Fan Fiction ❯ Wildcat Journey ❯ Rude Wake Ups ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Aaron woke rather suddenly, his body telling him he had very little time to get to the bathroom. Four glasses of water at dinner, followed by story telling with the family and then taming till bedtime had not been kind on his bladder.
With practiced ease he slipped out of Lira's grip, rolled over Z-ko, and hit the floor without making a noise. The Wildcat started to roll into the space left, but Selena held her firmly in place. It was Z-ko that ended up taking Aaron's vacancy, unwittingly putting an arm around Lira. Sunnie was notably absent.
Deciding he could wait till after he'd relieved himself to look for the pokegirl, Aaron quickly hobbled to the bathroom, feeling grateful to be home. A toilet beat a bush any and every way one looked at it.
Feeling much better after easing the pressure on his bladder, Aaron started looking for his missing pokegirl. Halfway down the hall he turned around, realizing that it would probably be a good idea to put on some pants before wandering around somewhere that he might run into his father or mother.
“ It's just too fricking early.” Upon solving his nudity problem, he resumed his search.
The kitchen seemed like a good place to start. With luck he'd find Sunnie there, most likely just having slipped out of bed for a drink. Though if she had found the root beer, she sure wasn't going to be coming back to bed. In fact, Aaron suddenly found himself having second thoughts about checking the kitchen.
The little pokegirl loved soda, absolutely loved it. And it did not take much sugar to get her wound up and hyper. After a few drinks, Sunnie tended to behave an awful lot like Lira looking for a taming.
While certainly not a bad thing, Aaron was feeling a bit out of it after last night. Lira and Selena had really worked him over, riding both his cock and his face while attending to each other until all three had just given out; well at least until he and Selena had given out. Lira had only called it a night because she had run out of willing partners.
Fortunately or unfortunately, Aaron wasn't sure really, the kitchen was empty. A quick check revealed the dinning room to be equally bare. A black burn mark on one of the place mats caught Aaron's attention for a moment; a testament to his mother's sort temper.
Dinner had been an exercise in patience from the second the first person had sat down. Even with the table leafs out and center extension in place, it had been a tight fit to get everyone a seat. Aaron and his father had been given the so called honor of being seated at either end on the table; they both knew though, none of the girls were going to try and squeeze in the few inches left between the chairs and table, courtesy of the tiny room .
From there, things had just gotten worse. Z-ko and Sunnie had ended up seated to Aaron's left and right respectively. He had noticed that when passing the food around, Z-ko had quickly declined anything Sunnie had touched.
Even worse though, had been Lira and Morgan. Aaron swore they had sat across from each other on purpose. Meal time had always been a battle ground for those two. The main course had been a finely prepared roast, already cut into easy to serve slices and passed around on a plate with a serving fork.
When the plate had been handed to Lira, the Wildcat's eyes were locked with the Amachamp's, a small smirk on her striped face. The brief look of surprise on Morgan's face when Lira had actually used the fork only served to make the catgirl grin wider as she passed the plate on. She had then proceeded to take up her own fork in hand...and drop it on the floor before using her claws to slice and skewer the meat, resulting in a sigh and a shake of the head from Morgan.
Selena has ended up looking across the table at Lina, a pairing that had set Aaron on edge the whole meal. The last thing he needed was his mother prying too much into the Titto's past, and with them near the opposite end of the table, he wasn't in a position to mediate any conversation they had.
He'd only been able to catch bits and pieces of whatever it was that had set Lina off, but Selena did a stellar job of pushing the Oni's buttons. When her place mat caught fire Aaron thought that was going to be the end of it, luckily his father had intervened and gotten Lina to settle down, if not calm down. Everyone had been on edge around her for the rest of the evening.
The living room was Aaron's next stop, and it was equally deserted. The room seemed strangely quiet and empty after being over crowded the night before. After dinner, everyone had gathered in the room for the usual chit chat that came with seeing people again after a long time.
Aaron had ended up half buried on the couch, Selena on his right, Lira on his left, Sunnie on the back of the couch with her legs draped over his shoulders, and Z-ko on the floor leaning against his legs. He'd spent half the night telling stories and the other half trying to keep Lira in line. He'd managed so far to avoid repeating an in public exhibition, and he sure as hell wasn't going to give up his efforts towards that in front of his parents.
Aaron paused in his search for a moment, trying to figure out where to look next. It seemed unlikely that Sunnie would be in his parent's room, though that was just about the only part of the house left to check.
