Fan Fiction ❯ Wildcat Journey ❯ On The Road Again ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Aaron twitched. He grunted, twitched again, and suddenly woke up. He felt it again, something brushing lightly against his neck, feather like in it’s touch. He
tried to sit up, but something was holding him down. That something happened to be Lira, who was virtually molded into his side.
He started to roll away from her, but stopped when he felt something blocking him. Pulling back the covers of the motel bed, he found Sunnie to be the one obstructing his escape. She was also the cause of the weird tickling feeling; she was employing his shoulder as a pillow and her antennae were brushing up and down his neck with each breath she took.
Aaron raised his shoulder a bit, trying to encourage her to roll over, or move over, or anything. He wasn’t ready for her eyes to suddenly snap open though, the multifaceted pupils rapidly contracting, focusing on him. He found himself staring into those eyes, eyes that readily reminded him that not two days ago she had been a feral pokegirl, living and sleeping in the wild. As cute and timid as she was, she still had survived on her own for a long time before he’d caught her.
Coming fully awake, Sunnie relaxed, her eyes softening. She smiled sweetly at Aaron, propping herself up to give him a quick kiss, followed by another, somewhat longer kiss, which in turn was followed by a much longer, much deeper kiss.
Breaking the kiss, Sunnie glanced over at Lira. She leaned across Aaron and nudged the Wildcat softly, who groaned lightly in her sleep. Another nudge and she shifted a bit. The third nudge caused Lira to roll over, away from them.
With a self-satisfied smile, Sunnie turned her attention back to Aaron as she threw a leg over him, straddling his stomach. Her hands rubbed across his chest slowly, softly. Her eyes traveled over Aaron’s body, eventually locking with his. Her smile never left her face as she caressed his skin lightly with her fingers.
Aaron reached up, brushing her hair back and cupping her face in his hand. She brought her own hand up to his, taking hold with surprising strength.
“ You’re not as fragile as you look, are you?” Sunnie tilted her head at his question. Aaron remembered getting the same looks from Lira; she was trying to make sense of what he was saying.
Apparently deciding it didn’t matter at the moment, Sunnie went back to exploring Aaron’s body. Her hands slide up to his face, her fingers tracing along his jaw to his ear. She giggled when he twitched at her touch.
“ Oh you think that’s funny do you?” Aaron asked. He reached up and brushed a finger along her antennae, causing Sunnie twitch herself. He keep rubbing up and down the length of the delicate structure, making Sunnie’s eyes squeeze shut as she moaned lightly. She pressed her hands against his chest and rocked her hips, grinding into him.
Aaron let his hand drift down to her face, gently caressing her cheek. He was caught off guard when Sunnie suddenly turned and bit him, lightly but firmly capturing his thumb between her teeth.
“ Hey!” Sunnie glanced at him and smiled around the caught digit. “ What kind of crazy game are you playing?” With his free hand Aaron gave the pokegirl’s tiny rear a slight pinch, resulting in an indignant squeak. As he pulled his thumb free Sunnie lightly smacked him on the shoulder. “ Hey, you started it” The little bug type crossed her arms, hmphed, and glared at him. “ Aw, did I hurt your feelings?” Aaron asked with a smile. He ran his hands up her sides, his fingers wiggling.
Sunnie gasped and tried to grab his hands away, but she failed. Laughing, she tried to wiggle away. She fell off Aaron, who rolled and kept after her. She almost made it off the bed, but Aaron easily pulled her back into his grasp. She turned and tried to tickle him back, but her small size made it harder for her to reach. She finally just gave up as she fell into a fit of laughing as she tried with little success to swat his hands away.
When Aaron finally stopped and let her catch her breath, Sunnie was curled up in a tight little ball, her face flushed a deeper shade of green then normal. She looked up at him from the corner of her eye, smiling brightly. He saw her gaze shift up a second before he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him from behind.
“ Good morning” Lira purred in his ear as she rubbed her chest against his bare back.
“ Good moR-ing” Aaron stammered a bit as Lira’s hands drifted lower. He turned his head to look at her, but didn’t get more then a glance before her lips caught his. He was vaguely aware of Sunnie shifting closer as Lira pressed her tongue deep into his mouth.

