"Ok. It's fine all I have to do is study for a test anywase. I have nothing planned since Tharren is gone on a mission with half of the other soldiers from this sector." Julo explained as she put her stuff on the coffee table in the living room. Jess then went over to tell Jewels, Kat and Tifa that Julo arrived. The kids just continued to play with their toys.

"Ok well I'll see you later then. Joeys already there because he decided to wake up early and start training. Bye!" Jess said as she left for the meeting. Julo locked the door with the code after Jess left. She then went to sit down on the couch and started studying for her test. Ten minutes later Tifa came running out of the room crying.

"What happened?" Julo said as she looked up from her book at Tifa.

"Jewels took my toy from my hands and won't let me play with it!!" Tifa said while wiping her eye's with her little hands. Julo sighed as she put her book down and got up and walked to the other room with Tifa behind her.

"What is your problem Jewels?" Julo growled at the young girl.

"Tifa started it!!! She bit me!!" Jewels said as she pointed at Tifa.

"She pulled my hair first!!" Tifa yelled back at Jewels. The two then blamed each other for different things.

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU! BOTH OF YOU GO TO YOUR OWN ROOMS!!!" Julo screamed at the two children. They then ran quickly to their rooms. Kat just looked up at Julo while hugging her teddy bear.

"I don't want to be walone. Can I wome with you?" Kat asked.

"Sure." Julo sighed as she picked up Kat and brought her into the living room. Julo put Kat on the couch next to where she sat. Julo then grabbed her books and continued to study while Kat colored in her color books. An hour later Julo heard a noise at the door.

"Kat stay here." Julo said as she then got up and looked down the hallway to the front door. She didn't see anything so she sat back down next to Kat.

"What's wrong?" Kat wondered as she looked at Julo.

"Nothing don't worry about it. I really need to continue to study so be a good girl." Julo said as she continued to study. Kat then went back to watching tv. Suddenly Julo heard a huge bang and saw the two strange men run into the living room and ran at her.

"SHIT!!!" Julo yelled as she quickly hit one of the men with her books across the face and he went flying into the wall. Kat quickly ran under the dinning room table as she watched Julo hit the second guy with her books but he didn't fall as easy.

"Simon get off your ass." Vladimir said with a thick Russian accent as he blocked Julo from hitting him with her books.

"$hit I lost a fuckin tooth. You little biatch you busted my shades! " Simon said as he rubbed his jaw with his hand and looked at his sun glasses that were broken on the floor he then got up.

"You son of a bitch you should get the fuck out of here while you can!!" Julo said as she continued to fight off the guy. Simon then grabbed Julo's arm as she tried to hit Vladimir who was in front of her. He grabbed the book out of her hand.

"You go get the kids. I'll take care of this biatch." Simon said as he grabbed Julo's other wrist as she tried to punch him. Vladimir then quickly ran to where the kids rooms are. Simon then punched Julo in the stomach and knocked the wind out of her she then fell to her knee's holding her stomach with one hand.

"Who the fuck are you? Why are you here?" Julo could barely ask.

"Like I'm stupid enough to tell you. Your not so strong with out your fuckin books are you?" Simon said as he laughed at her. She then stood up and tried to punch him but he dodged and put her arm that he still had in his hand behind her back. He then let go of her arm and pushed her and she went flying into the table with Kat still hiding under it. Kat closed her eye's as she curled into a ball and covered her ears while crying. Julo then looked behind her and saw a tattoo on Simons arm it was a Boe Corporation logo tattoo. (He's a spy from the Boe corporation. How did they find us?!? This isn't possible! Julo thought to herself)

"Those were my fave shades woman! You need to pay for those biatch." Simon said as he picked Julo up by her hair and put her face right in front of him. She spit on his face he then b#@$ slapped Julo and blood flew out of her mouth. Vladimir then went into the living room with Tifa and Jewels in a huge laundry bag.

"Stop fooling around Simon! I got the kids lets hurry up and get the hell out of here!" Vladimir yelled at Simon. Simon then dropped Julo and she fell to the ground. Simon and Vladimir then ran out of the house and escaped through the hallway. Kat then crawled out from the table and went next to Julo.

"Julo are you ok?" Kat asked with her eye's all teary.

"Kat… I'm too weak go hit the emergency button on the phone that will call your parents. " Julo said as she closed her eye's and grunted her teeth in pain. Kat then went over to the phone and pressed the emergency button. After a few rings Jess answered the phone.

