Fan Fiction ❯ Wildcat Journey ❯ Dark Form ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“ The injury is not too severe” The Nursejoy reassured Aaron as she bandaged his right shoulder up. “ However I want you to wear a sling for the next three days at least, and you must not put any strain on it for at least a week. You need to take it easy.” The Joy made a point of glancing over at Lira.
“ What?” Aaron smiled at Lira’s indignant remark.
“ She means you’re going to have to be gentle with me.”
“ Fuck, this is going to mess with our sex, isn’t it?”
The Joy cleared her throat. “ Anyway, I have other people to tend to, so if you’ll excuse me...”
“ Of course, thank you very much.” Aaron waved as the pink haired pokegirl headed off.
“ This blows.” Lira commented as she sat down next to Aaron on the bench. “ What am I going to do with a one armed tamer?”
“ Your concern for my health is touching.”
“ Screw your health, what about my sex?”
“ Love you too.” Lira sighed and leaned into him, hugging carefully, mindful of his injuries. Sunnie crawled up on the bench and sat down in his lap, laying her head against his chest.
“ So...what now?” Lira eventually asked.
“ I guess we just continue on” Aaron answered.
“ What about Seth?”
“ I don’t know” Aaron glanced about, taking in the devastation that had befallen the city. All the way up and down the street there were signs of damage. Blown out windows, collapsed walls, fires. It was hard to believe that just one out of control pokegirl had done so much so quickly.

The only warning had been a pair of screams, one of rage, and one of pain. The latter had come from the pokegirl’s unfortunate tamer. Last Aaron had saw, he had been carted off to the nearest hospital in about three separate pieces. As for the pokegirl, now he understood where the expression “ Pissed as a Darklady” had come from.
Aaron had no idea and couldn’t even begin to guess what had set the pokegirl off, but she had exploded. After crippling her tamer she had turned her fury on everyone and anyone around her, hurling bolts of magical energy at anything that moved.

“ Hey Lira” Aaron glanced over at the pokegirl leaning sleepily against him.
“ Mmm...yeah?” She mumbled.
“ Thanks.”
Lira’s eyes opened a bit “ For what?”
“ For saving my ass back there. I never would have gotten out the way in time if you hadn’t dragged me off.”
“ Hey, I can’t let anything happen to you. I mean really, who would fuck me then?” She glanced up at him with a smirk.
“ Heh, well when I get better, I’ll give you an extra special thank you.”
“ Ooo, can’t wait.”

“ Look out!” Lira had been the first to react, the quickest to react. She had Sunnie gathered up in less then a second, keeping herself between the Darklady and her harem sister. She had been reaching for Aaron when a power bolt struck the building behind them, shattering the windows and blowing the glass out in a razor edged whirlwind. Aaron felt a shooting pain in his shoulder, then the whole world tilted and it felt like he was flying. The next thing he knew he was nearly a block down the street as Lira dropped him on the walk, depositing Sunnie in his lap.
“ Stay here!” She ordered as she turned back the way they came. She still had one person left to save.

“ Aaron! Lira!” Lulu cried out as she ran over to them, Alex trailing right behind her. “ Are you alright!? What the hell happened? We were heading over to meet back up with you when things just started exploding!” Alex put his hands on the Wigglymuff’s shoulders, trying to calm her down.
“ A pokegirl went berserk.” Aaron informed them of the Darklady’s rampage.
Alex shook his head. “ I don’t know why they let people keep those girl’s in harems. They’re just way too dangerous.”
“ You’re hurt” Lulu reached out towards Aaron, but withdrew her hand before she touched him.
“ It’s nothing, I’ll be fine”
“ Are you sure? Does it hurt much?”
“ I’ve dealt with much worse.” Aaron assured her.
“ Well aren’t you just the tough guy?” Lira mocked.
“ Damn right, don’t you forget it.” Aaron shot back.
“ Glad to see you’re all okay.” Alex said.
“ We were worried.” Lulu added. She glanced around. “ Do you know where Seth is? Was he with you?”
“ Seth...well...he...” Aaron trailed off.