Much later that morning, Aaron finally dragged himself out of bed. Tossing on some jeans and a shirt, he paused in front of the mirror set by the door. His hair was past the point of being merely messed up, but he really didn’t feel like dealing with it. Instead he gabbed his old cap out of his bag and put it on.
Slipping out the door quietly, he made a right and headed three doors down the hallway. He rapped on the door.
“ What?” An unfamiliar female voice called out from behind the door. Aaron paused. He double checked, but sure enough, it was Seth’s room.
“ Uh, is Seth in there?”
“ Oh...hold on a moment...” There came some rustling, followed by a thud. Finally the door opened and Seth poked his head out.
“ Yo.”
“ Hey, who you got in there?”
“ Who got who in where?”
“ Man, come on. I just talked with someone who was definitely not you, and definitely a woman. Who is she?”
“ No one, don’t worry about it.”
“ No one huh?” Aaron tried to peer into the room, but Seth keep the door mostly shut. “ What’s wrong? Is she bad looking or something? You afraid I’m going to make fun of you for sleeping with an ugly chick?”
“ Nothing, no, and you would if I did.”
“ Whatever. Look, I’m going to be packing up and heading out soon. You still coming with us?”
“ Hell yeah, you’re not getting rid of me that easy. Meet you out front in ten?”
“ Alright, see ya then.”

Fifteen minutes later, Aaron found himself grumbling out in front of the motel where he and the rest of his little group had spent the night.
“ That’s it, we’re leaving” He announced.
“ Aw come on, he’ll be here. Just give him a little time.” Lira pleaded.
“ I’ve given him five extra minutes, which is four more then he deserves.”
“ Are we in some sort of hurry?”
“ No, not really...”
“ Well then, it can’t hurt to wait, right?”
“ It can annoy though.”
“ Awwww, you poor thing” Lira mocked. She suddenly got a glint in her eye. “ Well, I can think of some ways to help pass the time till he arrives...”
“...oh no, I told you, that was a one time deal.” Aaron began backing up as Lira advanced on him. He walked backwards into Sunnie, who got tangled underfoot and dropped her tamer flat on his ass. The little pokegirl yelped, then buzzed at him.
Aaron started to sit up, but Lira pressed him back down as she sat in his lap. He tried to protest, but was cut off as she kissed him.
“ Oh my, it seems we’re in just in time.” Lira broke off the kiss, her head swivelling towards the voice.
“ Lulu! Alex!” The Wildcat exclaimed. The Wigglymuff waved while her tamer just smiled and nodded.
“ This is not what it looks like.” Aaron spoke up.
“ Not yet” Lira added as she turned back towards him. She cradled his head in her hands as she kissed him again.
“ Well then, I guess I have no choice.” Aaron replied.
“ I knew you’d see it my way” Lira told him.
“ I doubt it.” Before Lira could reply she suddenly glowed brightly before vanishing into the pokeball Aaron had dug out of his pack. A few feet away, Alex broke out laughing.
“ Oh...denied...” He spoke between chuckles.
“ That’s not funny” Lulu told him sternly.
“ Sorry...but it is.” Alex replied.
Aaron tossed the ball into his pack and zipped it shut. He picked it and himself up just as Seth came waltzing out of the motel.
“ Well, about damn time. What took you?”
“ Oh, just a little lady trouble, that’s all.”
“ What’s wrong, didn’t have enough?”
“ She wasn’t a hooker...”
“ Right, of course not.” Without waiting for a reply Aaron looked over at Alex and Lulu. “ So where are you two headed?”
Alex answered “ North mostly, thinking of stopping by Delvor. You?”
“ Actually had the same thing in mind.”
“ Great!” Lulu exclaimed. “ We can travel together. If you don’t mind of course.”
“ I’d loved to.”
“ Hold up” Seth broke in. “ How do you know these people? And why haven’t you introduced us yet?”
With a sigh Aaron gestured at the pair. “ This is Alex and Lulu, we met the other day. And this is Seth” He jerked a thumb at the young man. “ I’ve been trying to lose him for over a week now. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to take him?”
“ Normally, I would be offended” Seth proclaimed. “ But...” His gaze traveled over Lulu. “ I don’t think I would overly mind some new company...” The Wigglymuff smirked and rolled her eyes.
“ Is he always like this?” Alex asked.
“ No, this is actually pretty tame for him.” Aaron told him.
“ Then I’m afraid you’re stuck with him.”
“ Well then,” Seth broke in. “ Now that that’s settled, shall we get...hey wait, where’s Lira?”
“ Somewhere where she can’t get into trouble” Aaron shoulder his pack, took Sunnie’s hand, and started walking. Alex and Lulu fell into step behind them.
“......somewh...what?” Seth asked.

