Fan Fiction ❯ Withered as a Rose ❯ Killing My Soul ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Withered as a Rose

`Chapter Eight - Killing My Soul`

…She was falling, her scream piercing the nightly air. Her eyes, wide and full of shock and hurt as she

looked up to her demon…friend. Falling from two-stories, onto hard pavement was not how she planned to

end her life… 'Corick…What's…Why?!' She thought frantically awaiting the ground to feel her flesh.

He watched on as if all of the happenings had been in slow motion. As if… He didn't do a thing, merely an

on-looker. '…What's wrong with me?! Why can't I move?!' He growled in his mind, his eyes… Were back

to stormy gray, the crimson long forgotten. But, something…He couldn't see what was preventing him from

flying down and catching the falling girl.

'…Corick?' A voice hit his mind.

'…Who're you?!' He snapped.

'…Ah, you do not know by now? I am Dryst HighWind, here to kill your soul.' He replied in an arrogant

manner, an unseen smirk upon his lips.

'Kill my soul?' He repeated, the hissing pain still abundant in his mind.

'You have nearly done such a thing, but I fear…Having it this simple, will make it less exciting to see you

writhe in pain.' He cackled deeply, his bright form coming to view in his mind's eye.

He snarled, 'So, what do you plan to do with my 'soul'…And what do you mean, I have nearly done it?'

'Corick, you truly do not know? That is fine, remember the Tao root. Maybe, in the five days you have,

you should do some studying upon that herb.' He said softly.

'So, my soul…It will die in five days?' He asked the simple question trying to block out the image of the


'…Of course it will, and to say…The fifth day is the best.' He said grimly, and vanishing from his


'…Five days.' The slow motion effect of the area wore off now. As if the time had been slowed. He could

only pin it on one person, Dryst. But, even so… He was glad, for the girl had not reached earth in this slow

time. "Catrina!" He managed to yell out before he swooped down, grabbing the girl in his arms.

She gasped and looked to him, with the same emotion filled eyes. "Corick…What happened?" She

managed to breath as she tried to stay put in his grasp.

He hung his head as he drifted back up to the rooftop. He sighed softly, letting his bangs mask his eyes.

"I'll tell you inside, I'm sorry." He mumbled, setting her gently upon the darkened tiles. She nodded weakly

and made it inside her window. He soon followed suit and crept over to stand in front of her bed. She took a

seat upon it, and watched him intently for answers. "…The angel is back. And he invaded my mind I know

now for he made he lash out at you. Why he wants you in his plans I am still not sure."

She nodded, taking in all he had to say right now. She knew Corick would never hurt her, if he had a choice

in the matter that is. "The angel? The one from the last war?"

He nodded grimly. "Yes, I haven't figured out his true hiding place yet. Nor, what human he is masking

himself as." He lied, hoping she wouldn't know.

"I see." She said softly, looking down to her blankets. "…Corick, what else do you know, and is that why

you attacked me?"

"Well, he invaded my mind and took over my body. It was like… I was just standing outside watching as

myself tried to harm you. I could help… My new form was like a spirit, transparent and forgotten. I didn't

know how to counter and had to watch. And then… He came to me, and said, 'Your soul will die in five

days.'" He ended, not wanting to tell her anything more.

"Oh…Your soul?" She repeated, trying to gaze into his eyes, but the murky darkness of bangs kept them

well hid. She sighed softly, "…Why would he want your soul?"

"…He doesn't want it, Trina, he merely wants to kill it. To kill me I suppose." He said softly, keeping his

gaze down casted.

'To kill you…' She thought sadly, looking to the mattress once again. "Is there any way to counter this,


"Perhaps, but I will try to do this alone, it is my soul." He said looking up this time to spot her eyes. 'I

don't want him to harm, Trina.' He said to himself, not breaking the gaze he kept with the girl.

"I wish to help you, Corick… You are my friend." She said softly, keeping gazing with his knowing

stormy eyes.

"But… Trina…" He said once more.

"Corick, I want to help. Tell me what I should do to help you." She said firmly, a hand coming up to grace

his cheek. "I would worry too much about you if you were alone."

He smirked slightly, taking her hand with his own. "Worry of me? I was in a demon war, I think I could

handle an angel by myself."

She grinned, "I don't think so, you did need help from a certain little girl when you were shot from the


"…That's different, and it's different now." He mumbled, "The angel we will face is not an angel. I have

made such a conclusion, his life force is neither heaven nor hell's."

"What?" She said simply, slightly startled from his change in tone.

"He was in my mind, remember. I was able to sense his life, and it wasn't anything I faced before. If he

were an ordinary angel, it would be different." He explained, leaning slightly closer to her.

"That makes all the difference, of why you need more help than ever." She stated once again.

He kept a mischievous grin, causing her to giggle without notice. "Oh, do I now? Help from a mortal?" He

replied in a faked tone.

