Fatal Fury Fan Fiction ❯ South Town ❯ Goose Chase ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Here's the next one.


Disclaimer: King of Fighters along with all its characters is the property of Playmore Games.

()= thoughts

Goose Chase

Achika tried to stay awake through her biology class. She had spent the entire night searching through the articles to find as many answers as she could. As usual, she had many names and faces, but nevertheless, all the information did not give her a clue on where to start. Every dead end only made her more determined to find the one soul who had been tormenting her father. Now things did not look as promising as they did in the past.

Achika let out a yawn.

"Ms. Himuro?"

"Uh, yes, sir?"

"Class was dismissed," the professor said, "five minutes ago."

Achika slowly stood up from her chair. "I'm sorry, sir." She drudged her way towards the door. No sooner did she set one foot out the door, she bumped into someone. "I'm sor...."

It was that same punk girl from the library. She didn't say anything and only made her way into the classroom.

Achika stood at the doorway and then headed off. "Strange. I could have sworn she had...."

"Hey, Achika."

Achika looked up and saw Torch. "Hey, Torch... right?"

Torch smiled and nodded. "You look tired. Study late last night?"

"Sorta," she replied and let out yet another yawn.

"Careful, yawning is contagious," Torch warned. "I was on my way to meet Iris over in the lab. Wanna come?"

"Sure," Achika replied. "I have nothing to do."

The two walked over to the same classroom that Achika had left earlier, only to find it empty. "I guess we missed her again," Torch said. "I hate when she does this."

"Maybe she didn't come here yet," Achika suggested.

"No, she was here," Torch said as she removed a note from the bulletin board. "'Gotta run. Emergency club meeting. Victor's at it again. Go on ahead without me. Later.'" Torch sighed and stuffed the note in her pocket. "We were supposed to go to lunch... wanna come?"

Achika thought for a moment. "Sure."

"Wow, what a place," Achika noted as she glanced around.

"Two months here and you haven't set foot in the famous Pao Pao café," Torch asked. "Well, this crowd's nothing compared to ones that come at night."

"From what you've told me already, I believe you." She continued to observe the customers sitting at the other tables. "Who's that man over there?"

Torch glanced towards the direction Achika was looking. "Bob Wilson. He's the manager. The other guy standing next to him is Richard Meyer. He owns the joint."

"Not those two. The one with the stripped rag on his head."

"Oh, that thing. Billy Kane," Torch replied. "Geese Howard's right hand man."

"Forgive my asking this, but did you just say 'Geese?'"

"Yep. Geese Howard. People say he controls everything that happens in this town. The police, businesses, and even the local tournaments."

Achika made a mental note of this as she finished the rest of her lunch. "Geese. Now that's an odd name." She glanced around the café once more. "You certainly know a lot."

"Rumors and stories circulate pretty well in this town," Torch said and then glanced at her watch. "Gotta go to work in a few minutes."

"Well in that case, I think we should be going," Achika said as she reached into her bag for her wallet. It was then she remembered the envelope her father sent to her. "Oh, Torch, um do you happen to know a Yosho Kipagami?"

"Do I? He's my adoptive father," she replied. "Why do you ask?"

"My father wanted me to deliver a letter to him."

"Well, why don't you come with me? I can show you around town some more, not to mention the best short cuts to the university," Torch said as she left a small tip for their waitress. "Some time's gone by, and Iris is probably already there."

"Great," Achika replied. "Let's go."

The two arrived in a part of town where things didn't look as rough as the other areas Torch showed her. It was quite nice, and most of people didn't look intimidating at all. The bridge leading from the heart of South Town was clearly visible as was the river. Children were happily playing about, running in and out of alleys. Torch pulled up in her truck in front of a building with a rather fairly large green house attached to the side.

"Well, here we are," Torch said as she got out. "Welcome to Mariko's, home to the best of flowers in town." Torch then waved at some helpers outside the green house.

The front of the building had several flowers out in buckets and it's doors open. A small crowd was going through the assortment, picking and choosing which flowers they wanted. A woman who appeared to be in her fifties was sitting outside, keeping a constant vigil of her merchandise, making sure no one would run off with any of it. "There you are, Torch," she said. "I was wondering where you were."

"Achika, meet Mariko Kipagami, wife of Master Yosho Kipagami," Torch introduced. "We call her Mari-chan, so do the kids around here. I was just showing her some of the sights."

"Hello, young lady," Mariko replied.

"This is Achika Himuro," Torch continued. "She's fairly new to town."

"Achika Himuro, why the last time I saw you, you were just a mere toddler," Mariko said in a gentle voice.

Torch was surprised. "Oookie dokey."

"We've met before," Achika asked, astonished by the revelation. "You'll forgive me if I don't recall anything from way back then."

"That's quite alright," Mariko assured her. "It's been so many years, and times were a bit harsh back then. How is your father? Is he well?"

"Yes, he is," Achika replied. "I'm sure he'll be very happy to learn that you are doing well."

Torch peeked inside, to see that another hired hand was at the counter. "Where's Dad," she asked.