Aaron let Lira back out after they’d left the city, and she was not in a good mood.
“ See if I ever put out for you again.”
Aaron just scoffed. “ It’s not like you have a choice. Even if you didn’t need it, just how long do you think you could hold out?”
“ I don’t have to fuck you...”
Seth broke in. “ I’d just like to...”
“ Shut the hell up?” Aaron glared at him.
“ Good.” Aaron turned his attention back to the irate Wildcat. “ Lira, I’m not going to tell you to not be upset, cause I certainly understand why you are. But, I did warn you.”
“ Shove it”
“ You want to go back in your ball?” Getting nothing but grumbling as a reply, Aaron let it drop. He looked over at Alex and Lulu, who were making it a point of trying not to pay attention to the fight. He also noticed that Sunnie had moved over by them. He caught her eye and she quickly looked away.
“ Sunnie?” At her name, the buggirl stopped in her tracks, looking down at the ground. Confused and a little concerned, Aaron walked over to her. He put a hand on her shoulder and was surprised when she shied away from him. “ Hey, what’s wrong?”
“ I think you upset her.” Aaron looked over at Lulu. She and the rest of the group had come to a stop a few strides further up the road.
“ What did I do?”
“ Sorry, I didn’t mean you as in just you. I meant you and Lira, your fighting. You upset and probably frightened her.”
“ Oh...” Aaron knelt down so he was eye level with Sunnie, taking her hands in his own. “ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. Me and Lira have these little arguments...”
“ He calls that little?” Lulu whispered to Alex, who nudged her with his elbow.
“ Every once in a while...” Aaron finished, stressing the last few words as he glanced back at the Wigglymuff for a moment. Lulu found something interesting to look at off to the side rather suddenly.
“ It’s alright, really.” Lira said as she knelt down next to Aaron, laying a hand on his arm. “ Aaron just has a bad habit of not thinking before he does things.” She added sweetly.
“ And Lira just doesn’t know when to stop.” Aaron replied in the same soothing tone. Lira was about to shoot another barb at Aaron, but was cut off as Sunnie hugged them both. She hugged the little pokegirl back, glancing over at Aaron who was glaring back at her. She stuck her tongue out at him.
“ Aw, it’s just so sweet.” Seth said as he wiped a mock tear from his eye.
“ Bite me”
“ Blow me” Came Lira and Aaron’s simultaneous replies.
“ Remind me again while we’re traveling with these people.” Lulu whispered to Alex.
“ Because your life wasn’t interesting enough without us.” Aaron answered as he stood up. He took hold of both Lira and Sunnie’s hands. “ Shall we?” The trio brushed by the Wigglymuff and her tamer as Seth fell into step with them.
“ Damn he’s got good ears.” Lulu finally said as she let Alex start pulling her along.