The power bolt caught Seth right in the chest. It lifted him off his feet, smashing him back into, and then through, the wall of the building behind him. Another pair of bolts followed him in, and the entire front of the building collapsed.
A block away, Lira stood frozen in shock as a wall of dust rose around the rubble.
“ ....n-no....” She sank down to her knees, staring helplessly. “ No!” Aaron sat up, reaching for her.
“ Lira...”
“ YOU GODDAMN BITCH!” Lira screamed as she sprung back to her feet. The Darklady’s head swung around towards her.
“ Lira! No!” Aaron felt himself start to panic. He knew there was little he could do to stop Lira, even uninjured, he wasn’t anywhere near as quick or strong as she was. “ Don’t!” He prayed she’d listen to him, he did not want her trying to take on this Darklady.
Before either pokegirl could make a move though, the rubble exploded outward, a figure staggering from within.
“ God, I hate you bitches.” Seth muttered.
“ How the hell?” Aaron asked no one in particular. He thought he must have hit his head, cause he could swear he saw Seth’s flesh roll and flow like water for a moment before resettling. The Darklady seemed equally confused, but she recovered quickly, her hand pointing towards Seth as she gathered up the energy for another power bolt. Only she never got the chance.
In a blur Seth stepped across the gap between them, seized her arm and forced it over her head. This time there was no mistaking it, the young man’s flesh seemed to boil as it flowed up his arm, his hand enlarging and morphing into a steel fist. He squeezed.
From a block away, Aaron could hear the Darklady’s bones crack. She gasped and tried to pull away, but Seth held tight. His skin flowed and boiled again, his other hand transforming as large claws grew from his nails. His whole body seemed in a state of flux, shifting randomly. For a moment, his face was clearly that of a woman’s, her eye’s blazing with rage that matched that shown by the Darklady earlier.
Now though, the Darklady showed only fear. She tried again to pull away, only to have her broken arm twisted painfully to the side. Seth raised her arm, fingers spread wide, claws ready.
“ Seth! Stop!” Lira’s cry came too late. The claws plunged down, ripping through the Darklady, who offered up a single gurgle and then collapsed. Seth withdrew the claws as they shrank back down, her hands both returning to normal. She stared down at the Darklady, not really focusing, as if looking beyond the broken body.
The sounds of sirens broke Seth out of her daze. Her skin rippled and flowed as her arms morphed into wings, muscles in her shoulders, chest, and back bulging. The effort was such that Seth could not maintain her appearance, reverting fully back to the form of her true pokegirl self. Teal hair sprouted, flowing down past her shoulders as her face and body reformed, becoming much more feminine. Her skin color paled slightly.
She glanced over, looking at Lira and Aaron. Her expression was tense, stern. Tearing her gaze away, Seth leap, placing both feet firmly on the side of the nearest building and kicking off strongly as her wings came down, propelling her up and away. She quickly vanished over the tops of the surrounding structures.

“ So he, she, was really...” Lulu sputtered.
“ Yeah.” Aaron nodded.
“ Unreal.” Alex commented. “ I’ve never heard of such a thing. A Titto trying to pass herself off as a guy.”
“ Should we go look for her?” Lulu asked.
“ And where would we look?” Aaron asked back.
“ Well, she went that way” Lira pointed off in the general direction Seth had flown off in.
“ So? So we just start walking that way and hope for the best?”
“ Do we have anything better to do?” Lira asked. Aaron looked at her for a moment, then glanced at Lulu and Alex.
“ What about you two?”
“ We’ll come along.” Alex offered.
“ This is crazy” Aaron told them. “ We’re going to try and track down a shape shifting pokegirl knowing little more then the general direction she was headed half an hour ago.” When no one offered any reply, he just shrugged. “ Alright then, lets get going.”

