Fan Fiction ❯ Wildcat Journey ❯ On The Road ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“ Alright fine, how about for fifty?”
“ Excuse me?”
“ Come on, ten minutes, fifty creds. That’s five a minute, you can’t argue with that.”
“ Watch me.”
“ Aw Aaron man, you’re killing me here. Are you really that selfish? I thought we were tight.”
“ One, tough. Two, yes. Three, I’ve known you a week.”
“ And hasn’t it been a fun week?”
Aaron sighed and tossed another log on the fire instead of replying. On the opposite side of the crackling flames, his recent traveling companion stared him down from under a tangle of brown hair. His grey eyes caught the firelight in a manor that gave him an almost demented look.
“ What?” Aaron asked as he set the grill stand up over the fire.
“ You going to answer my question?”
“ Must I?”
“ I’ll keep asking it if you don’t”
“ You are fucking annoying at times, you know that Seth?” Aaron checked the height of the stand before locking it in place “Yes fine, it’s been a fun week. Wether or not that has anything to do with you being around though can’t be proven.”
“ Now that hurt. How can you be so cruel?”
“ It’s quite easy really.”
Seth sighed dramatically. “ What is this world coming to? You help a guy out, show him around some, give him the gift of your companionship and wit, and how does he repay you? By teasing you with one of the sexiest pokegirls ever to set foot in the league.”
“ I don’t tease you, at least not with Lira.”
“ Like hell you don’t. You parade her around naked.”
“ Wildcats prefer not to wear clothes.”
“ You expect me to believe that?”
Turning around, Aaron shouted. “ Hey Lira! Get dressed!”
“ Why should I?” Lira asked as she poked her head out of the tent she and Aaron shared.
“ For the sake of modesty?”
“ Psss, fuck that.”
Aaron turned his attention back to Seth as Lira ducked back into the tent. “ See?”
“ Well fine. But you don’t have to screw her loudly every single night.” Aaron just stared at Seth for a long moment. “....alright fine, forget I said that.”
“ I’ll try.”
Seth just grumbled. “ You could try to be quieter about it.”
“ Not my fault the tents aren’t sound proof.”
“ I’m not saying it is. All I’m saying is, try to see it from my side. I’ve had to listen to you two go at it every night for a week while getting nothing myself. I need some relief over here.”
“ What, is your hand broke?”
“ What?” Seth looked at his hand in confusion. “ What does my hand have to do with....oh haha....bastard.”
“ Yeah.”
“ Can I at least ask why not?”
“ Why not what?” Lira asked as she sat down by Aaron, handing over the soon to be grilled meat patty substitute.
“ Seth here wants to fuck you, but I’m not going to let him.” Aaron answered as he started laying dinner on the grill.
“ Aw, why not?”
“ Because, you’re mine, and only mine.”
“ Oh....that’s actually kinda sweet....isn’t it?”
“ It’s greedy is what it is.” Seth broke in.
“ Hey, you want to get laid, get yourself your own pokegirl.” Aaron told him.
“ Oh yeah, good idea. I’ll do that with the license I haven’t tried for and the pokeballs I don’t have. Yeah, that’ll work great.”
“ Not my fault you’re a paranoid freak.”
“ Hey, just cause I don’t trust the league doesn’t mean I’m paranoid.”
“ But you are a freak”
“ Well yeah, but you don’t have to say it like it’s a bad thing.”
“ I got an idea.” Lira said. “ What if he just joined us.” Her eyes started to light up. “ Come on, wouldn’t that be a lot of fun?” Both guys looked at each other, locking eyes for an instant.
“” They both replied at the same time.
“ Spoilsports.”
The conversation died off for a while, the only sounds at the campsite being the crackling of the fire and the light sizzle as dinner cooked. Seth sprawled out on his back, staring up at the stars, though Aaron could occasionally see his eyes glancing towards Lira.
The Wildcat had made quite an impression on Seth when they had met the young wanderer, just three days after setting out. He claimed to have no home, no family, nothing more then the few possessions he carried around. As he had told them, he just wandered about, often traveling with tamers, swapping stories, giving advice on roads and towns. He liked the nomadic life. That and he distrusted the league government and anyone who worked for them.
It had seemed like a good idea to let him join them. He knew the area well and was an experienced traveler. Aaron had never been much of an outdoors type, and Lira, after enjoying the comforts of modern living for a handful of months, wasn’t nearly as sharp as she used to be in the wild.
