Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ Captured ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Authors note: Jewels helped me a lot with writing this chapter ^_^!


Jewels and Tifa cuddled close together in their small cell not knowing what was going to happen to them next. They then saw a tall sleek looking man with long thin tied back white hair walking towards their cell. Jewels has seen that man before from the first time she was kidnapped. The man walked up to the bars and stopped an looked at the girls.

"Don't be so afraid it won't hurt as bad if you cooperate." Sirus coldly spoke to the two frightened girls.

"Leave us alone psycho!" Jewels snapped at Sirus angrily. Sirus then snapped his fingers and Vladimir, Simon came from behind him and grabbed the two little girls as they tried to get away from them. Tifa then bit Simons arm as he carried her out of the cell.

"Owww you little!!" Simon yelled as he hit Tifa unconscious.

"Don't damage the research subjects." Sirus said as he glared at Simon.

"Yes sir." Simon said with an attitude and continued to carry the now unconscious girl. Sirus then led Vladimir and Simon to a research lab where there were many doctors, tubes, chairs that had metal bars to hold down people in them. Jewels started to sweat and was terrified as Vladimir brought her over to a chair. The doctors then tied her down on the chair and did the same to Tifa who was still passed out.

"You both are now dismissed." Sirus told Vladimir and Simon as he showed them the door. Both men just glared at Sirus' attitude towards them as they left the room.

"Sirus is such an Asshole!" Simon growled as he and Vladimir walked down the hall, Vladimir nodded in agreement to what Simon said.

"Now that those imbeciles are gone we can get to work…" Sirus announced to the doctors. Jewels' eye's widened in terror as she saw a doctor pull out a huge needle. He then filled it with some strange looking liquid and got Jewels arm ready for him to inject it into her arm. As he stuck her in the arm she started to scream her scream was so loud the doctor dropped the needle.

"SHUT THAT BRAT UP!!!" Sirus screamed as he covered his ears the glass around him started to crack. He then stopped what he was doing and his pupils became small as he worried about the glass breaking around him. Just then all the glass in the room shattered as Jewels continued to scream. The liquid in the glass tubes spilled everywhere and glass sliced Sirus' face and arms. Other doctors in the lab got injured from the glass and was cut in half. Tifa and Jewels were also injured by the glass Tifa started to wake up from the screaming and the pain in her legs. Jewels stopped screaming as she was hit in the back of the head by one of the injured doctors.

"Grrr.. She's going to pay heavily for what she did to me…. Take them back to their cells." Sirus ordered as he held his face to stop the bleeding. Two doctors who weren't badly injured grabbed the girls and took them back to their cell.

"Did you get any of the injections in the girls before that one started to scream?" Sirus asked the two doctors that were to do the injections on Tifa and Jewels.

"I'm not sure sir. I got the needle in her skin and started to inject but I can't be sure it got into her or not." Jewels Doctor said nervously.

"I was still filling mine with the formula when the other girl started to scream." Tifa's doctor explained.

"Hmp.. Well we'll find out soon whether or not it did." Sirus said as he continued to cover the wound on his face. He then dismissed the doctors and quickly left to his chambers (Grrr that little brat... Wait….. How could she be able to scream at that high of a frequency? Sirus wondered as he entered his chamber). He then went into his bathroom and got a bandage and put it on his wound on his face and then put 5 bandages on his leg wounds. After that he went into the living room and sat down on a chair ( Hmm… Maybe because she's the daughter of Joseph… Or could it be from earlier testes we did on her last time she was here?… Sirus contemplated to himself).


