Fan Fiction ❯ Wildcat Journey ❯ Playing in the Park ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“ This place is so not a town.”
“ What are you talking about?”
“ What am I talking about? Look around you Seth, this place is huge. There must be over ten thousand people here. That is not a town. Four hundred, like where I’m from, that’s a town.”
Seth just shrugged at Aaron. “ So New Oldtown’s a city, what does it matter?”
“ just....hell, I don’t know. I guess I was just expecting something...smaller.” Aaron looked over at Lira who, based on her expression, probably was in as much awe as he was about their surroundings. Neither of them had ever been anywhere with so many people, or such large buildings. The average structure was at least five stories tall, and there was more then a few that topped twenty.
“ I never knew there was a place so big so close to home.” Aaron looked down as Sunnie hugged his leg tightly. She looked terrified. Figuring it would be easier on her, Aaron dug out her pokeball.
“ So, what’s the plan?” Seth asked as Sunnie vanished into her ball.
“ Well, I figured I’d drop by the local pokecenter and have them give Sunnie a check up...hey, where you going?” Aaron asked as Seth started walking off.
“ Somewhere that’s not directly run by the league thank you very much. Tell you what, there’s a park near the western edge of the city, I’ll meet you by the fountain. Unless you’re blind, you can’t miss it. Be there around five. If not, I’ll understand. See ya....or not.”
“ Don’t worry, we’ll be there!” Lira called after him.
“ We will?” Aaron asked.
“ Hey, be nice.”
“ I’ll consider it. Come on, and keep your eyes open for the pokecenter.”
“ Okay! does a pokecenter look like?”
“ Well it it’s bound to have a sign on it.”
“ Right! can’t read....”
“ Oh....right....well then...just follow me.”
“ I can do that.”
“ I’m sure you can.” With a sigh, Aaron started down the sidewalk, trying to figure out just where to start looking.

Several blocks and random turns later, Lira offered a suggestion. “ Why don’t we just ask someone where it is?”
“ We’ll find it, it’s got to be here somewhere.”
“ Aw come on, we’re going in circles.”
“ No we’re not.”
“ Yes we are, I can smell it, we’ve been down this street before.”
“ That’s just the wind playing tricks”
“ Oh really, then I guess that’s not the same strip club you commented on before.”
“ What?” Following Lira’s pointing finger, Aaron groaned as he recognized the club he had jokingly accused Lira of stealing business from simply by walking by it. In fact, he even recognized the bouncer standing by the door, who grinned and waved at Lira, just like he had the first time they’d walked by.
“ Dammit...”
“ Told ya.” Lira snagged the arm of a man as he passed by. “ Excuse me, we’re looking for the nearest pokecenter, could you help us?”
“ Hey, hands off ...” The man trailed off as he took in the smiling, full figured, and completely naked pokegirl in front of him. “...uh....I’m sorry, what did you say?
“ Directions, to the pokecenter?” Lira tilted her head slightly, her ears wiggling.
“ Uh sure, down that way, take a left at 38th street.”
“ Thank you so much.” Lira let go of him by dragging her fingers lightly over his arm. She spun back towards Aaron with a bit of a hop and gave him a I-was-right-and-you-were-wrong smile. “ Lets go.”

The pokecenter was a rather small building, at least compared to most of the other structures. It was a modest three stories, and only cover about twice as much ground as an average sized house. A cheerful pokegirl, some cat type, greeted them at the front counter.
“ Hello, welcome to the New Oldtown Pokecenter. How can we help you today?”
“ I uh, caught a wild pokegirl recently, and I’d like to get her checked up.”
“ Ah, very well, here you go, please fill this out.” The catgirl handed over a rather lengthy form and a pen.
“ Alright.” Aaron sighed and started writing. A quarter of an hour later, he finally handed the form back.
“ Thank you, please have a seat while we process your form.”
“ Alright, come on Lira.”
“ Coming.” The Wildcat replied in bored tones. She sat down and leaned against Aaron, who ran a finger along her ear. She twitched slightly and glanced at him with a slight smile. “ You know that tickles”
“ Yeah, so?”
“ So do it again.”