"Why, you just missed him. He was called to organize a wedding reception downtown. Iris took him there. From what I understand, it will take all night," Mariko replied.

"Iris was here?"

"Yes, but only for about five minutes. Yosho needed her assistance."

"I guess we missed her again," Achika commented.

"Well, gotta get to work," Torch said. "You can stay here as long as you like."

As the hours went by, the number of customers began to dwindle, and soon it was closing time. Torch checked her watch against the clock on the wall. "Thanks, May, you can go now. Don't want you to get caught when the rough crowds start coming out," she told the woman behind the counter.

"Alright, Torch," May replied. "You better be careful when you go home, too."

"Who me," Torch replied, and both ladies laughed. "Take it easy, and I'll see you tomorrow." Torch watched as May left the store and then opened the broom closet. She was startled when she heard voices coming from the staircase. "Achika? Are you still here?"

"Oh, Torch," Achika said as she appeared from the back room along with Mariko. "I was upstairs with Kipagami-san talking and having some tea. Before I knew it, time had passed us by. I was also hoping that Master Yosho would return before I left."

"Let's hope they won't pull off another all nighter," Torch said. "Hmm..." Just then the phone rang. Torch walked over to the desk to answer it. "Mariko's. This is Torch...."

"She even uses that name at work," Achika questioned.

"Really.... I see.... Well.... Okay.... Later, Iris." Torch hung up. "Mari-chan, Iris said that this is taking longer than expected. The Master and the wedding planner are having creative differences. Iris is trying her best to work with both of them and will bring him home definintly before eleven, no later than that."

"That's my husband. He never knows when to quit," Mariko said. "Well, I better make sure that he has something to eat when he gets back. Have a good evening."

"Same to you," Achika replied. "Say, Torch, I have a few more questions."

Achika decided to give Torch a hand while she asked her questions. "From what I understand, this city is divided into sections, am I right?"

"Yep. The side we're on is supposedly the least violent part of South Town. Where the Sakazakis live isn't so bad either. It's the downtown area and the docks that get the most action. The area that's the worst are the slums. No one goes there unless they have a death wish. They say that the fights there are to the death and they make their own rules. Law enforcement is kinda in the gutter, no matter where you go. Lots of them are being bribed. Don't get me started on the politics, but to sum it up, it's the businesses that run everything. Iris knows more about that subject than I do."

"That's kinda sad. All these people in a city that's so lost within itself, and all they can do is fight."

"Fighting is a way of life here," Torch said as she continued to sweep the floor. "About 80% to 90% of the citizens here know some kind of fighting style. It's no surprise that South Town has been ranked one of the most violent cities on this side of the United States, yet people come here to find jobs and a new way of life. Some make it, and some don't. Master Yosho is one of the fortunate few."

"How long has he been living here," Achika asked as she assisted Torch by holding the dustpan.

"For over thirty years," Torch replied. "The Kipagamis never give up." She finished sweeping and placed the broom back in the closet. "Well, that's that. Come on, I'll give you a lift back to the Sakazaki's."

Torch and Achika locked up the store and went to Torch's truck. It was getting late and sun was setting over the horizon. Achika paused to admire the rosy color that reflected off the buildings and entered the vehicle. Soon they were on their way.

Torch pulled up to the Sakazaki residence. "You know, this is quite some distance between here and STU... Have you considered moving a bit closer?"

"I have thought about it," Achika replied. "But I still need to get used to the surroundings until I can make a final decision. Thanks for the lift."

"Sure. Are you doing anything this weekend?"

"I promised my father that I would start cleaning up the old home. Some friends promised to lend me a hand."

"Hey, I'll be glad to help out. I don't have to work this Saturday. Maybe I can drag Iris out into the open, too."

"I would greatly appreciate all the help I can get."

"There you are," a man's voice called out. Takuma walked up to them. "Almost had me worried."

"Please, Sakazaki-sama, you're starting to sound like my father," Achika said. "Oh, this is my friend Torch Kipagami."

"Pleasure to meet you, Master Sakazaki," Torch said with a bow.

"So you're the famous Torch that everyone's been talking about. Tell me, how is old man Yosho and his wife doing?"

"Just fine, sir," Torch replied. "I'll be sure to tell them that you asked about them. Well, I have to get going. See you, folks."

"Bye," they replied and watched Torch drive off.

Achika glanced at her list of names of all the people she thought who could be responsible. (Well) she thought as she began to scratch out a few names. (That narrows it down. Now Torch said something about businesses being the true power behind South Town. Achika looked at the remaining names. That does make sense. The majority of these people are top business executives and owners. And lo and behold, that guy with the weird name is on here. Maybe if I can find Iris and ask her a few questions about the businesses here, that is if I can catch her.)

Achika sighed and placed her research back into her notebook and into the bag. (No doubt father is asking everyone he knows here to make sure that I won't go through my original plans. Well, so far, so good. If Master Yosho received the same request, then I'm back to square one. At least things are narrowing down. Now) she thought as she picked up the book she was currently reading, (where did I leave off?)