Next Morning:

Sirus walked down the hall towards the girls cell. As he looked at the two girls he noticed that Jewels wounds were completely healed and Tifa was still wounded. (Grr... It must be from her gene's… Ian has the same ability. That must mean the other child isn't blood related to Joseph.. Sirus thought to himself)

"Your lucky that the doctors will only be examining any changes in you today instead of normal tests…" Sirus stated to Jewels as he glared at the girl. Tifa just curled into a ball against the wall farthest from him with Jewels sitting on a little cot that was their bed beside her. Suddenly on the intercom system a man was summoning Sirus to some sort of meeting. Sirus then quickly walked away quickly. Jewels felt relieved as she watched him leave but was feeling strange from what was injected into her the other day.

"I'm so glad he left.. I'm scared Jewels.." Tifa said with tears in her eye's as she looked over at her sister.

"It will be ok… Our Daddy and Mommy will save us." Jewels said with a smile to try to comfort her. Tifa looked at Jewels with a confused face as she noticed that Jewels was sweating.

"Are you ok Sis?" Tifa curiously asked.

"Yeah I just feel hot that's all I think I'm going to take a nap." Jewels said while feeling tired and out of it. Tifa just watched her sister lay down to sleep and hoped that she would get better. Tifa walked up to the bars after thinking she heard her fathers voice. She looked out of the bars down the hallway and saw the back of her father and as he turned she saw his face but he was in a different uniform. She then rubbed her eye's to make sure she was really seeing him but as soon as she looked again he was gone. (I must be losing it from all these tests and stuff… I wish he was here. Tifa thought to herself) Tifa then sadly walked away from the bars and sat on the floor next to the cot that her sister was sleeping on.



Commander Victor summoned all the hope team members to the command room.

"Now that we know the location of the Boe Corporations main head quarters we can destroy their base. Zak since you're an explosives specialist you will be needed for this mission. Go-chan you will go with him because you know the base's inside better then anyone else. You will help lead Zak to the labs where there are chemicals so that Zak can put explosives on them. We hope it's flammable enough to engulf the whole building destroying them all. And then…. " Victor stated as he looked at the hope team but then was interrupted.

"But sir my children are in there!" Jess said with a very concerned voice.

"As I was saying you and Joey can go and save your kids during this. You'll have 10 minutes to find and get them out of there once the bombs are placed. Now Angel and Ben, Rae will distract the demons and their soldiers on the outside of the building while you all sneak in and get everything set. Does everyone understand? So don't fuck this up." Commander Victor explained as he lit a cigar and started to smoke.

"Yes Sir!" They all answered at once. They all then ran to the Psi sector to suit up and leave for their mission.

"How many times do you kids get kidnapped?" Angel said sarcastically to Jess.

"I have no clue why they went after my children. Right now I'm more concerned with getting them back and their safety then why. " Jess said as she became annoyed at what Angel said.

"Ok.. Sorry…" Angel apologized as she continued to get ready. They all then met up with Zak who just got the explosives for their mission. Rae started to become very nervous knowing that this was a very big mission. This mission could be the one that destroys the Boe Corporation and makes it possible for them all to be able to live above ground and free everyone from the fear of being destroyed by them and their demons.

"I have everything. Is everyone ready?" Zak asked as he put the explosives bag on the elevator. Everyone nodded and most of them felt nervous about the mission.

"I just want to get our children back." Jess said as she looked up at Joey.

"Don't worry everything will be fine honey. " Joey replied as he looked down at Jess and put his hand on her shoulder. They all then stepped on the elevator and went above ground. They quickly ran behind Joey since he is the one that knows the specific location of the base.


One Hour Later:

They all arrived near the bottom of the canyon where the base was.

"Now Angel, Ben, Rae you all go and distract the soldiers and demons. While you do this we will all try to sneak in the base through an air vent and then we will separate into two and do our jobs. " Joey explained as he looked at them all. Angel, Ben, Rae then quickly jumped down the rest of the canyon and landed in front of the base and started to attack some of the demons. Joey then signaled the others to follow him. They all then climbed up the back of the base into the air vents as they all entered the air vents Go-chan then noticed an empty room .