After a good half hour of waiting, a Nursejoy came and lead them into a back room. She let them know the doctor would be in to see them soon, and then left.
“ You know, there seems to be a hell of a lot of waiting involved in this.” Lira pointed out.
“ Yeah I know, it’s always like this with doctors. The whole medical community seems to get off on making people wait around.” Digging through his bag, Aaron pulled out Sunnie’s pokeball. “ Might as well let her out now I guess.” With a flash, the tiny pokegirl materialized. She looked around, then whimpered.
“ Aw, it’s okay.” Lira bent down and gave the girl a hug. “ You don’t need to be afraid.” Sunnie hugged Lira back and held onto her.
“ She really is easily scared.” Aaron commented.
“ That’s not fair, this is very new to her.”
“ You were never scared.”
“ True, but then again, I wasn’t three feet tall.”
“ Point.”

Following another ten minutes of waiting, the doctor finally showed up. He was a big, friendly, outgoing guy who was clearly used to dealing with pokegirls of all types and backgrounds. With just a little coaxing, he got Sunnie to sit up on the exam table with only a hint of her former fear. He talked the whole time in warm tones, jumping from subject to subject at random. Aaron couldn’t recall half of what he’d said or been told, but he realized that hadn’t been the point. The doctor had been using the banter to calm Sunnie while he examined her.
“ She is a very healthy pokegirl, especially for a feral born. Just be sure to follow you pokedex care tips for her, and she’ll be just fine.” Aaron had been relieved to hear that. Even though he’d only had her for a little over a day, he was rapidly growing attached to the little pokegirl. She was just too cute not to like, and she was very affectionate. He almost felt bad having to put her back in the pokeball again, but she clearly did not want anything to do with the city.
“ Well, now to the park to meet up with Seth, right?” Lira asked as they left the pokecenter.
“ That’s right. Annoying as he is, he’s too helpful to ditch yet.”
“ Heh, glad to hear that.” Lira fell into step with Aaron. “ So...shall we ask for directions before or after we get lost?”
“ We’re not going to get lost, I know how to find the park.”
“ Oh really? Besides that it’s to the west, what do you know about it?”
“ Nothing really, other then it has a fountain....but it’s a park, how hard can it be to find?” It took another hour before Aaron gave up and let Lira ask for directions.

