Fan Fiction ❯ Withered as a Rose ❯ Living On ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Withered as a Rose

`Chapter Six - Living On`

She padded up silently to her room. Trying to ignore the nagging thoughts of what happened in the kitchen. Dryst had taken the feather, leaving her to hope he knew nothing. But how could he know anything…? It's not like anyone knew Corick was a dark angel… She sighed, pushing aside her room door, and flopping upon her bed. Eyes glazed over as she looked sadly to her nightstand. Upon it a simple lamp and diary book she kept since she was very young. She brushed the images aside and rolled upon her back looking to her plain ceiling. "…What's wrong with me…?" She asked no one, "…I don't know anything anymore, what I want…" 'Whom I love.' She added only in her mind. Thinking that's the only place she would be safe from the world. Her mind… A feeble little thing to keep her alive and well. He head fell over the side of her bed, so now she watched the up-side-down window frame. "…Where have you gone, Corick?" She mumbled to herself, trying to get rid of all images, sounds, and thoughts flashing through her mind at once. The main thing upsetting her was the cold tone her boyfriend had… When he said 'Trina.' She tried to only reply that word and the previous memories. She hadn't thought Corick called her by name yesterday. So… How did he know? And even if she did - it would have been in the safety of her room… Right? So many questions and so little answers. She sighed inwardly, getting herself up, upon the bed spread once more. 'Was Dryst listening in? Did he hear everything about Corick…?' An angry thought plagued her mind. But, those were the only questions she wanted answered right away. A rumble hit her ears, and she averted her gaze abruptly to the pale closet doors. Both had banged together to form such a noise. She backed up upon her pillow now, staring at the closet. Just what she needed an ease dropper… And probably Dryst. "Come out!" She ordered, taking on a stern expression, hoping it would be him at least.

The doors shakily opened the darkness within clouding the figure. The only thing visible was the tainted crimson eyes, staring back at her. She gasped gently, a hand reaching from the closet to grip the side of the door. "…Trina…" He mumbled, coming from the darkness of her closet. He sighed softly, emerging to light, his figure once more seen. Eyes still tainted gray and crimson. The scent of her was of fear and sadness. He had made her afraid… But didn't she know him anymore. Even childhood days she was never afraid of such a thing. The only monster in her closet would be him… Always.

"Corick…What're you doing here?" She asked before a thought filled her skull.

"You're displeased with my presence now…?" He asked back to her, down casting his gaze to her carpet. His ears slightly drooped and he backed up a step from her bed.

She shook her head, not like he saw, and stated, "…Of course not, I was just wondering why you hid in my closet all of a sudden…"

"No reason." He lied, but she couldn't point what was on the demon's mind. "I heard you talking."

"…Oh." She nodded to the uneasiness of the air. "Come sit." She gestured towards the side of the bed next to her.

He hopped gracefully upon her bed spread, and set himself next to her, as she wanted. He leaned against the headboard, and she smiled to him. "…What's been troubling you?"

"…Too many things." She mumbled, looking away to the end of her bed. She too leaned back against the oak headboard.

"Any you wish to explain?" He asked once more, glancing a knowing eye to her profile.

"…Not right now…" She knew she should try and share something with Corick. But… Everything she thought was too personal to spill. Especially with Dryst somewhere in the home. Perhaps when it was just… Her and Corick. Her lips curved into a smile, she would like that.

"Then tell me, what is that human to you?" He twitched his right ear out of anticipation for the answer.

She kept an intent stare to the end, thinking of how she would answer. "…What do you mean?"

"Yours… And his scent is mixed tightly together. So, what is he to you for him to get so close to you." He asked again, restating his question.

"…Corick…" She mumbled, of course he could smell scents, the many different moods she was in just by knowing her scent. She sighed; smile fading and being replaced with worry and fear of rejection from her friend. "He's… My boyfriend." She got out, hoping that would cease the questions… But that didn't cut it.

He nodded, thinking of how to ask, hoping to understand first. But his voice prevailed the afternoon air, "Boyfriend? …What's…That." He grumbled, was he suppose to know what one was? And if so… He sounded quite stupid right then.

"A boyfriend is…" She thought of how to say it, but thought of a different answer to his question. "A boyfriend is a best friend. Like you, a best friend. Able to get so close and things."

"…I see." He smiled slightly; he was quite relieved to know that it merely was a friend. Perhaps his wish was soon to be granted… "So, I would be your boyfriend?"

She cringed at his question, though for once it went unnoticed. She nodded, "…Yes, Corick, you would be." How she wanted this day to end, the night to come and replenish the lies, hurt, and pain she caused everyone this day… Everything to just goes away.