His near obsession with Lira was starting to get on Aaron’s nerves though. He seemed to be on a quest to screw her, and it didn’t help that she clearly wouldn’t mind it. When it came to sex, Lira had virtually no inhibitions, and was happy to get it at any time, any place, and from anyone, providing Aaron would let her. The Wildcat’s only restraint was his word.
Dinner cooked quickly, as the processed meat substitute was made to do. Aaron fished the tongs out of one of the bags and passed the first to Lira.
The Wildcat sighed and hesitantly bit into the plain patty“ I can’t believe this stuff is suppose to be good for you. I swear I can still taste the plastic it was wrapped in”
“ I’m telling you, stick it on a bun and drown it in sauce.” Aaron replied as he did just that. He glanced over at Seth. “ Sure you don’t want one?”
“ Nope, I’m fine.”
“ You’re serious about sticking with that liquid diet crap?”
“ It’s worked great for me thus far. I’m in good shape, got lots of energy, and when I’m eighty I’ll still have perfect teeth from disuse.”
“ You are so weird.”
“ Yeah, like I didn’t know that already.”
“ I have to agree with Aaron, I don’t know how you do it.” Lira looked down at the patty in her hands. “ I couldn’t do it. I need something nice and solid in me, filling me up from the inside, especially when it’s meaty and juicy. It’s just bliss...” Lira made a show of licking her lips before biting into the meat slowly, moaning deep in her throat as her eyes closed lightly. She swallowed and took a deep breath which she let out slowly.
“ about for seventy?” Seth offered
“ How about you just forget it?” Aaron replied.
“ Ah! I am going to die over here!”
“ No one has ever died from lack of sex.”
“ Well then I’ll be the first!”
“ Well if you do, I’ll consider burying you.”
“ Consider?”
“ Depends on how much of a rush I’m in at the time”
“ cold hearted son-of-a-bitch.”
“ Hey, I’ll have you know my mom’s an Oni, nothing dog like about her.”
“ I don’t give a damn about your mom....well wait, is she hot?”
“ You can’t honestly expect me to answer that....”
“ She is.” Lira answered for him.
“ What?” Aaron looked at her.
“ Well she is. I’d do her, maybe pin her up against...”
“ Ah! No, shut up, don’t tell me things like that! I don’t need images like that...”
“ No, go on, tell me more.” Seth sat up. “ What does she look like? Does she have big ones?”
Aaron cut off Lira before she could answer. “ Seth, kindly shut up, or I will shut you up.”
“ What? A guy can’t be interested in potential lesbian action?”
“ Not when it involves my mom.”
With a sigh Seth laid back down on the ground. “ You ruin everything for me.”
“ Then why are you still here?”
“ Hope?”
“ Hope? What the hell kind of answer is that?”
“ A short one.”
“’re not going to say any more then that, are you?”
“ Nope.”
“ Well fine, be that way. Come on Lira, I want to get an early start tomorrow. Hopefully that way we’ll be able to reach New Oldtown before nightfall.”
“ New Oldtown...” Lira shook her head. “ I still can’t believe anyone would actually name a place something that ridiculous.”
“ Even more amazing is that fact that anyone still lives there.” Seth paused for a moment before continuing. “ It was originally called Newtown. That was a few hundred years ago. Then it got wiped out by an earthquake and it was forgotten for a while. Eventually people rebuilt it and called it Oldtown, in memory of the town that used to be there. Then it got wiped out again, this time by a group of Widows, and the area was abandoned. When the Widows died, or moved on, whichever it was, they rebuilt, again, and dubbed it New Oldtown.”
“ And it just goes to prove that people are stupid in many many ways.” Aaron commented. “ Unfortunately, it’s the only town we’re going to see for many days.”
“ Ugh....well, I guess as long as...” Lira suddenly cut off, jerking her head up. Her ears twitched and she glanced off towards the wooded area just beyond their campsite.
“ What is it?” Aaron and Seth both asked.
“ Something’s out there.”
“ Pokegirl?” Aaron dug in his pack for his pokedex.
“ Could be” Lira stood up as Aaron found the device. Seth was quick to get out of the way as Aaron pointed the device in the direction Lira indicated. The pokedex beeped, then buzzed as an error message flashed on the screen: SCAN INCOMPLETE, PLEASE TRY AGAIN.