“ Wow...this place is beautiful.” Lira hopped up on a bench to get a better view. Trees lined almost all of the five square miles of the park. Mostly the area was open grass with a scattering of trees and walkways, though Lira could see a pair of playgrounds on either end, and right in the middle of the park was the fountain Seth had been talking about. “ Whoa, that thing is bigger then your house.”
“ A lot bigger.” Aaron agreed. The fountain had to be at least three hundred feet wide, and was ringed by statues of some of the most popular pokegirl types. Jets of water erupted out of the swallow pool in complex patterns that did a good job of capturing one’s attention.
Lira was about to comment on the display when she noticed some attention she was getting herself. Off to her right was a small group of guys; young, no more then fifteen tops. Judging from the ball one of them was holding, and the various smudges and grass stains, they had been playing some kind of sport before she’d distracted them. Now they were just standing around, blatantly staring at her.
Lira offered them a coy smile and crossed her arms under her breasts, pushing them up and out, resulting in a lot of eye widening and jaw dropping. She winked, and then hopped down off the bench and over to Aaron, taking his arm and nuzzling against him.
Aaron glanced over at her. “ What’s with you all of a sudden?”
“ Oh nothing.” Lira lied. She wasn’t really sure herself, but her heart was pounding in her chest. She didn’t know what it was, but something about the way those boys had been staring at her had her feeling very wound up.
They were halfway to their destination when it clicked. She had been thinking about those boys, and then made a jump to Sunnie watching her and Aaron that night in the tent. There had been something exciting about both of those times, something about knowing someone had been watching her. Something that had turned her on.
Acting on an impulse, Lira suddenly spun Aaron towards her, grabbing him by the back of the head and pulling him into a deep kiss.
“ whmf?” Aaron mumbled in surprise. Lira didn’t even pretend to care about what he’d asked, she was too busy running her tongue against his as she pressed her body into him. Her fingers traced along his neck to the collar of his shirt, pulling on the fabric.
“ Geez, Lira!” Aaron exclaimed as she let him go. Before he could say anything else, she had stripped him of his shirt and tossed it aside. She latched onto him again, practically sinking her teeth into his flesh as she sucked on his neck. Aaron took a step back and she followed, never giving him a chance to break away. A few more steps back and a push, and she sat him down on the bench she’d been guiding him towards.
“ Whoa, look out.”
Aaron looked over, meeting eyes with the pokegirl he had just nearly landed on. Her bright pink skin and hair quickly caught his attention. “ I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to...” Aaron cut off as Lira sat down in his lap. She glanced over at the pokegirl.
“ Excuse us.” With that, she kissed Aaron again, grinding her hips into him.
“ Oh, of course.” The pokegirl nudged her tamer, who moved so she could slide over some.
“ Lira, what has gotten into you?” Aaron asked the next time Lira let up.
“ I want you.” The Wildcat answered, her eyes practically glowing with lust.
“ Now?”
“ Yes, now and here, I want you. I want you to take me, screw me, fuck me!”
“ Uh...” Aaron glanced around, noticing that Lira’s outburst had drawn quite a deal of attention. “ Couldn’t it wait just a little...”
Lira cut him off. “ No, it can’t.” A slight giggle brought both of their attentions towards the pair they were sharing the bench with.
“ Oh, sorry. Heh, don’t mind us.” The pink pokegirl told them.
“ You plan on just sitting there and watching?” Aaron asked.
“ Well hey, since you two seem to be offering a free show.” Her tamer replied.
“ This is not a...hey now!” Aaron exclaimed as Lira unzipped his pants.
“ Don’t fight it” Lira nuzzled against the bulge Aaron’s underpants. Slipping her fingers under the waist band, she pulled them down and opened her mouth.
“ Damn, she just took all of that in her mouth like it was nothing.” The pokegirl next to them blurted out. Aaron glanced over at her, feeling really self-conscious about having someone watching Lira sucking him off. On the other hand, he couldn’t really bring himself to make her stop. The feeling of her tongue sliding along him, switching off between the rough top and smooth bottom, had him teetering on edge.
A rather large crowd was forming at this point. Aaron had only seen a few people leaving the area, and those had mostly been mothers with small children. He was stuck; even if he could somehow get Lira off him, they were pretty much surrounded.
Lira released him with an audible pop. She looked up at him and her eyes were shining.
“ You are absolutely loving this, aren’t you?” He asked.
“ Oh gods yes! Come on Aaron, tame me. I need you, I need your cock in me. Fuck me!” She pulled off his shoes and tossed them aside before grabbing his pants and yanking hard. Completely exposed, Aaron tried his best just to ignore the crowd. Lira was doing just the opposite; she was reveling the attention. Pulling Aaron off the bench so he was standing with her, she kissed him softly.
“ Please? Do this for me, it will mean so very much to me.” Lira whispered, barely loud enough even for Aaron to hear.
“ That’s so not fair, you know I can’t say no when you ask like that.”
Lira smiled. “ I know.” Taking the Wildcat in his arms, Aaron kissed her throat, trailing his way down. “ Oh yeah, fuck yes.” Lira smiled even wider as Aaron grabbed one of her breasts. “ Suck my tits.” Already heading that way, Aaron ran his tongue up over the mound of her breast and latched onto her nipple. Lira tossed her head back and gasped loudly. Letting go, Aaron blew a cold breath across the wet skin before placing his warm mouth back around her tit.