“ Oh, wait, duh.” Aaron mentally smacked himself and headed for the back door. Sunnie often had snuck out of their tent early in the morning just for the sake of being outside; why he had thought things might be any different now Aaron could not fathom.
Stepping outside, Aaron found himself regretting not grabbing more to wear then a pair of pants. The air was brisk, sending a shiver through him. Trying his best to ignore it as well as the cold dew on the grass, he made a quick trek around his backyard, skirting the edge of the pit his father hoped to sink a pool into.
A faint call brought his gaze back to the house and up. He found his pokegirl, perched on the edge of his roof, looking down at him. Sunnie smiled and waved before turning her attention back towards the direction of the woods at the edge of town.
From her view point, Sunnie could just see the growth of trees within which Aaron had first encountered Lira. Sunnie wanted very much to get a chance to go see it up close. She was curious about the place where her closest harem sister had grown up. She owed a lot to Lira, even her being with Aaron was a direct result of the Wildcat's actions, of her choice to follow the young man after she had lustfully attacked him.
The Buttitsfree hopped off the roof, her wings catching the air and causing her to drop a gently as a leaf. As the ground approached a quick fluttering of her wings brought her lazy drift to a halt, jerking her up and back slightly. She leaned forward, gave another burst of wing motion, and smiled as she rammed lightly into Aaron's chest and hugged him. He was quick to hug her back.
“ Good morning” Sunnie squeaked happily.
“ Morning” Aaron replied. “ Been enjoying it?”
“ Mmmhmm, a bit cold, but it's nice.”
“ Well I'm glad to hear it” Aaron sat Sunnie in the crook of his arm, holding her with just a bit of effort. The tiny pokegirl was barely forty pounds; her weight being minimized by several mechanisms, including a light exoskeleton, lighter then air gas pockets, and a near zero percent body fat index. The tiny pokegirl's digestive system was so fast that within fifteen minutes anything she had eaten was already flowing through her blood stream to deliver energy where it was needed, which was mostly to the muscles in her back that powered her wings.
Each of Buttitsfree's four main wing muscles were stronger then the remainder of her body's muscles combined. Together they were more powerful then all the muscles in Aaron's body. The four bands of dense protein fibers were the single heaviest point on the tiny pokegirl, accounting for nearly a third of her weight. They consumed an enormous amount of energy to use and maintain.
The muscles were also always in some motion, staying warm and ready to be used whenever they might be needed. As a result, Sunnie's wings were constantly in motion as well, vanishing behind her back as they came together, then appearing as they spread wide, showing off the display of brightly colored patterns. The patterns on her wings were unique, no other pokegirl had the exact same coloration.
“ So how do you like it here?” Aaron asked as he sat down on the back step, cradling Sunnie in his arms
“ It's very nice” Sunnie replied, snuggling into her tamer's embrace, enjoying both the contact and the warmth, as well as just having a moment alone with him..
As much as she loved Lira, and as fond as she was of Selena, and Z-ko...well screw Z-ko, the bratty Shadowgirl was always whining about something, usual something petty...anyway, all that aside, Sunnie really wished she had more time alone with Aaron.
She couldn't remember a time having been tamed by him that Lira hadn't joined in; the Wildcat was always willing and ready and could smell out a taming five minutes before it even got started. If she tried to start something with Aaron right now, Sunnie'd be willing to bet her pokeball that the Wildcat would be out of bed and groping them both before the first kiss was done.
So she did her best to get the most she could from the moment and enjoy it. Soon the rest of the pack would be up and about, Lira leading the way in a search to find Aaron. Privacy and personal time were concepts the Wildcat couldn't understand if her life depended on it. Sunnie loved Lira, but she was more the happy to be second on the Wildcat's list of favorite people.
Pushing such thoughts aside, Sunnie just focused on the morning. The chill was nothing, easily ignored, especially inside Aaron's embrace. Dew reflected the light morning glow. It was peaceful, very peaceful and quiet. Sunnie laid her head against Aaron, and wished the moment could last forever.
Z-ko smiled and moaned slightly as she felt Aaron's hands caressing her body. She kissed him, fiercely, passionately. She felt him respond in kind, his tongue eagerly probing into her mouth. She hooked a leg behind his knee, making sure he couldn't get away.
“ Mmmm, Aaron” Z-ko squirmed at her lovers lips touched her neck.