With sigh, Aaron moved in closer. He was nearly at the tree line when he realized that both Lira and Seth were still back at the camp, hiding behind the fire.
“ You cowards!”
“ Hey, I only said I’d show you around.” Seth shot back. “ I never said nothing about watching your back or anything like that.”
Aaron glanced over at Lira. “ know, I’m more of a lover then a fighter...”
“ Lira, get over here.” Lira groaned and reluctantly started over. She had only taken a few small steps though when there came a sudden crashing from the woods. A small tree branch fell, bouncing off Aaron who yelled and jumped, falling into the underbrush. There was an odd, startled cry.
“ Aaron!” Lira was quickly by his side, having covered the distance with a single powerful leap.
“ I’m fine! Where is it?” Lira’s eyes darted around. She heard something moving, her ears swivelling towards the sound. She pounced, and missed as she flew over her target. Whatever it was, it was tiny and moving fast. She turned and tried to cut it off, only to get sprayed in the face by something sticky. She had a sudden flashback to getting webbed up by Alice a few months back and ripped the stuff off her in a hurry; the feeling was too similar and it freaked her out.
Aaron climbed back on his feet as Lira ducked and moved back. He could just make out a small shape in the dark, moving away from Lira, and right at him. Before he could really think about what he was doing, he had bent over and grabbed it. He got sprayed in the face for his efforts and tossed the whatever it was away. Pulling the stuff off his face before it dried, he looked at his hand, which was covered in a tangled mess of what looked like spider webs.
There was another odd cry, followed by a garbled mess of noise that sounded like a small animal in a panic. Following the sound, he saw Lira pinning what looked like a child to the ground. Moving in closer to the squirming, crying creature he saw it was actually some type of small pokegirl, a bug type of some kind.
“ Hold on to her!” Aaron shouted.
“ What does it look like I’m doing!” Lira yelled back. Aaron cursed himself as he ran over to his bag, grabbing a pokeball he should have already had ready. As he came back, Lira let the pokegirl up just long enough for Aaron to ball her.
“ Bravo” Seth commented sarcastically. “ That had to be, without a doubt, the saddest, sloppiest, most pathetic capture I have ever seen in my life...not to mention the funniest! Oh, if only I had a camera!”
“ Bite me”
“ Blow me” Came Aaron and Lira’s responses. Picking stringy goo out of her hair, the Wildcat handed the ball over to her master. He scanned the ball; the pokedex beeped and the display lit up:

CUTIEPIE, the Sweet Little PokegirlType: Anthropomorph, Near HumanElement: BugFrequency: CommonDiet: vegetarianRole: farm workerLibido: LowStrong Vs: Dark, Fighting, Ground, Plant, PsychicWeak Vs: Fire, Flying, Rock, bird pokegirlsAttacks: Tackle, String Shot, Dodge, CryEnhancements: Exo and endo skeleton, very efficient digestive system, small size (3' tall), and low metabolismEvolves: Tomboy (rare; battle stress), Titapod (normal), Buttitsfree (evolved Titapod; normal)
Evolves From: NoneCutiepie looks like a waiflike human in some ways. She is usually very polite and well mannered and loves to be helpful. Her antennae are very sensitive and can be damaged easily, as well as her large eyes. Cutiepie only evolves to Tomboy on rare occasions, and then only because many Cutiepie are descended in part from Tomboy ancestors. Cutiepie normally evolve to the Titapod stage and then eventually to the Buttitsfree stage.

“ So what is it?” Seth asked as Aaron sat back down at the fire. He started to hand the pokedex over, but Seth held his hands up.
“ Whoa, keep that thing away from me.”
“ Oh for the love of, it’s not going to hurt you to hold one.”
“ How do you know? That thing is made to gather data.”
“ Yeah, for me.”
“ Can you prove it’s just for you? How do you know it doesn’t transmit? Why the hell do you think they make those things so you can’t open em? Huh? It’s ‘cause if you did, you’d probably find all sorts of spy equipment in it. The league is always watching.”
“ Were you always this paranoid?”
“ I’m not paranoid, I’m cautious.”
“ Oh yeah, then how come you’ll talk around this thing?” Aaron mocked. “ For all you know, it could have a microphone and be recording everything you’re saying and transmitting it to some evil mad scientist in a dark lab somewhere, to be used to crush your hopes and dreams...”