Lira was practically having a fit, moaning, gasping, and purring. Aaron wasn’t sure if she was just putting on a show for the crowd, or if she really was as turned on as she seemed. Deciding to see how loud he could make her scream, he slide further down her body, sinking to his knees.
“ Oh baby yeah, come on, eat me out.” Needing no further encouragement, Aaron slid his tongue into Lira, who purred deep in her throat. He felt her fingers running through his hair as he pressed the tip of his tongue against her insides.
Lira was in bliss. She draped a leg over Aaron’s shoulder and leaned back slightly, a deep moan escaping past her lips. Looking around, she was overjoyed at the looks on the faces of the people around them. They were all enraptured, eyes unblinking. She saw several pokegirls in the back leaning on, rubbing against, or just outright groping their tamers as they watched. The pair on the park bench seemed just about ready to join in the show; the pokegirl was leaning back against her tamer, who was running his hands all over her body, stroking her legs, grabbing her breasts, rubbing between her legs. She was writhing against him, her eyes opening and closing. Lira caught her gaze, locking eyes. The pokegirl grinned and winked at her, and Lira grinned and winked right back.
Lira was taken by surprise when Aaron suddenly stood back up. She wasn’t even aware of what he was doing until she felt his shaft slide into her as he did. She gasped and leaned on his shoulder as he hooked an arm under one of her legs and used it to half lift her up as he pulled back. Letting her drop, he thrust into her
“ Ah goddamn!” Lira exclaimed. She leaned back and looked at Aaron, who looked back, and slowly smiled. “ You’re finally starting to enjoy this like I am, aren’t you?”
“ Oh, just shut up and let me fuck you.” Aaron shot Lira’s own line back at her. The Wildcat giggled and kissed him. She moaned into his mouth as he rocked his hips with hers. She felt his free hand groping down across her rear, then slide up to her tail. He slid the hand down her tail slowly, stroking it.
“ Alright, hold on.” Picking her up, Aaron carried Lira back to the bench, he set her down, turned her around, and bent her over.
“ Fuck yeah, take me baby.” Lira’s fingers slide between the boards on the park bench as Aaron entered her from behind. Her tail brushed across his chest as he pulled back and then slammed into her. “ Goddamn yes! Harder!” Lira glanced over at the pink pokegirl, and saw her eyes were locked on Aaron, watching him. Lira smiled and turned her focus back on the hard shaft sliding in and out of her.
Lira whined and moaned as she buried her face in the bench. She could feel the pressure building between her legs, the need, the urge, for release. She pressed her hands against the backrest of the bench and pushed, shoving herself back into Aaron’s thrust. He took her by the waist, holding onto her tightly. With a final burst of energy, he thrust into her rapidly.
The pressure burst and Lira gasped as she felt a rush of pleasure and warmth spread through her body. She took a deep, shaky breath, and let it out as a long purr. She crumpled onto the bench, curling up into a tiny ball. She was vaguely aware of the pokegirl and her tamer breaking up the crowd.
“ Come on, give them some air, show’s over people.”
“ Thanks.” Lira said softly.
“ Hey no problem.” The pink girl replied. “ Not after that show.”
Lira smiled. “ I’m glad you enjoyed it. I sure did.”
“ I could tell.” The pokegirl held out a hand. “ I’m Lulu.”
“ Lira.” She sat up and took the girl’s offered hand. “ My tamer is Aaron.” She nodded over at him as he pulled his pants back on.
“ Mine’s Alex.”
The tamer raised a hand in a half wave. “ Yo.”
“ Well, you happy now?” Aaron asked as he sat down next to Lira.
“ Very” She answered, hugging him tightly.
“ I’ve got to say man, you’ve got some guts.” Alex said. “ I don’t think I could parade my naked ass around in front of that many people.”
“ Yeah well, I didn’t think I could either. I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed”
“ Aw.” Lira rubbed his chest. “ Don’t worry, next time will be easier.”
“ time!? Oh hell no, there is not going to be any next time...” Aaron exclaimed.
“ So you say...”
“ Lira.”
The Wildcat looked up, smiling sweetly at her sternly glaring tamer. “ You’ll see.” She kissed him lightly and then laid her head down on his lap. The pink pokegirl laughed.
“ Yeah yeah, very funny.” Aaron grumbled. He looked over the girl. Her bright pink skin provided an interesting contrast to her blue eyes. She was very shapely, and to judge from her lack of clothes, not shy about showing it off.
“....see something you like?” She suddenly asked, smiling.
“ Uh, just wondering what type you were, that’s all.” Aaron replied a bit too tensely.
“ Ah, Wigglymuff.”
“...oooh, that explains it.”
“ Explains what?”
“ Why you were so interested in the show, your type is nearly as bad as Lira’s”
Lulu crossed her arms. “ I’ll have you know, there is no type as bad as mine.”
“ Then you haven’t been around enough Wildcats. Come on Lira, time to get up. It’s nearly five, don’t want to miss Seth now do you?”
“ Of course not.” With a stretch, Lira sat up. “ Nice meeting you Lulu, Alex.”
“ The pleasure was all ours.”
“ Very much so.” The pair replied. Lira nodded and hopped up, taking Aaron’s hand. She waved goodbye as they walked off.
Lulu waved back. “ What a nice pair, huh?”
“ Indeed.” Alex agreed. “ Now come on, I’m getting us a room.” He stood up.
“ Oh, fun fun fun.” Lulu giggled and followed him.