"Hey you guys there's an empty room through here." Go-chan whispered as she pointed to the air vent to her right. She then kicked it out to a point where she could then get a grip on it to make sure it didn't fall. They all then got down from the air vent.

"I guess we separate now. Good luck with finding Jewels and Tifa. I'm sure their fine." Go-chan said as she looked at Jess and Joey.

"Yeah I remember babysitting Jewels once she's a lot tougher then you think." Zak said with a smile to ease his sisters worried expression. Jess then hugged Go-chan and Zak.

"Good luck becareful both of you." Jess said with a concerned voice.

"We'll be fine. We better go now." Go-chan replied.

"It's all clear!" Zak exclaimed as he looked out the door way he then got the explosives bag from the air vent. Zak and Go-chan waved they ran down the right hall. Jess and Joey then looked out and ran down the left hallway. As Go-chan and Zak ran down the halls they then heard something. Right then they stopped in their tracks as they saw a soldier walk right in front of them and not notice them. Go-chan and Zak had huge sweat drops going down their heads as they looked at the soldier pass them without noticing them. Zak then tapped the soldier on the shoulder. The soldier then turned to look at him but then was immediately punched and knocked out.

"Why the hell did you do that? He could of just passed us!" Go-chan snapped at Zak.

"But it's more fun when you get to kick someone's butt on a mission. And anywase he was an idiot." Zak laughed as he spoke. Go-chan sighed at her brothers actions. Zak then dragged the body in a closet. Go-chan then realized that they were really close to a lab full of chemicals where they could put the explosives.

"Hurry up Zak there's a lab in the next hallway." Go-chan told Zak. Go-chan then started ahead and Zak quickly caught up after he closed the closet door. Go-chan looked through a glass window in the door to the lab. As she looked in the room she saw two doctors.

"Zak there are two doctors in there we're going to have to knock them out or kill them and then you set the explosives while I look out for anymore k? " Go-chan whispered to her brother. He then nodded she then hit the key pad and then door opened. They quickly ran at the doctors Zak jumped on one of the doctors back landing on him and making the doctor smash into the metal floor knocking him out. Go-chan then grabbed the other one by the coat and pushed him into a glass container. Which sliced the doctor up badly he didn't move.

"Zak you get to work. I'll go look out now! " Go-chan told her brother as she went over to the door and looked out the glass window. Zak then got the explosives out of the bag and started top set them up and get the timers ready.


Meanwhile outside the base:

Rae struggled while fighting the demons. It looked as though it was easy for Angel, Ben.

"I don't know how much longer I can take this…" Rae said as she felt all her strength in her body leaving. Rae felt exhausted as she continued to fight just then she was slashed by a demons claws because she wasn't aware enough. She then looked down at the side of her hip and noticed all the blood. She was injured a lot worse then she thought.

"RAE!!" Angel and Ben yelled as they looked over at her she then fell to her knee's. As she fell the demon hit her from the side of the head and she went flying into the canyons wall. Ben ran over to Rae to protect her from any other demons that try to attack her.

"We need help!!" Angel yelled so that the commander could hear at the base through the communicator in her helmet. Angel hoped that they sent reinforcement and continued to fight off the demons.

"Rae are you awake?" Ben asked as he fought a demon and slashed it's stomach open with the long claws on his hands. A minute went by with no response from Rae. Ben became worried about how much blood she was losing.

"Angel she must be knocked out you need to help me over here!" Ben yelled for Angels help. As she came over a demon jumped past Ben and was flying at Rae's unconscious body. Before it hit Rae it was suddenly blasted by a beam and flew into another canyon wall and was stunned. Angel and Ben looked up and saw a woman in a black mecha suit.

"Piper?!?" Angel said out loud in disbelief.

"Of course it's me I had to come and save your sorry asses…" Piper smirked as she jumped down from the canyon wall.

"How did you get here so fast?" Angel wondered knowing how long it takes to get there.