Aaron looked over the tiny flames as the kindling started to catch. He blew another light breath to help the fire get going and then looked back up. Alex nearly snuffed out the fire when he almost dropped a log right on it. He looked down, quickly positioned the log so it would catch, and looked back up. A bit over, Seth and Sunnie sat side by side, paying attention to little else other then the sight before them.
Lira hooked her arm around under Lulu’s in a half nelson, pulling her head to the side as she sucked on the Wigglymuff’s neck. The captive pokegirl moaned and brought her free arm up, stroking the outline of Lira’s ear. The Wildcat twitched and her tail waved. She licked up the side of Lulu’s neck and whispered in her ear.
“ Submit, you know you want to.”
“ Nu first.”
“ I can keep going for a long time still” Lira told her as she nibbled on the Wigglymuff’s earlobe.
“ So caN I” Lulu’s voice jumped as Lira slid a hand down between her legs.
“ Submit”
“ No chance” Lulu moaned. She suddenly bent her arm at a seemingly impossible angle and slipped right out of Lira’s grasp. Turning around, she wrapped her arms around the Wildcat and kissed her hard and firm on the lips.
“ So uh...who’s winning exactly?” Aaron asked.
“ Well....uh...I have no idea. This is the first ever match of this kind I’ve ever really watched.”
“ Lira is slightly winning” Seth spoke up. “ She pulled ahead while she had Lulu trapped, but by breaking free like she did, Lulu managed to regain some points. Of course, the points only matter if neither girl can get the other to submit or orgasm.” The two tamers nodded slightly as they continued to watch the match.
Lulu managed to trip Lira up slightly, pushing her back as she brought her mouth down around the catgirl’s tit. Lira pushed her off, though a bit hesitantly. Lulu just switched over to her other breast, her tongue sliding up the underside of the fleshy mound to the firm tip. Lira hissed through her teeth and tried to push her off, but she could bring herself to do it.
“ It’s shifting” Seth mumbled as Lira fell on her back, Lulu following eagerly. She groped both of the Wildcat’s breasts in her hands while sucking on her tits. Lira squirmed under the Wigglymuff, moaning with each breath.
“ You’re all mine now” Lulu informed Lira as she sat up, her hands traveling down off the Wildcat’s breasts and over her stomach.
“ N-not even close.” Lira replied breathlessly. She seized the Wigglymuff’s legs, hooking her hand behind the pink pokegirl’s knees and pulling.
“ Oh, reversal.” Seth called out as Lira forcibly repositioned Lulu.
“ ThATs Not fAir” Lulu gasped as Lira’s tongue ran along her inner thigh, moving up between her legs. The catgirl was in no position to reply as she pressed her tongue into the Wigglymuff. Lulu tried to move, but Lira held her legs firmly.
“ It’s over” Seth declared.
“ How do you know?” Alex demanded as he watched his pokegirl get eaten out.
“ Lira’s too strong for her to break free from that hold, especially while she working Lulu over like...that...” Seth stared blankly, along with Aaron, as Lulu just bent over backwards, her back arching in a near perfect half circle, and started to return the favor Lira was bestowing her.
“ fucking way.” Aaron exclaimed.
“ I uh....guess I...forgot about how uh....flexible Wigglemuffs are...” Seth admitted.
“ Indeed you did.” Alex said with a smirk.
Lira had nearly let go of Lulu out of pure shock when she’d felt the pink pokegirl’s tongue wiggle inside her. Her whole body had tensed up and was screaming at her to stop resisting and give in to the feelings. Instead she took a deep breath, shoved her tongue as fair into Lulu as she could, her mouth firmly covering the Wigglymuff, and purred deeply and forcefully. She could feel Lulu’s attention shift as the pink pokegirl’s tongue strokes slackened. She drew another breath and redoubled her efforts, sending another wave of vibrations into her opponent. A deep, throaty cry signaled the end of the match.
“ And the winner, by orgasm, Lira!” Seth proclaimed. Rolling Lulu off her, the Wildcat stood up, though a bit shakily. Breathing heavy, she locked eyes with Aaron.
“” she ordered, her voice thick with lust.
“ I thought you were mad at me” Aaron smirked. “ And weren’t going to...”
“ You can get fucked in the tent, or fucked out here.” Lira cut him off. “ You know I don’t give a damn.”
“....well, since you put it that way...” Aaron replied as he let Lira drag him off.