"That is good." He stated simply, enjoying her scent and hers alone. It wasn't mixed with Dryst's… But with his, for being so close. He smiled to himself; she rested her head upon his shoulder now. His hand coming up to play with her tousled raven locks. "And you would be my…?"

"Girlfriend." She finished for him, closing her eyes once more.

"Girlfriend…" He repeated. Perhaps he would settle for that now, ignoring the nagging thoughts of humans being worthless. One day… One day he would make her his 'mate.' He let his head fall up top hers. Enjoying everything around him, at least for now.


Unaware to them the conversation did not go unheard. The silent listener outside was waiting at the door. Ready to apologize to the female within when he heard the voice of the other. He smirked, 'If that is the game she will play, I will play one as well. With… Higher stakes.' He padded noiselessly back down the stairs, taking refuge in the kitchen. He sat down, hands folded neatly upon the scarred wood. Eyes glancing to the clock, the bright red numbers reading, '2:30'. What filtered through his head now was a mystery. Only for him to hear and know. His blue eyes flashed menacingly as he sat stiffly in his chair.


She yawned, looking around the room, remembering where she was. And what had happened. She slowly got form her place beside Corick. Smiling inwardly to the sleeping demon. Peaceful upon her bed now. She walked silently to inspect her clock; the outside sifted through her curtains and rendered her room in night by now. The clock read, '7:00pm'. She sighed in relief, it wasn't morning, and they merely dozed off. But, it was dinnertime. She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. Realization just hit her… Hard. From when she was sleeping upstairs, Dryst had many opportunities to walk in. She swiftly set a gaze to her door, unlocked. He could have came in… A demon, he would definitely notice that, especially sleeping next to her. And… What if he heard the conversation between them? She fell to her knees, once again plagued with thoughts. A hand grasped her shoulder, making her jolt back to reality.

"Trina? You alright…?" He yawned; he had awoken when he heard the dull thud of her dropping.

She nodded, slowly staggering to her feet. "Yes, I just… Tripped. It's dark and all…" She mumbled almost silently and began a walk to her door.

"If your alright…" He stated again, but walked over to her, but she ceased in opening the door now.

"Corick…Could you mask yourself…? Humans aren't customed to seeing demons and all." She explained.

He nodded reluctantly, and the soft mist followed his body until he was human. Or, appearance was human… "…Of course…" He nearly forgotten it wasn't normal to see demons nor angels walking amongst this planet.

"Come on, let's go down to the kitchen." She instructed, he followed, both padded noiselessly down the wood steps to the soft tile of the kitchen.

"I have made dinner already." The male's voice interrupted their inspection of the area. "It's soup, and some bread." He said plainly, gesturing for them to sit.

They all sat apart, in a triangle fashion. The bowl coming to them, "It smells good Dryst, thank you for preparing dinner."

"Your welcome, Catrina." He said in a… Faked tone. "Dig in then."

Corick looked at his reflection in the pale gold liquid. Everyone else had started to eat by now, and he was merely staring at it. He… Didn't know how to use the human 'forks' or 'spoons'. He set a glance to the girl, and noticed she was dipping the white… Bread in her bowl and eating it that way. So, he tried that, picking up with flimsy bread and letting it soak the warm liquid within the porcelain bowl. By the time the night was over, the three had emptied their bowls. He smirked that 'soup' wasn't too bad, not that he'd admit that to the human across from him. He noticed the duo began to talk but he… Couldn't hear them. 'What's wrong?' He thought, he couldn't hear a thing. His head… It was growing foggy. But, what was happening to him. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing emitted. 'Trina…Trina!' He thought frantically, but saw he jolt in her chair from his mind thoughts.

"Corick, something wrong?!" She said, jumping to her feet and attempted to reach out to him. He fell… Like a rock in water, fell upon the floor. 'What…?' A hand had stopped her pursuit of her friend.

"Leave him be." He said simply, his hand was preventing her from going to him.

"No! He's hurt…Let me go!" She growled, trying to free his grasp. Both of her hands couldn't counter his one, strong grasp. "…Dryst." She mumbled, eyes glaring to his.

He matched her cold stare, "…What a tangled web we weave, when we learn to deceive. Isn't that right, Catrina?"

"W-What?" She gasped.


I'm sure this chapter was kind of confusing. And maybe you thought the little Dryst part up there (When he went to her room door) may have been pointless but… Bear with me. The next chapter will have all your answers, and maybe questions. As for Corick… If you didn't figure out, Dryst put something in his soup and he apparently passed out form whatever it is. The thing on your mind, or should be on your mind, is what is strong enough to knock out a demon? Wink Yeah, think about that! Lol, anyway, I'm working on chapter seven as we speak. I love the reviews, and please keep giving them. I will supply the chapters! The chapter 'Seven' will be posted most likely on Monday. I'm not going to be here much of today. So, until next time!