Fan Fiction ❯ Wildcat Journey ❯ Shifting Minds ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“ I’m going to take it nice a slow, so you can tell me if it hurts”
“ Alright, go ahead.”
“ Okay, gently now...anything?”
“ No”
“ How about now?”
“ No”
“ Nothing? And now, feel anything?
“ Not at all.”
“ Really? That’s as far as it can go, and you feel nothing?”
“ Not even a little bit”
“ Well, alright then.” The doctor let her arm go and Selena let it drop. The man had been poking, prodding, and examining her for the last half hour despite her efforts to make him realize she would be fine. He clearly knew little to nothing of Titto physiology. He seemed determined to find something wrong with her shoulder even though the wound was fully sealed at this point.
“ When can I see my tamer and harem?” As much as she valued her independence, it was just easier to let the doctor assume she belonged to Aaron. Besides, it got her out of having to pay for her own medical expenses.
“ Well, I guess there is no reason to keep you here any longer, you seem to have recovered nicely. However, the rest of your group are not so quick to heal. They’re going to be staying here for the night. I’m releasing you into the custody of your tamer’s father for the time being.”
“ I want to see them first.”
“ I’m sure you do, but it’ll have to wait till tomorrow.”
Selena let an edge creep into her voice .“ And what if I don’t feel like waiting?” The doctor hesitated for a moment.
“ I’m sorry, but none of them is in any condition to receive visitors. Now please wait here.” Selena noted that the man was rather quick to leave the room.
Well, way to intimidate a helpless human. Feel better?
Selena sighed as she answered the voice in her head. “ Not really. I want to see Aaron and the others.”
Then go see em, Seth told her.
“ You sure that’s wise? I don’t want to cause them any trouble.”
What’s the worst that could happen? Oh no, you might piss off some of the staff, oh woe for us...
“ Point.” Making up her minds, Selena slipped off the exam table and walked over to the door. She wasn’t too surprised to find it locked from the outside.
Guess they don’t want pokegirls just wandering around as they please here, Seth commented.
“ Guess they should have built the doors better then.” It took a bit more effort then normal, despite her claims to the doctor her shoulder did still hurt, but she was able to break the door open anyway. A passing Nursejoy gave out a startled gasp and nearly dropped the clip board she was carrying.
“ Excuse me, but you can’t leave the room without an escort” The pokegirl tried to explain.
“ Don’t worry, I’ll watch after her” Seth replied before the transformation was even complete. Offering the startled nurse a wink and grin, he started off down the hallways.
So, where do we look first?, Selena asked.
“ Good question” Seth answered. “ I have no idea” Opening a door at random, Seth looked in.
“ OH FUCK YES!” Bent over a bed was a Vixen, who was in the middle of a rather aggressive taming. The fox like pokegirl had a thick cast on her arm, though it took Seth several moments to actually notice it; his attention more focused on the red furred girl who let out a high pitched scream each time the young man behind her slammed his hips into her rump. Looking up and seeing Seth, he paused, much to the dismay of the Vixen.
“ Who the hell!?” The man yelled.
“ Whoops, wrong room, sorry...” Seth smiled sheepishly as he shut the door and took a quick jog down the hall and around the nearest corner.
I think this wing is for pokegirls only.
“ I was getting the same feeling. Well, we’re sure to find Lira and the rest of the girls around here somewhere right?”
Wrong. Lira will be with Aaron, nothing on this planet could drag her away from him right now.
“ Yeah, I suppose that’s true...”
“ Um...sir?”
“ Wha?” Turning, Seth found himself face to face with a nurse, though not the same one from before. In fact, from the looks of her, she seemed to be a regular human female. “ Why hello there, were you talking to me by chance?”
“ Uh, yes, you seemed a bit lost. Do you need any help?” The nurse asked. Seth hesitated for a moment, a bit caught up in looking the slender, dark haired woman over.
“ Indeed, thank you so much for asking. I’m trying to find a friend of mine, do you think you could help me find him?”
“ Certainly, though if you’re looking for a guy, you’re in the wrong part of the hospital. This half is for pokegirls only”
Looks like I was right.
“ Oh well, I’m also looking for some pokegirls, they were with him at the time. See, they got in this big fight and...well, you would not believe me if I told you...”
“ Oh, you must be talking about the group that ran into the Widow.”
She knows about that?
“ Oh, you know about them?”
“ Of course, who doesn’t? A real Widow around these parts? Frightening to think about. He did us all a real service taking that thing out.”
“ Hmm, yeah I guess w, he did. So uh, you know where he is?”
“ Yes, please, follow me” Turning, the nurse started down the hallway, and Seth’s eyes traveled down her back as he followed.
Are you looking at her ass!?