"Yes, you need help from a mortal." She smiled up to him.

"Really? Then I am glad a mortal will help me." He said, keeping such a grin, and floating upon the bed

with her now.

She giggled softly, being nose to nose with the demon. "And I am glad a demon would accept my help."

She said slyly. And then, she closed the gap between them. And the moment theirs lips had graced each

other's a knocking upon the door sounded. He growled deeply at the disturbance and slid off of her form, and

hid behind her bed from whoever wished to come inside. "Come in." She said, sitting up to greet the one

whom walked in her room now.

The brunette paced into her room, faking a kind smile, "Catrina, I thought you would be asleep now."

"I was just going to sleep, sorry." She mumbled, but the quirked a brow, "But why would you want to

come in my room then?"

"I was merely going to check on you, I heard some noises on the roof, and though it was closer to your

room than my own." He recovered.

She nodded, and crawled her way to the top of her bed. Hiding her form under the covers, glancing over to

the demon that was trying to hear everything around without growling. "I see, thank you for your concern

then. Good night."

He nodded to her, "…Good night."

His tone was a bit reluctant, Corick noticed. And he snorted off his growl to peer over her bed spread as

the door shut. "…You don't like him much, do you?" She giggled softly, looking over to him.

He didn't responded, simply looked over to her. Shaking his head slightly. 'I cant tell her whom he really

is. She wouldn't believe me anyway…' He thought, mentally sighing it off. She would never know yet, how

much he truly hated that male. "You should get to sleep any, for your 'School'." He said to her, standing up

once more and padding to the door.

"I suppose." She said softly, and lay back down amongst her covers and pillows. "But, remember I get to

help you, so you cant leave yet." She yawned, keeping an eye on him as she watched him stand by her door.

"I got it." He snorted, pretending he was upset about it.

She smiled to him, and then let her lids fall to render her in sleep. She mumbled softly to him once more,

"'Night Corick."

"Night." He said back to her, and looked to the lock on her door as if it was the most fascinating thing in

the world. He tapped it once with a talon, ears twitching to such a noise. He did remember the girl closing…

And locking the door. And so, he was going to investigate it. Or so he thought…

"Mmhm…No noise, Shhh…" She mumbled in her shallow sleep now.

His face faulted, crossing his arms in defeat he stood silently near the door once more. Perhaps the stupid

doorknob could wait. And so silently he fluttered up to rest at the foot of her bed. Staring hopelessly in her

vanity mirror just at the foot of her bed. 'Everything is so confusing.' He thought to himself, tilting his head

and letting his mind wander. 'Catrina.' He whipped his hand in a brief circle, black smoke trailing from his

claws. And so a small picture of a girl appeared. 'Myself.' And so another. 'Dryst.' And the last floated into

play. He grabbed all three beings with his fist, looking to all black smoke people as if to find answers. 'Dryst

is the angel, the angel that may actually not be an angel. If I thought correctly…' He began but his mind was

interrupted once more.

'Ah, Corick, thinking of ways to defeat me? Trying to actually figure things out? The more you try the

more it'll pain you later.' The voice spoke deep in his mind.

It made his fingers tighten even more around his creations until they popped out of view. Back into the air

they once came. 'What do you want?'

A soft laughter penetrated his dark mind. 'In an angry mood tonight are we?'

'What mood should I be in when an 'Angel' takes over my mind and tells me I'm going to kill my soul in

five days?!' He spat back to him. Eyes closing to concentrate solely on his mind right now.

'Perhaps you have a point.' He grinned to himself, not that he could see the being.

All the demon could see was a black room, this was his mind. The center of the room was himself, sitting

Indian style and talking… Even through his mind in his mind. 'Why did you come here?' He growled.

'I came here to inform you of another clue to your fate.' He said silkily.

'Is that so?' He snorted back to him.

'Tell me, Corick, do demons truly have souls to spare?' He asked a simple question, but one that caused

the dark angel's face to open in shock surprise.

It was true demon's had no soul. They weren't living yet they weren't dead… 'Then… What are you

talking about? What is my soul?'

'All in due time.' And with that his presence left his mind.

'Tell me!' He shouted to nothing, and alone he stayed…


Sorry this chapter was late as well. It took forever to try and find it on my computer Not like I did I

thought it was there - Then remembered it was on my friend's computer from the last time I was there.

Therefore I had to go there, and the only time I could was today. And it was kinda stupid being like, "Hey, I

need your computer to put up a chapter… Didn't come to visit you or anything." Lol, it's fine… So yeah.

Really short/Boring chapter I know! But, that didn't stop me from putting a cliffhanger. And from the 5

chapters on it will be counting down the days to Corick's demise. Cackle Hope you like it, and it is

Corick/Catrina based, if there ever was any Dryst/Catrina fans out there. Feh! So, chapter nine will be posted

sometime, and I just hope you enjoy what you get. Thank you and good-bye!