“ Aaron?” That voice. Z-ko suddenly felt the warm, pleasant sensation inside her drop away. Something wasn't right. The hands touching her turned cold, were rubbing against her all wrong. The lips against her neck left behind an uncomfortable burning. She struggled, pushing away.
The dream broke, reality pouring in as Z-ko opened her eyes. Twin, slitted orbs of gold stared back at her. Recoiling, the Shadowgirl saw the smirk on Lira's face, the Wildcat's arms around her, her own legs tangled with the catgirl's. Her brain cruelly laid her dream down over the reality in front of her for a moment, right before she did the only thing she could do.
She screamed.
Outside, Aaron and Sunnie looked up as Z-ko's muffled scream pierced the morning. Aaron let his head rest against his palm for a moment, looking down at Sunnie with an expression of exasperation. Sunnie just sighed and rolled her eyes, climbing off of him and to her feet. With a sigh of his own, Aaron stood up, jerking the back door open with a bit more force then was really needed, waited for Sunnie to walk inside, and then followed.
Shooting upright in bed, Lina blinked to clear her eyes. She could have sworn she'd heard someone scream, and cocked her head to listen. She heard the back door open and then shut, followed by footsteps. There was a bit of a commotion down near the other end of the house.
The Oni started to get up, but was stopped by a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. Looking down at her still sleeping lover as well as the equally out of it giant of a harem sister, Lina paused. The commotion had died down, which meant whatever it was couldn't be anything too serious. It was probably just some minor problem, the type harems often had.
Lina thought about it, decided that it was her son's problem and that most likely he was and could deal with it. He didn't need his mother to come check on him.
Snuggling back under the covers and against her lover, Lina felt she had made the best choice. It wasn't her problem, and it certainly wasn't worth getting out of bed over. Especially with the bed being as comfy and warm as it was and the floor looking as cold and hard as it did.
Covering her ears, Lira waited for Z-ko to finish screaming. Behind the Wildcat, Selena stuttered an uncomprehensible blurb of words, tried to leap up, and fell out bed in mid-transformation. The stunned Titto didn't even try to get up.
Finished with her initial outbrust, Z-ko shoved away from Lira, rolling out of bed and over to the wall, where she hugged herself and shuddered, muttering to herself.
“ Oh come on, stop being so dramatic.” Lira sighed, sitting up and stretching.
“ Shut up! Filthy, whoring pokegirl! Taking advantage of Z-ko while she's sleeping”
“ Hey, you were the one that started slobbering on me. Hell of a wake up though.”
“ You took advantage of Z-ko! You know she doesn't like you.”
“ You don't like anyone in this harem. I don't know why Aaron let you join. He must have felt sorry for you and your parents...”
“ Don't you ever talk about that!” Z-ko sprang off the wall, her hand coming around to slap Lira across the face. The Wildcat barely blinked as she caught the Shadowgirl by the wrist easily. Z-ko growled and tried to grab at Lira's hair, but again the catgirl was just too fast, too strong. With ease she flipped the struggling pokegirl over onto the bed and held her down.
“ You've got problems” Lira informed her would be attacker. The Shadowgirl responded with an angry exclamation, and Lira could well imagine the look of anger on the girl's hidden face. She was so focused on Z-ko that Lira didn't notice the approaching footsteps until they were right outside the door. She looked over her shoulder as Aaron came in the room, looking quite confused and alarmed at the situation.
Before Lira could even open her mouth though, Z-ko cried out. “ Aaron! Make her stop! She's hurting Z-ko!” The Shadowgirl whined and cried rather pitifully, struggling in the Wildcat's grasp.
“ Lira!” The pokegirl reacted instantly, almost instinctually to Aaron's command, drawing her hands back to herself. She felt a sudden and almost painful sinking sensation in her stomach from the disapproving look he gave her.
“ Aaron...I-I was...” Lira found herself fumbling over her words, surprised at the near panic that seemed to grip her.
“ Just stop, okay?” Aaron looked at her for a second, then headed over to Z-ko's side, who had rolled off the bed again, hunkering down by the base of it and putting on a hell of a show. Lira swallowed heavily as she watched Aaron comfort the girl, helping her up and walking her to the door.
“ A-Aaron?”
“ Not now Lira, I'll talk with you in a bit.” That said, Aaron closed the door. Lira stared wide eyed at the door, trying to figure out what had just happened. Aaron hadn't even given her a chance to explain. He had been angry, angry at her. It made Lira physically ill just to think about.
