Fan Fiction ❯ Withered as a Rose ❯ Angel ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Withered as a Rose

`Chapter Seven - Angel`

Sounds, smells, senses all coming back to him now. His eyes, he couldn't open them as of yet. He growled slightly, trying to make sense of what happened moments ago. He listened, listened to the girl's voice arguing with the male he barely knew. Soon, he found himself draped in darkness, but his form… He could see it now, in his mind. He was in his mind… Trying to understand everything… To see. He snarled, swiping blindly at the dark abyss of his mind. 'Trina…Trina!' He called out desperately. And soon, her form as well came to view in his mind. '…Are you real?' He blinked, not expecting to see her, no matter how much he wanted to right now. She didn't respond to him, as much as a glance. He looked confused, slightly hurt, but then again… He was in his mind, and it probably wasn't real… Until, the male's figure also appeared next to her. Both yelling at eachother over something. He went so close as to almost touch them, looking from her to him. Crimson eyes now as he saw the man lash out and grab her arm. And a vision flashed, the man… He had angel wings, illuminating feathers of white. He growled, falling to a crouching position shielding his eyes, '…If this isn't real, why can I feel holy light?' It snapped together, this was happening… He just couldn't see it before, and his mind was enlightening him. That… Dryst was the angel that made him fall to earth. But, what did he want with Catrina? And then, the cold blue eyes swiveled to him, a grin smugly planted upon his face. He couldn't hear the speech, but his lips parting, saying something he wished he knew. And then, Trina disappeared… Out of sight but left the figure behind. '…What?' He knew he wouldn't want such a thing inside his skull, this truly had to be real… Didn't it? '…You've invaded my mind. What was that you fed me?!' He snarled soundlessly in his head. The angel simply nodded, unable to tell of what he did. The hand of the being slipped into his pocket, pulling out a blackened herb however. Grin turned to smirk and eyes of the demon growing wide. '… Tao root.' The thought registered grimly, and another curt nod came as well as his hand, holding all five fingers up. However, he was unsure whether that meant five minutes, seconds, days, weeks… Or if it even was human time. His fists balled up, as he kept a steady glare. All this made little sense, and answers he wanted he knew he wouldn't get. He did know of what Tao root does. It paralyzes the victim for a while. It was used as foul play against angels… But, that didn't explain an angel to have one. After the paralysis… What happened after? The victim would seem fine… But something would happen. Not death… That would be too simple… But what?! The question bore into his mind, but it did nothing to give him an answer. And suddenly, all went blank, his eyes slowly opening…


"Dryst!" She snarled, as he grabbed her arm roughly and yanking her to him. But, before he could utter a word she caught sight of the demon awakening. Biting his hand she ran over to the coming to demon. "Corick?" She asked, a worried tone filling her words as she looked pleadingly at him.

Dryst didn't mind the bite, watching as the trickle of warm blood fell down his hand into his palm. Without other's notice it healed, and he stood to watch the duo. That same smirk apparent upon his lips as in Corick's mind. '…No need now, nothing you do will help him.'

His eyes drowsily came to focus as he looked to the one above him. He blinked a few times before it registered, "Trina?"

"It's fine, I don't know what happened, you just kinda… Fell and stuff." She didn't want to have to explain about what happened between her and Dryst. And so decided to wait until the time came up. She shot a wary glance to the brunette, to the fallen angel's notice.

'…I can tell you now.' The voice entered his mind again, causing his storm gray eyes to widen.

"C-Corick?" She said desperately to his vacant look.

'…I meant five days, five days until you finish off your soul' it said to him. '…Finish off my soul?' He asked again, confused. '…It'll be an amusing sight.' And it was gone, back into the mind of the other that stood in the corner of the kitchen watching the bewildered look with sheer amusement.

She tried to help him up, by that time it registered that he was back in Catrina's home… In her kitchen for that matter. He wasn't making anything up; this was truly real… He wasn't in his mind anymore, he wasn't safe… "We should get you into bed." She said softly, looking over to Dryst. "…Mind if he stays here tonight?"

"I don't mind, Catrina." He said curtly, putting on his usual, soft expression.

She too had put on a mask… Pretending nothing happened, hoping to hide it from Corick. But, unaware to her, he saw… And knows much more than she will ever about her 'boyfriend'. The only thing he was wondering, is what that demonic angel wanted with the sweet girl he knew as Trina. "…Thank you." He mumbled as they made their way up the stairs. She slowly walked him into her room, and shut and… locked the door this time.

"You can transform back now, it may help you." She said gently, sitting upon her bed as he regained balance with his large wings. He nodded simply.

"…Do I have to stay in your closet once again?" He asked, simply trying to regain a kind mood, from what both had went through this night.

She giggled, though he knew it was forced as he too faked a smile. "…No, you don't have to. You can use the roof or anywhere." She mumbled, glancing to her clock witch now read '8:30pm.' "…It's early I know, but I do have school in the morning."