"Well they told me that you and the rookies were fighting alone so I decided to come myself. Knowing that you would all fuck up and also I like to kick demon ass when I have the opportunity." Piper continued to smirk as she blasted more demons with her huge gun. The Demons were now paying more attention to Piper instead of Rae because of the demon blood inside her veins.

"I need to get Rae back to the city. Will you both be able to fight them off by yourselves?" Ben explained to Angel and Piper.

"Sure Kid. We've been doing this for years you know." Piper said with attitude as she pulled out two blades from inside her gloves and sliced two demons into pieces.

"We'll be fine Ben hurry up and get her help!" Angel replied. Ben then grabbed Rae and started up the Canyon to get her to the underground city.

"Piper I just received a message from Zak he says he started the explosives countdown! Only ten more minutes for them all to get out. I hope their all able to get out…" Angel told Piper with concern in her voice.

"Hmp…" Piper let out as she continued to fight. Suddenly diggers jumped out of the ground near Angel and Piper. Angel immediately jumped away from the digger closest to her although it sliced through her ankle armor just barely missing her skin.

"Dammit…" Angel said with frustration in her voice as she landed on her feet and hands.

"Shit! I hate these one's." Piper said to herself as she cut another Demons head off and then jumped away from the digger near her.


Meanwhile inside the base:

Zak and Go-chan were hiding room to room from the soldiers that now almost filled the hallways.

"Dammit they added extra security. I hope Jess and Joey were able to find our nieces…" Go-chan said with concern to her brother.

"Yeah there's only seven more minutes to get out of here. But I'm sure their fine. To bad we lost radio contact with them…" Zak said as he looked down and sounded a bit upset. Just then Go-chan saw the room where the vent was a few rooms down.

"Zak our only way out is to kill these soldiers in our way and run for the room." Go-chan spoke in a serious tone. Zak nodded as Go-chan opened the door and ran out. A soldier then saw her and Zak, and told the other soldiers. They all then ran at her and Zak they both dodged the soldiers. Go-chan hit one in the back of the head and he went flying into the wall and broke his neck. While another punched at Zak but he dodged him and then grabbed his other arm and broke it. Go-chan then jumped on one's back and then broke their neck and jumped at the next one and kicked him in the face. The guy went flying against the floor. Zak then got out his blades from his leg armor and stabbed the soldier that was on the ground.

"Lets go that's all of them!!" Go-chan yelled as she looked over at Zak. She then ran into the room where the air vent they came out of was and Zak quickly followed. They then went into the air vents and headed out.

"Only four more minutes.." Go-chan whispered to herself as she worried about her sister and her family.


Meanwhile somewhere in the base:

Jess and Joey finally found the prison sector of the base. They saw hundreds of cells in front of them the hallway looked almost endless.

"There are so many cells…" Jess said worriedly as she looked over her shoulder at Joey.

"Come on we have to find them now." Joey said as he started to run down the hall and look into cells Jess quickly followed him. They searched ten cells with no luck suddenly an alarm went off.

"Shit we must of set something off…" Joey said angrily as he stopped and looked around.

"We have to keep going though!" Jess said as she tugged on his arm.

"I know. But there will be soldiers here soon. You keep searching and find the kids I'll take care of the soldiers." Joey explained. Jess then ran to find the kids. As she ran she looked back and saw 20 soldiers and they had mecha suits on of their own design. (Sweety… Jess thought to herself as she worried) As she ran she then heard Go-chan through the communicator in her helmet. All she could hear was a whisper from Go-chan saying only 4 minutes left.

"What? Only four minutes? I still need to find the kids…" Jess said not knowing if Go-chan could hear her. Jess became frantic on finding her kids. She looked back at Joey and saw he was fighting. Just then she heard Tifa's voice and her little hand waving out of a cell.

"Tifa!!" Jess yelled as she ran towards the cell that she was at. When she got there she sliced the bars open as soon as she did Tifa ran out and hugged Jess.

