Fatal Fury Fan Fiction ❯ South Town ❯ Behind These Doors ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: King of Fighters along with all its characters is the property of Playmore.

()= thoughts
Behind These Doors

As the week went by, Achika continued to work quietly on her research. She continued to find Torch and ask a few questions about the city and its way of life. She even tried to hunt Iris down, but she would always seem to miss her. Torch tried to help as well, but as usual, Iris would be off and running somewhere else. Before long, Saturday rolled around the corner.

Achika, Takuma, and Yuri stood outside the gates of the old Himuro residence. Achika pulled out the set of keys her father gave her and began to fiddle with the lock. Several keys later, the gate was finally opened, and the trio entered the facility. Achika gasped at the sight. The place was as huge as she remembered, but it was trashed. Vandals had managed to climb the wall and leave their marks everywhere; glass bottles and garbage were scattered all over the place, and the gardens were a mess.

"This will take months," Achika noted as she walked down the front path. "Father was afraid of this."

"Well," Yuri said, "Where do we start?"

Achika glanced around the area. "Let's start here. Where's your brother?"

"He said they were on their way. Give them one hour tops."

"Yosh," Achika said as she sighed. She turned when they heard a vehicle pull up. "Good, Torch just arrived."

Torch stepped out of her truck and greeted everyone with a big wave. "Morning, everyone!" She walked up to them. "Iris said she'd help out after she gets off work. Then you'll finally get to meet her."

"Good, I was starting to believe that Iris was a figment of your imagination."

Torch responded by laughing hard. "That's what everybody says." Then she stopped when she heard an approaching vehicle. "Well, speak of the devil...."

A dark green jeep pulled up and a girl stepped out. "Torch, glad I caught ya! I need to ask you a few things!"

"Well, get your butt over here," Torch yelled back. "These people won't bite!"

"That's... Iris?" Achika tried her best not to show that she was a bit uncomfortable. It was the same punk girl she first saw at the library.

"Something wrong," Torch asked.

"No, not really. I was just expecting someone, you know, a bit more...."

"Torch, I'm going to make this quick," Iris said as she approached Torch, ignoring everyone else. "Did you lock up after you left; do you know where the phone bill is; and Yosho needs to know if you need any supplies for today?"

"Yes... I put it in the glove compartment of you car... and yes we do.... Achika?"

"Huh?" She was caught off guard.

"Achika, this is Iris Kipagami, my adopted sister, best friend and only rival... thus far." Iris only waved.

"Uh, pleased to meet you...."

"Well?" Iris said, eager to leave. "I'm on a delivery route right now and the store is packed today, not to mention the new shipment hasn't arrived yet."

"Okay, um," Torch looked around the grounds. "Garbage bags, an extra broom or two,... uh,...."

"Paint probably," Yuri said as she walked up to them.

Iris pulled out a small pad. "Okay, I think I can get a discount on a few things such as nails and other junk, paint included. I will be back when I get off work, and Mari-chan is going to make us lunch."

"Cool," Torch said. "Catch ya, later." She watched as Iris sped off.

"I kept bumping into her, and all this time, she's Iris," Achika quietly repeated to herself. "Why didn't she say anything?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," Torch said. "If Iris doesn't know you, she won't talk to you unless you talk to her. I hope that makes sense. She's not the social type."

"Was that Iris," Yuri asked as she approached them.

"Yep," Torch replied. "You already know her?"

"Yes, we were in the same English class last semester. We didn't talk a lot, but I never forget a face. I must admit, she's toned down a bit with that gothic look. She looks almost like a skater."

"Well, Achika?"

"Well, what?"

"Are we going to get a tour of the place," Torch asked.

"I'm sorry. Yes, let's go. Okay, this is the front..." she looked around. "Or at least was. And that building over there is the actual dojo. See that path, or what's left of it? That should lead to the water garden, and beyond that should be the cages."

"Cages," Yuri asked as she glanced at her father. He was sitting on the ground meditating.

"Yes. Several years ago, we raised several birds. My mother was an ornithologist, studying and raising birds was her life. In fact, falconry is a family tradition." Achika approached one of the trees that lined the path leading to the dojo and let out a sad sigh. "My father let the birds go after my mother died. One falcon stayed, and he was my father's companion until we left this town." She walked over towards the front of the house and found the perch the bird of prey used. Apparently someone brought it out and used it to smash the paper on the doors. "Even when we came back to check the place, he was always there, waiting for us. I wonder if he's still around?"


"Ido." Achika looked beyond the walls and studied the skyline of South Town. "It's been years since we were last here. He's probably returned to the wild." She stood there in thought for a few seconds and then began to make loud, strange sounds.

Takuma snapped out of his meditation, startled by Achika's cries. "What is going on?!"

Achika then stopped and listened carefully. She was a bit disappointed that the area remained silent. Just as she was heading towards the door of the dojo, she heard a cry.

"Whoa, what was that," Torch asked and ducked as something went swooping past her.

"Ido," Achika cried. "You're... you're still around!" She ran up to the tree where the bird perched. "Amazing! I personally didn't think you would survive this long...." She then turned to see Torch, Yuri and Takuma staring at her like she was out of her mind. "What? I'm only saying hello to an old friend." The bird in turn flapped its wings. "See? Ido is saying hi."

"How do you know that's Ido," Yuri asked.

"Oh, look," Achika said as she pointed to a metal tag on the bird's leg. "See. If you were able to take a closer look, it has the family crest on it. Before, he wore this red ribbon like a harness and it had the crest in the center, but father thought it was too flashy and all.... I'm rambling nonsense, aren't I? Well, shall we get started then or do you want to hear more about this bird pal of mine?"

"I'll start in the back," Takuma volunteered and immediately ran behind the house.

"Alright," Torch said and stretched out her arms. "I have my sights on the dojo..." she paused and looked around. "...but let's start in the front. We need to get rid of this garbage." Yuri nodded and ran off to fetch some trash bags. Achika walked to the side of the dojo and found the tool shed nearby. Inside, she found rakes and shovels, but the brooms were falling apart. She carefully removed the rakes and brought them outside. "It's going to be a long day," Achika said and began to work.

Iris finally makes an appearance! Hooray!! See, Torch isn't crazy, she really does exist.

I know this one is pretty short, but that's just the way it turned out. Next chapter will be up soon!