Gimme a break Selena, you were checking her out too.
Oh please, she is not my type.
Fine, I’ll take her then.
You wish you could be so lucky.
You don’t think I could pick her up?
No chance in hell.
Well, I’m just going to have to prove you wrong.
Go ahead, make an ass of yourself.
At that point, a third voice broke in. Would you two please shut up?
Well, nice to have you with us Cassie, I see you’re chipper as usual,
Seth remarked.
Where are we now? The plantgirl asked.
As Selena started to fill in her harem sister on what had been happening, Seth brought his attention back towards the cute nurse before him. He couldn’t see any real reason why Selena wouldn’t be interested in the woman, except for maybe the fact that she was a normal human.
“ What is it with pokegirls and women?” Seth asked himself.
“ Excuse me?” The nurse asked.
“ Oh, nothing, just talking to myself”
“ Oh...okay...” The nurse gave him an odd look.
Dammit, good move dummy, Seth mentally kicked himself.
Yeah really, you won her over there dear, Selena added.
Shut up, go back to talking with Cassie why don’t you?
Aw, but this is much more interesting,
Selena teased.
Pathetic is what it is, Cassie remarked.
“ Oh leave me alone!”
“ What?” The nurse suddenly turned around. “ Sir, are you alright?”
“ Uhhhhh....” Seth blanked.
Well, say something! Selena prompted.
“ Uh, I-I’m sorry, I’ve been under too much stress lately.” Seth looked to the side. “ I guess this was just the last bit I could really take.”
The woman’s gaze softened a bit. “ Right, I understand.” Pulling a card out of her pocket, she handed it to Seth.
“ Hmm...Tracey Relfeld, licenced consoler...” Seth read the card outloud.
“ If you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to call and set up an appointment, alright?” Tracey smiled, and Seth felt his heart sink. She was good, but he could tell she was forcing it for his sake. He did his best to smile back.
“ Right, I’ll keep you in mind.”
“ Good. Well then, shall we get you to your friend then?”
“ Please, lead on.” As Seth once again fell into step slightly behind the nurse, he did his best to ignore the laughter in his mind.
Oh well done...hehehe..., Selena snickered. So much for the sympathy approach.
Shut’s not totally hopeless...
Yeah right. No respectable consoler would dare date one of her clients, or potential client.
Seth was grateful that at that moment Tracey indicated they had arrived, as it spared him from having to say anything to Selena. With another forced smile, he said goodbye to Tracey and turned to open the door.
Seth paused as he noticed the door knob was twisted and hanging , clearly broken, and there was a chunk missing from the door frame. Nudging the door open, he hesitated at the sight before him.
Lira was standing with her back to him, staring down a doctor and a pair of pokegirls that Seth suspected were part of the hospital security team, though they seemed rather intimidated by the Warcat in front of them. He didn’t blame them; in her newly evolved state Lira was a powerhouse of a pokegirl that few living creatures could even hope to match strength with. He wasn’t sure what type the security girls were, but he doubted they had the power to actually stop Lira if they had to. The human doctor wasn’t even a factor, if anything did happen, his only move better be to get the hell out of the way.
Behind the stand off, Seth caught sight of Aaron, out cold in bed. He looked pale, but his breath was steady and deep. Seth took it as a good sign.
“ Dammit! Why can’t I be with him!?” Lira demanded, bringing Seth’s attention back to the Warcat.
“ Look, I understand you’re worried about your tamer,” The doctor keep his voice calm, despite being clearly upset. “ But, that was no excuse to break out of your room and get in a fight with security...”
“ Fight?” Seth echoed.
“ Who the?” The doctor blurted, suddenly noticing Seth.
“ Seth!” Lira turned to look at him.
“ You got into a fight? In a hospital?” Seth asked.
“ They were trying to keep me away from Aaron.”
“ Still, didn’t hurt anyone did you?”
“ Excuse me, you know her?” the doctor demanded.
“ Nothing serious” Lira responded.
“ Yes, I do.” Seth answered the doctor.
“ It’s their own fault for getting in my way.” Lira added.
“ Can you please get her out of here then?” The doctor asked.
“ Lira, you can’t just beat people up for getting in your way.”
“ I’m not going anywhere!” Lira yelled at the doctor who took a quick step back. To his dismay, so did the two security pokegirls.
“ Look, I just let me talk to her okay?” Seth told them. “ Lira! Come on now, is this what you want Aaron to wake up to? Please, lets not cause trouble for him.”
Lira hesitated, looking down slightly before glancing over at Aaron. “ I just want to be here for him” She said quietly.
Seth stepped up close to her, laying a hand on her shoulder. “ I know, it’s been a tough day. Let me talk to them and see if I can work something out, okay?”