"What's wrong with Jewels?!?" Jess said as she looked at Jewels who was passed out on a cot.

"She's sick…" Tifa said in a sad little voice.

"We have to get out of here now. I'm going to carry her but you have to follow behind me." Jess said as she walked into the cell and picked up Jewels. Tifa nodded and followed Jess as soon as she got out of the cell with Jewels. (We can't get out the other way we're going to have to find another way out. There's only 2 minutes left.. Jess thought worriedly) Jess then talked through her communicator to Joey.

"Sweety I found the kids we have to get out the explosives are going to explode in 2 minutes!" Jess explained as she looked down the hall at him fighting.

"I have to fight. You go ahead I'll catch up with you…" Joey said with not knowing if he would be able to get out on time.

"But.." Jess was cut off by Joey before she could finish talking.

"Just go now!!! Think of the kids!!" Joey snapped at Jess.

"Ok… I love you." Jess replied sadly while started to run with Jewels in her arms and Tifa beside her.

"I love you too.." Joey said as he continued to fight.

"Now we're going to have to find an air vent to go through. Have you seen a big air vent anywhere Tifa?" Jess asked as they continued to run.

"Ummm… I think there's one uh… in a testing room but I'm not sure where it is." Tifa said as she had her finger to her lips as she thought.

"Well we'll go through all the rooms we see that has no one in it." Jess said as she turned to hit a key pad to open a door. She then entered the room with Tifa right behind her they looked in the room but was unable to find a vent large enough for them to go through. Jess then ran out of the room to the room to the right as they entered that room they noticed a large vent.

"Now I'm going to try to open it up. Once I do I'll put you up in it and then you can help me get Jewels in there." Jess quickly explained as she pulled a table over to the vent and then got on it and started slicing the vent open. She then grabbed Tifa and pushed her up into it. Once Tifa was inside Jess grabbed Jewels and pushed her up to Tifa. Tifa then grabbed Jewels arms and pulled her into the vent with her. She then climbed in herself.

"This place is going to explode in any time now we have to hurry and get out." Jess told Tifa as soon as Tifa heard that she started to crawl fast. Jess grabbed Jewels with one arm and pulled her as fast as she could. The whole time she worried about Joey and wondered if he was already out of the building.

"Mumsy!! I see a way outside! " Tifa said happily as she pointed in front of her.

"Ok hurry up." Jess said as she followed behind Tifa. Tifa then stopped at the vent leading outside.

"Mumsy I can't open it!" Tifa yelled as she started to panic. Jess then reached her hand past Tifa and sliced the vent open.

"Jump!!" Jess yelled as she started to hear the explosives go off. Tifa quickly jumped and fell on her feet on the ground. Jess grabbed Jewels and jumped out as some fire shot out from the vent and the building and the ground around the building shook from the explosives. Jess then saw Piper, Angel, Go-chan, and Zak in front of the building. Go-chan noticed Jess and Jewels, Tifa beside the building she quickly ran over to them.

"Are you ok? Where's Joey?" Go-chan asked as she noticed that Joey wasn't with them.

"What Joeys not out here?!?!?" Jess shouted in disbelief. Go-chan just stood there silent not quiet sure what to say. Tifa looked up at Jess with a concerned look on her face.

"I have to go in there and find him!!!!" Jess said as she tried to climb back up to the airvent. Go-chan quickly grabbed Jess to stop her.

"Jess stop!!! You can't go back in there!!! Most of the building is still standing the explosion wasn't as big as we thought. He could have been in the part that wasn't destroyed and he can get out himself." Go-chan said, trying to comfort her sister.

"Yes your right." Jess said sadly while worrying about Joey. Jess then picked up Jewels again and Go-chan grabbed Tifa. They then went over to Piper, Zak, Angel.

"We better get the hell out of here while the demons are distracted by the fire." Piper said as she started to climb up the canyon.