"What is it?" Jess asked as she walked out of the command room where the meeting was. As Kat told her Jess' eyes grew from shock.

"OH MY GOD!!" Jess dropped the phone and ran straight to her home. Everyone heard Jess yell and saw her go running and wondered what was wrong with her. Joey instantly ran after Jess. Fifteen minutes later Jess arrived at the house with Joey behind her. She quickly ran to Julo and Kat who were on the living room floor.

"What the hell?!?!?!" Joey screamed as he saw their door bashed open and the house all messed up.

"What happened? Who were they?" Jess panickly asked Julo. Kat ran over and hugged her mommy.

"Their…. From Boe Corporations…" Julo said as she winced in pain.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Joey and Jess instantly said at the same time.

"Sweety she needs medical attention why don't you go and take her to the medical bay. We can talk about this more once Julo is better." Jess told Joey with Kat cuddling against her. Joey nodded and then picked up Julo and carried to the medical bay.

"They won't wome back will they mommy?" Kat asked her mother as she looked up at her.

"I don't think so.." Jess answered as she looked around at her broken home. (Why would they be after Tifa and Jewels?!?! Jess thought to herself) She quickly picked up Kat and ran into the nursery to check on Dimond. She sighed with relief after finding him safe in his crib sucking on his pacifier. But she still worried about Jewels and Tifa.


" I'm going to go back home now." Joey said as he looked at Desty.

"Sure I'll take care of Julo from here!" Desty said happily as she helped Julo. Joey then quickly exited the room.

"Oww dammit don't touch me there!" Julo snapped at Desty as she was trying to help Julo.

"It's not my fault that you move around so much! Stay still and maybe it wouldn't hurt so much!" Desty argued back and continued to disinfect Julo's wounds and bandage them up.

"How did you get so injured?" Desty curiously wondered as she looked at Julo after bandaging her wounds.

"Some fucking assholes came out of no where when I was watching Jess' kids. And one of them did this to me while the other one took her kids." Julo said as she clenched her fist angrily.

"What? Did you know who they were?!?" Desty instantly replied to Julo.

"They were from Boe Corporations…" Julo replied.

"THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! There's no way they can find our base!!!!" Desty exclaimed.

"It's true. They were I saw one of the tattoo logo's on one of the guys arms. They weren't exactly telling me their plot or how they found our base." Julo angrily explained to Desty.

"I'm sorry. I should let you rest… I'm sure Jess or Joey reported it to the government by now." Desty said as she turned the light out in the room to let Julo rest. Julo didn't even reply to Desty she just laid there as Desty left. She then tried to fall asleep.


"Hi Gohan…. I just got some disturbing news that you really need to know. I know you didn't want me to call unless it was a emergency but it is. You need to leave the Beta sector right now and come to the Alpha sector it's about the Boe Corporation…" Agra explained to her husband she sounded very upset.

"I'll be there in an hour…" Gohan replied as he signaled to his assistants and bodyguards to get everything ready for him to leave. Agra quickly hung up the phone and gave Commander Victor the report.

"That's everything Sweety?" Commander Victor answered.

"Yes sir…." Agra said trying not to show how frustrated she was with him. (Grr… I hate him… I wish he would stop calling me that. Agra thought to herself)

"Great job you can go on a break or some shit." Commander Victor said as he lit his cigar.

"Yes sir." Agra sighed and left the room she then went to her computer to do research instead of taking a break. Go-chan walked into Agra's office.

"Are you ok? You seem upset…" Go-chan said trying to help Agra feel better.

"I'm fine I just want to find everything on the Boe Corporation. I'm not sure if we've been studying them enough. It seems to me we mainly focus on the things they create and not the actual corporation. Maybe it will help with what's going on if I do more research." Agra said as she typed and researched on her computer.

"That is true… I sometimes wonder why your Commander Victors secretary." Go-chan said as she smiled at her friend.

"Commander Victor is a big jerk. But it's not that bad at least I got to meet Gohan from this job. " Agra said with a smile and continued to type.

"That's a good point! Is he coming here?" Go-chan asked.

"Actually yes he is. Wait….." Agra replied. Her eye's then lit up as she found some info on the Boe Corporation.

"Hmmm this is interesting…" Agra said as she read information.

"What is it?" Go-chan asked.

"Well it says here that our government found some valuable info and even a test subject from one of their labs 22 years ago.. What the hell?!?!?" Agra said as she read what she read from the documents online. But then her computer crashed. Agra growled as she hit her computer repeatedly.