Aaron stumbled into his tent as Lira practicably manhandled him. His shirt was on the floor before he even realized she had taken it off him. Her hands ran roughly up his bare chest as she kissed him so aggressively that it felt like she was trying to meld their lips together.
Lira dropped him suddenly, disappearing out the tent flap so fast that Aaron wasn’t quite sure what had just happened. It only lasted a second though as Lira quickly reappeared, this time dragging Sunnie in with her. The tiny pokegirl seemed a bit overwhelmed, but Lira helped her focus with a deep kiss. She glanced over at Aaron and broke the kiss.
“ Why the hell are you still in your pants?” She demanded. She didn’t even give him a chance to answer. “ Off with them, now!” Lira strode around Sunnie and almost ripped Aaron’s pants apart as she yanked them off him.
“ Geez, if this is how you act when you win, I’d hate to see how you deal with losing.” Lira just grinned at him. She kissed him, pulling him down as she knelt. She let him go and turned around, positioning herself on all fours.
“ Come on, hurry up and fuck me already.”
“ Someone is being awfully bossy.”
“ Goddammit, just screw me!”
“ Now now, don’t yell. You know how that upsets Sunnie.”
Lira took a deep breath. “ Aaron, please. I need to feel you in me. Please...”
“ Now was that so hard?” Lira’s only answer was a deep moan as she felt her tamer enter her, his hands holding her waist. She closed her eyes and just focused all of her attention on the hard, warm shaft sliding inside her, purring happily.
Opening her eyes, she saw Sunnie watching them intently. Lira reached out and pulled her in closer. She smirked at the buggirl and brought her mouth and tongue over Suunie’s breasts. The tiny pokegirl squeaked and gasped, then cooed as she wrapped her arms around Lira’s neck.
From his vantage point, Aaron watched Sunnie’s face contort in pleasure as Lira sucked on her tits. The tiny pokegirl’s antennae were vibrating wildly, causing a very slight humming sound. The sight was not doing his stamina any good, and he tried to shift his focus, but when Lira pressed Sunnie back onto the floor and started to eat her out, he just couldn’t look away.
Sunnie whined, moaned and squirmed, and whined again. She was vaguely aware of a rock poking her through the tent lining, but it was easily and completely ignored. All she was focused on was Lira’s rough tongue, sliding in and out, twirling, lapping. It hurt a bit, but it felt so good at the same time. She gasped as her harem sister purred, sending a wave of vibrations through her body.
Lira smiled as she felt and tasted Sunnie climax. She absolutely loved the tiny pokegirl’s flavor, and pressed her tongue in as deep as she could to gather it up. She felt her own climax approaching as Aaron keep slamming her from behind, his hands freely roaming along her body. She finally pulled her face out from between Sunnie’s legs as the pressure in her build to the bursting point just as she felt Aaron go over, splashing her insides with his seed.
She pushed herself back, sitting up and wrapping an arm around behind his head as she leaned into him. Lira rocked her hips slowly, a shadow of the former feeling that helped ease her down. She noticed Sunnie still laying spread out, her eyes closed with a blissful smile on her face.
She let go of Aaron, moving to gather up the buggirl, holding her close. Lira rolled them both over to the air mattress, cuddling Sunnie to her as Aaron wrapped his arms around both of them. Sunnie sighed happily.
“ Mmmmm” Lira agreed.

Outside, Seth tossed a pinecone into the fire and watched it burn. He glanced over at Aaron’s tent, glad the noises from within had finally stopped. He wasn’t sure how much more he could’ve taken after the Sex battle earlier, and the follow up fucking had tried his nerves.
“ At least it’s over.” He picked up another pinecone and was about to toss it on the fire when he heard a giggle from the tent across from Aaron’s. The pinecone crunched nicely as more sounds started drifting from within the tent. “ I hate my life...”

Acknowledgments: Thanks go to bsmart for introducing me to pokegirls in the first place as well as for proofreading this work. If not for him, this story would not exist.

Notes: Wow, this took way too long to get done. I mean really.

Hopeful requests: Email me and let me know what you thought.( I’ll even take suggestions if there is a particular pokegirl you would like to make an appearance.