“ Lira?” Sunnie hopped up on the bed, sitting down beside the Wildcat. “ Are you okay?”
“ I...don't know” Her gaze lowered to the floor. “ He didn't even give me a chance...he wouldn't listen.”
“ He was just worried.”
“ About her! He was worried about her!” Lira turned, looking at Sunnie with intense eyes. “ I didn't hurt her. I know I didn't!”
“ I believe you” Sunnie told her. Lira nodded, feeling a bit better. Someone believed her, would listen to her. Still, she felt like she was going to start crying at any minute.
“ I wonder what they're talking about. What she's telling him. What...what if she tells him I attacked her?”
“ Lira...”
“ What!? You know she doesn't like me!”
“ She doesn't like anyone” Selena added, finally pulling herself up from where she'd hit the floor on the other side of the bed. She yawned, her face rippling slightly. She was still trying to wake up and her body was a bit out of sync with her mind.
“ She's going to try and screw me over” Lira whined.
“ Yeah, probably” Selena agreed.
“ Selena!” Sunnie tossed the Titto a dirty look.
“ What, she's right. No point in denying it. Z-ko's been trouble ever since we picked her up. You know she wants Aaron all for herself. This is a perfect opportunity for her to get in closer to him and put some distance between Aaron and Lira.”
The Wildcat's head came up, her eyes suddenly burning through the door in front of her. The idea that Z-ko might try and get between her and Aaron had never really been a thought before. The idea of him being upset with her was one thing, but to possibly lose him to someone else...Lira felt like her head might explode just thinking about it.
“ If she dares” Lira hissed. “ I”ll kill her.”
“ Would you two stop it!” Sunnie suddenly yelled, drawing both girl's attention. Sunnie never raised her voice. “ Lira, stop trying to think of the worst possible situation, you're just upsetting yourself. Selena, shut up, you're not helping at all. Aaron is not an idiot who's just going to blindly listen to whatever Z-ko tells him, so stop treating him as such. Lira, he's had you for over a year, he knows you, and he knows you don't go around attacking people. At worst I'd bet you get a minor rebuke and he tells you to leave Z-ko alone, and he'll probably say the same to her. I don't think you've noticed but I have, he doesn't like it when she makes those snide comments about you and me. No more then he likes the way you make her uncomfortable with your jokes and advances. Neither one of you tries to make things easy for the other, and all it really does is make things hard for him. Ahh!” Turning her back on the Wildcat, Sunnie hopped off the bed and stood by the window. Lira and Selena both turned to look at each other in stunned silence.
“ I've never heard her go off like that” Selena whispered. “ I didn't think she had it in her.” Lira just nodded, unable to think of anything else to say. Instead she just stared over at Sunnie, watching the tiny pokegirl's wings flutter in annoyance. She stayed that was for several minutes, until the door opened again and Aaron came wandering in.
“ You two” he indicated Sunnie and Selena. “ Some privacy please”
“ Yeah, sure. Come on shorty, lets grab some breakfast” Selena sauntered around the bed, Sunnie falling into step beside her. The two pokegirls slipped past Aaron, who slowly closed the door behind them.
Lira found herself staring intently at the floor as Aaron walked over, taking a seat on the bed by her. Normally Lira would have instantly draped herself over or across him, her hands roaming freely. Now though, she sat rooted to the bed, afraid to move at all. The few inches between them might as well have been a mile wide gorge as far as her ability to cross it stood.
“ Lira...” Aaron started, sending the Wildcat's heart racing as her stomach clenched. She waited for the inevitable, for him to scold her, to yell at her, accuse her, tell her how very disappointed he was in her. “...are you happy with things as they are?”
“ W-what?” Lira stuttered, confused.
“ Are you happy? With me? With the way we've been living? Sleeping in tents, always on the move. Are you happy in this harem?”
“ Yes! Of course I am!” Now Lira was really worried. More so, she was terrified at what he might say next. In her mind, her worst fear was playing out; that Aaron might get rid of her.
Aaron blinked at Lira's quick response. “ You don't even mind having to put up with...certain individuals?”
“ Aaron, that doesn't matter. None of it matters to me as long as I'm with you.” Lira blinked back tears that blurred her vision. “ You are the only thing in this whole world that I want.” She swallowed heavily. “ I love you Aaron.” Lira felt her heart sink as Aaron turned his gaze downward. The seconds dragged in minutes and Lira felt she might just explode from the pressure building up in her head.