Lira nodded. “ Okay...thanks”

It took some doing, but Seth managed to get the doctor to let Lira stay under the condition that she was not to go anywhere else and that Seth was to remain with her. It was clear the man would have preferred to have the Warcat safely locked in a pokeball, but the pokegirl’s collar meant there was only one ball that could hold her, and that had been left back at the house.
Finally able to be with Aaron, Lira calmed down considerably, content to sit next to his bed and just watch him sleep. Seth took a moment to look her over, noting the changes she’d gone through. She was all around just bigger; a few extra inches in height, thicker in the chest and across the shoulders, and her limbs were clearly bigger and stronger. Her hair and fur was still stark white, which seemed to confirm a suspicion Seth had about Lira; she was an albino. Wildcats often had varying color schemes, but Warcats were almost always green furred with yellow stripes. Lira’s stripes were still black and the pattern seemed unchanged, though it was hard to really tell.
For all the obvious changes, it was the ones that couldn’t be seen that really made the difference, especially in her strength. A normal human built that way she was would be strong, but still nothing special. What made the difference was just how much stronger Lira’s muscles were per given mass. Pound for pound, her muscles were around twelve times more powerful then a normal human’s. Lira had more strength in one arm then any human had in his whole body.
Hey, I want to talk to Lira, why don’t you go spend time with Cassie? Selena asked.
Yeah sure, just keep an eye out in case that doc comes back. Don’t want him thinking I wasn’t keeping my word. As Seth faded back into her mind, Selena’s true form surfaced, replacing Seth’s image.
“ So, how do you feel?” Selena asked.
“ I’m just fine.” Lira responded like nothing had happened. “ The evolution countered most of my injuries when it reshaped my body, so I’m told. I’m a bit sore, but it’s nothing. How about you?”
“ Perfectly fine.” The Titto lied. “ How about him?” She gestured towards Aaron.
“ They told me he’d be just fine. The poison didn’t have time to do any real damage.”
“ That’s a relief.” Selena watched as Lira reached out to caress the young man’s face, being amazingly gentle.
“ Yeah” she whispered.
“ So, tell me about this fight you got in...” Selena prompted after a few moments of silence.
Lira sighed. “ It wasn’t a fight. One of the hospital staff got in my way after I broke out of that room they were trying to keep me in, and I shoved her.”
“ That’s it?”
“...well...I kinda forgot how strong I am now when I did that...”
“ Yeah. I flung her right into the wall, knocked her out cold. I took off after that. I suppose they found her, figured out I did it, and guessed where I was heading. Those two pokegirls were waiting for me when I got here.”
“ Heh, it didn’t look like they knew what to do with you when they found you.”
Lira smiled. “ No, they sure didn’t.”
“ Well it’s no surprise, in a small town like this. Hell, you’re probably the second strongest pokegirl here, after Morgan. It’s no wonder they don’t have the force needed to stop someone like you.”
“ Yeah...” Another silence fell between them, and the girls just let it be. Selena kept glancing between Aaron and Lira, and the Warcat kept her eyes firmly on her tamer. Her ears twitched with each breath he took, and her tail slowly waved back and forth.
They stayed that was for over an hour before the silence was broken by the door opening. Ducking to get in, Morgan entered the room. The pokewoman’s arms and chest were heavily wrapped, her face covered with bandages. Still, she seemed to be in good spirits. Lina quickly slipped in after her, rushing over to Aaron.
The Oni wore a sling for her arm, which was heavily wrapped to protect the damaged limb. Her good arm reached out, laying her hand over her son’s. Z-ko bounded into the room, quickly moving beside Lina by Aaron.
Finally, Aaron’s father came in, holding Sunnie’s hand to help support the tiny pokegirl as she hobbled slightly. She quickly let go though, rushing as best she could to join the others by Aaron’s side. Selena was upset to notice that the pokegirl’s left wing was completely gone. From the looks of things, it had been considered a loss and the damaged remainder of it had been removed. Selena was worried about how that would effect the Buttitsfree.
For the moment though, it didn’t seem like something to dwell on. Despite their injuries, everyone seemed to be in a good mood, happy for the fact that they had all made it through the day. Selena suddenly realized just how late it was, and how tired she felt. Moving away from the group clustered by Aaron’s side, she stepped over by his father’s.
“ So, when do we get to go home?” She asked.
“ Soon” He answered. “ All you girls have been released into my care until Aaron is better, and there’s no real reason to keep any of you here any longer. Aaron however, will be staying the night. He should be better in the morning.”
“ Well if he’s not going anywhere, neither am I”
“ Hmm, I had a feeling you’d say that. I’m sure Sunnie and Z-ko feel the same too.”
“ And Lira...”
“ Ha! I figured she went without saying.”