"I understand." He stated, and made a way to her window, gazing out at the star filled night sky. '…Maybe the night can clear my thoughts.' He said silently to himself.

"Good night, Corick." She said timidly, creeping under her covers and shielding herself from the world.

He smiled to himself and traveled over to her bed. Gazing down at her with warm gray eyes. Just like when she was a child, watching over her as she slept. Though… She wasn't a child anymore, wasn't the carefree girl that used to want to play with him. She was an adult, and he needed to get over the fact that she may not want him, be waiting for him when he came back again… A cautious hand hovered over her form for a moment before he pulled it back, sighing gently to himself. He need not trouble her, and he had a bigger problem on his hands. '…What does he want with her…? I understand myself… But, what did he mean by five days my soul will die?' He had to clear his minds. His only medicine to travel outside. And so, he opened the window and let the nightly air engulf the room. He then gently fluttered outside to sit upon his usual roof haven.


The presence of the trouble demon did not go unnoticed. She watched as son as he turned his back to travel upon the rooftop. She sighed, that distant look in his eyes… She remembered it from long ago…


"Corick! Mama not home today, wanna go downstairs and eat some of my birthday cake?" The young girl said excitedly.

"Birth day cake?" He repeated slowly and she nodded and giggled to him.

"I turn six today!" She smiled widely; grabbing his talon clawed hand and removing him from the closet. Her mother had left for work earlier that day leaving the home free for at least two hours. So, she would take its time to show her friend around and feed him the strange substance.

'I have been here close to a year now…' He thought sadly in his mind. Trailing behind the young onyx haired girl. She looked up, but couldn't read his expression so she merely hopped down the many wood steps. '…The war must be getting worse by the day. I am healed now, I… Can't stay here much longer.' He thought grimly, watching as the young girl ran into another room. He followed once more and met the dim lights of the kitchen.

"Cake, cake, cake!" She chanted, bringing out a rather large plate from the white box, the fridge. She tried to place it neatly upon the table. "Whoa!" She yelped, almost letting the glass plate drop with another's hand helped it to its destination. "Thank goo Corick!"

He nodded, but that didn't clear his mind of his thoughts… Thoughts he wanted to rid himself, but the nagging feeling, 'I must go back… Soon.'

She tilted her head, noticing the sad glint in his deep colored orbs. "…Corick?"

"Yes?" He said softly, looking up from the table as he too took a seat an old dining chairs.

"Cake." She smiled, pointing to the mess of white and black chocolate. Even that reminded him of the war he should be helping in. Darkness and light… Forever a battle for power. But that didn't stop the girl from handing him a clump of such a mess. "Cake!" She said, pouting, for he hadn't taken a piece yet.

He smiled apologetically and took the small token, watching as the colors swirled, 'To bad true light and darkness cannot mix as well' And slowly took the first bite of the sugary substance know as 'cake'.

"Good cake!" She nodded and began to eat, still trouble of the eyes that looked over to her every so often. He tried to pretend he liked the taste, but never grab for another piece…


She smiled slightly at the cake memory. Slowly swooping her legs to the side of the bed. Hopping down and making her way to the window. '…What if he has to leave again… He has that same look in his eyes from when he first needed to go.' She thought, hoisting herself over her windowsill and out upon the tiles of her roof. Once again she traveled the spots to the place where Corick usually sat. But this time, he was lying upon his back; eyes closed and arms behind his head. She knew it was rare for this demon to sleep and stood a small ways from him, merely tilting her head to his immobile form. "Corick?" She blinked.

His eyes snapped open once again and looked over to her form, "…Yes?"

"…I was just wondering, your eyes seem troubled…" She mumbled trying to find the right words to state her problem.

He sat up, tilting his head as well to her, apparently he hadn't masked his expression well enough. "Sorry to trouble your thoughts." He said gently, looking up to the night sky.

"No… That's not why I was wondering or anything." She said in a same soft tone, "…It's just, are you leaving again?"

"Leaving?" He repeated, looking into her eyes once more.

"…The war." She said, shifting under his gaze. He shook his head and she sighed relieved. "Then what is it?"

He shouldn't tell her, for why would she believe her 'boyfriend' is the angel that tried to kill him those many years ago? And, he would've set those thoughts off as not real, or fake… But it was real, his mind had truly been invaded and he wasn't sure anymore. "I…" He began but a piercing pain hit his skull.

"Corick?" She said quickly, as his gaze flashed a brilliant crimson. And then… He slashed at her, causing her to fall…


Heya! I'm so sorry about the late post of chapter. But, I was trying to update and Post other stories… And yeah, I hope you check them out and everything! Hm… What to say? Lol, welp, yeah now you know what was in his soup. And also whom Dryst really is -though somebody guessed! ^ ^- Hehe, and good reviews to you Small Kat, I was happy you gave me two thumbs up! Even if they weren't your own The next chapters will be Corick based To all fans of him Hehe, ya' know we all love him, and yeah… Leave a review so I know you stopped by and thanks again for your confidence and patience in me! Waves Until next time!