“ I love you too.” Lira gasped, not quite sure if she was hearing things until he continued. “ I…I'm just never really realized it I think. Or, I don't know…I was just…afraid to say it.” Aaron trailed off. He took a few deep breaths, finally looking up at her again. “ You mean a great deal to me Lira. If I had to, I'd give up everything else in my life before you.” Hearing those words, a tremendous feeling of relief swept over Lira. She nearly broke down, leaning over and hugging Aaron as hard as she dared to. She clung to him tightly for several minutes until he gently urged her to let him go.
Reluctantly letting go, Lira watched as Aaron slipped off the bed and purposefully walked over to his desk. Opening the top drawer, he pulled out a small plastic bag he had placed there the day before.
“ I...I wanted to give this to you earlier, and I'm sorry I didn't. I'm also sorry it took so long for me to buy in the first place, but well, you know how tight our budget has been.” Taking a deep breath, Aaron reached into the bag and pulled out a thin strip of black leather with a silver buckle. The anti-theft collar shined as he held it stretched out between his hands. Lira looked at the collar, then up at Aaron's face. He smiled slightly. “ I wish I could have afforded a nice case to present it in...” Aaron trailed off. He felt a bit awkward about the less then lackluster presentation. Lira however, could care less. To her, all that mattered was the meaning behind the gift.
She was his, he wanted her and he wanted her forever. He wasn't going to trade her, or sell her, or risk having anyone take her from him. Lira hopped off the bed, once again embracing him in a crushing hug, burying her face in his shoulder as she cried happily.
After several minutes, Aaron gently pushed Lira back until he could see her face. He wiped away her tears and she smiled at him.
“ You want me to put it on you?” Lira nodded enthusiastically, turning around and lifting up her thick mane of hair so he could slip the collar around her neck. The buckle made a satisfying click as it locked into place.
Aaron had barely finished securing the collar when Lira turned and pounced on him, kissing him as deeply and passionately as she ever had. She practically tossed him on the bed, his pants vanishing in a blur of motion that ended with the Wildcat looming over him, her eyes blazing hungrily.
Lira's breasts dragged across Aaron's chest as the Wildcat rubbed against him, squirming as she eagerly kissed him, her hands actively roaming his body. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and it didn't take long for her to get him hard and ready.
She wasted little time, sliding his manhood inside of her in one smooth stroke. She purred as she rocked and swayed her hips, sliding up and down along his length in a rapidly increasing pace. Lira moaned loudly as she pounded down on his shaft vigorously.
Aaron for his part was just trying to hold on as Lira fucked him aggressively. Even for an ever frisky pokegirl, she was riding him hard. Aaron felt himself fading away rapidly.
Lira was in total bliss, a combination of emotional and physical happiness that overwhelmed her. She cried out as she hit her climax, pleasure washing through her completely. It barely slowed her down.
She felt a sudden warm erupt inside her, felt Aaron tense below her, and purred throatily as another wave of pleasure rolled over her. Her tamer's hands fell away from where they had been at her hips, trying to hold onto her. She barely noticed and kept going.
Her legs burned from lifting and dropping her body so many times so quickly, but she ignored it. Her body practically vibrated as she ground down into Aaron, a spike of sexual bliss shooting up through her body and ripping a scream from her lips.
Her body finally gave out and went limp after the seventh time. Lira fell foward, landing on top of Aaron, panting and gasping, barely able to move after having so many, so intense orgasms one after the other. Her legs were on fire and each breath scrapped her lungs like sand. Her skin itched where trailing of sweat run down her body. She'd never felt better in her life.
“ Aaron...we'll always be together...right?” Lira nuzzled against her tamer.
“ Yes, we will. I promise.” Aaron felt the Wildcat take a deep breath, release a very content sigh, and snuggle up even closer against him to rest. Wrapping his arms around her, Aaron considered their words, and realized he wouldn't and couldn't have it any other way.
Acknowledgments: Thanks go to bsmart for introducing me to pokegirls in the first place as well as for proofreading this work. If not for him, this story would not exist.
Notes: I hope you enjoy this one, because I had to write the damn thing twice.
Hopeful requests: Email me and let me know what you thought.( I'll even take suggestions if there is a particular pokegirl you would like to make an appearance.