“ So it’ll be alright if we stay here then?”
“ Well, it’ll take some work to convince the hospital staff, especially after the trouble you and Lira caused...” Selena smiled innocently at the glare he gave her. “...but I think I can work something out.”
“ If nothing else, just ask them who wants to volunteer to try and drag a Warcat away from her tamer...”
“ Heh...indeed.”

It was a long night. Aaron’s father had been able not only to get them permission to stay the night, but also for the hospital to provide bedding for the girls. Sunnie and Z-ko fell asleep quickly enough, but Selena and Lira stayed up. Lira was clearly set on remaining by Aaron’s side, to watch over him diligently till he woke up. Selena wanted too much to be awake for that moment when it happened.
So she waited, watching Lira watch Aaron, listening to the gentle breathing of the sleeping individuals. It was rather calming, and Selena found herself drifting off several times before catching herself. She had been considering waking Seth up when Aaron stirred.
Lira instantly perked up, leaning in close to him as his eyes slowly opened. He blinked a few times, and then his eyes turned towards Lira. He smiled slightly.
“ Hey...” He spoke softly.
“ Hey yourself” Lira replied, smiling brightly. “ How do you feel?”
“ Kinda weak, but not bad.” He started to sit up, and Lira had to help him finish the movement. He glanced around the room, looking more and more relieved each time he laid eyes on one of his girls. “ Did everyone make it through alright?”
“ We did” Selena answered.
“ And the Widow?”
“ Dead” Lira replied harshly.
Aaron nodded. “ Tell me what happened please.”
Selena sat back and let Lira tell the story. She had been drifting in and out of consciousness during the fight and the events that followed, so she wasn’t totally sure of everything that had happened. Besides, even if she had been fully awake, she doubted she could have told it any better. The Warcat seemed to have memorized every attack, block, and move of the fight, retelling it with startling detail. Aaron only interrupted her once, when she reached the part about her evolution.
“ I thought you looked different” He said. “ I thought I was still suffering some side effects from the poison or something...”
“ Nope” Lira shook her head. “ This is the new do you like it?” Her tone was light and playful, but Selena caught a hint of concern in the question.
Aaron smiled. “ Like you need to ask. You look lovely as always.” Lira smiled happily, slowly returning to her story.
“ Well, it certainly has been a hell of a day, huh?” Aaron commented as Lira finished up.
“ Yeah, one hell of a day” Selena spoke up.
“ Well, we all made it out more or less okay. Everyone’s still alive, which is more then most people who run across a Widow can say. I’d say we should count ourselves lucky.”
“ Lucky to have Lira around. If not for her, none of us would have made it. We owe her big.”
“ Aw come on.” Lira waved it off, her face coloring slightly. “ I just finished things up, Lina and Morgan did all the real work”
Aaron stared in shock. “ Lira....did you just blush?”
“ Wha?” The Warcat asked.
“ Selena, tell me you say that too” Aaron demanded.
“ I saw it, I don’t believe it, but I saw it.”
“ What? What’s the big deal?” Lira asked.
“ I’ve never seen you blush” Aaron said. “ I’ve never known you to be embarrassed by anything”
“ I’m not embarrassed! It’s...I...this day’s just been too stressful, that’s all!” Lira crossed her arms and glared.
“ Aw, poor baby, did I hurt your feelings” Aaron mocked playfully.
“ Bah, see if I ever save your life again”
Selena couldn’t help but smile as Aaron and Lira argued. Looks like everything is going to be just fine.
Yup, seems that way
, a voice suddenly spoke in her mind.
Seth? How long have you been up?
The whole time, you think I’d sleep at a time like this?
I never know with you.
Just the way I like it.
Ha, I’m sure.

So, who’s up for a little night time fun huh?
Not right now, I’m too tired.
Aw come on, Lira’s looking like she’s up for something.
Bringing her attention back to the couple before her, Selena saw Lira was bent over Aaron bed, laying half on him as her hand drifted up under the medical gown he had been dressed in. Selena smiled and shook her head.
Same old Lira, good to know. I was kinda worried when she blushed back there, thought her evolution might have taken some of that playfulness away. Laying down in her own bed, Selena rolled over to get some rest.
So you’re not going to join in? Seth asked.
Nah, let em have some fun if they want, I can wait. Doing her best to ignore the noises coming from behind her, Selena slowly drifted into sleep.

Acknowledgments: Thanks go to bsmart for introducing me to pokegirls in the first place as well as for proofreading this work. If not for him, this story would not exist.

Notes: This one was for all the people who told me Selena seemed too normal

Hopeful requests: Email me and let me know what you thought.( I’ll even take suggestions if there is a particular pokegirl you would like to make an appearance.