“ Hey, you showed!” Seth exclaimed.
“ Yeah, against my better judgement, I decided to hang around you some more.”
“ Aw, that just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.”
“ Sure that’s not just gas?”
Seth thumped his chest and belched. “...yup, feeling’s still there.”
“ Freak.”
“ When needed to be. So how was your day?”
“ Oh it was great!” Lira exclaimed. “ We...”
“ Saw a lot of neat stuff” Aaron cut in. “ And Sunnie’s check up went great. What about you?”
“ Oh, just got some much needed relief.”
“ I know what you mean” Lira grinned.
“ Oh? Did something...”
“ No.” Aaron took Lira and steered her towards one of the park exits. “ Now come on, we need to find a place to stay for the night now so we can set out early tomorrow.”
“ You’re hiding something from me.” Seth accused.
“ No I’m not.”
“ Yo, that’s them” Aaron groaned as a small group of people cut in front of them, blocking their path.
“ Whoa, she’s fine.” One of the guys commented.
“ Thanks!” Lira replied.
“ Too bad you guys missed it.” A tall man with a buzz told the rest of his friends. “ Hey, you gunna do any more of those shows?”
“ Sorry, we leave tomorrow.” Aaron said as he brushed by the group.
“ Ah, too bad. Oh well, take it easy dude.”
“....okay, what was that about?” Seth asked after a few minutes of walking.
“ Nothing.”
“ That was not nothing, you did something, what was it?”
“ I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“ Aaron!”
“ Oh come on Aaron.” Lira broke in.
“ Whatever.”
Lira turned to Seth with a grin. “ We put on a little show in the park.”
“ Show?” Seth asked.
“ Mmmhmm...we had sex while all these people were watching. It was awesome.”
“ did....but you....and I missed it! Gahh!”
“ This is exactly what I wanted to avoid.” Aaron muttered.
“ You!” Seth pointed at Aaron. “ You did this to me on purpose! I know you did! You bastard!” With a groan, Aaron started walking faster. “ Hey, don’t you walk away from me! I’m not done with you.....”

Acknowledgments: Thanks go to bsmart for introducing me to pokegirls in the first place as well as for proofreading this work. If not for him, this story would not exist. Special thanks to him for helping motivate me to get this part done.

Notes: Lira's turning into the exhibitionist her kind is known to be, what fun.

Hopeful requests: Email me and let me know what you thought.( I’ll even take suggestions if there is a particular pokegirl you would like to make an appearance.