The search went slowly, and was a constant topic of argument. Aaron wanted to check around the city more before they left, but Alex, Lulu, and Lira were all certain that Seth must have fled further. Aaron tried to make a case that the best place to hide is where no one would expect, which would be close by, but Lira pointed out that Seth was the type who liked to keep on the move. They had eventually come to an agreement to spend two hours looking around the city before heading out.
The next few days were somewhat stressful, as everyone seemed to have their own idea as to how best to go about finding the elusive pokegirl. Lira thought their best bet was to head straight and fast, putting as many miles in a day as they could. Aaron wanted to take things slower, checking out every rest area, town, and camping ground they could. Alex was opposed to going anywhere one might find people, insisting that Seth was most likely hiding out in the wild. Lulu suggested they should split up to look, but was shot down by everyone on that note.
After five days without finding a single clue, everyone’s hopes were down. They had mostly given up, and were simply wandering about, looking for the quickest path out of the forested area they had somehow ended up in. So when they suddenly found themselves in a small clearing, lit by a small but bright fire, staring over the flames at the very person they had been looking for, it caught them all off guard.
“ Hey, glad you all could make it. Come on over, tonight’s going to be kinda chilly and the fire’s nice and warm.” Seth didn’t wait for a reply, already turning back to her fire. She was still in her natural form, her long hair splayed out in an unkept mess.
“ How...long have you been here?” Aaron asked, noticing the dirt smudges on her skin and the condition of her hair.
“ Not long at all, just got here.” The pokegirl answered lightly.
“ I see” Aaron noticed that the fire pit seemed to be well used, with a heavy layer of ash inside. Off to the side, there was a track of ground were the grass had been mashed flat in a long line.
Not sure what else to do, everyone gathered slowly around the fire, taking seats on the opposite side from the Titto.
“ So...Seth...” Aaron began but was quickly cut off.
“ I’m not Seth. Do I look like him to you? No, he’s with Alrissa right now. She’s taking care of him.”
“ Alrissa?”
“ Mmm hmm...she’s one of my harem sisters. Maybe when she’s done she’s come say hello. Maybe not, she’s kinda shy. Anyway, you should call me Selena.”
Aaron stared with obvious confusion for a moment before replying. “ Okay...Selena.’m not sure I understand. not here?”
“ Of course not, you saw what happened to the poor guy. What that awful pokegirl did to him. But it’s alright. Alrissa will take care of him.”
“ But, where is he?”
“ He’s with Alrissa, I told you.”
“ But where, where is she?”
“ Well she’s...obviously she’s...” The Titto trailed off, mumbling to herself.
“ Selena?”
“ Look, just...let it be. Okay, this is hard enough on all of us.” The pokegirl’s voice cracked a bit. “ Goddammit, it’s just like last time.”
“ Last time?”
The Titto nodded. “ Yeah, fucking Darkladies...why, why why why why? They just won’t leave us alone.”
“ This kind of thing happened to you before?”
“ Yeah, a few years ago. We were all, living together, me and Seth and my sisters. It was such a great time, good time, it was so nice. Well, all except for one thing. There was this know what, it doesn’t matter. The past is the past and is done.”
“ You won’t tell me?”
“ It’s nothing. It’s...he was just some asshole, he liked to pick on Seth, that’s all. I took care of him.” Selena suddenly stood up, walking back a forth slowly. “ He was just...god he would say the meanest things...I just couldn’t...and that day, Seth was in such a good mood and we all happy and he showed up...god, why? The whole day was ruined, I just couldn’t take it. I just had to shut him up, I just reached out and...” Selena closed her hand tightly, her knuckles popping loud enough to be heard over the crackle of the fire. Aaron felt Lira stiffen and Lulu let out a small gasp. Selena looked over at them and her expression turned to a pleading look. “ Please, try to understand. I-I-I didn’t mean to...go that far. I just wanted...” She took a deep breath. “ I just wanted him to shut up.” The Titto sat back down by the fire, staring at the ground.
After a few silent minutes, Aaron slowly got up and moved over by her, squatting down facing her. “ That’s...not all of the story, is it?”
“ No...” Selena admitted. “ The next day...they came.”
“ They? You mean the police?”
“ No...they came. People...bad people. He had known them, hung out with them. Some of them had even joined in on picking on Seth with him. They were bad people. And they brought a pokegirl with them.”
“ A Darklady?”
“ Yeah...and then they...she...” Selena ran her hands through her hair as her voice quivered. “ It wasn’t fair, not fair at all. Seth, my sisters...they weren’t fighters, god they never had a chance!” Crying openly, she buried her face in hands.
Aaron just stared in cold shock, feeling his insides turn. He wanted to do something, say something, but he felt paralyzed. After a few minutes of painful sobbing, Selena started talking again.
“ It was all my fault. It was my fault. If I hadn’t...god I was so stupid! And then, I wasn’t even there to help them. It was my fault and I wasn’t even there!”
“ Where were you?” Aaron asked almost automatically, barely even aware that it was him speaking.
“ I was outside. I always loved the outside, to get away, all on my own. Just kinda wander about freely. I had thought that getting out would help. Make me forget about what I’d done. And when I got back...when I got back...”
“ They were dead.”
“ Not all of them. Vicky...Vicky wasn’t. She always was a tough little thing. She held on, she waited, waited for me. To tell me. To make sure I understood. And I do. I understand. It was my fault they had to die, and now, it’s my responsibility.”
“ What is?”
Selena turned and looked right at Aaron, her eyes intense. “ It is my responsibility to keep them safe. To keep them alive. They are alive in me. Just as long as I never forget, I can’t forget. I keep them alive by letting them share my body. Don’t you see, they’re not dead! You and Seth, you’re friends right? He’s your friend, because I brought him back. And my sisters, they’re all in me as well, they’re all alive! Because I remember them, they are me.” The pokegirl’s skin rippled, flowing and reshaping. For a moment Seth was sitting before them, his eyes closed, a large burn mark in the center of his chest. Just as quickly he was replaced, melting into the form of a Titmouse. Her large ears twitched as she looked on with sad but kind eyes. She then grew into some variety of plant based pokegirl, leaf like hair nearly hiding her face. She shrank back down, turning into another type of mouse based pokegirl, covered in light blue fur. Finally she returned back to her normal form.
“ She’s insane.” Lulu muttered in hushed tones. Alex quickly silenced her before she could say anything else. Fortunately, it seemed that Selena hadn’t heard her, she just turned back to the fire calmly.
“ They’re all alive, and we’re still a family. We’re still together.” She glanced at Aaron. “ Do you think, you could wait here a few days with me? Until Seth is better again? Please? It’d really mean a lot to him. He really does like you.”
Aaron glanced over at Lira, who looked back at him somewhat uneasily. He wasn’t too keen on the idea himself, but he couldn’t bring himself to just leave the pokegirl by herself. “ I guess we can afford a few days.”
“ Thank you, thank you so much.” Her gaze drifted over at Lira, and her eye lit up. “ Oh, you brought Seth’s pack with you! That was so thoughtful of you. I was in such a rush that I forgot it. It’ll be nice to not have to sleep in the dirt anymore.” She hopped up and grabbed the worn bag. “ Well, I know it’s a bit early, but I’m going to get Seth’s tent up and let him lay down for a while. I’ll see you all tomorrow, okay?” Suddenly smiling brightly, she practically skipped away from the fire and started putting up the tent.