“....shit, you got a point...”
“ I wonder just how far I could get tomorrow before you wake up...”
“ Yeah just go ahead and ditch me ya bastard. Probably be better for all of us.”
“ Oh really you two, enough.” Lira cut in, sitting down between them. “ What does it say we caught?”
“ Just a Cutiepie, nothing special really.”
“ Hey, a catch is a catch, and this is your first capture.”
“ Funny, I thought you were my first capture.”
“ Heh, silly, have you forgotten? I caught you, not the other way around.”
“ A technicality.”
“ Well come on.” Lira grabbed the pokeball and then Aaron’s free hand and pulled him to his feet.
“ Come what now?”
“ Well you caught her, now you need to tame her, right?”
“ Oh....yeah, I guess so.” Tossing the pokedex back in his pack and sealing it up, he waved to Seth as Lira half dragged him back towards their tent. “ Have a nice night...”
“ Oh yeah sure, I’ll have a load of fun, all by myself. Don’t worry about me...”
“ We won’t.” Aaron got off just before Lira shoved him inside and then followed, closing the tent up.
“, what a bastard.” Seth stared at the tent for a long moment before getting up and heading for his own.

Sitting down across from Lira, Aaron held the pokeball and looked it over. He wasn’t really sure how to go about the next part, and said as much.
“ She’s going to be terrified. How am I suppose to please someone if they’re going to be fighting as if their life depended on it?”
Lira shrugged. “ Good point, I have no idea. Guess you should have asked your dad about that before we left, huh?”
“ Yeah, bit late for that now. Well, we’re not going to get anywhere until I let her out. Here goes...” There was a flash of light and the tiny pokegirl materialized between them. She was on her side, looking to be in shock. Her large eyes blinked slowly, the red, multifaceted pupils contracting and expanding. A pair of short, fuzzy antennae stuck out from just under her hair line and twitched slowly.
“ Well, she is rather cute looking, isn’t she?” Lira nodded in agreement. “ I like these.” Aaron lightly touched one the antennae and the Cutiepie gasped.
“ Sensitive.” Lira remarked. The little bug type sat up and looked back and forth between Aaron and Lira, seemingly ready to bolt.
“ Hey, it’s okay.” Aaron said in the most soothing voice he could manage. The pokegirl skin was pale, which made the green spots that ran down her neck and back seem even darker. He gently stroked her bright yellow hair down to where it ended just past her neck. The ends of her hair curled back up, causing the strands to wind around Aaron’s fingers slightly.
“ What should we name her?” Lira asked softly, not wanting to spook the girl.
“ I don’t know.” Aaron answered in the same soft tones. “ What would you call her?”
“ Me?”
“ Sunflower?”
“ Well, that’s what she look like with that skinny little green body and mess of yellow hair.”
“ Heh, I guess she does. Still, that's kinda odd. How about Sunnie?” Aaron shifted a bit closer to her and touched her on the cheek. Sunnie looked up at him. She seemed to have calmed down a little bit, though she was still obviously tense. Not sure how else to begin, Aaron bent over to kiss her.
As their lips touched Sunnie put her hands up against his chest and pushed against him, though her efforts rapidly tapered off. Aaron just gave her a brief kiss, then another, then started to pull back. He smiled as the pokegirl leaned forward slightly as he did. Cupping the side of her head in his hand, he kissed her again, softly pressing his tongue against her lips, which hesitantly parted. He felt her tiny tongue brush against his tentatively.
From the sidelines, Lira watched with interest. Aaron’s hands were trailing up and down the Cutiepie’s body slowly as they kissed. Sunnie's hands were firmly pressed against Aaron’s chest, her fingers feeling the muscles under his shirt.
Aaron pulled out of the kiss with a small whine from Sunnie. He smiled, brushing her hair out of her face. His fingers swept against her antennae and she shuddered, her skin puckering with goose bumps. He noticed her nipples tighten as well, poking straight out from her breasts.
He ran a hand down the front of her body and over the tiny mounds. Though they were barely an A cup, on her frame they seemed quite generous. Running his thumbs over the tips sent another shudder through her and she moaned, though it came out as more of a squeak.