"Computers always seem to crash when you really need them." Go-chan said as she looked at the computer blankly.

"Darn thing!! I think the documents with the info had something on it to protect it from hackers seeing too much. I'm lucky I got as much as I did. " Agra said while trying to calm her anger down. She then folded her arms and sat back and thought to herself.

"Hmm. Well the info you found must be very important. I don't think we should share this with anyone if you know what I mean." Go-chan explained as she looked at Agra.

"Yeah… I guess your right." Agra said while still thinking about the info she found.

"I'm going to go home Wufei's gone again on a mission. I need to go pick up my daughter from her classes. I'll see you tomorrow." Go-chan said as she headed towards the door.

"Ok. Bye Go-chan!" Agra said as she waved bye to Go-chan as she walked out of the room. Agra continued to think about the info she found. (What does this info mean? Who did they find? What special info did they find? Agra continued to question herself) Before she knew it an hour passed from when she talked to Gohan. She then heard on the intercom to go to the command room. Agra rushed out of her chair and ran to the command room there she saw her husband Gohan, Commander Victor, Angel, Zak, Joey, Jess, Rae, Ben.

"Now Agra take these papers and file them." Commander Victor ordered Agra.

"Yes sir…" Agra said unenthusiastically to the commander as she grabbed the files as she left to go file them.

"Now Victor why did you have me summoned?" Gohan asked as he looked at the Commander with a serous look on his face.

"Well President the Boe Corporation has some how found our base. And they've kidnapped two children. We are still unsure of why they did this or how they found our base. But I have my theories…" Commander Victor explained.

"…. How could this happen? Where were the soldiers on duty?" Gohan asked out loud.

"They killed the two guards on duty. We found the two spies on our surveillance camera's. So we now know what they look like. " Commander Victor answered.

"I will make sure this doesn't happen again…. Right now we need to work on the future protection of our base. You need to focus on destroying the Boe Corporation. I'm so damn tired of the Boe Corporation. I will make sure the best scientists from all the sectors will work on making your hope team suits stronger so that you can defeat them once and for all." Gohan said as he clenched his fist angrily.

"Thank you President. We will work on making our team stronger." Commander Victor saluted the president.

"I need to go address other matters. You will have your suits upgrades soon I promise. Do your best all of you. You all are our only hope. " Gohan said as he looked at the whole team. The hope team all saluted President Gohan and he then left.

"Hi. I haven't seen you in a week now. Are you alright?" Gohan asked as he looked at Agra who was waiting in the hallway for him. She ran up and hugged Gohan tightly.

"I'm fine besides that I missed you so much!!" Agra said while still hugging Gohan tightly.

"I'm sorry Agra. I've been so busy with appointments and meetings. I love you." Gohan said as he put his hand on the back of Agra's head and then kissed her and she kissed him back passionately.

"I love you too." Agra said after they finished kissing. They then looked around and saw a lot of people watching them.

"I have to go I'll be home tonight though." Gohan told Agra.

"Ok. I'll see then." Agra said while wishing he could stay around longer. Gohan smiled at her and then left.


Vladimir and Simon walked into the Boe Corporation's command room after putting the children in a cell. They stopped in front of Sirus and looked up at Kriedler. Sirus and Kriedler were in the middle of a conversation.

"Your plan worked perfectly Sir. Having the doctor implant that location device in Joseph's wife's body under her rib cage." Sirus said with a smirk on his face.

"Faze one is complete soon we'll work on the next faze." Kriedler said as he looked down at Sirus.

"Why did ya want those brats though?" Simon asked Kriedler, with Vladimir standing next to him.

"Don't be so disrespectful…" Sirus snapped at Simon but then was cut off by Kriedler responding to Simon.

"It's not for you to know. If you want to live then you better leave now until I need you for something." Kriedler said angrily at Simon. Simon walked a few steps backwards and then turned around as he left the room Vladimir followed Simon.

"Sirus I want to be alone… I need to talk to my son alone." Kriedler said as he turned his back to Sirus while sitting in his chair. Sirus then quickly left. A man then walked into the room.

"Father… Why did you call for me?" the man asked as he looked at the back of his fathers chair.

"Ian I have a job for you coming up… Your going have to train really hard for this one." Kriedler said as he turned to face his son.

"Yes father." Ian replied as he smirked as he looked at his father.