Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Showdown in Middle Earth ( Chapter 35 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: As I have always quoted, I don't own the characters or places created by Tolkien. I only own the storyline and my characters.

A/N: Sorry that the author's note is at the top today, but I wanted to thank everyone for being so patient for this chapter. As you know I went on a small vacation, little did I know that I wouldn't get to write as much as I wanted due to a busted transmission in my motorhome and a $1600 dollar towing bill. That doesn't even include the cost of the repairs for the vehicle. Oh well, as they say if something didn't go wrong on vacation then it wasn't a true vacation.

Anyways, this chapter would still probably be haunting me if it wasn't for my co-author who helped me with a great deal of this chapter. Well on to the chapter and happy reading.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 35 - Showdown in Middle Earth


Rain turned and her eyes met the cold blue gaze of the elf standing at the edge of the clearing. She held his gaze steadily, ignoring the shiver of fear that ran up her spine, causing her back to stiffen.

"Rain." Elrohir yelled as he bounced across the clearing and swept her up into his arms hugging her tightly. "We were so worried about you, why'd you take off like that?"

"Now is not the time for your questions, Elrohir. Come with me." Gandalf said as he grabbed him by the collar and dragged him protesting from the clearing. Rain and Legolas's eyes never breaking from their heated gaze. Nanook whined as he looked questioningly between the two people he cared about and slunk unhappily from the clearing following Elrohir's voice. Neither of the two heard nor saw any of the actions surrounding them, their concentration focused solely on one another.

Rain shivered involuntarily as she watched Legolas stride angrily across the clearing until he towered over her. His eyes cold and harsh as he stared down unblinkingly into her eyes, accusations and fury warring with each across his face. She gulped convulsively, tamping down the fear that suddenly sprung up within her, as she held his gaze. She deserved his anger, his censure for running away from him. Every fiber of her being screamed for her to run, and involuntarily she stepped backwards until her movement was halted by a tree pressing into her back. He followed steadily his eyes never leaving hers, glaring fiercely down with anger twisting restlessly within the blue depths. His hands clenched tightly into fists.

Rain shivered again at the coldness she saw in his eyes. She had seen it once before, when they had left Rivendell and even then it had scared her.

But now this was different, she had brought it upon herself. Anger began to well up within her. 'What right did he have to act so coldly to her? She was doing this for him, not herself!' she thought as she pushed herself off of the tree and glared fiercely up at him.

"Back off buddy, if you know what is good for you." she growled hotly, flames dancing in her darkening eyes.

"What's good for me?" he replied, his voice silky soft, yet filled with ice.

"Yeah, what's good for you! What right do you have barging in here like you own the place and trying to bully me!" she screamed, fists clenched standing toe to toe with the furious blond.

"What right do I have! I have every right! You are still in Mirkwood and this is my kingdom. That makes you subject to its rules." he roared loudly.

"And his Royal Highness asserts his power over the common person. Do you want me to bow and scrap the floor when you talk?" she said sarcastically, her hands gesturing in a wide arching manner as she bent forward at the waist, her green eyes glaring mockingly up at him.

"Get up." Legolas' voice quivered with barely suppressed anger, his hands clenched into fists, knuckles white. Rain straightened, forcing her lips into a sneer, ignoring her pounding heart.

"You enjoy this, don't you?" he asked.


"These games you play. Drawing me in, letting me get close and then laughing at me as you run away."

"You know nothing about me!"

"I know more than you realize. I know that these feelings you have scare you, and that when you're scared, you force them away with anger."

"Oh, really? And what am I so scared of?" Rain planted her fists on her hips.


With that one word, spoken so softly, so calmly, Rain's heart jumped into her throat. He did know her well. Too well. "Your arrogance is showing, Prince Greenleaf."

Once again his eyes hardened. "How so?"

"You assume my "feelings" are genuine. Did it ever occur to you that the reason I keep leaving, is that you are nothing more than a diversion for me? That I may be bored here?"

Muscles rippled as he clenched his jaw, strong white teeth gnashing furiously. "If you're so unhappy here, then leave!"

Rain snorted, shaking her head. "The irony is, I gave my word."

"The word of man rarely means anything. No-one would be surprised if you just left. It's not like what happens here will affect you in your world anyway."

"So, is that what you would do? Just run away?" Rain tried to hide the hurt his words had caused with derision.

"How can you ask that of me?! When have I ever run away from you?!" Legolas roared. "I have stood by you! I have kept my word!"

"As have I! I said I'd get this bloody sword, and I will!" Rain screamed back.


"Because I gave my word!"

"Why did you give your word?!"

"I don't know!"

"Yes you do, Rain! You know exactly why you're doing this. Now tell me!" He grabbed her shoulders and shook her with frustration.

"Because I'm insane! Because I've dreamed of being here, being an elf, all of my life! Because Elrond offered me that choice through this sword and in that one moment of insanity, I wanted that more than anything, and I grabbed at it! Now I have no choices left!"

"You always have choices."

"Do I?!" Rain's voice had risen to the point of hysteria. "I keep choosing to leave you behind, and yet you keep turning up!"

Legolas's glare intensified as he raised his hand back. Suddenly all his anger drained from him as he watched as two twin tears slid restlessly down her cheeks.He looked past the anger she invoked as a shield, and saw the fear and vulnerability within her soul. He dropped his hand and hunched forward, placing his hands on either side of her head against the tree, his forehead pressed against hers.

"Why Rain?" he asked softly, "Why don't you trust me?"

Rain opened her eyes and looked into Legolas's beautiful blue eyes, seeing the pain, the anger and amazingly the love that he was feeling for her. Unable to help herself, she unconsciously sagged forward into his body, the tears that had consumed her emotions earlier returning with alarming ease.

Legolas moved to gather her close against his body, savoring the feeling of her once again in his arms. Feeling the shudders that wracked through her frame, he bent slightly and lifted her up into his powerful arms. Striding carefully across the clearing, he carried her towards the small fire ring and sat down. Draping her sideways across his thighs, he allowed her to curl up in his embrace, her face buried in his shoulder. Hot tears soaked the front of his shirt as her sobbing increased in intensity.

Soothingly he rubbed his hand up and down her back as he crooned words of comfort. He wanted nothing more than for her to return to her feisty self, to sit up and argue with him. Her breakdown was not unexpected, but tugged hard upon his heart. As much as he wanted to be mad at her abandonment, at this moment he couldn't think of a reason to hate her.

Cradled in his arms, her lips pressed against his warm pulse just beneath the tender skin, Rain suddenly noticed his raw, masculine scent. As if sensing her awareness, Legolas turned his head towards her.

Her eyes dropped to his lips, their soft texture so inviting. She wound a lock of pale hair around her hand as he slowly lowered his mouth to hers.

His lips caressed hers gently at first, the tip of his tongue tracing her lips before dipping between them. He swallowed her sigh as she opened up to him, his arms like steel as they crushed her to him, one hand tangled in her hair, the other kneading her hip.

At the far edge of the clearing, three pairs of eyes watched curiously.

"I believe they've come to an understanding." Gandalf ran a hand through his beard with a satisfied grin.

"They do that all the time," Elrohir shrugged. "Fight and make up."

"My dear, Elrohir. You have a great deal to learn about love."

"If that's what love is all about, they can have it. I'll stick to hunting." Elrohir shook his head as he walked away. Gandalf and Nanook shared a knowing glance before they too turned into the forest.