Feeling his back starting to cramp up from leaning over as much as his was, Aaron decided to move things along and gently laid Sunnie down. He stretched himself out beside her. Capturing her lips with his again, he let his hand drift down her body and between her legs. She moaned into his mouth and he felt her antennae brush along his face. Sunnie spread her legs wider and her hips came off the ground slightly, grinding against his palm.
Aaron let her lips go and moved his mouth down to her chest. As his tongue alternately stroked her tits he pressed a finger inside her. The tiny pokegirl closed her eyes tightly, her back arching off the ground. Her mouth was open, but nothing save her breath came out.
Sliding his finger back and forth slowly inside Sunnie, Aaron repositioned himself. He slowly pulled the finger out, bringing it to his mouth. He blinked at the taste. It was sweet, almost like the juice of a fruit. Intrigued, he brought his mouth to the source.
Sunnie let out a quivering gasp as his tongue slid into her. Aaron found himself enjoying the sensation almost as much. He was practically filling the pokegirl up completely and he could feel her inner walls brushing along his tongue in waves. The taste just made it all the better.
Aaron held Sunnie by the hips as she wrapped her legs around his head. His tongue slid deep into her, then back out, the tip dragging along. The pokegirl writhed and squirmed, her eyes rolling back in their sockets.
As he felt his tongue squeezed tightly Aaron slowly brought his actions to a halt before extracting himself. Sunnie laid limply on the ground, her hair plastered to the side of her face by sweat. When her eyes finally opened they had a far away look to them.
Aaron had barely managed to sit up when he was pulled back suddenly. He landed flat and barely had time to realize what was happening before Lira had pulled his shirt off and was kissing him with a frantic urgency. Her tongue swept his mouth, gathering up Sunnie's flavor.
“ Mmmm, ooooh, damn. That girl’s got a tasty cunt.” Lira kissed him again before he could say anything, rapidly pulling off his pants as she did.
“ I think someone enjoyed the show” Aaron said as Lira finally released his lips.
“ Just shut up and let me fuck you .” Lira told him as she positioned her hips above his. A deep purr rumbled in her throat as his shaft slid into her. “ Aw fuck yes, goddamn...” Lira rocked her hips forward and gasped loudly. Aaron clenched his teeth and held on tight as Lira rode him hard. The Wildcat was setting a frenzied pace, raising herself almost completely off him before slamming back down over and over.
“ Squeeze my breasts” Lira ordered, letting out a growling purr as Aaron did so. He roughly groped her and she loved it. “ Fucking good, so fucking good...” Lira was momentarily thrown off as her head rolled to the side and she locked eyes with Sunnie. The Cutiepie was watching them with intense interest, her eyes wide.
Lira felt a twinge inside her knowing someone was watch her. It felt, good. She liked the idea, and she smiled at Sunnie, keeping her eyes locked on the pokegirl as she rode Aaron to her climax. When she came down from the sexual high enough to move, she rolled off Aaron, over towards Sunnie.
Pulling the Cutiepie to her, Lira kissed her deeply. “ Welcome to our family.” The little buggirl blinked rapidly. Lira let her go and flopped back down against Aaron, snuggling against him as he wrapped an arm around her. She glanced back at where Sunnie was standing and nodded. “ Come on, it’s time to go to bed.” After a long moment, the Cutiepie slowly made her way over. Lira took her hand and guided her over to Aaron’s other side.
She laid down hesitantly, leaving a few inches between her and Aaron, who smiled and pulled her in against him, giving her a light kiss. Sunnie looked at him, then very slightly, smiled before snuggling up against him. She took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and closed her eyes. Across from her, Lira yawned and laid her head on Aaron’s shoulder.
Wedged between the two girls, Aaron had little trouble getting comfortable, hugging both of them to him. He could feel both of their breaths spilling across his chest in gentle rhythms, and he could still taste Sunnie in his mouth. Closing his eyes, it didn’t take long at all to fall into a pleasurable sleep.

Acknowledgments: Thanks go to bsmart for introducing me to pokegirls in the first place as well as for proofreading this work. If not for him, this story would not exist.

Notes: Well the journey has started and the first new girl has been caught. If anyone has a type they would like to be in the story, please just let me know. I'll do my best to work her in.

Hopeful requests: Email me and let me know what you thought.( I’ll even take suggestions if there is a particular pokegirl you would like to make an appearance.