“ Alex, I do not want to stay here. I want to leave, I don’t like this. She is freaking me out” Lulu glanced over at Selena and shivered.
“ I know, I know...” Alex tried to calm her down.
“ Then lets go. As soon as she’s in her tent and asleep I say we take off.”
“ Lulu, lets not do anything rash. The sun just set, we’re not going to find our way out of here in the dark.”
“ I don’t care, she scares me. She is insane. She thinks her dead tamer and harem sisters are living inside her, just cause she can take on their form and pretend to be them”
“ Keep your voice down.”
Lulu turned to Aaron. “ You’re not really staying here with her are you?”
“ Yeah...I am.” He answered slowly.
“ You can’t be serious.”
“ He is” Lira said. “ And I think he’s doing the right thing.”
“ Then you’re both as crazy as she is”
“ Lulu!” Alex took her by the arm. “ That’s enough. Come on, either help me set the tent up or you can sleep in your ball tonight.”
Lira wrapped her arms around Aaron as Alex dragged the Wigglymuff off. She laid her head against his chest, closing her eyes. “ What are we going to do with Seth? Or Selena, or whatever she wants to be called?”
“ I’m not sure really, but I just wouldn’t feel right if we left her. We’ll just have to see what happens and do what seems best at the time.” He looked down as he felt Sunnie hug his leg. The tiny girl looked completely confused and upset. For a moment, Aaron wondered if her not being able to understand Selena’s story had been better or worse for her. “ Lira, would you mind comforting Sunnie for me? I’ll get out tent put up”
“ I don’t think so” When Aaron shot her a surprised look, she grinned. “ You’re still healing up. You comfort shorty, I’ll put the tent up”
“ I hardly think putting together a tent will strain my shoulder.”
“ Yes, but you’re not very good at thinking.” Before Aaron could say anything she kissed him and then grabbed up his bag, walking off and leaving him with Sunnie.
Aaron sighed. “ Why didn’t I just stay home?” He asked himself.

Acknowledgments: Thanks go to bsmart for introducing me to pokegirls in the first place as well as for proofreading this work. If not for him, this story would not exist.

Notes: Got this one done quick enough. So, anyone see that one coming? Huh?

Hopeful requests: Email me and let me know what you thought.( I’ll even take suggestions if there is a particular pokegirl you would like to make an appearance.